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President Trump's cabinet

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Here is another take on it.  These actions are commonly taken in response to actions taken by nations, and in this case incoming leaders.

It's not that we shouldn't be worried, but the threat is still not as likely as an economic war - I will stand on that point.

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Trump has explicitly named his two sons as taking control of his business, and didn't mention his daughter Ivanka. Does this omission imply that she and/or her husband will take a roll role in his Whitehouse staff? The omission of his other daughter is not significant as she seems to be focused on building a show business career and has never been involved significantly in either the family business or politics.

Edited by ?Impact
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18 hours ago, segnosaur said:

Here's a partial list of Trump's cabinet picks and other appointees:

Yet another questionable pick... Rick Perry for Department of Energy.

If you recall, Perry proposed eliminating the department when he ran for president in 2012. On the other hand, during a debate during the primaries, he couldn't remember the name of the department.


So the head of the EPA has spent time fighting against environmental regulations, and the head of the DoE wanted to eliminate the department.

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3 hours ago, ?Impact said:

Trump has explicitly named his two sons as taking control of his business, and didn't mention his daughter Ivanka. Does this omission imply that she and/or her husband will take a roll in his Whitehouse staff?

Well, supposedly there are rules about relatives taking positions that would put them in the line of succession for the presidency, so I doubt she'd get a cabinet post. Not sure what rules they have regarding staff pots that have no 'official' role.

Maybe Trump will appoint her to the supreme court.

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18 minutes ago, segnosaur said:

So the head of the EPA has spent time fighting against environmental regulations, and the head of the DoE wanted to eliminate the department.

Don't forget his new labor secretary, who is the kind of boss the labor department is supposed to protect workers from.

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35 minutes ago, segnosaur said:

Actually he said he was going to "drain the swamp"... he just didn't say where he was going to drain it. I guess he figures into his cabinet is about the best place.

But... but... Trump is non-interventionalist! He was against the Libyan and Iraq wars! (Well, he was for the wars first, but when did that little fact get in the way of a Trump supporter?)

My hope is that Trump is the shock the system needs. He's already pushed aside an established politician, but the people who he is surrounding himself with is a good indication that we are going to go towards a dangerous path. These four years under Trump may finally create a situation where a genuine politician, such as Bernie may have a chance to lead America. 

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President-Elect Trump will pick cabinet members consistent with his goals and the history of American politics.   It is certainly not dangerous to continue the selection and confirming process for cabinet members.   There is no "we" for international consideration in this process.

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Just now, Hudson Jones said:

I'm sure he will pick cabinet members consistent with his goals.

There is a we. The U.S.' actions effect the whole world. 


There is no "we" for this process.  Americans did not fret over the minister choices of Canada's new government.

Cabinet members are nominated, confirmed, replaced, and sometimes even convicted.  

President Obama's cabinet choices were not subjected to this kind of scrutiny.   We now know how one of those choices worked out for embassy staff in Libya.

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2 hours ago, Hudson Jones said:

My hope is that Trump is the shock the system needs. He's already pushed aside an established politician, but the people who he is surrounding himself with is a good indication that we are going to go towards a dangerous path. These four years under Trump may finally create a situation where a genuine politician, such as Bernie may have a chance to lead America. 

What is this danger people keep talking about? And why was nobody talking about danger in regards to Hillary and obamas "nation building" that has killed and displaced 100's of thousands of people?

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42 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


There is no "we" for this process.  Americans did not fret over the minister choices of Canada's new government.

Cabinet members are nominated, confirmed, replaced, and sometimes even convicted.  

President Obama's cabinet choices were not subjected to this kind of scrutiny.   We now know how one of those choices worked out for embassy staff in Libya.

American's didn't fret because they saw reasonable and appropriate people put in cabinet seats. Even a lot of your own high ranking people don't see that with Trump. Hint, check the Russian connection.

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Just now, Omni said:

American's didn't fret because they saw reasonable and appropriate people put in cabinet seats. Even a lot of your own high ranking people don't see that with Trump. Hint, check the Russian connection.


Actually, they probably didn't care at all.   What is this obsession with "Russians" ?  

Would it have been better if the Jamaicans or Chinese had done it ?

The highest ranking people already voted....for Trump.


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1 minute ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Actually, they probably didn't care at all.   What is this obsession with "Russians" ?  

Would it have been better if the Jamaicans or Chinese had done it ?

The highest ranking people already voted....for Trump.


I'll remind you it's the people within your own borders who have the obsession with Russia. People like the CIA, the FBI, GOP senators...shall I go on? The highest ranking people will vote Dec 19.

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3 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

President Obama's cabinet choices were not subjected to this kind of scrutiny.

Yes, they absolutely were. The fact that he made relatively sane choices, instead of the completely ridiculous ones Trump made is the the difference. A Secretary of State that is beholding to Russia, that is not scrutiny you are hearing is is disbelief in how corrupt Trump is.

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13 hours ago, Hal 9000 said:

What is this danger people keep talking about?

The concern is that Trump and his appointments are either going to:

1) Make decisions that put their own personal interests ahead of those of the country and its allies.

2) be totally unqualified, and through blunders end up getting the U.S. into more trouble than it needs to be in. For example, Carson said he was unqualified to run a government department... but there he is heading up HUD.

And why was nobody talking about danger in regards to Hillary and obamas "nation building" that has killed and displaced 100's of thousands of people?

Keep in mind that much of Obama's actions with regard to the military have been reactive rather than proactive. The U.S. bombed Libya, but the conflict wasn't initiated by Obama's actions. Similarly, the U.S. has been involved in the conflict with ISIS, but the roots of that conflict predate his administration.

Furthermore, before you complain about how Hillary and Obama have used the military, you have to compare that to how Trump would have reacted in similar circumstances. Trump supported the invasion of Iraq (he just lied about it later). He supported the bombing of Libya. So things would likely be just as bad (if not worse) if Trump were President over the past 8 years.

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21 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


There is no "we" for this process.  Americans did not fret over the minister choices of Canada's new government.

Cabinet members are nominated, confirmed, replaced, and sometimes even convicted.  

President Obama's cabinet choices were not subjected to this kind of scrutiny.   We now know how one of those choices worked out for embassy staff in Libya.

Seems only one American does that here. This guy frets over everything Canadian.

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On 12/13/2016 at 7:20 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:

Trump is doing a great job so far if he intends to reverse all the crap from the previous administration.

They've got an education secretary who wants to destroy public schools, a treasury secretary who wants to destroy financial regulation, an environment secretary who wants to destroy environmental regulation, a labor secretary who has fought tooth and nail against worker wages and benefits, an attorney general who's an opponent of civil rights...  a lot of Trump supporters had this notion that he was different from "the Republican Establishment", but most of his cabinet picks appear to be straight from the Republican Establishment wish-list.


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4 hours ago, kimmy said:

They've got an education secretary who wants to destroy public schools, a treasury secretary who wants to destroy financial regulation, an environment secretary who wants to destroy environmental regulation, a labor secretary who has fought tooth and nail against worker wages and benefits, an attorney general who's an opponent of civil rights...  a lot of Trump supporters had this notion that he was different from "the Republican Establishment", but most of his cabinet picks appear to be straight from the Republican Establishment wish-list.


Sounds more like a bucket-list for GOP dinosaurs, in any case why wouldn't this please Trump's supporters?

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On 12/13/2016 at 5:55 PM, bush_cheney2004 said:


There is no "we" for this process.  Americans did not fret over the minister choices of Canada's new government.

Cabinet members are nominated, confirmed, replaced, and sometimes even convicted.  

I am not asking the American people to consider my feelings towards Trump. I am saying that you shouldn't get all emotional because a non-American says "we" are going towards a dangerous path. The word "we" is being used because Trump's decisions can effect non-Americans.


President Obama's cabinet choices were not subjected to this kind of scrutiny.   We now know how one of those choices worked out for embassy staff in Libya.

Obama did receive scrutiny, but Trump's selections should receive more because he has picked people who are the opposite of what he had said he would pick. Where is the sewage draining? 

That said, I'm excited about Trump choosing the Canadian citizen, Elon Musk as part of his advisory panel.

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16 minutes ago, Hudson Jones said:

I am not asking the American people to consider my feelings towards Trump. I am saying that you shouldn't get all emotional because a non-American says "we" are going towards a dangerous path. The word "we" is being used because Trump's decisions can effect non-Americans.


Good, because mostly they don't.   Moreover, "we" does not even apply for Americans in the nomination and confirmation process, save for their elected members (Senate).   If "we" are going down Trump's path is not to a foreign national's liking, choose a different path.

Trump's cabinet choices reflect his goals and intentions as the sitting president, not previous election candidate.  To the winner go the spoils.



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On 12/13/2016 at 6:12 PM, Hal 9000 said:

What is this danger people keep talking about? And why was nobody talking about danger in regards to Hillary and obamas "nation building" that has killed and displaced 100's of thousands of people?

Look at the list of cabinet candidates. Majority of the people picked are against the very agencies they would be representing.  There are also a list of warmongers, which goes against the isolationist, almost libertarian views he said he has when it comes to wars.

I agree that Obama and especially Hillary were dangerous as well. Part of me is happy that Hillary was not picked, because she would have continued the same old miserable shit the previous presidents on both sides of the isle have done. Which is to represent the multi-nationals and special interest groups who have enough money to push their agenda. 

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