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Everything posted by Peanutbutter

  1. I am pro environment but hey, if the ice is melting I might as well look at the bright side. By the time it all melts we'll all be long dead, we're talking hundreds of years until it's all gone. Relax a little bit.
  2. Occupied territories? Which Israeli policies? Show me a cite where Israel is practicing Apartheid as part of government policy.
  3. I don't understand how Israel is an apartheid state. Jews and Arabs live in peace side by side. Israel is a Jewish State. Israel is nice enough to allow non Jews to live there and should be congratulated. Arabs can vote, own businesses and have a higher value of life in Israel then they would in Palestine. I don't understand.
  4. Randomly drafting child molesters and rapists into the Senate? No thank you, I don't want that.
  5. That's great news, so you're saying that soon we'll have another area to build cottages and to spread out our population. Sounds great to me.
  6. This is why so many people want it to be mandatory for new immigrants to be able to speak and write English.
  7. John Moore is definitely not a right winger. He is a lefty for sure. There's another one that I cannot recall the name of atm.
  8. Riiiight...then we would descend into a banana republic without any social services at all.
  9. I don't think you have any idea what real apartheid is.
  10. Yet you're willing to condemn him without proof. Extraordinary.
  11. I enjoy how everyone seems to condemn Rob Ford right away and believe this woman's story without any evidence what so ever. Let me say that I'm happy that you all would not be my judge if I was accused of murder. As a trial would be not necessary, just straight to sentencing. Let's not proclaim this man guilty without some sort of proof.
  12. I see. So anytime a Muslim is accused of something it's racism. The Muslim is always totally innocent and has never done anything wrong. I got it, thank you for setting me straight...Same thing always happens when a Muslim commits an honour killing, all the leftists deny it ever happened. Absurd.
  13. Nothing but baseless accusation. Anyone can claim anything, it doesn't make it true.
  14. The left has been forcing change on society since the fifties now. Largely against our will. All this.progressive ness is shoved down our throats. So I guess its OK as long as its your interests doing the forcing right?
  15. I don't see how no one can vote for Christie Clark. She has a pretty face. The reason enough for many women to vote for Trudeau.
  16. Yes, I agree. Anyone convicted of sexually abusing children needs to be automatically considered a dangerous offender and never let out. Or after serving their prison time they be housed in a secure mental facility until they are no longer a threat to children. Which will be never. I don't mind my tax dollars paying for that.
  17. No ones vote is wasted. Everyone's vote is worth the same. One. Just because the person you wanted to win doesn't, doesn't mean the vote the was wasted. It was counted just like every other vote.
  18. Why has Ms. Spence hidden herself away all of a sudden? Why is scared to open her books? She's awfully quiet now.
  19. The Church itself isn't abusing children individuals are. That's like saying education is hurting children or scouts are hurting children because some teachers or scout leaders sexually abuse children. Absurd.
  20. The harm has already been done making the picture. A child has been raped and by viewing the picture or video of the incident you're only perpetuating further child rape.
  21. I cannot understand anyone who would defend people who are pedophiles and those who collect child pornography The children in the child porn are victims. End of story. No amount of spin will take that away. It's complete nonsense for anyone to say that there are no victims when it comes to viewing child pornography. Any police officer will tell you that is completely false and that the children involved with the making of child porn videos and pictures are in fact real victims. Shame on anyone who thinks otherwise, it's appalling and disgusting and perhaps they should be removed from this forum. I'm not sure this forum is any place for child porn sympathizers at all. Absolutely disgusting. When the children are appearing in porn videos and pictures they are being raped. If some people don't see the rape of a child to be a serious concern then I....I don't know, I am just gobsmacked.
  22. No one's is saying that it is but you're clipping the words to suit your agenda of anti religion. Why not post the whole paragraph of what was said?
  23. You're taking his words out of context jacee and I'm sure you know that. That's not all he said. You're clipping his word to fit your agenda.
  24. Why not let people who have faith in God live in.peace? Please remember that we are all.human beings.
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