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Posted (edited)

Its laughable that someone would try to rationalize their blatant dislike for people not like them with the old , "Discussion of immigration and integrating newcomers" excuse. Just because you are "discussing" your dislike of immigrants and fear what they will do to "your" country.

I used to post addresses of Heritage and other racist sites and was discouraged by the mods. I used to do so that the folks here could compare their "discussions" of immigration and integration with the blatant racist "discussions of immigration and integration" that take place on those sites. At least they admit to their views.

I just wish these folks had the courage to just admit that they do not like immigrants or do not like Muslims or do not like people who are not like them and probably fear that these immigrants may be brighter than they are.

But, so be it - let us continue to code racism in intellectual, theoretical and bafflegard language!

Maybe the malfunction you seem to be experiencing is that you perceive racism in comments and positions where it doesn't exist. Hard to comprehend, but it is conceivable that it is "your" perception that is faulty.

I have not once referenced Canada as "my" country, although I am proud to say that it is, and have not once expressed a "blatant dislike for immigrants or a fear of what they may do to my country" . Perhaps this is another example of you reading between the lines and dazzling us all with your superior perception and insight, perhaps something else. One thing I do find it is intellectually obtuse and somewhat offensive. The fact that you believe that you can perceive someone else's intentions and views better than them verges on delusional, and completely undermines any credibility to your position in the discussion.

Edited by Spiderfish
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How does this do that exactly?

Look, I don't think there should be segregated swim times but I also recognize that the purpose of this isn't racial hatred like the Jim Crow era. This is to make children who've been subjected to war and hardships unthinkable to your average Canadian more comfortable as they adjust to a new culture. Complaining about this is like throwing a fuss that when you go to the bowling alley, it's league night so you can't get a lane. No one is saying you can't swim in a co-ed swimming pool. No one is saying women should be banned from wearing swimsuits in public. All they're doing is trying to accommodate newcomers who are uncomfortable with co-ed swimming. Some here are reacting like they've banned co-ed swimming altogether or something.

When I'm trying to understand why segregation is okay for you in some circumstances but not others, it's not odd but raises further questions about why sometimes segregation is okay but other times it's not. Context matters, of course. I will give you that. But like I said in my post above this one, this isn't a matter of segregation for racial hatred. It's a matter of segregation to help people adjust and feel more comfortable to a new life after fleeing untold hardship.

I would definitely be against segregation based on racial hatred. I also happen to be against segregation based on religious beliefs. Except self imposed, of course. I believe in freedom of religion, after all.

I just don't believe in the imposition of religion. At all.


What about segregation to give people time to adjust to a new culture. There is such a thing as culture shock.

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions." --Thomas Jefferson

Posted (edited)

What about segregation to give people time to adjust to a new culture. There is such a thing as culture shock.

Is that what this is about? A little segregation of those who are trying to get used to a new culture, with no segregation of anyone else, and an end to any religious based segregation when they've had a chance to mix a little? I never read the article so if that's all the religious people have asked for, with, say, full gender integration, classrooms, swimming, etc, in a few months, then I guess I can be flexible on it.

Edited by bcsapper

I am continually amused by those who try to tap dance around, obfuscate, rationalize, and camouflage the fact that they do not like or want to be associated with people who are immigrants, who look differently, who speak differently and often act differently from them. You will use any excuse from nationalism to national security to hide the fact that you are racist. You hold your own race as superior to that of others and therefore look down your nose at lifestyles and practices of those born elsewhere.

You fear that these folks from other countries may be smarter than you are and contribute more to this country than you do. These folks might be better at your job than you are and you or your children will be replaced.

You are a Canadian!

You are entitled!

You were here first and you want to slam the door!!

Unless you are an aboriginal, you and your ancestors are immigrants - no better or worse than the immigrants of to-day.

So, those people who are saying that people of all races and sexes should swim together are actually camouflaging the fact that they don't want to associate with immigrants? Is that your position? As for the rest of this post....Well, it's got crazy all through it.

I would love to see the response if a Christian group "suggested" that Chistians have a separate time where muslims aren't allowed.

The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so. - Ronald Reagan

I have said that the Western world is just as violent as the Islamic world - Dialamah

Europe seems to excel at fooling people to immigrate there from the ME only to chew them up and spit them back. - Eyeball

Unfortunately our policies have contributed to retarding and limiting their (Muslim's) society's natural progression towards the same enlightened state we take for granted. - Eyeball


Maybe the malfunction you seem to be experiencing is that you perceive racism in comments and positions where it doesn't exist. Hard to comprehend, but it is conceivable that it is "your" perception that is faulty.

I have not once referenced Canada as "my" country, although I am proud to say that it is, and have not once expressed a "blatant dislike for immigrants or a fear of what they may do to my country" . Perhaps this is another example of you reading between the lines and dazzling us all with your superior perception and insight, perhaps something else. One thing I do find it is intellectually obtuse and somewhat offensive. The fact that you believe that you can perceive someone else's intentions and views better than them verges on delusional, and completely undermines any credibility to your position in the discussion.

Why do you assume that I was talking about you?

Is there something in my perception of racism that you find applies to you?

Hey, you know yourself a lot better than do I.. Who am I to disagree?

Note - For those expecting a response from Big Guy: I generally do not read or respond to posts longer then 300 words nor to parsed comments.


So, those people who are saying that people of all races and sexes should swim together are actually camouflaging the fact that they don't want to associate with immigrants? Is that your position? As for the rest of this post....Well, it's got crazy all through it.

I would love to see the response if a Christian group "suggested" that Chistians have a separate time where muslims aren't allowed.

My God! Some folks who do not look like you, do not speak like you and are probably from a different religion than you are are being accommodated !!! Why should we change just to make them feel at home? This is not their home, it is our home!!! They have to learn to be just like us.

Next thing they will want separate schools, take our jobs and create ghettos. They have not earned the right to have the same treatment as you and me and are probably looking for a free ride.

No sir! No more immigration, no more free heath plans for immigrants who haven't worked for it! Time to ban any clothing that makes them different from us and force them to believe in what we believe. Sure, none of us are native to this country but that was in the past. Our ancestors who moved here built this country. They were different from these folks who don't even speak English.

Canada for Canadians only!!!

Now THAT is crazy.

Note - For those expecting a response from Big Guy: I generally do not read or respond to posts longer then 300 words nor to parsed comments.


My God! Some folks who do not look like you, do not speak like you and are probably from a different religion than you are are being accommodated !!! Why should we change just to make them feel at home? This is not their home, it is our home!!! They have to learn to be just like us.

Next thing they will want separate schools, take our jobs and create ghettos. They have not earned the right to have the same treatment as you and me and are probably looking for a free ride.

No sir! No more immigration, no more free heath plans for immigrants who haven't worked for it! Time to ban any clothing that makes them different from us and force them to believe in what we believe. Sure, none of us are native to this country but that was in the past. Our ancestors who moved here built this country. They were different from these folks who don't even speak English.

Canada for Canadians only!!!

Now THAT is crazy.

But, what you don't "get" is that most people are saying they should have the same treatment as the rest of us.

You people who fight to the bitter end that everything be equal - from sexes, transgender, race and religion. However, when it comes to accommodating muslims, it's all "hey man, lets just let them do whatever they want, because to have them live by Canadian rules is racist".

The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so. - Ronald Reagan

I have said that the Western world is just as violent as the Islamic world - Dialamah

Europe seems to excel at fooling people to immigrate there from the ME only to chew them up and spit them back. - Eyeball

Unfortunately our policies have contributed to retarding and limiting their (Muslim's) society's natural progression towards the same enlightened state we take for granted. - Eyeball


Some here are reacting like they've banned co-ed swimming altogether or something.

Slippery slopes seem to be getting shorter, steeper and more slippery over time.

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.


But, what you don't "get" is that most people are saying they should have the same treatment as the rest of us.

You people who fight to the bitter end that everything be equal - from sexes, transgender, race and religion. However, when it comes to accommodating muslims, it's all "hey man, lets just let them do whatever they want, because to have them live by Canadian rules is racist".

Give me a break. The racists are demanding that the immigrants conform immediately to Canadian culture, living, speech - Canadian by their own strict definition. These racists are also all immigrants or the offspring of immigrants but do not want these new immigrants to be given the same welcome and opportunity as their ancestors.

They got through the door and now want to close that door.

Well, too bad. It ain't gonna happen. Start learning to adapt.

Note - For those expecting a response from Big Guy: I generally do not read or respond to posts longer then 300 words nor to parsed comments.

Posted (edited)

Why do you assume that I was talking about you?

I didn't assume, you quoted me and responded to my post by accusing me of discussing my dislike of immigrants....

It's laughable if nothing else, however contributes nothing to a discussion.

Just because you are "discussing" your dislike of immigrants and fear what they will do to "your" country.

It may serve you well to pay attention to your own rants and intolerance for diversity of opinion.

Is there something in my perception of racism that you find applies to you?

No, but apparently you have reached a conclusion based on your Jedi-like perception.

Hey, you know yourself a lot better than do I.. Who am I to disagree?

I'm sure you would disagree, you apparently know about everyone's motivations based on...?

I know your disdain for "parsed posts", maybe this will be the end of your inane games and baseless accusations.

Edited by Spiderfish

"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck." but since ducks are not very popular it would probably deny that it is a duck.

"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer" - close that immigration door!

Note - For those expecting a response from Big Guy: I generally do not read or respond to posts longer then 300 words nor to parsed comments.


Don't get me wrong... I think it's abhorrent. But I think you and Argus are hypocritical about this.

Why? If some prudes want to set up a private event where the genders are segregated I think that's entirely up to them. That's not what happened. We didn't see the local Muslim representatives setting up special classes, but instead demanding regular classes segregate the genders according to their religious and cultural beliefs. Why is it hypocritical to say Canadians should not allow their public organizations to be pressured into conforming with barbarous third world cultural practices in order to please a very few parents?

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley


I'm not exactly sure who this diatribe was directed at, but I too am constantly amused by those who feel they are above everything in a civil discussion about immigration and integrating newcomers into a society, and "look down their noses" at those who don't hold a certain point of view

It's all he's got, basically. Discussing things in a mature and rational fashion is well beyond his abilities.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley


Maybe the malfunction you seem to be experiencing is that you perceive racism in comments and positions where it doesn't exist. Hard to comprehend, but it is conceivable that it is "your" perception that is faulty.

Much like Donald Trump (and with the same degree of intellectual sophistication) people who like to stand on a pedestal and lecture others about their perceived moral faults never once pause to question their own motivations, regardless on how little evidence they have to support their conclusions. They are morally superior and righteous in their condemnation of their inferiors. And that's all they know or care to know.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley


My God! Some folks who do not look like you, do not speak like you and are probably from a different religion than you are are being accommodated !!! Why should we change just to make them feel at home? This is not their home, it is our home!!! They have to learn to be just like us.

So it's wrong to feel that immigrants who come from backward countries with barbaric cultural practices and values should learn to be like us? Instead we should change our culture and values to be more like them. Gotcha. Sharia law here we go. And, hey, bonus, that'll really teach those Jews, right! :ph34r:

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

Posted (edited)

No, I'm saying there are other times when there is no segregation of boys and girls. (we are not talking about adults here... stick with the program...)

So it's no different than telling people that sending kids to segregated schools is a choice. So is this.

Don't get me wrong... I think it's abhorrent. But I think you and Argus are hypocritical about this.

It's not the same with segregated schools! Segregated school have their own properties!

Segregation in schools does not extend to public places outside of the schools!

Furthermore.....which part of this is hard to understand?

However, a complaint was received after non-Muslim children were also then segregated, for what the university called practical reasons.

What practical reasons? Since Musims are here....we better behave like Muslims? We better gain their approval?

Does that sound practical to you?

isn't this lunacy? After the leftists had worked so hard to have co-eds.......now, we're going back to segregation, just to make these 14 Muslims feel at home? You gotta be kidding me!

You cracked boy's clubs so that girls can be included.....and now, this? You guys, are mad!

What so special about the Muslims?

Edited by betsy


Please avoid trolling and responding to trolling.

A bunch of posts were taken down because they were all sister branches off of a trolling post.

We do not have time for a meeting of the flat earth society.

<< Où sont mes amis ? Ils sont ici, ils sont ici... >>


Do our public schools still have segregated athletics and gym class? What is the difference between those and segregated swim time at camp? The problem here is calling it 'Sharia swimming'.


Do our public schools still have segregated athletics and gym class? What is the difference between those and segregated swim time at camp? The problem here is calling it 'Sharia swimming'.

When there is segregation it is normally for a reason, as in males and females cannot compete evenly due to the greater strength of males, for example. There is no reason for a swim class to be segregated and none of the parents apparently ever considered that to be necessary until newcomer Muslims from the third world brought their hatred, suspicion and distrust of females to Canada.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

Posted (edited)

Looking back at it, I might have been too harsh. I mean, firstly these are kids who just want to swim.

No, you were not harsh at all in your OP position.

Indoctrination starts at childhood. These kids are being programmed to believe that females are inferior to males, thus they are not allowed to mix. The girls are being primed to "know their place" in a Muslim society.

In Islam, the basic principle of the interaction between men and women is segregation. This means that in all areas of life and in all places whether private or public, contact between men and women is generally prohibited. Many evidences establish the principle of not mixing between the sexes, and there are many ahadith which clarify that this is the case in both public and private areas:

Abu Dawud narrated the following ahadith: The Prophet (saw) said, “The best row for men is the front row, (furthest from the women’s row) and the best row for women is the back row and the worst is the front row (just behind the men).” The Prophet (saw) saw men and women outside the mosque moving side by side in the crowd. He stopped the women saying, “It is not proper for you to walk in the middle of the path, you had better walk along the walls.”


Segregation, is oppressive. Just look what happened to the Blacks.

If you'd supported the movement that opened up the men's clubs to be inclusive to females (which is actually petty, and non-comparable to this).....then, you're confused and inconsistent if you support the Muslim segregation.

That'd make you against women's rights and in effect, you become an enabler. That makes you too, prejudiced against Muslim women.

Why should Muslim women be treated any differently than any other non-Muslim women in Canada? That's inhumane.

Here they are in our land, and they are treated like second class citizens. Do you go for that?

Muslims have their own reason, however it's incompatible with our values. Anyone who insists to go against our values should not be welcomed to stay here.

Edited by betsy

At least the French racists do not hide behind "intellectual bally-hoo". They tell it like it is:


If those Muslims don't take off their clothes then they will be banned!!!

As our local purists have said, you do not want to allow women to wear outfits that cause uncontrolled lust in men. Oh by the way, this is what is being banned:



Note - For those expecting a response from Big Guy: I generally do not read or respond to posts longer then 300 words nor to parsed comments.

Posted (edited)

At least the French racists do not hide behind "intellectual bally-hoo". They tell it like it is:


If those Muslims don't take off their clothes then they will be banned!!!

As our local purists have said, you do not want to allow women to wear outfits that cause uncontrolled lust in men. Oh by the way, this is what is being banned:



They may tell it like it is, but you're not. The issue is about segregation..........not fashion.

Segregation that was demanded from a university - and the stupidity of the university officials to not only allow such a thing to happen on Canadian soil.....but also to indoctrinate our own youth to such thinking. That's going backward!

Blacks were segregated and sat in the back. Muslim females are segregated and sat in the back!

Blacks were not fit to mix with whites due to the color of their skin. Females are not fit to mix with men due to their gender.

Where are the leftists who harp about the Christian religion taking us back to the stone age? Yooo-hoooo..... hello?


"Women are temptresses. They make man sin."

That's the real story behind the fashionable "cover-everything-you-dirty-slut " imposition that Muslims adhere to.

If uncovered women cause uncontrolled lust in men, what are they doing in Canada? Women are uncovered in Canada!

Don't they get lusty when they see women in Canada?

No wonder the Muslim Mayor in London's first major act when he won, was to ban ads of women in bikini!

Sexy women must be his weakness.....causing such terrible distractions. It isn't easy being a man when the alluring succubus is everywhere. :)

Well.....come to think of it, maybe I like Muslims in power. Just for the curiousity of it, you know.....how the leftists will deal

with it. At least you can be sure that abortion will be squashed. No more drunk driving, maybe?

Or, any Clintonesque shrilly women in pant suits? Would there still be Pride parade, I wonder?

Edited by betsy

At least the French racists do not hide behind "intellectual bally-hoo". They tell it like it is:

So you're saying all of France is racist? What other countries are racist? The US? The UK? Are there any countries which, in your opinion, are not racist? Wait, let me guess: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, Lebanon...

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

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