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Trudeua housing illegals in hotels with your tax dollar.

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17 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I don't know.  They're both Muslims so I guess it's not the religion.

Right, because there's no religious violence in Iraq. 

Can you find me even ONE Muslim nation without religious violence? There are, I believe, 37 Muslim states for you to pick from.

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And now back to the topic here. According to a poll reported today, more than two-thirds of Canadians think the migrant issue has become a crisis and almost two-thirds think the numbers entering are higher than Canada can handle. (Link to article about the poll is below.) And Canadians are also upset about the costs associated with the influx, with 58 percent indicating they feel the benefits provided the migrants are too generous. Most also believe that funding should be directed to border security rather than to assisting the migrants. Perhaps most interesting is the news that while the number of illegal/irregular migrants appears to be declining some arrivals are now utilizing other recently arrived illegal/irregular migrants as "anchor relatives" to enter the country legally at official border crossings. Wow! This whole thing is becoming a complete mess and is generating significant political friction for the Trudeau government. I think the only thing the federal government can do at this point is create a fast-track assessment and removal system and shield this from Charter challenges by invoking the notwithstanding clause. Business as usual is no longer possible.


Edited by turningrite
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On 8/3/2018 at 1:18 PM, Argus said:

Right, because there's no religious violence in Iraq. 

Can you find me even ONE Muslim nation without religious violence? There are, I believe, 37 Muslim states for you to pick from.

So why does the USA favour one Islamic dictatorship over others? Like Saudi Arabia? The hypocrisy astounds me. The red carpet gets rolled out for the Saudi Royals quite often. Best dictatorship in all of Islamic world! Right?

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On 8/3/2018 at 8:21 PM, turningrite said:

And now back to the topic here. 

Get it thru your head, every single topic that involves migrating humans these days also involves the reasons why there are so many and that very much includes the West's love affair with dictators.

Edited by eyeball
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On 7/28/2018 at 9:15 AM, GostHacked said:

Do you oppose of foreign aid to troubled nations?

 I oppose any more of my tax dollars being blown on foreign aid to try and save the rest of the world especially the third world ones. Our Canadian liberal/socialist puppet on a string politicians have being giving away hundreds of billions of tax dollars for decades now to the rest of the world and their troubled nations and look as to where it got Canadians? In bloody debt forever and those countries are still in trouble. Every day Canadians go to work and than they are forced to pay taxes towards programs and agendas that Canadians never asked for. It still always amazes me as to why Canadians never seem to give a dam as to how their tax dollars are being spent(blown). Do you give a dam? 

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Get it thru your head, every single topic that involves migrating humans these days also involves the reasons why there are so many and that very much includes the West's love affair with dictators.

Huh? It's fine for those who post on here to veer into tangential discussions, as had/has recently happened. I merely sought to bring the discussion back to the original issue based on a very relevant link relating to polling about the very matter addressed at the beginning of the discussion. You can continue to discuss whatever you wish - and maybe start a new topic if you want - but I think there's nothing wrong in posting information intended to refocus the discussion.

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On 7/26/2018 at 7:28 PM, paxamericana said:

Fox news says your Canadian tax dollar is paying for a nice hotel for illegal immigrants. 



Tucker sure hit it right on the head of the nail alright when he said that "Trudeau gets no credit for being a buffoon". If there were lots of credits to be made from being a buffoon this prime mistake of ours would win hands down the Canadian Buffoon Award Trophy. Between this buffoon and his old man buffoon they sure have pretty much destroyed this once great British/European nation which is now fast becoming a third world looking nation. I am so bloody mad at what those two alone have done to this once great country of ours and which is still being allowed to happen today. The last I heard was that over 50,000 criminal illegals have entered Canada illegally in the past two years alone and more keep coming every day. I am sad to say that I do not see anywhere in Canada where I could find enough Canadian patriots to be able to put on the head of a needle. Canadians should be in an outrage over this and be out their demonstrating and calling for the kids head but sadly they will not. A tree planting ceremony gets more people to attend. :rolleyes:

My opinion and I am sticking with it.   Thanks for the video. 


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On 7/27/2018 at 8:37 AM, GostHacked said:

It's better than separating families at the border, or housing them in abandoned Walmarts that were turned into detention centers while the kids are wisked away around the nation to cities like NY where the mayor came forth and asked wtf was going on with all this child trafficking.

Better to spend the money on people instead of weapons.

In this case spending tax dollars on criminal illegals or weapons comes down to the same thing. They both waste taxpayer's tax dollars by the billions. You really do have to stop with the bleeding heart liberal/socialist way of thinking and start to use a lot more common sense and logic for a change. You need to listen to people like Tucker more. Just saying. :D

You need to update yourself as to what is happening in America. Families are being united thanks to Trump. Even when Obama was President the same thing happened and children were kept in cages. Hello. But most of those so called kids that were supposed to have been separated from their families were mostly grown up kids who were brought illegally to America who did not belong to any of those adult criminal illegals at all. They call it child smuggling. 

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On 8/3/2018 at 10:12 AM, Machjo said:

We should give illegals one of two choices:


1. a student, work, and business visa.


2. A ticket back home.


If you can't support yourself, tough.

OK, a third option:


3. A private sponsor.

Taxes shouldn't be paying for anything other than a ticket home.

I prefer #2. Grab them all as soon as they cross the border into Canada and then immediately take them to the nearest airport and give them a free flight back home. Geez, I will even go as far as to say that we buy them a lunch at the airport also. A lot better and cheaper way to blow more tax dollars than the way Trudeau is blowing our tax dollars today on these criminal illegals. Say hello and then goodbye. Hope you enjoyed your short visit to Canada. Works for me. :D

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31 minutes ago, taxme said:

I prefer #2. Grab them all as soon as they cross the border into Canada and then immediately take them to the nearest airport and give them a free flight back home. Geez, I will even go as far as to say that we buy them a lunch at the airport also. A lot better and cheaper way to blow more tax dollars than the way Trudeau is blowing our tax dollars today on these criminal illegals. Say hello and then goodbye. Hope you enjoyed your short visit to Canada. Works for me. :D

I think we have a legal obligation to at least assess the basic validity of their claims. But we should be able to do this expeditiously via a triaging system of sorts that assesses whether the circumstances of individual migrants provide 'prima facie' justification for full consideration of their claims. Those who come from countries that are not at present considered to be experiencing civil war or who don't demonstrably belong to groups considered to be persecuted within their own countries should be quickly rejected and told to leave. Initial assessment and categorization should be completed within 30 days. Further consideration must be afforded to those who are definitionally members of persecuted minorities in their homelands and to those who are otherwise very likely meet the U.N.'s Convention Refugee definition provided they can also demonstrate that they made efforts to file and pursue claims in the first safe countries reached, including, if applicable, the United States. 

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6 minutes ago, turningrite said:

I think we have a legal obligation to at least assess the basic validity of their claims. But we should be able to do this expeditiously via a triaging system of sorts that assesses whether the circumstances of individual migrants provide 'prima facie' justification for full consideration of their claims. Those who come from countries that are not at present considered to be experiencing civil war or who don't demonstrably belong to groups considered to be persecuted within their own countries should be quickly rejected and told to leave. Initial assessment and categorization should be completed within 30 days. Further consideration must be afforded to those who are definitionally members of persecuted minorities in their homelands and to those who are otherwise very likely meet the U.N.'s Convention Refugee definition provided they can also demonstrate that they made efforts to file and pursue claims in the first safe countries reached, including, if applicable, the United States. 

Canadians have no obligation to help anyone who violates our immigration laws. I would hazard a guess that 95% of them are not being persecuted for anything back home especially when they are coming illegally from America into Canada. Where or how were they being persecuted in America? They were all living in a safe country. Their only problem now is that they went to America illegally also and now they are on the run. They appear to not give a dam about our Canadian or American immigration laws. Many are even flying too America from some third world country and then when they land in America they start heading for Canada. Maybe the Charter of Rights and the "not withstanding clause" in it should be used here so as to not give these illegals a right to be able to challenge our immigration laws and policy.

They should be expeditiously sent back from whence they came. They have no rights in Canada only Canadians do. I have to think hard about that at times. Do it the right way or not at all. There are millions and millions of so called refugees in the world. Are we suppose to just let them all walk right on in and then be fed, clothed and housed in hotels for who knows how long? What about all the taxpayer's tax dollars that will be pretty much wasted on this Trudeau's 'pet peeve program and agenda of his and Soros for third world people be allowed to enter or sneak into Canada illegally by the tens of thousands. To hell with the UN's Convention On Refugee and it's socialist agenda and program of trying to swamp Western countries with millions of third world illegals. Did the majority of Canadians ever had to say yes or no as to whether they wanted to allow the UN to be able to dictate to Canadians as to how many refugees that they must take in? I am sick and tired of our politically correct puppet on a string politicians who keep telling Canadians that this is the way it will be and that they must accept and be happy with it without a whimper. We are being made fools of by these so called persecuted refugees and it needs to stop now. Do Canadians get to run and rule this country or do Politicians get to do it? Right now it does appear as though the politicians are the rulers and the boss here and not you or me or thee. Our dear leaders keep squeezing our you know what every day and it would appear as though most Canadians keep telling them to squeeze a lot harder. I am tired of being a Mr. Nice Guy. Enough already. It's time for some tough love here. Works for me. :D 

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1 hour ago, turningrite said:

I think we have a legal obligation to at least assess the basic validity of their claims. But we should be able to do this expeditiously via a triaging system of sorts that assesses whether the circumstances of individual migrants provide 'prima facie' justification for full consideration of their claims. Those who come from countries that are not at present considered to be experiencing civil war or who don't demonstrably belong to groups considered to be persecuted within their own countries should be quickly rejected and told to leave. Initial assessment and categorization should be completed within 30 days. Further consideration must be afforded to those who are definitionally members of persecuted minorities in their homelands and to those who are otherwise very likely meet the U.N.'s Convention Refugee definition provided they can also demonstrate that they made efforts to file and pursue claims in the first safe countries reached, including, if applicable, the United States. 

Mostly makes sense. A perfect example is the Haitian rush for the border. When Haiti had an earthquake in 2011, the US created a Temporary Protected Status program to give temporary sanctuary to those who were particularly hard-hit by the earthquake. Trump gave 18 months notice that the TPS would be ending and people would have to return home before the end date. Canada, under Stephen Harper,  created a similar temporary program which the Liberal government itself  ended in August, 2016. Then Trudeau opened his big, virtuous yap - and they came swarming over the borders. And here we are today.

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5 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Are all Christians the same? Are all Catholics the same?

There are different denominations of Christianity. However, all believe in mostly the same thing. Same for Catholics. Same for Muslims.

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5 hours ago, GostHacked said:

So why does the USA favour one Islamic dictatorship over others? Like Saudi Arabia? The hypocrisy astounds me. The red carpet gets rolled out for the Saudi Royals quite often. Best dictatorship in all of Islamic world! Right?

I would say that at one point it was because they needed the oil, and needed a reliable dictator in charge to ensure that oil was a stable supply source for them. That's no longer the case, however, as I've pointed out before, the only realistic alternative to the current government in Saudi Arabia is a Taliban style government that makes the Sauds look like liberals.

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3 minutes ago, Centerpiece said:

Mostly makes sense. A perfect example is the Haitian rush for the border. When Haiti had an earthquake in 2011, the US created a Temporary Protected Status program to give temporary sanctuary to those who were particularly hard-hit by the earthquake. Trump gave 18 months notice that the TPS would be ending and people would have to return home before the end date. Canada, under Stephen Harper,  created a similar temporary program which the Liberal government itself  ended in August, 2016. Then Trudeau opened his big, virtuous yap - and they came swarming over the borders. And here we are today.

And most will stay. So far, 70% of those who have had hearings have been accepted.

Can anyone suggest how Haitians meet the definition of refugee under the UN convention?

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37 minutes ago, Argus said:

I would say that at one point it was because they needed the oil, and needed a reliable dictator in charge to ensure that oil was a stable supply source for them. That's no longer the case, however, as I've pointed out before, the only realistic alternative to the current government in Saudi Arabia is a Taliban style government that makes the Sauds look like liberals.

Presumably the realistic alternative makes the House of Saud look like the CPC.

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