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Ottawa mosque losess its charitable status.

Other speeches in other cities



The hate and intolerance allegations relate to guest speakers invited to the mosque in 2009 and 2013 who said what the CRA characterized as hateful things in other cities, according to Abdulle.

"They did not say it in our mosque, they said it somewhere else," he said.

"We think it's unfair to us and it's unfair to the community to be revoking our charitable status over what somebody said."


Really?  You paid an extremist imam to come speak on your behalf.  Whether he said what he said in your mosque or whether he said what he said somewhere else - he was speaking on your behalf, at your request, to your people.

Everything is "unfair" to Islam when they don't get their own way........:rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

So when Sweden became the rape capital of Europe we were told over and over again by the liberals and progressives that this had nothing to do with the flood of Muslim migrants from the middle east. No, no! It's because they changed their definitions, you see! That's all! Nothing to see here! And since the Swedish government refused to provide ethnicities the sturdy defenders of Islam were able to hold that up as a shield to protect their beloved religion.

Only now we have actual statistics. And these show that 58% of rapes and 85% of 'violent rapes' where the assailant is apprehended are, uhm, born outside of Sweden, is the way they put it. Most are from the Middle East and Afghanistan. Note that only a tiny percentage of rapes result in an apprehension and conviction. There were approximately 33,000 rape complaints during the five year period with only 843 convictions. No ethnic or geographical breakdown is known regarding the rest since the government refuses to provide any.


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This is someone's blog showing the video but I saw this video posted by Tarek Fatah a respected Muslim journalist -  how is this legal in Ontario?  I've also seen other videos taken in the U.K. and elsewhere  of animals slaughtered in backyards, how is this legal, how is this acceptable considering how the animals are slaughtered for Hal Hal ( which means they have to be alive when slaughtered, no stunning first)   It also appears that the cow really was alive for a while while being skinned. 

Would the humane society intervene if called?




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26 minutes ago, scribblet said:


This is someone's blog showing the video but I saw this video posted by Tarek Fatah a respected Muslim journalist -  how is this legal in Ontario?  I've also seen other videos taken in the U.K. and elsewhere  of animals slaughtered in backyards, how is this legal, how is this acceptable considering how the animals are slaughtered for Hal Hal ( which means they have to be alive when slaughtered, no stunning first)   It also appears that the cow really was alive for a while while being skinned. 

Would the humane society intervene if called?




It's a problem in other countries, too.



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Growing up in BC, we slaughtered pigs and chickens "in our backyard".  It was a semi-rural area, plots of land between 2 and 5 acres.   

Still I agree that a cow being slaughtered in an urban area is a different thing.   Also it is illegal, so I hope charges come out of this.

According to Halton Police, the slaughter took place at the site of a Mosque that is under construction, so not quite "in the backyard", but illegal nonetheless.   At least according to a tweet from Tarek, today.  Couldn't find any other source about the slaughter.

As my sister has influenced her Muslim-raised husband with her Western tender and progressive sensibilities, he will no longer attend the ritual slaughter of cows.

Stupid religion, thinking God requires a sacrifice.

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Apparently the more blood the better.  Western countries don't seem to want to prosecute for fearing of offending cultural or religious sensibilities...   sheez  people can still slaughter their own food if it's on a farm and for their own consumption, none of these places are farms.   I'd be surprised if the police did anything, maybe give a warning but that's all.   

It also required that an animal first be stunned and not regain consciousness before being drained of blood, this should apply to any religion, or slaughter should not be allowed.     

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On 5/17/2018 at 12:03 PM, Michael Hardner said:

1) 'Labelling' is something that happens in life.  There are no training wheels to protect you if you have an opinion that people don't like.

2) Again, she has an opinion so she should live with what people think of it.  That is how a public works.

One tactic here is to ignore your opinion/facts while trying to attribute something said to that person , in which that person never said.

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55 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

One tactic here is to ignore your opinion/facts while trying to attribute something said to that person , in which that person never said.

I have to say that happens everywhere.  People who don't like it when one points out something they can't refute but would prefer wasn't discussed decide that what was said was actually something completely different, so they can at least falsely ascribe a motive, which can then be jumped on by like minded people.

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1 hour ago, scribblet said:

At least it prompted some action on the part of the government, even if these 2 sickos basically got away with it.


The secret footage – which emerged two years ago – sparked a public outcry and this week legislation was put before the Commons that will force all abattoirs to install CCTV.


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The religion of peace is showing its tolerance once again! But don't worry, it's probably because of western interference or Israel or colonization or something!

An Indonesian court has sentenced a woman who complained about a noisy mosque to 18 months in prison for blasphemy.

The ethnic Chinese woman, Meiliana, burst into tears as presiding Judge Wahyu Prasetyo Wibowo announced the sentence Tuesday. She was taken from the court in handcuffs.

Prosecutors said the 44-year-old defendant violated the criminal code by committing blasphemy against Islam, the dominant faith in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation.

Mobs burned and ransacked at least 14 Buddhist temples throughout Tanjung Balai, a port town on Sumatra, in a July 2016 riot following reports of Meiliana's complaint about a mosque's noisy loudspeakers.


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This will probably be dismissed as propaganda by the ever frantic defenders of Islam, and it's certainly put together by someone who does not like Islam. It's basically Bill Maher being interviewed on Charlie Rose, interspersed with statements by Fahad Ullah Qureshi, the head of Islam.net in front of a Muslim crowd. He basically says that believing in beheading blasphemers or stoning adulterers or killing homosexuals is not the view of 'extremists' but the common Muslim belief, because Allah says it is. And the crowd all agree.


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Imran Khan on blasphemy:

“We are standing with Article 295c and will defend it,” said the leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) at a gathering of Muslim leaders in Islamabad on Saturday, referring to the clause of the constitution that mandates the death penalty for any “imputation, insinuation or innuendo” against the prophet Muhammad.

As a politician, he makes a good cricketer...

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200 migrants attack police cars sent to deport a single refugee in Germany and force officers to flee - buying their friend time to escape

Asylum seekers swarmed around three police cars sent to take him to airport 

They hammered on the police vehicles so hard the cars were damaged 

Police unable to send more reinforcements because it would've taken too long 

The man they wanted to deport has now fled and gone into hiding, say police  

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Britain’s first female sharia judge said the UK government has no right to prohibit Islamic polygamy.

Amra Bone said “the government cannot ask Muslims not to have more than one wife. People have a right to decide for themselves.”

According to The Times some 100,000 Muslims in the UK are currently married under sharia marriages not recognized by UK law. Many of these marriages are polygamous.

The growth in sharia marriages is being driven by people under 30, part of a new generation which is more religious than their parents.

Under sharia marriages, not recognized by the British state, women have none of the protections afforded to women under British law. Critically, this means they have no rights to any division of assets in the case of a divorce.

Earlier this year a report found that Muslim women across Britain were systematically oppressed, abused and discriminated against by sharia law courts that treated women as second-class citizens. The 40-page report by Baronness Cox, a leading human rights campaigner, found women were pressured by their communities to use sharia courts rather than civil courts and were threatened and intimidated if they did not comply.


and more on the U.K. and FGM


UK schoolgirls pressured into FGM, campaigner says

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1 hour ago, scribblet said:

Earlier this year a report found that Muslim women across Britain were systematically oppressed, abused and discriminated against by sharia law courts that treated women as second-class citizens. The 40-page report by Baronness Cox, a leading human rights campaigner, found women were pressured by their communities to use sharia courts rather than civil courts and were threatened and intimidated if they did not comply.

It's too bad the UK doesn't have a conservative party which would put an end to such things. Instead it has, well, Theresa May.

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17 hours ago, Argus said:

It's too bad the UK doesn't have a conservative party which would put an end to such things.

Anyone who dares to stand up to it will be immediately and completely vilified. Only a person with great determination and a very thick skin could withstand the attack. Only someone who's a rude boor... who doesn't give a heck if what they say is offensive to anyone.

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37 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I agree with the judge in that people should be allowed to marry whoever they want, and however many they want.  I wonder what her thoughts on polyandry and gay marriage are.


Isn't there a bit of an issue with multiple wives w/ children = more government money? I've heard of more than one case.

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7 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Isn't there a bit of an issue with multiple wives w/ children = more government money? I've heard of more than one case.

For sure, but that's been a problem for a while.  Having another kid to get a bigger council house.  Have another one and no need to work.

It's one of those things that remains mainly anecdotal, because if it didn't someone might have to do something about it, and that goes against the "anything for a quiet life" philosophy of many government departments.

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2 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

For sure, but that's been a problem for a while.  Having another kid to get a bigger council house.  Have another one and no need to work.

It's one of those things that remains mainly anecdotal, because if it didn't someone might have to do something about it, and that goes against the "anything for a quiet life" philosophy of many government departments.


That's certainly the impression I got even back in the 1970s...everything will be fine as long as the fuss is kept to a minimum. However, my impression of both the UK and Canadian governments is that they can not IMAGINE being played by the very folks they seek to...errr...help. To admit it is to admit to making a...gasp...error. 

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3 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


That's certainly the impression I got even back in the 1970s...everything will be fine as long as the fuss is kept to a minimum. However, my impression of both the UK and Canadian governments is that they can not IMAGINE being played by the very folks they seek to...errr...help. To admit it is to admit to making a...gasp...error. 

I know.  I was always in favour of helping folk out when they needed it.  I just think they should show that they need it, and not get it if they don't.

That opinion can get you drummed out of a few organizations.

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3 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Anyone who dares to stand up to it will be immediately and completely vilified. Only a person with great determination and a very thick skin could withstand the attack. Only someone who's a rude boor... who doesn't give a heck if what they say is offensive to anyone.

Not necessarily. I think Boris Johnson kind of fits your description of a bit of a rude boor, but on the other hand I think Jacob Rees Mogg can speak plainly without being a boor. Then there's Theresa May, who starts off her appearance at a Tory convention reciting her favorite verses from the Koran to show how unbiased and inclusive she is...

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