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5 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Well, the polls hit at the epitome of Trump's failure to close a deal.  Seems to me that 36% will support him no matter what.


But if he also isn't able to get the travel ban past the courts and fails to build the wall ... 

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8 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The supreme court might approve the travel ban.  If a federal government cannot control who enters the country, then you really have a problem.

By the time they are done debating it, the travel ban would have been over. (90 days).

Here is the executive order in detail, which would answer some questions posed by people in this forum-

It gives some justification for why these specific countries were selected.

It is a temporary measure, and there's a mechanism for exceptions for various people. It's not a Muslim ban, without any doubt. Actually when I read, this it seems pretty reasonable.


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The following link talks about Russia being peeved at the US Intel. and warning them keep it up and  they will spill info. on the Obama's time in office.                                                                        http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-28/russia-pissed-threatens-spill-obama-admin-secrets-if-us-intel-doesnt-stop-leaking

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22 hours ago, segnosaur said:

Yes, it is true... most of the withdraw health care bill was authored by people other than Trump. However:

- Trump still supported the bill and claimed he was using his great negotiating skills to get people to support it.

To add to that point, Trump and Steve Bannon both went to war against the "Freedom Caucus" over this.  Trump gave them an ultimatum... "if you don't vote for this, Obamacare stays while I move onto something else."  And Bannon tried to bully them. "This is not a discussion. This is not a debate. You don't have a choice."  And the Freedom Caucus people gave them the finger. Ultimately, Mr Art of the Deal couldn't make a deal with his own party.


22 hours ago, segnosaur said:

It wasn't just the republican's failure, It was Trumps.

There's a clear pattern emerging.  Anything good that happens is because of the Great Leader.  Anything not good that happens is somebody else's fault.  That's how his supporters see it, and that's how Trump and his staff and his media outlets are spinning everything as well.


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Just now, kimmy said:

Latest member of the Trump team who had meetings with suspicious Russian contacts... the son-in-law!  Jared Kushner, come on down!


Newsflash...the following link is what I listen to on the weekend and its the documents that the Rep. leader of the Intel has that Trump was wiretapped.                                                                           


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7 minutes ago, Topaz said:

Newsflash...the following link is what I listen to on the weekend and its the documents that the Rep. leader of the Intel has that Trump was wiretapped.                                                                           


Devin Nunes himself has walked back that claim. The information that has been revealed, by the way, is that Trump appears in these wiretaps because the feds were monitoring people he was talking to-- obviously people like Flynn and Manafort.



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1 hour ago, kimmy said:

Devin Nunes himself has walked back that claim. The information that has been revealed, by the way, is that Trump appears in these wiretaps because the feds were monitoring people he was talking to-- obviously people like Flynn and Manafort.



Here's another link.....                                                              


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38 minutes ago, Topaz said:

Here's another link.....                                                              


Here's a question... can you actually provide evidence from written sources (textual web pages)?

Not all of us can watch/listen to videos, and even when we can, its not easy to address any issues that are brought up (in case we want to debunk anything written.)

ETA: I'm not sure when your particular video was uploaded, but looking at the broadcaster's website, it looks like the video is over half a week old... its possible that his claims of "Trump being wiretapped" are outdated. (As Kimmy says, of of what Nunes has said he has retracted.)

Edited by segnosaur
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1 hour ago, segnosaur said:

Here's a question... can you actually provide evidence from written sources (textual web pages)?

Not all of us can watch/listen to videos, and even when we can, its not easy to address any issues that are brought up (in case we want to debunk anything written.)

ETA: I'm not sure when your particular video was uploaded, but looking at the broadcaster's website, it looks like the video is over half a week old... its possible that his claims of "Trump being wiretapped" are outdated. (As Kimmy says, of of what Nunes has said he has retracted.)

Sorry I can't this is what  Grapevine gave me to look at and I too, rather read than listen but the video is only maybe  20-30 minutes and the evidence is the same and hasn't changed unless more is added but the engame is Trump is right and Obama gang is in deep trouble so much so they are  using the Nunes to get him to step down because he can expose the corruption. The committee was suppose meet today but the FBI and NSA refused to come back. Now  r they part of it or r they being threaten?

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6 minutes ago, Topaz said:

Sorry I can't this is what  Grapevine gave me to look at and I too, rather read than listen but the video is only maybe  20-30 minutes and the evidence is the same and hasn't changed unless more is added but the engame is Trump is right and Obama gang is in deep trouble so much so they are  using the Nunes to get him to step down because he can expose the corruption. The committee was suppose meet today but the FBI and NSA refused to come back. Now  r they part of it or r they being threaten?

Sorry, but I suspect that if I spent my time listening to that, it would be 20-30 minutes that I would be closer to death with nothing useful to show for it.

Yes the evidence is the same... there is nada, zip, ziltch. That this one broadcaster on one radio station is the only source for your "evidence" should be setting off alarm bells. Heck, if you can't even point to something on Fox News' web site (which tends to be more supportive of Trump and critical of Obama) then that should indicate that perhaps your source of information is flawed.

As for Nunes... I think the reason people want him to step down is because they think he's too friendly with Trump... having worked for his campaign, and brought evidence to the whitehouse before bringing it to the committee. In other words, they don't want him to step down because they fear he'll expose Obama, but because he WON'T properly investigate Trump.



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4 hours ago, segnosaur said:

Sorry, but I suspect that if I spent my time listening to that, it would be 20-30 minutes that I would be closer to death with nothing useful to show for it.

Yes the evidence is the same... there is nada, zip, ziltch. That this one broadcaster on one radio station is the only source for your "evidence" should be setting off alarm bells. Heck, if you can't even point to something on Fox News' web site (which tends to be more supportive of Trump and critical of Obama) then that should indicate that perhaps your source of information is flawed.

As for Nunes... I think the reason people want him to step down is because they think he's too friendly with Trump... having worked for his campaign, and brought evidence to the whitehouse before bringing it to the committee. In other words, they don't want him to step down because they fear he'll expose Obama, but because he WON'T properly investigate Trump.



Patient, the only thing I can tell u is goggle dennis montgomery and or YouTube.

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7 hours ago, Topaz said:

Sorry I can't this is what  Grapevine gave me to look at

By any chance is your "grapevine" actually a bunch of Obama-hating couch-potatoes who share these videos around on Facebook?


7 hours ago, Topaz said:

Nunes to get him to step down because he can expose the corruption

You seem to think these hearings are about wiretapping. They're not. The hearings are about the Trump campaign's contacts with Russian agents. You know, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Rick Gates, Jeff Sessions, Jared Kushner, all these Trump associates who keep hanging out with Russian bankers and Russian billionaires for reasons that nobody seems to understand.

Devin Nunes isn't trying to expose the corruption, Nunes is trying to hide it. That's why last week he turned the open hearings into closed hearings, and that's why today he cancelled them altogether.  It's why he went running to the White House in the middle of the night with privileged information last week to strategize with Trump.


7 hours ago, Topaz said:

The committee was suppose meet today but the FBI and NSA refused to come back.

Is that what your "grapevine" told you?  It's utterly false.

Devin Nunes cancelled the hearings today, because they are desperately trying to find a way to prevent Sally Yates from testifying.  Sally Yates, the interim Attorney General before Jeff Sessions was appointed, was schedule to testify about what she knew about Michael Flynn's contact with Russia.


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13 hours ago, kimmy said:

To add to that point, Trump and Steve Bannon both went to war against the "Freedom Caucus" over this.  Trump gave them an ultimatum... "if you don't vote for this, Obamacare stays while I move onto something else."  And Bannon tried to bully them. "This is not a discussion. This is not a debate. You don't have a choice."  And the Freedom Caucus people gave them the finger. Ultimately, Mr Art of the Deal couldn't make a deal with his own party.

It's entirely possible Donald Trump doesn't give a crap. A good deal-maker understands what an ultimatum means.

Anyway I wouldn't get all misty-eyed about the "Freedom Caucus". These are hardliners, and from what I understand they want even more radical change. They want repeal without replacement.

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8 hours ago, kimmy said:

By any chance is your "grapevine" actually a bunch of Obama-hating couch-potatoes who share these videos around on Facebook?


You seem to think these hearings are about wiretapping. They're not. The hearings are about the Trump campaign's contacts with Russian agents. You know, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Rick Gates, Jeff Sessions, Jared Kushner, all these Trump associates who keep hanging out with Russian bankers and Russian billionaires for reasons that nobody seems to understand.

Devin Nunes isn't trying to expose the corruption, Nunes is trying to hide it. That's why last week he turned the open hearings into closed hearings, and that's why today he cancelled them altogether.  It's why he went running to the White House in the middle of the night with privileged information last week to strategize with Trump.


Is that what your "grapevine" told you?  It's utterly false.

Devin Nunes cancelled the hearings today, because they are desperately trying to find a way to prevent Sally Yates from testifying.  Sally Yates, the interim Attorney General before Jeff Sessions was appointed, was schedule to testify about what she knew about Michael Flynn's contact with Russia.


yes, he had to cancel because, Schiff wouldn't sign off on Comey and the NSA coming back to testify who need to clarify their last statements plus the new evidence found and this was stated by another member on the committee.

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The evidence that Nunes has id not good for the FBI, NSA and others under Obama leadership and so the Dems and their news supporters and  spinning and spinning to kick out Nunes. So until Schiff agrees to go back to the meeting and let everyone who want to testify, we just hearing spinning and fake news,

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11 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

It's entirely possible Donald Trump doesn't give a crap. A good deal-maker understands what an ultimatum means.

Yes they do. But the Republicans control the house, senate and presidency. Trump claimed he knew the system better than anybody.

If he were really a "good dealmaker" like he claims he is, he shouldn't have needed an ultimatum.

Anyway I wouldn't get all misty-eyed about the "Freedom Caucus". These are hardliners, and from what I understand they want even more radical change. They want repeal without replacement.

Yes they do. Of course, Trump also wasn't able to get a rather large group of moderates on his side either, nor was he able to get any support from the Democrats. So much for Trump the "deal maker".

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4 hours ago, Topaz said:

The evidence that Nunes has id not good for the FBI, NSA and others under Obama leadership ...

You keep suggesting that there is this devastating evidence against the FBI/NSA/Obama. How do you know? Nunes hasn't revealed anything. And the president (despite having the authority to access and even declassify documents) hasn't actually released anything. You would think that if such evidence existed that it would have been revealed.

More likely scenario is that no such evidence exists, and what you are claiming as "evidence" is basically pointless claims based on absolutely nothing echoed back and forth between Trump supporters as they hope for a miracle, some tiny little thing that they can take out of context and lie about to say something that it doesn't.

...and so the Dems and their news supporters and  spinning and spinning to kick out Nunes.

The reason the Democrats want Nunes kicked out have been well established... Nunes met with Trump officials on certain issues before meeting with the intelligence committee, something that should not have been done, and even Nunes admits it was a mistake. This makes the Democrats wary that Nunes isn't acting as an impartial investigator.

Its a reasonable claim to make... You'd be suspicious of a cop who gives all the evidence to the criminal before he brings it to the prosecuting attorney.

And it may not just be the Democrats... at least one republican has also suggested that Nunes should no longer be heading the investigation.


North Carolina Rep. Walter Jones on Tuesday became the first congressional Republican to call for fellow party member Rep. Devin Nunes to step aside from leading the House Intelligence Committee’s probe into alleged ties between Russia and Donald Trump’s successful presidential campaign.

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7 hours ago, segnosaur said:

Yes they do. But the Republicans control the house, senate and presidency. Trump claimed he knew the system better than anybody.

If he were really a "good dealmaker" like he claims he is, he shouldn't have needed an ultimatum.



Yes they do. Of course, Trump also wasn't able to get a rather large group of moderates on his side either, nor was he able to get any support from the Democrats. So much for Trump the "deal maker".

Hence "It's entirely possible Donald Trump doesn't give a crap."

If Republican party are a bunch of douchebags who can't get their own show together, no deal.

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Today's news is the following and I wondering who stopped it...Obama or Clinton                                                                               http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/03/29/comey-reportedly-tried-to-expose-possible-russia-tampering-before-election.html

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