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Compensating Khadr

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5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Buying into real-politic and selling out our principles to pay for it.

You don't have a fucking clue what I'm talking about do you?

You're completely wrong when you talk about "the worst things to happen in the middle east" but I don't think that you're being dishonest because I honestly believe that you don't have a clue.

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7 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You're completely wrong when you talk about "the worst things to happen in the middle east" but I don't think that you're being dishonest because I honestly believe that you don't have a clue.

Wrong about what - what don't I have a clue about exactly?

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4 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Wrong about what - what don't I have a clue about exactly?

Everything, but for now we're talking about the most heinous things to happen in the middle east in the last 65 years.

If you want to refer to some lesser things then just don't be misleading.

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On ‎1‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 4:00 PM, montgomery said:

No, not Canadian soldiers, but if a Canadian did happen to be involved in that illegal US war of aggression in a combat role, then he/she would have had it coming. Canada must stop being coerced into taking part in US led wars. None of them are legitimate wars that are defenive in nature or on account of Canada being threatned.

Bring Canada's troops home! That's the only way we can support them.

Canadian soldiers are in Iraq today , carrying out training operations that sometimes lead into combat operations, Some have paid the ultimate price already, what blows my mind is you have the gull to say they had it coming, This mission was put in place by todays liberal government ….It amazes me what any wingnut can post here today without drawing attention of the MODS...Note Canadian soldiers do not get to pick and choose with operation they take part in...They serve at the will of our nation and government ..

On ‎1‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 3:37 PM, montgomery said:

I'll always be of the opinion that starting a war in which hundreds of thousands of Afghanistan's people were slaughtered under US bombs is not an apporpriate reaction for a revenge attack by 17-19 Saudis on 911. 

This is an exaggeration of huge proportions.....The Taliban and the over 20 terrorist groups that operate in Afghanistan at the time are reasonable for the majority all causalities in Afghanistan...you can goggle that shit....But then again being a liberal you don't need fact checks or sources....

4 hours ago, montgomery said:

Eyeball has it basically right and you have it dead wrong. Except that eyeball's comments about the parents make no sense. What could he/she be suggesting? That Khadr shouldn't taught to oppose US wars of aggression and the slaughter of his people?

His people ? WTF is his people, brown people, Afghani people, or the entire Muslim population...his father is Egyptian, his mother Palestinian, and he was born a Canadian....which would make his people Canadians....the same Canadians who where in a coalition with the US, and one little confused Omar and most of his family were taking part in terrorist activities against…Unless his people are the terrorist you'll have to explain that one.... 

On ‎1‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 1:50 PM, montgomery said:

Conservatives need to just let go of the Muslim hate and be happy that justice was served for Khadr. 

What's so difficult to understand about US illegal wars in foreign lands? What's wrong with the Conservative mindset that they wouldn't understand that Khadr's victim had it coming?

Omar is still paying for his crime of murdering a US combatant, while not following any of the rules of war.....and was charged and convicted of "murder in violation of the laws of war" and four other charges at a hearing before a United States military commission. Thats what conservatives believe in justice.

Canadians and the rule of law knew what Omar deserved and got....charged for taking the life of a US serviceman....

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2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Everything, but for now we're talking about the most heinous things to happen in the middle east in the last 65 years.

And I told you.

One of the worst things stemming from this is the effect its had us - we've turned into complete assholes on the global stage and has contributed to a great deal of well-deserved acrimonious divisiveness in our society. 

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

And I told you.

One of the worst things stemming from this is the effect its had us - we've turned into complete assholes on the global stage and has contributed to a great deal of well-deserved acrimonious divisiveness in our society. 

There’s divisiveness felt by a small fringe group of pro-terrorists. That’s it. But there are people like that in every country. 

Islamic extremists have sophisticated campaigns to attract hateful people who are at an impressionable age. 

People are easily programmable. There’s a Democrat saying “Never let a good tragedy go to waste”. If people die it’s a gun control issue or a rental van control issue. They just point the finger and yell insults really loudly and it works on young kids. 

In the same way the Republicans say “why was an illegal alien gang member let out of jail and back on the street instead of being deported? Now a [cop or young girl] is dead”. It’s too simple, too sensational. It’s a teensy part of the picture, not the main deal. 

In the same way muslims show people the horrors of the 70-year-old Palestinian refugee camps and they get all SJW inside. They want to prove so badly that they’re morally superior to everyone else and that’s stage 1 of their programming right there. It’s like they become vaccinated against facts at that point.

Say to them “why are there still Palestinians in refugee camps after 70 years when tens of millions of other refugees re-settled in that time? Why is the population growing if it’s so bad”? They say you’re racist because they don’t have a good answer, and they think an angry insult trumps a reasonable question.

Say “do you know that there are no Pakistani refugee camps because they just committed genocide against the other religions, and they used mass systemic rape on the ones that stayed behind to convert almost all of them. No one wants to come back” and somehow you’re a racist for sharing some facts with them.

Say: “ if the Israelis get their way then both groups of people can live in peace. If hamas gets their way then all the Israelis will be dead” and they’re fine with the deaths of the Israelis because they are already programmed. 

Should the Israelis have done what Pakistan did, and just kill everyone within reach of their power? Would you be ok with them now, and calling people who were criticizing them racist, if they had just made a clean sweep 70 years ago?

Eyeball: some people are shit. When religious people are shit, they’re shittier, because they have an irrational sense of justification. 

Races of people don’t treat each other like the Shia and Sunni, muslims and jews, irish catholic and protestant, etc. 

People still get upset about things that happened in the bible, like it just happened yesterday. Don’t listen to those people.

If you look at the m.e. and take religion completely out of the equation your level of hatred will go down. You won’t even be able to comprehend what all the killing is about. It’s stupid. Only religious bigotry can make sense of it.

I’d love for Canada to stay out of that region and let them have their religious wars all to themselves. Leave the Taliban be. Leave their people there to sort it out. No refugees allowed out. No aid going in. No soldiers helping either side.  But eventually people will say we need to help Yemen. Then we’ll go help Yemen. Then in ten years people will say “The US went into Yemen because they just love killing muslims!!!!”. Screw it, right? No? 

I say we just stay out. We have plenty to deal with here. 


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3 hours ago, Army Guy said:

.Note Canadian soldiers do not get to pick and choose with operation they take part in...They serve at the will of our nation and government ..

First they choose to take part in US led wars of aggression and they knew when they joined the military that would be the case. That's pretty well the exclusive mission for Canada's military since the fall of the Soviet Union when the window of opportunity for US aggression in the ME opened. Now, thank the dogs, it's been slammed shut.

Khadr shouldn't have served a minute of jail time for the killing of a US illegal combatant. . Any other worthwhile points you want to debate with me, let me know.

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6 hours ago, eyeball said:

I feel the same way about people who defend some of the most heinous actions the West has taken in the the last 65 years towards the ME region.

You people OTOH seem to be happiest when we're forcing innocent people to live under a dictatorship. 

Sure eyeball, it's a no brainer. Terrorism is revenge for what the West (led by the US) has done in the ME. 

We heard after 911 that they hated and were jealous of our big screen t.v. sets, but was an easy one to see through right away. 

But really, 911 was small potatoes compared to what they will do in the name of revenge if they get their hands on a nuclear weapons. Best we bring all of Canada's twoops home and not give them  any more reason to hate us.

Chretien got it dead right when he kept us out of the Iraq war. The Cons under Harper got it dead wrong. Chretien may have softened the impact of the first phony war on Iraq. We should hope! 

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17 minutes ago, montgomery said:

First they choose to take part in US led wars of aggression and they knew when they joined the military that would be the case.

International law and the laws of armed conflict only hold individual soldiers responsible for any war crimes they individually commit, only those with the constitutional authority to order the  wars of aggression can be charged with making aggressive war.

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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

In the "Trudeau worst PM Ever" thread Montgomery said that the US had 9/11 coming. So the impression that you got was entirely accurate.

Now the terrorist sympathizers are out promoting Trudeau and painting Scheer and the PCs as racists and greedy capitalists with no remorse.

He was trying to get me banned or suspended for calling him a terrorist sympathizer but it doesn't work, because I just keep quoting the parts where he says the US had 9/11 coming to them.

I'm dismayed by some of the stuff people post on here and the tactics employed by some to undermine other contributors. I'm tired of being bullied merely for raising rational arguments and believe it personally necessary to take a break from this site. Maybe the reasonable and productive contributors, who can in a civil fashion disagree with one another, should all take a break. Do you know of any other political discussion sites, particularly sites that focus on Canadian politics?

Edited by turningrite
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1 minute ago, turningrite said:

I can't believe some of the stuff people post on here or some of the tactics they employ in their quest to undermine other contributors. I'm tired of being bullied merely for raising rational arguments and believe it necessary to take a break from the site for awhile.

Nah, ca'mon, stick around, this place ain't rough, this is a knitting club.

Buck up, ruck up, shoot move and communicate.

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8 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

International law and the laws of armed conflict only hold individual soldiers responsible for any war crimes they individually commit, .........

Yeah that Dougie. 

Look Dougie ol pal, make some sense in your comments to me or you're cut off. I have far too many comments to reply to as it is, than having to answer to the sort of nothingness you go on about.

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1 minute ago, montgomery said:

Yeah that Dougie. 

Look Dougie ol pal, make some sense in your comments to me or you're cut off. I have far too many comments to reply to as it is, than having to answer to the sort of nothingness you go on about.

Don't mind me, I'm just trying to educate a pseudo intellectual on the internet, you're free to not respond if that's too rough for you.

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3 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Nah, ca'mon, stick around, this place ain't rough, this is a knitting club.

Buck up, ruck up, shoot move and communicate.

It's not worth it. I think reasonable people should leave the site. I've been bullied and harassed all week in a fashion that steadily escalated and need a break. This is not political discussion. I'll look for another place to discuss politics. I used to go to the news sites until a lot of them either shut down comments or set up pay walls. There must be other venues.

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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

In the "Trudeau worst PM Ever" thread Montgomery said that the US had 9/11 coming. So the impression that you got was entirely accurate.

Now the terrorist sympathizers are out promoting Trudeau and painting Scheer and the PCs as racists and greedy capitalists with no remorse.

He was trying to get me banned or suspended for calling him a terrorist sympathizer but it doesn't work, because I just keep quoting the parts where he says the US had 9/11 coming to them.


If you call me a terrorist sympathizer then I'll report you for a personal attack. Scheer and the CPC are mostly racists and greedy capitalists. I'm not trying to get you banned or suspended, I'm trying to get you to abide by the forum rules. 

Oh, and the US had it coming on 911 and Osama spelled it out exactly why. But in any case, it was nothing compared to the US saughter of tens of millions in 40 wars of aggression since WW2 alone. Ask our army guy!

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15 minutes ago, turningrite said:

It's not worth it. I think reasonable people should leave the site. I've been bullied and harassed all week in a fashion that steadily escalated and need a break. This is not political discussion. I'll look for another place to discuss politics. I used to go to the news sites until a lot of them either shut down comments or set up pay walls. There must be other venues.

I would put it a little different. You have been challenged and beaten at your own game and it's mostly because you aren't able to play by the rules. 

Leave of your own free will, and don't let the door hit your --- on the way out.

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7 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:


Omar was born in Toronto. Islam isn't a race...it's a religion. 

His people?

Did I say that Islam was a race? 

His people are people of the Islamic faith, who were fighting against US illegal occupation in an illegal war of aggression. The US military slaughters millions of innocents but listen to the howling and baying at the moon with tears when the shoe is on the other foot! 

I might not have any effect at trying to stop the US but I sure the hell can voice my disgust and displeasure on Canada's military being complicit in their war crimes.

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5 minutes ago, montgomery said:

Did I say that Islam was a race? 

His people are people of the Islamic faith, who were fighting against US illegal occupation in an illegal war of aggression. The US military slaughters millions of innocents but listen to the howling and baying at the moon with tears when the shoe is on the other foot! 

I might not have any effect at trying to stop the US but I sure the hell can voice my disgust and displeasure on Canada's military being complicit in their war crimes.


Islam is a religion. Not a race or a skin colour.

His people?

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1 minute ago, montgomery said:

I might not have any effect at trying to stop the US but I sure the hell can voice my disgust and displeasure on Canada's military being complicit in their war crimes.

The Canadian military wasn't complicit in any war crimes, the Canadian military was operating within the bounds of national and international law and the laws of armed conflict, under UN Article 51 and NATO Article 5

The civilian security services were complicit in the war crimes, if you order a Canadian Forces officer to violate the law he'll just respectfully decline to obey an unlawful order as he is empowered to do, whereas CSIS are not in the military and as a Five Eyes intelligence service have much broader latitude because as civilians they are not bound by the laws of armed conflict

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7 hours ago, turningrite said:

I've been advised not to respond to your posts. Please do not respond to or address my posts or I'll report it as bullying.

I will respond to your posts as often as I believe that your comments are wrongheaded and need correcting. You need to learn to play by the rules and not try to make up new ones in order to get back at me for that which has been exclusively your fault.

We Liberals aren't whining cry babies! 

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26 minutes ago, turningrite said:

It's not worth it. I think reasonable people should leave the site. I've been bullied and harassed all week in a fashion that steadily escalated and need a break. This is not political discussion. I'll look for another place to discuss politics. I used to go to the news sites until a lot of them either shut down comments or set up pay walls. There must be other venues.

That would be a pity, as I enjoy reading your posts and I'm sure others do. If some posters bother you, don't engage them anymore. It just gives them another opportunity to reply, which would be fine if they had a good point to make. But, they don't.

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