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Saudi Arabia expells Canadian ambassador

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45 minutes ago, dialamah said:

He ain't the only one who is mysteriously inconsistent; who knew Trudeau Derangement Syndrome would make Muslim refugees virtual terrorists and Saudi Arabian Muslims welcome in Canada.

That is a very interesting thing to see. For all the push back on terrorism, illegal immigration and dealing with Islamic dictatorships, you'd think this would be welcomed by those who live to complain about Islam on this board. But we see the opposite of that.  Or at least he hypocritical approach some have.  I wonder what makes the Saudis better than , Syria's Assad,  Libya's Qaddafi, Iraq's Hussein, Afghanistan's Taliban.

Why do some kiss the royal terror ass of the Saudis but complain about other nations in an attempt to say they are worse. All while calling Trudeau as bad as a human rights violator than the Saudis. I am no fan of Trudeau, but this is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen here.


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15 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

Why do some kiss the royal terror ass of the Saudis but complain about other nations in an attempt to say they are worse. All while calling Trudeau as bad as a human rights violator than the Saudis. I am no fan of Trudeau, but this is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen here.


You too?

Edited by Wilber
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1 hour ago, GostHacked said:

I am confused, I thought kicking radical Muslims out of the country would be a GOOD thing in your view.


You're free to engage in your fantasies involving deporting people from wherever all you like. 


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17 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

That is a very interesting thing to see. For all the push back on terrorism, illegal immigration and dealing with Islamic dictatorships, you'd think this would be welcomed by those who live to complain about Islam on this board. But we see the opposite of that.  Or at least he hypocritical approach some have.  I wonder what makes the Saudis better than , Syria's Assad,  Libya's Qaddafi, Iraq's Hussein, Afghanistan's Taliban.

Why do some kiss the royal terror ass of the Saudis but complain about other nations in an attempt to say they are worse. All while calling Trudeau as bad as a human rights violator than the Saudis. I am no fan of Trudeau, but this is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen here.

I have always thought that if someone wanted to send terrorists to Canada, it would be a lot easier to do so through a temporary Visa program than through the immigration process.  

Someone mentioned that these Saudi youth would be able to take "Canada's democratic" values back to SA if they were allowed to stay.  Seriously, the elite of SA society, here as visitors for just a short time, are going to be so impressed with Canada that they'll go back and try to make changes?   Sure, its possible, but unlikely.  Sisi was educated in the West, but Egypt certainly hasn't made much progress towards Western style freedoms since he took power. 

I think it's much more likely that those who choose to come here to live will be the ones who disseminate information back home and help support change in those countries.  

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Just now, dialamah said:

I have always thought that if someone wanted to send terrorists to Canada, it would be a lot easier to do so through a temporary Visa program than through the immigration process.  


Islam does not need to be imported from afar to cause terrorism. The Quran instructs Muslims as to what to do. 

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2 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


Islam does not need to be imported from afar to cause terrorism. The Quran instructs Muslims as to what to do. 

What's a better way to start that waving bye bye to the Saudis? I am still puzzled as to why critics of radical Islam (and in your view specicfically... ALL of Islam).. would have a problem with the Saudis leaving.  Why are they treated different than other Islamic dictatorships? It's a real serious question that will get nothing more than rhetoric that means nothing.

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1 hour ago, GostHacked said:

What's a better way to start that waving bye bye to the Saudis? I am still puzzled as to why critics of radical Islam (and in your view specicfically... ALL of Islam).. would have a problem with the Saudis leaving.

In which post has anyone demonstrated opposition to expelling Saudis?

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39 minutes ago, Wilber said:

There are a few people all sweaty that Freeland and Trudeau have pissed the Saudis off so much that they are leaving, one has to assume that they want them to stay. It's only logical.

The hypocrisy is that these people who expatiate their problems with Islam and/or Islamic fundamentalism (some see those as the same), suddenly feel that they need to defend Saudi Arabia, one of the most fundamentalist Muslim countries and one of the worst human rights abusers, both inside Saudi and in Yemen, and where most terrorist groups, including ISIS and the 9/11 hijackers, have come from, and who is making amazingly fictitious claims about Canada. 

The question is, why would they take such an amazingly bizarre and atrocious stance? My theory is that their hate for Trudeau trumps their integrity. There is also their love for the Saudi government, which has become neocons' and Zionist's best of pals in the region. 

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On 8/11/2018 at 2:43 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


Sorry, but I am already married to a woman who thinks your prime minister is a mental midget, but he's your problem, not ours.

That prime mistake of ours is seen as a mental midget alright and a big problem by just about all Canadians. A scary thought for me is that the fools who put that misfit in power in the last election may just be stupid enough to put him back in power again. :(

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7 hours ago, Wilber said:

There are a few people all sweaty that Freeland and Trudeau have pissed the Saudis off so much that they are leaving, one has to assume that they want them to stay. It's only logical.

Are you saying all Muslims are bad people - just like their leaders?

Edited by betsy
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Trudeau does not want to expel any Saudis. You people act like this was a planned thing, but it wasn't. This was a complete gaffe, no one in the Trudeau government expected Saudi Arabia to slap them in the face, and slap them hard they did. That is the issue being raised here- political incompetence that leads to a problem that was not anticipated.

The Saudi reaction is proof of what they are all about as a culture, arrogant and spiteful, hyper-aggressive without remorse. Stupid, even. But as stupid as they are, this government is on equal footing.

And now some of you people say that we should be "happy" that they are leaving? You simply do not get it.

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15 hours ago, Argus said:

In which post has anyone demonstrated opposition to expelling Saudis?

Betsy, Dogonporch.  I mean we hear these people complain about Islam all the time, but the Saudis get some kind of free pass. Some have expressed that private universities would loose out on 400 M of revenue if the Saudi students leave.   Also with the notion that others are putting forth with regards to bringing terrorism to Canada via Mosques, I thought this would be welcomed. But instead it's easier to attack Trudeau calling him as bad of a human rights abuser as the Saudis are.

Also another tactic has been to attack other posters claiming they have no idea wtf they are talking about.

43 minutes ago, betsy said:

Are you saying all Muslims are bad people - just like their leaders?

Dogonporch says it all the time. As he said, it's in the book!!!


51 minutes ago, betsy said:

Are you saying all Muslims are bad people - just like their leaders?

NO but some are saying that SOME radical Islamic dictatorships are good. And Saudi Arabia is one of them, but for some really idiotic reason, Canada considers them a 'friend and ally'.  

We really need these kinds of 'friends'??

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1 hour ago, GostHacked said:

Betsy, Dogonporch. 

Dogonporch says it all the time. As he said, it's in the book!!!


Again, you're free to pursue the deportation of any group including Saudi Arabs. And celebrate it! Whatever turns you on...so to speak.

Here's your big chance...

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1 hour ago, OftenWrong said:

Trudeau does not want to expel any Saudis. You people act like this was a planned thing, but it wasn't. This was a complete gaffe, no one in the Trudeau government expected Saudi Arabia to slap them in the face, and slap them hard they did. That is the issue being raised here- political incompetence that leads to a problem that was not anticipated.

The Saudi reaction is proof of what they are all about as a culture, arrogant and spiteful, hyper-aggressive without remorse. Stupid, even. But as stupid as they are, this government is on equal footing.

And now some of you people say that we should be "happy" that they are leaving? You simply do not get it.


Yes, it is pretty obvious to me that a completely different result was expected. I think Freeland had seen the success Trump had with his Twitter Diplomacy and decided...perhaps even on her own...that she was up to the task of brow beating a dictatorship that executes folks for apostasy and witchcraft...among other things.

The results speak for themselves.

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16 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Again, you're free to pursue the deportation of any group including Saudi Arabs. And celebrate it! Whatever turns you on...so to speak.

Here's your big chance...

So you don't celebrate kicking our radical Islam terrorists from Canada?  Of all people I thought you would welcome this. Knowing your stance against radical Islam .. or Islam in general.

On 8/8/2018 at 1:57 PM, DogOnPorch said:


I really don't care if Islamic Schisms lead to centuries of bloody war. When it starts affecting Canada and the US...then I care.

But let's not pretend these LAVs were envisioned to be clearing snow from Saudi runways or something else they weren't designed for.

It already affected Canada and specifically the USA back on 9/11.

On 8/8/2018 at 2:01 PM, DogOnPorch said:


Oh please...the Liberals kiss so much Islamic rear-end that they're getting a bad rash.


On 8/8/2018 at 2:26 PM, DogOnPorch said:

Let's REALLY virtue signal by sending EVERY Saudi funded mosque a-packing.

What? Not on the dance card??

So you are asking for the Saudi funded Mosques a-packin? But complain when I celebrate it?  Odd.

On 8/9/2018 at 11:51 AM, DogOnPorch said:


Just because certain folks are against Islam doesn't mean they are going to behave like the radical left and ban, censor, de-platform, evict, deport, punch, etc those they do not agree with. 

As I say...YOU'RE FREE to deport and ban these people. Go-on...do it.

So again, the confusion is you bash Islam all the time, but yet are hesitant on the Saudis for whatever reason?

On 8/9/2018 at 11:52 AM, DogOnPorch said:


You're free to help these folks pack....or did you already?



I'd be happy to help send them off, care to join me and help? Put your money where your mouth is boy!


I don't need to quote anymore.




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11 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

So you don't celebrate kicking our radical Islam terrorists from Canada?  Of all people I thought you would welcome this. Knowing your stance against radical Islam .. or Islam in general.

It already affected Canada and specifically the USA back on 9/11.


So you are asking for the Saudi funded Mosques a-packin? But complain when I celebrate it?  Odd.

So again, the confusion is you bash Islam all the time, but yet are hesitant on the Saudis for whatever reason?


I'd be happy to help send them off, care to join me and help? Put your money where your mouth is boy!


I don't need to quote anymore.


Once again, I'm not stopping you from throwing whatever party you like to celebrate folks getting deported from Canada. 

It's your thing.


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7 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Once again, I'm not stopping you from throwing whatever party you like to celebrate folks getting deported from Canada. 

It's your thing.


You'd rather keep radical Islam in our nation then?  Just trying to figure out where you stand. Typically you are not a fence sitter when it comes to Islam.


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59 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

You'd rather keep radical Islam in our nation then?  Just trying to figure out where you stand. Typically you are not a fence sitter when it comes to Islam.



How are your deportations coming? When is the party?

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