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Israeli War Crimes - Part 2

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Are these people disgusted at the way Turkey treats Cyprus/ Or the way the Ottoman Empire treated Armenians? Or the way Tibetians are treated by China? I am suspicious when the moral high horse is reserved for Jews.

Yah but you are a Zionist. Shame! Shame! Shame!

I believe that double standard is best explained as follows JBG:


" 3D Test of Anti-Semitism:

Demonization, Double Standards, Delegitimization

Nevertheless, we must be clear and outspoken in exposing the new anti-Semitism. I believe that we can apply a simple test - I call it the "3D" test - to help us distinguish legitimate criticism of Israel from anti-Semitism.

The first "D" is the test of demonization. When the Jewish state is being demonized; when Israel's actions are blown out of all sensible proportion; when comparisons are made between Israelis and Nazis and between Palestinian refugee camps and Auschwitz - this is anti- Semitism, not legitimate criticism of Israel.

The second "D" is the test of double standards. When criticism of Israel is applied selectively; when Israel is singled out by the United Nations for human rights abuses while the behavior of known and major abusers, such as China, Iran, Cuba, and Syria, is ignored; when Israel's Magen David Adom, alone among the world's ambulance services, is denied admission to the International Red Cross - this is anti-Semitism.

The third "D" is the test of delegitimization: when Israel's fundamental right to exist is denied - alone among all peoples in the world - this too is anti-Semitism. "

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Now post some anti-Israel demonstrations and editorials not just the pro-Israel ones. The Zionist cancer is everywhere. But you know that, right? And maybe you can tell me as to why some European countries have laws where no one is allowed to criticize or question the Holocaust. And if they do, they will end up in the gulag. One can question or deny any historical event and no one need fear retaliation from the government. The Holocaust is the only exception. Over to you.

Edited by taxme
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As usual the thread had strayed to the point it simply deals with naarcissists trying to bring attention to themselves. There hasn't been an Israeli war crime presented on this thread since it started. What a friggin joke.

If you want to see anything on Israeli war crimes then check out the internet. Plenty of Israeli war crimes to be had.

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Your need to draw attention to yourself in each and every thread and try make it about you speaks for itself.

You come on this forum to hate monger about, dehumanize and insult Jews who are Israeli.

Your personal references which attempt to bring attention and sympathy to yourself as some kind of targeted martyr is simpering and snively at best.

Since you initiated it I respond to it and state your words in my opinion manifest a persecutory delusion a condition described in the DSV Psychiatric Manual as one in which the affected person believes they are being persecuted. Specifically, they believe that harm is occurring, or is going to occur and that a perceived persecutor has the intention to cause them harm.

That is what I would describe your words as showing.

Not sure what this has to do with the Israelis targeting human rights groups looking to shield Palestinians from Israeli aggression.

But, I do think this indicates that Rue is not a fan of Big Guy. Big Guy is truly disappointed. He cannot seem to get through to Rue's conscience so that Rue can appreciate the extent of the damage that the Israeli spreading cancer is doing to innocent Palestinians.

Big Guy has shared some of Rue's "views" with Big Guys Jewish friends. They not only disagree with Rue's representations but suggest Rue is some rogue extremist Zionist giving rational Jews a bad name. They also suggest that he may be an anti-Semite anonymously creating a particularly distasteful character on this board to turn people off Jews. They may be right because he is certainly not painting a very pretty picture.

But, fortunately, Big Guys Jewish friends are very nice people so his attitude towards Jews has not been clouded by Rue's ravings.

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Now post some anti-Israel demonstrations and editorials not just the pro-Israel ones. The Zionist cancer is everywhere. But you know that, right? And maybe you can tell me as to why some European countries have laws where no one is allowed to criticize or question the Holocaust. And if they do, they will end up in the gulag. One can question or deny any historical event and no one need fear retaliation from the government. The Holocaust is the only exception. Over to you.

Lol now you use this thread to try deny the holocaust. Lol.

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You're not going to get closer to peace between 2 groups that each have segments with blood on their hands by only going after one side.

I get what you're saying, the Israeli gov does do some bad stuff, but Canada needs to condemn equally all human rights abuses and violence there. Rather than pressure Israel into the ICC we should get them back to the negotiating table.

I think Western nations should remain friendly with Israel but we need to stay as neutral in the local disputes as we can. We need to help create some kind of situation where we can get rockets and terrorism to be eliminated/reduced and things like settlement building stopped. Maybe sanctions are an option for those cases (not likely to ever happen though!) if all else fails.

I again go back to this post. It criticizes Israeli state policies fairly. I have zero problems with such comments precisely because they are

impartial. They are an example of constructive criticism in discussion. Threads with Big Guy, Marcyus, Kactus, Hudson Jones, Eye, do not use such

terminology. I would hope my nemesis Jacee agrees with the above statement because I can live with it and so can most Israelis or Jews. Our issue is

not fair criticism of certain policies its using the Israeli Palestinian conflict as a cover to spew hatred against Jews which I have time and time again specifically illustrated on this board.

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The same way you deny the root causes of the GWOT in other threads.

If you've seen one denier you've seen them all.

Provide the words, posts, where I have denied the root causes of the "GWOT" whatever that stands for.

You made an accusation to defend Taxme trying to bait me into an exchange denying the holocaust happened. Now put up or shut up.

You are quick to come on this board and make allegations without any proof or reference. Put up or shut up and if the best you

have on this thread is a defence of a holocaust survivor that speaks for itself and your selective participation on this board and why

and when you do intervene-to defend anti semitic baiting.

Go on provide the words. Finish just once what you started.

Edited by Rue
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Not sure what this has to do with the Israelis targeting human rights groups looking to shield Palestinians from Israeli aggression.

...Rue is not a fan of Big Guy. Big Guy is ... He cannot seem to get through to Rue's conscience...

Your selective concern as to when the thread doesn't match up with your need to call Israelis cancers is interesting. You didn't seem to intervene

and ask Taxme what his comments have to do with your thread now did you. When the thread does not deal with the topic of settlements,

but Jews, you remain silent. You don't comment on ask what that has to do with the thread.

More to the point you use language that does not limit your discussions and responses to the topic of settlements but instead use references that

insult Jews for being Israeli and Jews in general. You came on this board and make an insult about Jews being the Chosen people and referring to

the Jews of Masada as no different than extremist terrorists which has nothing to do with the thread.

In fact you started the thread to talk about "war crimes" but then claim you are discussing illegal settlements. The legal questions and issues regarding settlements and who has title to the land on the West Bank do not deal with Geneva war crimes and never have. You haven't a clue what the Geneva war convention is and how it defines war crimes.

This is why Big Guy your words are drivel.

Its your words. Try and try as you do to draw me into a personal name calling session and accuse me of not liking you so you can what run to the moderator and ask I be censored for attacking you, this is not about you. Your narcissistic exercise of trying to make it about you and talk about yourself in the royal prerogative speaks to that narcissism.

You are not "we". Speaking about yourself in the plural means what? Well it means you are engaging in a silly narcissistic exercise or what you've forgotten the script and how you are not supposed to let on there is more than one of you writing it? Which one is it?

Lol. I challenge your words as desperate as you are to try drag me into a personal attack. Its your words. You as a person do not exist. You

are just an anonymous source. While I note what motivates the scripts behind the name, I don't know you, nor would I care to. Its not an issue or the issue

hard as it is for you to imagine I could care less who you are. Its your poisonous toxic, hateful, anti semitic phrases and references I challenge.

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I speak for no one but myself.

In post 180 you stated the above.

You in fact in post 44 made the above comment earlier.

Its interesting because in fact on this thread you have claimed to speak for:

1-all Canadians

2-more than one Israeli

3-still a few people

4-the Jews of Masada, Palestinians, Palestinians who engage in terror

5-Palestinian Americans

6-a few more millions of people

7-Big Guy's Jewish friends (twice)

8-anonymous posters.

In fact after post 44 where you denied to speak on behalf of others, less than 3 posts later you claimed to speak on behalf of the Jews of Masada, Palestinians and Palestinian terrorists.

The fact Big Guy you would come on this forum and deny what you say and how you pose continuously as a spokesperson for others speaks for

itself. Its why I challenge your words as having no credibility. You speak on behalf of others making sweeping negative subjective opinions using them

as your reference and claiming to speak for them or claiming to know what they think.

Now you want to deny those words?

Here's the words and your denial of them speaks loudly:

Post 3

Yet here in Canada we sit..

We are not part…

Time for Canada to..

Post 18

Looks like there are more than one Israelis with a conscience. Not everyone is comfortable with the Netanyahu lurch to the far right and even close to a war:

Post 26

And there are still a few people who are not prepared to charge Israelis with war crimes.

Post 44

I never stated that I speak for anyone but me.

Post 47

Sometimes a people would rather die than be subjugated by an enemy.

For example - The was a place called Masada where about a thousand Jews committed mass suicide rather than live under Roman rule

Post 75

There are Palestinian Americans who are trying to get their issues into the forefront at the DNC

Post 123

… Marcus and Big Guy - and a few more millions of people who care about the innocent civilian Palestinians who are subjected to the Israeli hammer every day.

Post 146

And Canada stands watching. Shame!

Post 159

Some of my friends and colleagues are of the Jewish faith - and they are also rational. All abhor the way that this Zionist government is treating the Palestinians. I agree with them

Post 170

“Perhaps, it is a good ideas that the posters here are anonymous:”

Post 179

Big Guy has shared some of Rue's "views" with Big Guys Jewish friends. They not only disagree with Rue's representations but suggest Rue is some rogue extremist Zionist giving rational Jews a bad name. They also suggest that he may be an anti-Semite anonymously creating a particularly distasteful character on this board to turn people off Jews. They may be right

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Provide the words, posts, where I have denied the root causes of the "GWOT" whatever that stands for.

You made an accusation to defend Taxme trying to bait me into an exchange denying the holocaust happened. Now put up or shut up.

It's only bait if you decide to bite.

What is the GWOT?? (Global war on terror, but you already knew that)

And Taxme was referring to the notion of jailing people who deny the holocaust.

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So what has this got to do with Israel taking more and more Palestinian lands?

Please stay on topic.

Some of my friends and colleagues are of the Jewish faith - and they are also rational. All abhor the way that this Zionist government is treating the Palestinians. I agree with them.

Some of my friends and colleagues are of the Jewish faith - and they are also rational. All abhor the way that this Zionist government is treating the Palestinians. I agree with them.

Interesting that in post 159 above, for someone who lectures me to stay on topic, Big Guy then in the very next sentence went off topic and created fictitious Jews to attack me personally.

He then repeated the exercise in post 179 after not being able to bait a response from me as follows:

"Big Guy has shared some of Rue's "views" with Big Guys Jewish friends. They not only disagree with Rue's representations but suggest Rue is some rogue extremist Zionist giving rational Jews a bad name. They also suggest that he may be an anti-Semite anonymously creating a particularly distasteful character on this board to turn people off Jews. They may be right"

I will not address Big Guy directly on either comment because clearly they are attempts to bait me with anti semitic remarks.

I do contend the above words in posts 159 and 179 show that Big Guy:

1-twice created a fictitious entity he referred to as “my friends and colleagues of the Jewish faith” and “Big Guys (sic) Jewish friends;

2-to then use the above fictitious entity to personally attack me twice with two insults and I quote “ rogue extremist giving rational Jews a bad name.. …” and “ anti-semite anonymously creating a particularly distasteful character on this board to turn people off Jews..”.

I would further argue the above two posts illustrate a clumsy attempt to use the "good Jew bad Jew" tactic an anti semitic device.

Hudson Jones, Big Guy and a few others have engaged in this anti semitic device in previous threads as well and I challenged the device in the past and Ghost remained silent to it and so when he entered this thread claiming I use the accusation of anti Semitism on any criticism of Israel, I directly responded to him earlier stating, no I do not, and when I do specifically mention the words I call anti semitic and explain why they are hateful to Jews.

I take great care to point out the specific words I claim are anti semitic, and expose their anti semitic content as I do now.

I contend as I did on previous threads when this tactic was used, that the passive aggressive technique of creating good Jews to hide behind to then insult me or any Jew who thinks like me has nothing to do with discussing the legality of Israeli settlements and everything to do with inciting hatred against Jews by creating a fictious good Jew to hide behind as doing it..

Big Guy I would contend shows he did not have the integrity to come right out and call me a bad Jew but instead create a fictious Jew to hurl the insult.

Such words Big Guy uses have nothing to do with the issue of legality settlements, but I would contend illustrate how the pretense of discussing those settlements is used to insult me or any other Jew like me who believes we have a right to a Jewish state and its exactly why I referred back to Moonlight Graham's comment which is a classic illustration of criticism that does not attack Jews for bein Jews and is clear it questions policies not people for existing as I contend is the agenda of Bug Guy with Israeli Jews or anyone who supports their right to be an Israeli Jew. His reference to cancer was not limited to just the spread of settlements. He knows where the words come from and I exposed their source-terrorist extremists who coined the term.

I once again define the tactic, expose it, call it out as anti semitic and say loud and clear its testament to words of hatred directed at Jews who Big Guy perceives do not know their place in life, a stateless place.

Ghost can defend such words and pretend they discuss the legality of settlements.

I expose the anti semitic tactic Big Guy uses as follows:

Source: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Good_Jews_and_bad_Jews

"Good Jews and bad Jews" is a common argumentative dichotomy, whereby "good Jews" are those who happen to agree with a person's positive stereotypes regarding how those who happen to practice Judaism or are of Jewish ancestry should behave (and, hence, ought to be protected from criticism) and "bad Jews" are those who fulfill negative stereotypes about how those same individuals should not behave. Either straw-man "group" can be a majority or minority, but both usually fulfill the lowest expectations (by non-Jews, usually those in historically-Christian- or Muslim-dominated territories) of how a Jewish person should be perceived.

Edited by Rue
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It's only bait if you decide to bite.

What is the GWOT?? (Global war on terror, but you already knew that)

And Taxme was referring to the notion of jailing people who deny the holocaust.

As I said earlier the last time you made the above response defending your own attempts to bait me

and not succeeding, its bait the moment its placed on the board.

My responding to the bait does not make it bait, its contents do.

In your world bait only comes into existence once its bitten. That is illogical. Its purpose is defined

not by being bitten but by its design.

In this case the design that speaks to its inherent nature is evidenced in the contents of the words

and no they don't magically become bait only if I respond. What nonsense. What selective nonsense to try

use false logic to avoid dealing with the content of words and try blame their purpose on my reaction to them.

Next once again you and Taxme try change the topic to bait. This thread is not a Global War on Terror thread nor

is it a thread on denying the holocaust.

Isn't it interesting while Big Guy lectures me of going off topic, you 2 simultaneously challenge me for not

going off topic to your attempts to bait me.


Ghost your attempt earlier to deny anti semitic words on this thread by Big Guy, your subsequent attempt to

misrepresent my comments as to anti semitic words and change them deliberately to something I never said,

your attempt to claim I am not specific as to the words I call out as anti semitic, as is your

current defence of Taxme's holocaust denial comments, all speak for themselves.

Go raise the issues with Big Guy, You think he started a thread to discuss world terrorism? Lol. Right.

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The BDS movement continues to gain support around the world:


Hopefully, the Israeli government will get the message soon.

I would like to see the Canadian government join that movement.

Israel never gets any message. They just keep going on and on like that Duracell battery rabbit, and they keep crying and keep trying to tell us all just how hard done by they are. Israel will always be the victim. Why is it that the western media never says a word about the wall that Israel put up?

There will not be any Canadian government or any of their leaders join in any movement against Israel if they want to keep those Zionist dollars to keep rolling in. To do so would be the end of that political party and it's leader because the pro-Israeli Zionists here in Canada would go after them with their controlled corporate media guns a blazing. It must be nice to be a group of rich and powerful people and be able to control a country and it's policies and affairs, eh? :D

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Hopefully, the Israeli government will get the message soon.

Israel never gets any message. They just keep going on and on like that Duracell battery rabbit, and they keep crying and keep trying to tell us all just how hard done by they are. Israel will always be the victim. Why is it that the western media never says a word about the wall that Israel put up?

What message do you wish to deliver? That Israel should go out of business as a Jewish state? That it's time for Judaism to call it quits? For both not bloody likely.

Edited by jbg
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Israel never gets any message. They just keep going on and on like that Duracell battery rabbit, and they keep crying and keep trying to tell us all just how hard done by they are. Israel will always be the victim. Why is it that the western media never says a word about the wall that Israel put up?

Israel will go away as soon as Canada goes away.

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So the Israeli cancer is not content with absorbing Palestinian land but it is going to absorb Palestinian history as well:

Moving Museums

"When Israel unilaterally annexed East Jerusalem, it imposed Israeli law onto its territory - a move that has never been recognised by the international community. The court effectively ruled that Israeli law overrides international law in East Jerusalem."

Israel recognizes no law but its own. These thugs have to be stopped!!

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So the Israeli cancer is not content with absorbing Palestinian land but it is going to absorb Palestinian history as well:

Moving Museums

"When Israel unilaterally annexed East Jerusalem, it imposed Israeli law onto its territory - a move that has never been recognised by the international community. The court effectively ruled that Israeli law overrides international law in East Jerusalem."

Israel recognizes no law but its own. These thugs have to be stopped!!

I would suggest stop using the word 'cancer' when talking about this. That won't help proper dialogue here either.

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