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Rob Ford, mayor of Toronto UPDATES


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Why is it that people on the left, the same ones calling for drug legalization and telling us drugs are not bad, are the ones leading the attacks on Ford for his own drug use? Don't they see their own hypocrissy.

This is why the CPC is implementing mandatory minimum sentences, so anyone who takes illegal drugs gets convicted and carries a criminal record. Keep the people safe.

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Why is it that people on the left, the same ones calling for drug legalization and telling us drugs are not bad, are the ones leading the attacks on Ford for his own drug use?

No one is "attacking Ford for his drug use." Just because people support recovery over punishment when it comes to drugs, doesn't mean they think a crackhead should be the mayor of Canada's biggest city.
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Why is it that people on the left, the same ones calling for drug legalization and telling us drugs are not bad, are the ones leading the attacks on Ford for his own drug use? Don't they see their own hypocrissy. This is why the CPC is implementing mandatory minimum sentences, so anyone who takes illegal drugs gets convicted and carries a criminal record. Keep the people safe.

Because as mayor you have a responsibility to uphold the current laws. And what ever he does would need provincial and possibly federal approval to legalize drugs. It's quite hypocritical to carry out a war on drugs only to be doing them yourself.

So even if I support legalizing it all, it does not negate the fact that Rob Ford obviously has some double standards here. And being in the position of mayor of one of Canada's largest cities there should be no double standards.

I smoke a lot of pot, and if I was to run to mayor, I would have to give that up in order to maintain a position. Then again I could always run on changing the law, but as I mention, that is not done on the municipal level.

I don't do drugs.

I don't so some drugs.

I'll sue you because you are telling people I do drugs.

Ok I have a problem with booze.

Ok I am a drunk.

Ok I have a crack addiction.

Ok I am belligerent.

Ok I am going to rehab.


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Why is it that people on the left, the same ones calling for drug legalization and telling us drugs are not bad, are the ones leading the attacks on Ford for his own drug use? Don't they see their own hypocrissy. This is why the CPC is implementing mandatory minimum sentences, so anyone who takes illegal drugs gets convicted and carries a criminal record. Keep the people safe.

I have never had a problem with Rob Ford using drugs. I do have a problem with Rob Ford's (tough on crime, tough love...for everyone except himself and his family, I guess) lies, hypocrisy and abuse of power on this issue. You may remember the way the Ford's (and many of their supporters) went after the media...for doing their job.

I support equal rights for homosexuals too. But if I criticize one of the many vocally anti-gay Republicans who have been "caught" having gay sex, it is not the act I am criticizing, but the hypocrisy of their views.

If Rob Ford admitted to what he was doing, and asked to be treated the same way the criminal justice system treats low income, non-politically connected, people in his own neighborhood I would be his biggest supporter on this issue. Perhaps if the wealthy and well-connected were treated the same way as the poor when it comes to drug use then we could have some meaningful legal reforms.

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I have never had a problem with Rob Ford using drugs. I do have a problem with Rob Ford's (tough on crime, tough love...for everyone except himself and his family, I guess) lies, hypocrisy and abuse of power on this issue. You may remember the way the Ford's (and many of their supporters) went after the media...for doing their job.

I support equal rights for homosexuals too. But if I criticize one of the many vocally anti-gay Republicans who have been "caught" having gay sex, it is not the act I am criticizing, but the hypocrisy of their views.

If Rob Ford admitted to what he was doing, and asked to be treated the same way the criminal justice system treats low income, non-politically connected, people in his own neighborhood I would be his biggest supporter on this issue. Perhaps if the wealthy and well-connected were treated the same way as the poor when it comes to drug use then we could have some meaningful legal reforms.

oops! quoted wrong post.

Gee I guess my suspension's been lifted! lol

Edited by jacee
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Why is it that people on the left, the same ones calling for drug legalization and telling us drugs are not bad, are the ones leading the attacks on Ford for his own drug use? Don't they see their own hypocrissy. This is why the CPC is implementing mandatory minimum sentences, so anyone who takes illegal drugs gets convicted and carries a criminal record. Keep the people safe.

Not that I really believe you believe what you're writing, but you can be opposed to drug use in all cases and still be in favour of properly regulating it, taxing it, and taking away the power of its distribution from the black market. Just crippling the black market would do more for removing the sale of drugs from schools than any "just say no" campaign ever could.

And naturally, if you don't know the difference between weed and crack, that might explain it too.

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I smoke a lot of pot, and if I was to run to mayor, I would have to give that up in order to maintain a position.

Haven't you ever heard that most people take drugs of some kind? And lots of people in high levels of management, judicial, government, they take drugs as well. Let alone alcohol. There are 'functional alcoholics'. My point is, there are so many drug users at all levels of society, you don't know it because they keep it well hidden. In that regard Ford's problem is not that he does drugs, but he doesn't keep it hidden.

I find it ironic that people like you have such a hate on for Ford because he has a drug problem, and he's in denial, while you go and smoke your doobies and probably have your drinks, and point your finger at him.

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Why is it that people on the left, the same ones calling for drug legalization and telling us drugs are not bad, are the ones leading the attacks on Ford for his own drug use?

Wrong again. ;)

Legalization has nothing to do with drugs being good or "bad". Drugs exist, always have, always will. Do we want violent and immoral criminals controlling and profiting from the drug trade?

Nobody's saying it's a good idea to abuse drugs ... or alcohol for that matter.

Glue and gasoline are legal. Is it a good idea to sniff them to get high? Probably not.

Mouthwash is legal. Is it a good idea to drink it to get drunk? Probably not.

Allcohol is legal. Is it a good idea to drink all day everyday? Probably not.

Prescription drugs are legal. Is it a good idea to grind them into powder and mix them up and shoot them into your arm? Probably not.

Hell, water is legal, necessary and benign ... unless you drink far too much and die from toxicity.

Lots of legal substances can be abused. Nobody's saying it's a good idea to abuse drugs, legal or otherwise.

But contrary to cpc moralistic positions, legalization has absolutely nothing to do with what's best for addicts and other drug users and abusers.

Legalization has to do with protecting the rest of society from the violence and damage of the criminal drug trade.


Edited by jacee
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I have never had a problem with Rob Ford using drugs. I do have a problem with Rob Ford's (tough on crime, tough love...for everyone except himself and his family, I guess) lies, hypocrisy and abuse of power on this issue. You may remember the way the Ford's (and many of their supporters) went after the media...for doing their job.

it is not the act I am criticizing, but the hypocrisy of their views.

I don't follow everything Ford says, because it's a media circus. I'm sure many people enjoy it. But I recall him saying things like "everybody has problems" or some such thing, in relation to his. I don't know his position on drug laws. As stated he's a mayor and cannot directly affect those. But the example you give, going after the media is not hypocrisy in itself. The fact that he has a substance abuse problem vs. attacking the media (like Toronto Star for hyping stories for all they can) does not make it hypocrisy.
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Not that I really believe you believe what you're writing, but you can be opposed to drug use in all cases and still be in favour of properly regulating it, taxing it, and taking away the power of its distribution from the black market. Just crippling the black market would do more for removing the sale of drugs from schools than any "just say no" campaign ever could.

And naturally, if you don't know the difference between weed and crack, that might explain it too.

Ok so, "my drugs are better than your drugs".

It's hypocritical to viscerally attack him the way some have done here, and then advocate that legalization is fine and won't have a major backlash against society. With legalization you will get a lot more Rob Fords.

I'm in favour of decriminalizing all drug use because it is a medical problem. Laws should be put in place to order people like Ford to enter rehab programs. More rehab programs, less jails. But society is not ready for that attitude yet, thanks to the way the media attacks people like Ford. Do you get that?

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I don't follow everything Ford says, because it's a media circus. I'm sure many people enjoy it. But I recall him saying things like "everybody has problems" or some such thing, in relation to his. I don't know his position on drug laws. As stated he's a mayor and cannot directly affect those. But the example you give, going after the media is not hypocrisy in itself. The fact that he has a substance abuse problem vs. attacking the media (like Toronto Star for hyping stories for all they can) does not make it hypocrisy.

If you don't feel that the way Doug and Rob Ford went after the media (knowingly spreading lies both about themselves and the media they were attacking) was both hypocrisy and an abuse of power then you can't be helped.

And while as Mayor of Toronto Rob Ford does not write drug laws, he can influence drug policy both in Toronto and throughout the rest of the country. He has consistently, while on council and as mayor, opposed the funding and even the existence of prevention and treatment programs within Toronto (along with safe use/harm reduction measures). He has supported a tougher criminal justice stance on drugs and drug users. He has supported more police, more targeting of drugs and poor areas by those police, more drug sweeps. Rob Ford has never had a speck of sympathy for anyone caught with illegal drugs, until it was himself - and then (after denying it, and ruthlessly attacking the media) he expected everyone to have bucketloads of sympathy for him because he had a problem (which he refused to try to deal with). I have seen some extreme hypocrisy among politicians, but never to the extent that I have seen with Rob Ford who takes double standard to a whole new level.

Edited by Wayward Son
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It's hypocritical to viscerally attack him the way some have done here, and then advocate that legalization is fine and won't have a major backlash against society. With legalization you will get a lot more Rob Fords.

Nope. You'd get fewer Rob Fords, cripple the black market, and reduce access to children, which would only be a backlash to those who are advocating prohibition and making a lot of money off the status quo. I don't think Rob Ford should go to jail for drugs, but there should be a thorough investigation into the circumstances of that guy's murder.
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Ok so, "my drugs are better than your drugs".

It's hypocritical to viscerally attack him the way some have done here, and then advocate that legalization is fine and won't have a major backlash against society. With legalization you will get a lot more Rob Fords.

Prove it.

I'm in favour of decriminalizing all drug use because it is a medical problem.

Decrim of personal use still leaves the drug trade and profits in the hands of violent criminals, and society at risk of their behaviour.

Laws should be put in place to order people like Ford to enter rehab programs. More rehab programs, less jails. But society is not ready for that attitude yet, thanks to the way the media attacks people like Ford. Do you get that?

You can't legislate sobriety. It's a choice an individual has to make.

If Ford was quietly and privately drinking/drugging himself to death, no one would care. Unfortunately, he's stumbling around drunk/stoned in public mouthing off inappropriately, destroying his career and his family and the international reputation of Toronto.

His behaviour is the problem.


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Why is it that people on the left, the same ones calling for drug legalization and telling us drugs are not bad, are the ones leading the attacks on Ford for his own drug use? Don't they see their own hypocrissy. This is why the CPC is implementing mandatory minimum sentences, so anyone who takes illegal drugs gets convicted and carries a criminal record. Keep the people safe.

You apparently live in a black and white world. You don't seem to see any difference between marijuana and crack, and you don't seem to see any difference between supporting legalization of marijuana and supporting a raging substance abuser as a major of Canada's biggest city. There's no hypocrisy among those who don't want the government to spend its money and resources harrassing people for using marijuana but don't think a crack addict should be mayor.

Also, mandatory minimum sentences "keep people safe"? Are you being sarcastic?

Ok so, "my drugs are better than your drugs".

It's hypocritical to viscerally attack him the way some have done here, and then advocate that legalization is fine and won't have a major backlash against society. With legalization you will get a lot more Rob Fords.

I'm in favour of decriminalizing all drug use because it is a medical problem. Laws should be put in place to order people like Ford to enter rehab programs. More rehab programs, less jails. But society is not ready for that attitude yet, thanks to the way the media attacks people like Ford. Do you get that?

I don't think anybody here is opposed to rehabilitation instead of incarceration. I don't think anybody here is saying that Rob Ford should go to jail for smoking crack. It looks to me like everybody here is in agreement that he needs to get help.

If you're arguing that other drug addicts won't seek help because of the way the media treats Rob Ford, I think that's a silly idea. If Rob Ford was not the mayor of Canada's largest city, the media would not care what he smokes. Aside from Ford, the only other people whose drug problems are in the news are other celebrities.


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I'd like to know Rob Ford's opinion of InSite.

He is on record as being strongly opposed to safe injection sites.

I suspect he thinks it's a terrible waste of taxpayers money, when people could just head over to his sister's basement.


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IF that's what's being said, I'd like to know OftenWrong's opinion of InSite.

1. That is not what's being said.

2. I already said I'm in favour of rehab,not jail.

Seems like folks here don't read what other people actually say, if they have a different opinion. What I'm getting here is, let's re-interpret what OftenWrong says to make his views look ridiculous. You people call this debate?

I'm already sorry I wasted my time here.

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