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America under President Trump

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19 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

OK, but Canada abandoned the Kurds two years ago.   Where were/are the other "allies" ?

Why does the burden fall on Trump / United States when others are not there ?

Repeating an out and out falsehood won't make it true...but I appreciate you imitate a classic Trump behaviour.

Burden?  If you want to isolate the US from the world go ahead but actually do it then pull all your businesses out. Yah get back to me on that.

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18 hours ago, Cannucklehead said:

Yeah they are. 

Their reaction to Trump looking into Biden's obviously shady dealings is completely hyperbolic. They're off their rockers.

"We can't see how there's anything wrong with foreign countries giving a Dem VP's son lavish jobs and investing vast fortunes into companies that he owns." That's their sworn position. Just like they took the position that "We have to believe a girl who's making a serious accusation but she can't remember where or what year her alleged crime took place and the witnesses she names all unanimously say "we never saw or heard a thing about that".

Honestly, Hunter already owned a company in the US and he was doing massive amounts of business in China.

If you were hiring someone for a $50+bonuses job in the Ukraine Oil and Gas industry would you choose someone who spoke Ukrainian, had experience and could dedicate himself to it full time or would you chose an American with no experience who already owned a $1B+ business and was barely ever on the continent?

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Oh BC do comment on Trump's offspring  now that attacking offspring is fair game. While you are at it tell me how Rudy's arrested work colleagues trying to flee the US who were asked to investigate Biden are innocent.

Trump's abandonment of the Kurds triggering a massacre and his trying to coerce Ukraine is great foreign policy.

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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Yeah they are. 

Their reaction to Trump looking into Biden's obviously shady dealings is completely hyperbolic. They're off their rockers.

"We can't see how there's anything wrong with foreign countries giving a Dem VP's son lavish jobs and investing vast fortunes into companies that he owns." That's their sworn position. Just like they took the position that "We have to believe a girl who's making a serious accusation but she can't remember where or what year her alleged crime took place and the witnesses she names all unanimously say "we never saw or heard a thing about that".

Honestly, Hunter already owned a company in the US and he was doing massive amounts of business in China.

If you were hiring someone for a $50+bonuses job in the Ukraine Oil and Gas industry would you choose someone who spoke Ukrainian, had experience and could dedicate himself to it full time or would you chose an American with no experience who already owned a $1B+ business and was barely ever on the continent?

Trump's attack on Biden sullying his diplomatic corps and compromising an ally and trying to coerce them is clearly something you won't acknowledge. For someone trying to smeer Biden's business dealings how about you look into Trump's. Someone who call's another a c..sucker through lips covered in herpes sores as Trump shows is absurd. Careful who you kiss.

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1 hour ago, Rue said:

Trump's attack on Biden sullying his diplomatic corps and compromising an ally and trying to coerce them is clearly something you won't acknowledge. For someone trying to smeer Biden's business dealings how about you look into Trump's. Someone who call's another a c..sucker through lips covered in herpes sores as Trump shows is absurd. Careful who you kiss.

C'mon Rue. You saw how Obama stacked the deck against Trump in the exact same way. You saw Hillary pay off foreigners for election dirt. You know how dirty Hunter/Joe's dealings are.

1) Stop acting like Trump is doing something that no one else did. 

2) You need to acknowledge the fact that no collusion evidence was ever found, so Trump was investigated while he was innocent. There's no chance that Biden is innocent. His son pulled in $2B in business/salary from countries where his dad was heavily involved as VP. It reeks like a week old fish.

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4 hours ago, Rue said:

Repeating an out and out falsehood won't make it true...but I appreciate you imitate a classic Trump behaviour.

Burden?  If you want to isolate the US from the world go ahead but actually do it then pull all your businesses out. Yah get back to me on that.


In other words, you have no answer for the other "allies", but have all the answers for the United States.  

Volunteer your own nation's blood and treasure before demanding ours.

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4 hours ago, Cannucklehead said:

Even if they are doing what trump did, they cant be impeached.  He can be. 


If anyone ever conferred a benefit on Joe Biden or his family in exchange for a benefit that they wouldn't have otherwise gotten from the Whitehouse, Joe doesn't need to have a job to lose. He'll be up on serious criminal charges. Book it.

It could be anything from high treason (very unlikely) down to malfeasance. Influence peddling is deadly serious, just no one usually gets caught. Joe's back would have been 100% covered if Hillary got elected.

What you most certainly know is that Hunter Biden mysteriously got a huge salary for a part-time gig at Burisma, and it's a mystery why Joe Biden used the entire weight of his VP status to get a person who investigated Burisma fired. If those two mysteries are tied together in any way then a crime was committed. That's why Joe and Hunter both pretend that Joe was unaware of Hunter's involvement there, and they pretend to never have talked about it. And then a photo surfaced of Joe golfing with his son and another Burisma board member. So now we also have to believe that the conversation of "How do you guys know each other?" never came up as well.

Hunter also did business in China, travelling all the way there on AF2 with his dad for 12 hours, and the story goes that Hunter and his dad never talked about Hunter's business dealing on that trip to China either.

You have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that Joe Biden had no inkling that his son was getting lucrative jobs and doing billion dollar business deals in China and Ukraine, so it's just a matter of just exactly what they were doing to cash in on Joe's VP position. 


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2 hours ago, Cannucklehead said:

Commander in chief:



If the Dems have said it enough times, and they said it loudly enough, then at some point it becomes the truth, right Canucklehead? 

You never learn dude. Never. You'll be a stooge to CNN and the Dems until the day you die. They could tell you that you robbed a bank and shot a teller and you'd just nod your head.

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The EU is waking up to the reality of America no longer covering their asses in Syria with ground troops and air power.

Time for the EU to get some skin in the game....instead of just bitching about Trump.



The Trump administration has been clear that it has no interest in bearing the cost of stability in northern Syria. The threat of Islamic State’s revival or the protection of Kurdish allies are no longer valid arguments for the US to keep its troops in northeast Syria. In the midst of this, Turkey’s military campaign will lead to further escalation and humanitarian disaster, while it may also be the start of profound long-term threats to Europe’s security.

For Europe, the cost of inaction may therefore be greater than taking firm and immediate action, even if that would put (trade) relations with Turkey at risk. It is a moment of truth for the European Union and its member states to show the world that they are determined to act forcefully in protecting human rights as well as preserving Europe’s security.



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40 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

What I find intriguing is that the eu is having a summit tomorrow that was expected to mostly be about brexit.  I guess they will have to extend the summit through the weekend now.  


The EU has been held hostage by Erdogan's threat of 3.6 million refugees being unleashed on Europe.   The Americans have no such interest in Syria, and has even cooperated with Russia against ISIL and chemical weapons stocks...before Trump:



While the EU’s role in the Syrian war has been limited, other global actors have been significantly more engaged. Seen from Europe, U.S. policy on Syria has followed multiple twists and turns, the most important being the strong convergence between the U.S. and Russian diplomacies.

... In contrast to the relatively modest diplomatic activity of the EU, Russia and the United States have joined efforts in several ways.



The strange thing is that the EU has the most to lose from an unstable Syria and rogue Turkey, but it has taken a back seat to the Americans and Russians.

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Democrats backed off impeachment, it's not Trump who is scared wishful thinkers, it's the Democrats chickening out. If the evidence against Trump was as rock solid as the Trump Haters on this forum claim, the Dems never would have let it go, y'all were wrong, just admit it already, enough of the moving goalposts.

Trump owned the Dems again, that's the reality. Too bad the Dems weren't dumb enough to force impeachment anyway.

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One senior Democrat just up and died after waiting so long for Trump to be impeached :



Powerful Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings has died

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Maryland Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, a sharecropper’s son who rose to become the powerful chairman of a U.S. House committee that investigated President Donald Trump, died early Thursday of complications from longstanding health issues, his office said. He was 68.



This is the same Democrat who sparred with Trump over Baltimore's crime troubles.

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15 minutes ago, Boges said:

Anyone read this juvenile note Trump said to Erdagon? 


He's begging him to make a deal. Loser. 

How dare he ask Erdogan to not attack the Kurds? You will spin literally everything into Orange Man Bad.

If Trump stays in Syria, he's a warmonger. If he leaves or pulls troops out of harms way, he's abandoning an ally. If he asks Turkey not to attack the Kurds, he's childish. If he doesn't follow the advice of warmongers, you side with the warmongers when they attack him for it and use their talking points verbatim.

No matter what he does, Orange Man Bad. Trump Derangement Over 9000.

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22 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

How dare he ask Erdogan to not attack the Kurds? You will spin literally everything into Orange Man Bad.

If Trump stays in Syria, he's a warmonger. If he leaves or pulls troops out of harms way, he's abandoning an ally. If he asks Turkey not to attack the Kurds, he's childish. If he doesn't follow the advice of warmongers, you side with the warmongers when they attack him for it and use their talking points verbatim.

No matter what he does, Orange Man Bad. Trump Derangement Over 9000.

Who called him a Warmonger for staying in Syria? Certainly wasn't me. It seems that letting Turkey take over this territory has allowed many ISIS fighters in captivity to be freed. 


The letter is childish because of the writing ability and lack of any semblance of clear and concise message. But I guess that's what rubes that vote for him like. 

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5 minutes ago, Boges said:

Who called him a Warmonger for staying in Syria? Certainly wasn't me. 

The letter is childish because of the writing ability and lack of any semblance of clear and concise message. But I guess that's what rubes that vote for him like. 

The message was very clear. "Do this. If you don't, we'll do this. If you do, we'll do that."

Attacking his choice of wording as if it's some big deal just shows you are grasping at straws.

America should not be in Syria. Demanding they stay there until there is Peace In The Middle East, to be human shields for the Kurds, is a stupid policy, and if you support that, you're a clown.

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3 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

The message was very clear. Do this, if you don't, this will happen, if you do, that will happen. Attacking his choice of wording as if it's some big deal just shows you are grasping at straws. America should not be in Syria, demanding they stay there until there is Peace In The Middle East, to be human shields for the Kurds, is a stupid policy, and if you support that, you're a clown.

Yes I can attack POTUS for having the writing ability of a 10 year old. 

America has stayed in just about every country they've fought wars in. Why not close up shop in Germany, Japan, Turkey, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan? The only outlier would be Vietnam, the war they conclusively lost. I guess this move is an admission of defeat. 

This move will actually provide for a resurgence in ISIS. I guess isolationists don't care. I don't think that's an opinion shared by a majority of Americans. Last night GOP Congressman actually joined the Dems in condemning this move. 

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6 minutes ago, Boges said:

Yes I can attack POTUS for having the writing ability of a 10 year old. 

America has stayed in just about every country they've fought wars in. Why not close up shop in Germany, Japan, Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan?

This move will actually provide for a resurgence in ISIS. I guess isolationists don't care. I don't think that's an opinion shared by a majority of Americans. Last night GOP Congressman actually joined the Dems in condemning this move. 

Siding with GOP warmongers is not a good look for you Boges, and neither is attacking a politicians word choice because you can't find an angle to criticize their actions that is any good.

America has no reason to be in Iraq or Afghanistan, and they should come home. The Middle East being f*cked up is not America's problem. Deterring Nuclear Powers is in America's interests, putting ground troops in the Middle East is waste of lives and resources for a lame cause that is of no benefit to America or the Middle East.

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2 minutes ago, Yzermandius19 said:

Siding with GOP warmongers is not a good look for you Boges, and neither is attacking a politician for choice of wording. America has no reason to be in Iraq or Afghanistan, and they should come home. The Middle East being f*cked up is not America's problem. Deterring Nuclear Powers is in America's interests, putting ground troops in the Middle East is waste of resources for a lame cause.

That's a defendable personal opinion to have, and I think you're sharing Trump's view here. He should be consistent though. Close up shop everywhere. And while they're at it, they could save a bunch of money cutting the military budget since they now seem to refuse to help allies across the world anymore. 

But those GOP Warmongers are the one's that are going to keep Trump from being removed from office. Polls seem to show Impeachment is actually not all that unpopular. 

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