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Rob Ford, mayor of Toronto UPDATES


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Yet you're willing to condemn him without proof. Extraordinary.

Ya actually I live in the GTA and had many dealings with King Ford through my union and have attended several social functions he has attended to!

Public intoxication is not out of the ordinary for this guy.

I will not go any further about how I have seen him behave,but only say that this guy has got to be de-throned,the sooner the better!


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Ya actually I live in the GTA and had many dealings with King Ford through my union and have attended several social functions he has attended to!

Public intoxication is not out of the ordinary for this guy.

I will not go any further about how I have seen him behave,but only say that this guy has got to be de-throned,the sooner the better!


Right On, Comrade! We must all do our utmost to topple Mayor Ford by hook or by crook and to re-establish a left wing, pro-public sector union, pro-big government and pro-high taxes and high debt mayor like NDP lifer David Miller in office!

Miller Time was a golden time for those of us in the monopoly public sector unions and the left wing political interest groups aka PIGS with our snouts buried deep in the public trough.

Mayor David spent 1/3 of his time taking instruction from and writing cheques to the monopoly public sector unions and left wing special interest groups, 1/3 of his time fiscally raping the ordinary Toronto taxpayer for unconscionable and punitive tax hikes, and 1/3 of his time begging the two senior levels of government for more money to further finance his pay offs to his union buddies that were more than double the rate of inflation.

This Ford guy has bizarre ideas like being mayor for the 90 some percent of Torontonians who don't belong to the municipal unions and curbing the worst of the public sector union excesses and opening up services delivery to competition and finally putting Toronto on a sustainable course in terms of spending, taxes and debt.

I'm sure that if it was explained to Torontonians just how unnecessarily costly and overstaffed and underworked and over priveleged their city workers had become when they had the always compliant Miller as mayor and how much unnecessary dough this cost them as taxpayers that they would readily choose the option of a Millerite mayor returning to power with his hand deep in their wallets over the option of Ford as mayor with his hand patting their ass.

Solidarity Forever, Comrade! Don't give an inch or a penny or a second back - ever - no matter how hard things may be for those dumb shmucks in the competitive private sector and those retired on lousy private sector pensions worth less than half our pensions for the same employee contribution. We are not public servants, we are now the publics masters and donèt you ever forget it!

P.S. 1. Those who remember the CTV video of Prime Minister John Turner patting the shapely ass of Liberal party president Iona Campagnola (sic) during the 1984 election campaign may well surmise that it the Ford-Thompson encounter is accurate he perhaps has prime ministerial qualities.

P.S. 2. It is a he said-she said situation which can neither be proven nor disproven and unfortunately for the left-lib and public sector union sets in TO is neither a hanging nor a resignation offence. There is some circumstantial evidence to suggest that it was a deliberate set up by Ms. Thompson as part of her ongoing political campaign to curry favour with the left of center voters so as to position her for a Liberal run in the next provincial election or another run for the mayorès chair. But in any case it can neither be proven or disproven and will blow over (no, that is not a reference to left wing darling Zipper Billy Clinton and his conduct in office supported by the left) within a week.

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To add: I think that there's little chance that she would do this for opportunistic reasons. Who would vote for her based on this ? She would risk far more in terms of accusations/suspicions such as yours.

She was with a blond friend Mr. Perrelli believes was also named Sarah, and they were plotting how they were going to go back upstairs, where the mayor was still backed into a corner and surrounded by a mob, to set up Mr. Ford by “getting a picture of his hand near [blond] Sarah’s backside so she [Ms. Thomson] could use it in the next election.”


Edited by Argus
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Right On, Comrade! We must all do our utmost to topple Mayor Ford by hook or by crook and to re-establish a left wing, pro-public sector union, pro-big government and pro-high taxes and high debt mayor like NDP lifer David Miller in office!

Miller Time was a golden time for those of us in the monopoly public sector unions and the left wing political interest groups aka PIGS with our snouts buried deep in the public trough.

Mayor David spent 1/3 of his time taking instruction from and writing cheques to the monopoly public sector unions and left wing special interest groups, 1/3 of his time fiscally raping the ordinary Toronto taxpayer for unconscionable and punitive tax hikes, and 1/3 of his time begging the two senior levels of government for more money to further finance his pay offs to his union buddies that were more than double the rate of inflation.

This Ford guy has bizarre ideas like being mayor for the 90 some percent of Torontonians who don't belong to the municipal unions and curbing the worst of the public sector union excesses and opening up services delivery to competition and finally putting Toronto on a sustainable course in terms of spending, taxes and debt.

I'm sure that if it was explained to Torontonians just how unnecessarily costly and overstaffed and underworked and over priveleged their city workers had become when they had the always compliant Miller as mayor and how much unnecessary dough this cost them as taxpayers that they would readily choose the option of a Millerite mayor returning to power with his hand deep in their wallets over the option of Ford as mayor with his hand patting their ass.

The right wingers must be getting very tired trying to defend King Ford.

Fortunately most Torontotonians are happy with the services provided by the city unionized staff.This is in part of the hard work and high level of profesionalism provided by city staff!

If I recall correctly,this is one of the mayor's responsibilities,ensuring proper services to its citizens.

Rob Ford will be the conductor of his own demise.


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She was with a blond friend Mr. Perrelli believes was also named Sarah, and they were plotting how they were going to go back upstairs, where the mayor was still backed into a corner and surrounded by a mob, to set up Mr. Ford by “getting a picture of his hand near [blond] Sarah’s backside so she [Ms. Thomson] could use it in the next election.”


Ya I just looked at that picture again,and YES it is very plausible that Ford's hand was inapropraitely placed!

Judging from how his right arm is positioned!

Still think the photo is not proof?


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Ford must have long arms, to grab whatever ass she had. But I like the part about the set up. Her career might be the one that is going down the tubes.

Apparently she admitted as much yesterday. Her story kept changing.

She admitted to trying to set up the mayor a second time to get proof. But even after not being able to catch him groping her assistant, she still went public. That doesn't make a lot of sense.

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The right wingers must be getting very tired trying to defend King Ford.

Fortunately most Torontotonians are happy with the services provided by the city unionized staff.This is in part of the hard work and high level of profesionalism provided by city staff!

If I recall correctly,this is one of the mayor's responsibilities,ensuring proper services to its citizens.

Rob Ford will be the conductor of his own demise.


- CONGRATULATIONS! You have just won the Joe `The Public Be Damned` Davidson Union Medal for the most misleading statement of the year in pushing the monopoly public sector union line.

- Perhaps you are so insulated and isolated from the public by your union that you neither know nor care what the public really thinks of you lot these days or perhaps you are so brainwashed by the union propoganda that you really believe what you just said or perhaps you are lying through your teeth to promote the union line the same way that the union leaders lie through their teeth about Rob Ford`s performance as mayor.

- In any case, the most recent comprehensive survey of citizens`satisfaction with municipal services in Canada`s 30 largest cities puts Toronto at 22nd out of 30 with only 20% of Torontonians satisfied with their municipal services (presumably most of the 20% are employed by or related to those employed by the city unions).

- Here is the report on this survey by the pro-city unions and anti-Ford Toronto Red Tsar for your edification. And while I realize that math and finance are not strong points among public sector unionists, surely you would concecde that 20% is not `most Torontonians`.


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LOL man that's freekin Halarious!

Ya that poll means that Ford is doing a bad job!!!

I guess you forgot that Ford was the mayor of Toronto hey!

Keep em coming


Well Ford did make labour peace with the Unions. Something the last two mayors couldn't do.

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Photo is where the incident occured,therefore it would be taken into consideration.


This about summarizes your knowledge of law I take it.The picture shows nothing other than Ford's eyes closed and him looking fat.

The telling evidence came later which I note you have not commented on. A man standing right next to Ford who did not know him nor is he a politician stated he stood right next to Ford and Ford's hand never went on her butt and in fact he never made the comment she claimed about him wishing she was in Florida with him since his wife was not there. He in fact contradicted her statement and said Ford said it was too bad she did not go with THEM.

This woman's story unravelled right from the get go. She claimed she only had one beer and yet witnessesssaw her drinking scotch. She claimed to have spoken to someone in his political entourage-turns out she never did but claims she spoke to some conservative who is not in Ford's entourage at all. A huge lie for someone who should know the difference. Now the eye witness standing right next to Ford contradicting her statement as to his alleged Florida comment. Yah right they all are in on it.Attack?

How am I attacking this woman tell me. What are you saying she is free to make accusations and no one is supposed to question her? What because I question her its an attack? What kind of bs response is that-the only attack is on Ford because he is a fat drunk and you don't like his politics.

Tell me where were any of you when Jack Layton was accused of being drunk and getting violent more than once with Olivia Chow in their coop? Hmmm?

What bs. You can't find anything on Ford. You have zero evidence and now rely on a photo that shows nothing. Get it clear, for evidence to be used in court it must show something. Good luck. Go on show where his hand was. You can't and therein lies the rub. Zero proof.Zero.

Let me tell you something.No one takes sex assault as a joke all the more reason to make sure if people make such claims its treated damn seriouly and this is a farse. If this situation actually happened she should have confronted him. She was no scared victim. This is a rough and tumble politician in public. Playing games to stage a photo op is absolute bull crap.

This has zero to do with anything other than a weak pathetic set up from a woman craving media attention and its finished her as it should have.

I just hope to hell legitimate women harassed by men speak out and not let this episode discourage them. The thing to do is tell someone right away in a position of authority-in this case the perpetrator, his press aide and the police.

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Ya and that pretty much summarizes your knowledge of law(for those with the time to read it)

This Ford character must keep you up at night.


Edited by WWWTT
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Why would Ford keep me up at night? It might in your world not mine. Try not to project on me your need to

seek prosecution based on a photo that shows nothing other than Ford looking like a fish.

Today Ms. Thomson dismissed anyone who is questioning her as a conservative. Just so you know I am not

a conservative. I just think she is a two bit opportunist whose 2 minutes of fame have fallen flat in her face particularly

the latest attempt to drape herself as a victim of not just Ford but now the media and anyone who questions her.

Calling us all conservative, I love it.

So Ford is fat and swets profusely. Uh yah. Like that doesn't apply to anyone who is not conservative. Lol.

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Nice! Go from alleging one crime to another.

TORONTO - Sarah Thomson says she thinks Mayor Rob Ford was on cocaine when he allegedly groped her last Thursday.

Thomson made the drug claim Monday morning during a radio interview with The Roz & Mocha Show on KiSS 92.5.

The cocaine allegation is the latest chapter in a he said, she said scandal that erupted Friday and heated up Sunday with both Ford and Thomson traded barbs in public statements.

Going on an FM Top 40 radio station makes you very relevant as a Toronto Political leader. Edited by Boges
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I would think so. People aren't listening to 92.5 for political debate, they want to hear Biebs, Lady Gaga and Flo-Rida.

Not all AM Radio hosts are Right Wing ideologues like people Sarah Thompson would think.

I'm thinking specifically of the Brothers Ford Radio Circus. Not exactly highbrow radio.
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I'm thinking specifically of the Brothers Ford Radio Circus. Not exactly highbrow radio.

Have you listened to it? I don't usually listen to the radio at that time.

The show makes news though. I'm sure the station can charge more for advertising on that show than on your average Sunday afternoon talk radio show.

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I would think so. People aren't listening to 92.5 for political debate, they want to hear Biebs, Lady Gaga and Flo-Rida.

Not all AM Radio hosts are Right Wing ideologues like people Sarah Thompson would think.

John Moore is definitely not a right winger. He is a lefty for sure. There's another one that I cannot recall the name of atm.

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The worst thing about the ongoing Ford circus is that it puts his supporters in the position of defending his behaviour instead of defending his actual work as mayor, which is of course impossible since he's done virtually nothing since taking office.

For most of us who are neither a Ford supporter or anti Ford your usual black or white, all or nothing, you are either left or right but not in between analysis is meaningless. No I do not have to support Ford's political record to also be against the personal attacks against him. To me they are seperate issues.

If she really has been groped shut up, go to the police, and stop grandstanding.

Edited by Rue
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John Moore is definitely not a right winger. He is a lefty for sure. There's another one that I cannot recall the name of atm.

John Downs, they put him on with a more conservative co-host though.

The more I listen to John Tory the less I think he's a real Conservative.

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Thomson speculated Ford may have been on cocaine when the mayor allegedly grabbed her buttocks and made a suggestive remark at a party held by a Jewish political group last Thursday.

Thomson said she had no proof of drug use and that she made the allegation based on a Google search over the weekend.

I looked up (Fords) symptoms and it looked like it was cocaine use. It could have been anything like that. Im not sure what it is, Thomson said Monday on Toronto radio station KiSS 92.5.

I dont have actual proof, its just based on the symptoms, Thomson said. And the symptoms Ive read on cocaine seem to fit.

She said Ford had been behaving in an erratic manner and that her Internet search also suggested his behaviour could be attributable to diabetes.

Ford refused to comment on Thomsons allegations as he left his City Hall office Monday afternoon, accompanied by his two young children. Ive said what I have to say. I dont have any further comment. Thank you very much, he told reporters.


Thanks for that diagnosis Dr. Thompson! I think she wants a libel lawsuit.

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Is she trying to make her story less believable on purpose or is she just that stupid?

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Why would Ford keep me up at night? It might in your world not mine. Try not to project on me your need to

seek prosecution based on a photo that shows nothing other than Ford looking like a fish.

Today Ms. Thomson dismissed anyone who is questioning her as a conservative. Just so you know I am not

a conservative. I just think she is a two bit opportunist whose 2 minutes of fame have fallen flat in her face particularly

the latest attempt to drape herself as a victim of not just Ford but now the media and anyone who questions her.

Calling us all conservative, I love it.

So Ford is fat and swets profusely. Uh yah. Like that doesn't apply to anyone who is not conservative. Lol.

That is the main reason the elites of TO do not like him. But that women had a brain she would have yelled when it happened and then she might have some traction. But she did not. Case closed.

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