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Here we go again again with our PM.


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6 hours ago, msj said:

The topic of the thread is stupid things stated by a sitting PM. 

Harper has stated things, officially, in the past on par with what Trudeau has stated and you put on your partisan blinkers. 

Sort of like this:  :blink:  

No, it's actually about Trudeau.  And the impact of his gaffes.  The title refers to the current PM.  The OP established that.


He impulsively mouthed off at the start of the US primary - throwing potshots at Trump.  That's why the title Here we go again....



Justin Trudeau takes on Donald Trump

During the Maclean’s Town Hall, Justin Trudeau served up some strong political jabs against Donald Trump. Here’s why that’s a risky game.

That was one thunderous “however.”

Having acknowledged the importance of keeping his oar out of foreign election campaigns, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau signalled with that word he was dropping the fig leaf of impartiality, and promptly took a swipe at U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump.

“I don’t think it comes as a surprise to anyone that I stand firmly against the politics of division, the politics of fear, the politics of intolerance or hateful rhetoric,” Trudeau said during a live, year-end town hall hosted by Maclean’s. “If we allow politicians to succeed by scaring people, we don’t actually end up any safer. Fear doesn’t make us safer. It makes us weaker.”





And now, look what he has to deal with that Trump ended up being President.  Who acted fearful recently?  Who looked weak lately?

Who was offering eagerly to open up NAFTA even before it's formally brought to the table, let alone Trump hasn't even been sworn yet!  :lol: 

Our PM is eating his words!  Why do you think Rubio and Cruz didn't mince words, or hesitate to insult our PM?    With all the spending spree he's already done - and the looming threat to our economy - who do you think will go a-begging?  Rubio and Cruz know who.  Btw, FYI....Cruz and Rubio are both Latinos.  Anti-Castro!  There will be repercussions!


Political pundits are worried.  They have an inkling what's going on.  Some are even suggesting Trudeau should follow the steps of Japan PM - meet with Trump even before he's officially sworn in.   


Our PM is way out of his league if he thinks he can out-sensationalize Trump.  Trump knows sensational like the back of his hands! 


The point:  we don't need drama!  We need a mature,  self-disciplined, diplomatic PM.





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7 hours ago, Derek 2.0 said:

Based on Trump's response to Castro's death, Cruz and Rubio should be fine.........Trudeau and the Canadian economy should be the ones worrying.

Trump is cause for worry for the Canadian economy, but that has nothing to do with Justin's comments about Castro.

Trump's only interest in Cuba is as a source of tremendous cigars, the best cigars.

I hope Trump sent Ted Cruz a sympathy card on the occasion of his dad's war-buddy passing.

6 hours ago, Derek 2.0 said:

Castro......served his people for half a century? Its not like they had any say in the matter :lol:

The extent to which Cubans have been "served" by the revolution is certainly debatable, but let's not pretend like the US's hard feelings over it has anything to do with human rights in Cuba.

The revolution swapped out a tyrant the US liked and supported for a tyrant they didn't like or support. The revolution cost US carpet-bagger corporations their assets in Cuba. That's the real story. The US (and other governments including our own) are just fine doing business with horrible regimes, as long as those regimes serve our interests. Castro's crime wasn't being horrible to his people, it was harming US business interests and deposing a US-friendly dictator.

Apparently pre-revolution Cuba has become romanticized in the imagination of some, but the revolution didn't happen for no reason, and for most Cubans the country was a dump before Castro took over. Those who fled Cuba after the revolution were Cuba's version of the 1%... the wealthy and the friends of the deposed political regime.  They no doubt painted a pretty rosy picture about how awesome Cuba was before Castro came along, giving future generations of Cuban Americans a fantasy idea of their nation that never actually existed.


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1 minute ago, kimmy said:

Trump is cause for worry for the Canadian economy, but that has nothing to do with Justin's comments about Castro.



Yes it could have something to do with us.  For starter, Trump and Trudeau have not been on the same page since day 1!


Trudeau has to learn to be diplomatic.



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2 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

You mean like your hero Donald Trump who does this 5 times a day on twitter, and at least once a day in speeches. 


Well, he's got Japan's PM coming to him, did he not?   Even before he got sworn in.  The very first time it happened that a world leader met with the President-elect instead of the sitting president.  :) 


How do you know everything he does - including the twitting - isn't calculated?  He already said social media played a big role in his winning.  Hillary blamed social media for her loss. :shrug:


It's not Trump who's coming to beg to Canada.  It's the other way around.  Go figure.

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6 hours ago, msj said:

Because pointing out facts that make others feel uncomfortable is "changing the channel." 

Maybe take a look at my interests over here 






No, it's derailing the topic.  The issue is about the gaffes of the current  PM.  


On both gaffes....he's an "irritant" to our next door neighbor - and at a time when we have to deal with our economy.  His impulsive streak can cost us big time, and Canada could end up hurting really bad.



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4 hours ago, betsy said:

No, it's derailing the topic.  The issue is about the gaffes of the current  PM.  

On both gaffes....he's an "irritant" to our next door neighbor - and at a time when we have to deal with our economy.  His impulsive streak can cost us big time, and Canada could end up hurting really bad.


You mean Trudeau of the #trudeaueulogy twitter humiliation will be dealing with Trump of the #BillyBushMadeMeDoIt twitter humiliation? 

You remember that episode right? 

That's where a D rated star made Trump say "grab them by the pussy." 

Hell, I'd take Harper's gaffe of longing mourning for his King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia over the pussy grabber any day and every day. 


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5 hours ago, betsy said:

Yes it could have something to do with us.  For starter, Trump and Trudeau have not been on the same page since day 1!


Trudeau has to learn to be diplomatic.

People said the same of Harper with regard to Obama. "Not on the same page!"  "The whole country will pay because of Harper!"  "Harper better learn to kiss Obama's ass pronto!"  Canadian lefties were rubbing their hands at glee at the thought that their American hero would teach the mean Canadian PM a lesson or make him change.  Didn't happen.  Now Canadian righties are rubbing their hands with glee at the thought that their American hero will teach the sunny-ways Canadian PM a lesson or make him change. Won't happen either.


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4 hours ago, kimmy said:

Apparently pre-revolution Cuba has become romanticized in the imagination of some, but the revolution didn't happen for no reason, and for most Cubans the country was a dump before Castro took over. Those who fled Cuba after the revolution were Cuba's version of the 1%... the wealthy and the friends of the deposed political regime. 

I think you're going too far with that part. At first, you were probably right, but people were fleeing Cuba decades after the revolution, fleeing poverty, and fleeing an absolute lack of human rights. They still are. Castro succeeded in freezing Cuba in the days of tinpot dictators, something which used to be common throughout Central and South America in the 1950s and 1960s. They've all been swept away by history, and the human rights situation in most places is hugely better now - except in Cuba. Castro might have been more than the usual run-of-the-mill dictator. He did a lot to improve health care and education, as Trudeau said, but to ignore his many, many warts in eulogizing a man who was a brutal, murdering thug was pretty lame. The deep connection between the people of Canada and the people of Cuba? What connection? The only connection seems to be between the Trudeaus, who never met an autocratic left wing regime they didn't admire, and the Castro brothers.

I would also say that Trudeau's admiration for autocratic regimes, be they in Cuba or China, is troubling in light of his expressed determination to change how Canadians vote.


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8 minutes ago, kimmy said:

People said the same of Harper with regard to Obama. "Not on the same page!"  "The whole country will pay because of Harper!"  "Harper better learn to kiss Obama's ass pronto!"  Canadian lefties were rubbing their hands at glee at the thought that their American hero would teach the mean Canadian PM a lesson or make him change.  Didn't happen.  Now Canadian righties are rubbing their hands with glee at the thought that their American hero will teach the sunny-ways Canadian PM a lesson or make him change. Won't happen either.


The lesson? 

Partisans are dickheads! 

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5 hours ago, kimmy said:

Trump is cause for worry for the Canadian economy, but that has nothing to do with Justin's comments about Castro.


It has everything to do with it........our Prime Minister is a naif and just proved it to the incoming Trump administration.......as Kevin O'Leary recently commented, Trudeau versus Trump will be like Bambi versus Godzilla....

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Did Godzilla grab Bambi by the pussy? 


ETA: this is an example of why Trump's humiliating "grab them by the pussy" is going to be so bad for him compared to Trudeau's idiotic statement which is too complicated to last long in the memories of most people because it cannot be turned into a very simple self referential phrase like "grab her by the pussy" is. 

But yeah, Trudeau should be so, so, so cowed by the pussygrabber! 

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I have stated that Trudeau's statement is stupider than the stupid statement Harper made in his "mourning" for his great King of Saudi Arabia. 

So, no, I' m being irritating and annoying. 

But, of course, I'm not annoying to the left because they agree what Trudeau has stated was stupid and will be forgotten like Harper's stupid statement re: King Abdullah. 

It is those on the right who are irritated when I show them: meet the new boss, same as the old boss. 


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6 minutes ago, msj said:

I have stated that Trudeau's statement is stupider than the stupid statement Harper made in his "mourning" for his great King of Saudi Arabia. 

So, no, I' m being irritating and annoying. 

But, of course, I'm not annoying to the left because they agree what Trudeau has stated was stupid and will be forgotten like Harper's stupid statement re: King Abdullah. 

It is those on the right who are irritated when I show them: meet the new boss, same as the old boss. 


What right? Not my right. I've always said that Harper was competent, if not very pleasant, while Trudeau is and will be incompetent while being pleasant about it. And all his promises of doing things differently amounted to as much as Trump's promise to 'drain that swamp'.

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Trudeau has not done enough to indicate competence or incompetance, for that matter. [Partially retract this: the fact he won a majority over Harper shows some kind of competence]

That would be an issue for a different thread. 

This one is about stupid things stated by heads of state and how their humiliation in social media will supposedly lead to poor negotiations or something along those lines....

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3 minutes ago, msj said:


This one is about stupid things stated by heads of state and how their humiliation in social media will supposedly lead to poor negotiations or something along those lines....

If humiliation on social media demonstrates poor negotiating skills, Trump will give America away to the lowest bidder.   Probably China.   ;)

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Copied from other thread, figured I would leave it here to since all of the apologists seem to be congregating in this one, btw, Harper was evil remember, Trudeau is 'good', were back don't forget, and Harper didn't gush over the Saudi king, not like this, this gushing also comes from a PM who has expressed his admiration for Chinese communism and who is friendly enough with Chinese businessmen that one of them made a huge donation to his fathers foundation, and then there is his brother.

Alexandre Trudeau wrote this about the Cuban people ten years ago

“They do occasionally complain, often as an adolescent might complain about a too strict and demanding father.”

He also called him a "superman" and an "expert in everything"

That's right, the Cuban people are whiners when they complained about living in poverty under an oppressive and murderous regime, and all of the Cubans who fled were actually just members of the alt-right (saw that one in the CBC comments).

What is wrong with this family and the people who defend them, why do they seem to have an affinity for communist dictatorships and the murderers who run them?  It's one thing to acknowledge a mans death, its quite another to gush over him and ignore that he was a communist, a murderer, and a man who had a part in almost starting a nuclear war.


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15 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Indeed, it demonstrates how blind attachment to ideology is pointless, if it leads to greater suffering for common people. Communism certainly demonstrates this.

Yes, blind attachment to an ideology that says all communism is bad is pointless too.  Castro was a repressive tyrant, but Cuba still has a GDP per capita better than Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Barbados, Costa Rica, Grenada, Ecuador, St. Vincent, Saint Lucia, Jamaica, Paraguay, El Salvador, Guyana, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Honduras, Dominica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, so economically it's doing better than the overwhelming majority of Latin American countries and about as well as the ones not mentioned, not to mention having the same life expectancy as Americans.

All this while having virtually no access to trade or tourism dollars with the world's largest economy.  I guess when American corporations, the US gov and the CIA are perpetually trying to screw every Latin American country, that turns out to not be such a bad thing.

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19 hours ago, msj said:

You mean Trudeau of the #trudeaueulogy twitter humiliation will be dealing with Trump of the #BillyBushMadeMeDoIt twitter humiliation? 

You remember that episode right? 

That's where a D rated star made Trump say "grab them by the pussy." 

Hell, I'd take Harper's gaffe of longing mourning for his King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia over the pussy grabber any day and every day. 


Trump was not speaking for the American people when he twitted.  He wasn't even elected yet. 


And, most importantly to keep in mind (to be rational about this)...........


........Trump is not our PM.  He doesn't represent Canada.


Trudeau is being blasted for speaking for Canada!



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Did you see how ridiculous Trudeau was on the world stage in Madagascar?  He justified heaping praises on Castro  by saying how Canada feels one with mourning Cubans.....and when he's asked if he thinks Castro was a dictator -  he said yes.

Who mourns a brutal dictator?  His cronies, of course. :lol:

So, Canada is mourning with the Cubans who benefited from the dictatorship of Castro! 




Dion looked so uncomfortable and ridiculous at Question Period, too.  I felt sorry for him because he must know how stupidly he sounded.  He repeated the same mantra as Trudeau spouted....and Solomon pinned him down with the same jab:  does he think Castro was a dictator?  Dion could only squeak  "yes." :rolleyes:


The more they try to justify the stupid gaffe by Trudeau....the more idiotic they'll look in front of the whole world! 



My advice, admit you made a gaffe and apologise to all victims of dictatorships (for seeming to gloss over and legitimnize Castro's dictatorship), PM..........


...........and zip it.



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