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How Trudeau is winning my vote

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haha. Haters gonna hate.

I think if I was JT I would launch a bunch of Harper attack ads that would blow his ass off. There is no shortage of material to work with all the way from In/Out, to F35, to the Senate, and of course never forget record setting use of prorogation and then the crowning glory, "contempt of parliament" I have of course left out lot's but wouldn't it be a hoot putting those together? What's Harper got? A couple of cheap shots of JT punching Brazeau's lights out.

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I think if I was JT I would launch a bunch of Harper attack ads that would blow his ass off.

There is certainly no shortage of material to use, but studies have shown that though negative ads get rave reviews from conservatives, they aren't received well by lefties. The sickening attack ads the Harper government runs may attract some red Tories and lock up blue grits, but then also send lefties back to the NDP fold.

Edited by Mighty AC
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As someone that cares about democracy, social issues and the environment I've been voting against Harper for some time; though I've never really been enamored with any leadership option. However, I'm actually excited about the possibility of JT leading this country. He's a defender of choice on social issues. He's going to end the ridiculous and expensive war on pot. He, so far, appears to be a pragmatic centrist on economic issues. On top of that, he's a great communicator with intelligence and personality. It would be nice to feel proud about the direction and position of our country again.

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There is certainly no shortage of material to use, but studies have shown that though negative ads get rave reviews from conservatives, they aren't received well by lefties. The sickening attack ads the Harper government runs may attract some red Tories and lock up blue grits, but then also send lefties back to the NDP fold.

Oh I agree. I was just blowing off a little steam with my last. It's actually quite pathetic what Harper is attempting and it will only get worse as we close in on the election is my guess. I truly hope JT doesn't feel a need to respond in kind. I have a strong hope that JT will come out with an actual outline of plans for ways to move forward as opposed to Harper's only hope of a smear campaign. Who knows, maybe another round of "Trudeaumania" where we can actually be proud of our PM.

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Trudeau Mk II doesn't have the presence as Trudeau Mk I. He knows it and he forces it out and he comes across as disingenuous. Yes, this is a highly subjective superficial analysis....but it is that type of inane superficial BS that wins elections.

However, in the same vein he will just beat Sneaky Steve. Only because Sneaky Steve has less presence. His only positive feature is Helmet Hair.

Forced Trudeau Presence > Helmet Hair

Which is a shame because I'm beginning to like Sneaky Steve, mainly because he is sneaky....and Helmet Hair-it didn't move during his "Titanic" photo op....that's almost worth a vote.

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Trudeau Mk II doesn't have the presence as Trudeau Mk I. He knows it and he forces it out and he comes across as disingenuous. Yes, this is a highly subjective superficial analysis....but it is that type of inane superficial BS that wins elections.

However, in the same vein he will just beat Sneaky Steve. Only because Sneaky Steve has less presence. His only positive feature is Helmet Hair.

Forced Trudeau Presence > Helmet Hair

Which is a shame because I'm beginning to like Sneaky Steve, mainly because he is sneaky....and Helmet Hair-it didn't move during his "Titanic" photo op....that's almost worth a vote.

And how is he sneaky??

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A recent Abacus poll was telling - it was a pretty clear and easy question....is Trudeau in over his head or not? 24% said he was and a full 50% were "not sure". Andy Radia - the local LIberal shill - tried to put lipstick on the pig but imagine - 24% are sure and 50% think he might be in over his head. People might not have liked Ignatieff or Bob Rae or Preston Manning or Paul Martin or Tom Mulcaire - or even Gilles Duceppe (except maybe Stephane Dion).......but not many people would say, unsure or not, that they were in over their head!

Link: https://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/canada-politics/canadians-weigh-in-about-justin-trudeau-being-in-over-150920484.html

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Now we have general Leslie coming out swinging at Israel, while trueau never did. So It seems to me the liberals have decided to forget the jewish vote and go hard after the muslim vote or is leslie shooting off at the mouth?

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There is certainly no shortage of material to use, but studies have shown that though negative ads get rave reviews from conservatives, they aren't received well by lefties. The sickening attack ads the Harper government runs may attract some red Tories and lock up blue grits, but then also send lefties back to the NDP fold.

Sickening attacks ads, WTF are you talking about. But since the numbers coming in on economy with a 3.1 % growth, more then the experts came out with, I guess you guys are stuck having to make stuff up. LOL
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Lets start looking at his advisors, lets start with Butts who was principal secretary to Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and is the former president and CEO of the World Wildlife Fund-Canada. So right there tells us a lot, spend and spend, gun control and carbon taxes, oh sorry that will be deon the enviro minister. And then Omar Alghabra, so I guess he will take another shot a sharia law for Canada, this guy should be deported. Once the election gets here harper will rub that smug look off trudeau's face.

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Now we have general Leslie coming out swinging at Israel, while trueau never did. So It seems to me the liberals have decided to forget the jewish vote and go hard after the muslim vote or is leslie shooting off at the mouth?

I can't find any mention of general klink's remarks in the star or globe, did I miss it or are they hiding it.
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Depends on where you live. But I don't live in fear because of what could happen. The only thing worth stealing is my guns and there are locked up tighter then a drum. Triple locked steel case anchored to the floors and the wall.

And if someone walks in and puts a knife to your throat you'll hand the key over and they'll make a tidy profit...

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Lets start looking at his advisors, lets start with Butts who was principal secretary to Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty and is the former president and CEO of the World Wildlife Fund-Canada. So right there tells us a lot, spend and spend, gun control and carbon taxes, oh sorry that will be deon the enviro minister. And then Omar Alghabra, so I guess he will take another shot a sharia law for Canada, this guy should be deported. Once the election gets here harper will rub that smug look off trudeau's face.

Really? I don't disagree with your doubts about Trudeau, but the Conservatives have shown themselves to be utterly incapable of communicating ideas to the public over the past twenty years, and Stephen Harper is a dull speaker without a shred of charisma. Placed alongside Trudeau he looks washed out and worn out. Think Nixon against Kennedy. If the Conservatives want to win the next election they'd do well to have him take a long walk in the snow this winter.

Edited by Argus
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If the Conservatives want to win the next election they'd do well to have him take a long walk in the snow this winter.

Not that Trudeau the Smarter's replacement leader after the snow walk of February 29, 1984, John Turner, did well in the next election. Edited by jbg
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Harper is in "way over his head" with these petty, painfully contrived attack ads and I expect they will backfire big time. Especially if Trudeau plays his cards right and further reveals meaningful policy ideas while Harper tries to look for some legacy issue while trying to stamp out the latest scandal fire all with the backdrop of the Duffy trial. Then we'll see who's smug look gets wiper off their face.

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Really? I don't disagree with your doubts about Trudeau, but the Conservatives have shown themselves to be utterly incapable of communicating ideas to the public over the past twenty years, and Stephen Harper is a dull speaker without a shred of charisma. Placed alongside Trudeau he looks washed out and worn out. Think Nixon against Kennedy. If the Conservatives want to win the next election they'd do well to have him take a long walk in the snow this winter.

I think you hit the nail on the head here. I like your honest conservatism, even though I generally oppose it. I expect that 30 years from now when I am retired and happily mocking the nine to fivers, my politics will be considered conservative and maybe even a little regressive.

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I think his position on what legalizing pot means would be a good measure of what to expect. A couple of simple yes or no questions should tell the story.

Will people be free to grow their own or will they be forced buy it in from some licenced corporation in a government run store?

OTOH a long-winded answer that avoids saying yes or no will probably tell us everything we really need to know about him right off the bat.

Edited by eyeball
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I'm a Liberal and will always vote Liberal so Justin will get my vote, while i'm all for the total legalization of pot i wish the media would put forth more of his plans on governance than just his stance on the legalization of pot.

Why? You don't care what his plans are. You've already said you'll vote for him no matter what he does.

A position, by the way, I regard as irredeemably stupid.

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I'm a Liberal and will always vote Liberal so Justin will get my vote, while i'm all for the total legalization of pot i wish the media would put forth more of his plans on governance than just his stance on the legalization of pot.

Under no conditions will I vote for Trudeau, Mulcair or Harper. Or any MP in the parties they head.
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