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Multiculturalism, This Is Not Your Week.

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The US doesn't have a policy of multiculturalism, to my knowledge. It's a "melting pot".

Really, what's the difference? As far as I know there's no official pressure applied to anyone in the United States to "join the melting pot", anymore than there is in Canada. People can "melting pot" if they wish, or "mosaic" if not, just as in Canada or the UK or Australia.


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They woke up, now when will the US?

Read more. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/multiculturalism-this-is-not-your-week/

In a nutshell, the reason why this case of reverse racism has little, if any merit is because racism practiced by a majority that is in control of most of the wealth, along with the levers of political power, is much more of an existential threat than the racism practiced by a disenfranchised minority....and the same answer applies to whatever example of reverse racism you find.

What I find extraordinary, is that these American rightwingers point at the isolation and hostility of Arab and Muslim minorities in Europe, without even bothering to examine the cultural baggage, such as how these immigrants from Africa and the Middle East were viewed and taken advantage of when Europe started bringing in immigrants for cheap labour back in the 60's. A non-white can never be a Frenchman in the eyes of most French...regardless of the bullshit Sarkozy comes up with...same goes in Germany, Holland, Belgium, and in the case I am a little familiar with - England and Scotland. My Scottish relatives didn't start hurling abuse and randomly assaulting South Asians when they first arrived in Glasgow because they were Muslims...they had no idea what religion they were; all they knew was that they were wogs and pakis. So, why can't American conservative observers learn these simple facts of modern European history? They should at least be curious as to why Muslim communities in Canada and the United States are more prosperous and integrated into the larger communities than Muslims in Europe. You would think that would be enough to go on for them to at least be curious why Europe has such strained relations with their Muslim immigrants today.

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Not really...the melting pot gave way to the Salad Bowl a long time ago. The USA is a very diverse place...as Bitsy alluded to, living with Muslims is not new at all. We read Muhammad Speaks almost 50 years ago on the streets of Phildelphia.

There are more mosques in New York City than in all of Canada.

Maybe, but "Little Mosque on the Prairies" is all Canadian and I know you're jealous... :P

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Really, what's the difference? As far as I know there's no official pressure applied to anyone in the United States to "join the melting pot", anymore than there is in Canada. People can "melting pot" if they wish, or "mosaic" if not, just as in Canada or the UK or Australia.


It's a subtle difference to my mind - the idea that the government approves the preservation of one's culture within Canada, and puts resources towards programs that support that.

To others, it's not subtle. To even others (Jake, from his inclusion of the US as supporting multiculturalism) any country that let's in immigrants is participating in multiculturalism.

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It's a subtle difference to my mind - the idea that the government approves the preservation of one's culture within Canada, and puts resources towards programs that support that.

Not really so subtle...from CRTC CanCon rules to official language(s).

To others, it's not subtle. To even others (Jake, from his inclusion of the US as supporting multiculturalism) any country that let's in immigrants is participating in multiculturalism.

Oh...we already have a word for that....xenophobia.

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Highly doubtful that I am confused, it is very difficult to disguise one's prejudices and their posting prose.

I don't know from anywhere but by your prose and style, I wouldn't want to know you. So keep your assertions personal opinions to yourself as they have nothing to do with this topic.

The US doesn't have a policy of multiculturalism, to my knowledge. It's a "melting pot". So... what exactly are we talking about Jake ? Some kind of whites-only immigration policy ?

Who said that whites only should be the immigration policy? Not I and,you assume that I am white, but you don't know that.

You left wing radicals are so full of incredible hate toward anyone who has a different opinion/view from what you believe and have absolutely no tolerance for a different opinion.

That is why you are always so angry, never happy. You are to be pitied.

I repeat, as Sarcosy told the French people, we have been too concerned about the identity of the person who is arriving and not enough about the identity of the country that was receiving him. Immigrants are a wonderful treasure, if they are legal and if they assimilate.

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You left wing radicals are so full of incredible hate toward anyone who has a different opinion/view from what you believe and have absolutely no tolerance for a different opinion.

No, you're assuming based on what you perceive as "tone" in anonymous internet forums.

For example, it sounds to me as if those most worried about immigration are throwing furious tantrums on a daily basis. Your posts, too, sound extremely angry.

No doubt, in person, you're a fine fellow.

and no doubt bitsy is awesome, too.

And I know I'm a great guy! :)

That is why you are always so angry, never happy. You are to be pitied.

This is just bizarre. Do you not personally know and like any wonderful, left-leaning folks? Is your world sharply divided into a left-right strata, and lefties simply need not apply?

Now that's to be pitied, Jake.

Because, seriously, if that's what you beleive about "lefties"...then you simply don't know any. Too bad.

I don't even understand how a person could avoid knowing--and loving--people with different political views. How in hell does such a thing happen?

Edited by bloodyminded
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I don't know from anywhere but by your prose and style, I wouldn't want to know you. So keep your assertions personal opinions to yourself as they have nothing to do with this topic.

Wow, not hard to mistake that bit of moral outrage and faked indignation plus the hate mongering that followed, charming as ever. :)

Edited by Bitsy
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Yeah, they petrify me too when they reach in their pocket for one of their gospel tracts and start witnessing, hard to escape in the confines of the plane. However, they are even worse when they are in our classrooms revising our history, science and social study books; or in our bedrooms; or in my womb, now that is where they really frighten me.

Definitely. That's kinda how I feel when I encounter progressive anti-fur, anti-meat, anti-fossil fuels, anti-smoking, anti-salt, anti-soda, anti-religion, anti-Wal Mart types. And they're even worse when they're telling us what to drive, what to eat, what to where, and how to live. I mean, they're in our bedrooms, our garages, our kitchens, our cars. They're in everything! They're even in our classrooms, brainwashing our youngsters, and revising history to paint America and it's founders in a horrible light. It's very disconcerting to say the least.

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Definitely. That's kinda how I feel when I encounter anti-weed, anti-abortion, anti-fair trade, anti-gay, anti-sustainability types. And they're even worse when they're telling us what to drive, what to eat, what to where---wait, I think I mean "wear"---and how to live. I mean, they're in our bedrooms, our garages, our kitchens, our cars. They're in everything! They're even in our classrooms, brainwashing our youngsters, and revising history to paint America---wait, I think I mean Canada---and it's---pardon me, its---founders in a horrible light. It's very disconcerting to say the least.

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Definitely. That's kinda how I feel when I encounter progressive anti-fur, anti-meat, anti-fossil fuels, anti-smoking, anti-salt, anti-soda, anti-religion, anti-Wal Mart types. And they're even worse when they're telling us what to drive, what to eat, what to where, and how to live. I mean, they're in our bedrooms, our garages, our kitchens, our cars. They're in everything! They're even in our classrooms, brainwashing our youngsters, and revising history to paint America and it's founders in a horrible light. It's very disconcerting to say the least.

Now you are my kind of person. ;)

This is just bizarre. Do you not personally know and like any wonderful, left-leaning folks? Is your world sharply divided into a left-right strata, and lefties simply need not apply?

Now that's to be pitied, Jake.

Because, seriously, if that's what you beleive about "lefties"...then you simply don't know any. Too bad.

I don't even understand how a person could avoid knowing--and loving--people with different political views. How in hell does such a thing happen?

Oh yes, I've butted heads with the best of the left. Nasty college professors who are spewing their far left agenda and corrupting our young.

I must say that there are a few left leaning, not radicals, who are quite nice, friends actually. They just don't know any better.

As for being a nice guy. I am.

Edited by Jake
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Definitely. That's kinda how I feel when I encounter anti-weed, anti-abortion, anti-fair trade, anti-gay, anti-sustainability types. And they're even worse when they're telling us what to drive, what to eat, what to where---wait, I think I mean "wear"---and how to live. I mean, they're in our bedrooms, our garages, our kitchens, our cars. They're in everything! They're even in our classrooms, brainwashing our youngsters, and revising history to paint America---wait, I think I mean Canada---and it's---pardon me, its---founders in a horrible light. It's very disconcerting to say the least.

LOL. Satire goes completely over your head doesn't it? :lol::lol:

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Definitely. That's kinda how I feel when I encounter progressive anti-fur, anti-meat, anti-fossil fuels, anti-smoking, anti-salt, anti-soda, anti-religion, anti-Wal Mart types. And they're even worse when they're telling us what to drive, what to eat, what to where, and how to live. I mean, they're in our bedrooms, our garages, our kitchens, our cars. They're in everything! They're even in our classrooms, brainwashing our youngsters, and revising history to paint America and it's founders in a horrible light. It's very disconcerting to say the least.

You forgot to add proponents of baby-killing!

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Funny how comments get twisted out of shape and words imputed to people that where never said, no one has even inferred that immigration should be 'whites only'.

This is not a Pretzel. This is Canada.


Folks, here's the deal. As Canadians we have some choices here. We can continue to simply roll over and play dead.

If someone or some group wants to impose their ideas on our schools or our courts, we can roll over and play dead, pretend that they aren't bothering us, they aren't disrespecting us, they aren't changing us. It doesn't matter whether it's wearing head coverings in courts or for driver’s licenses, not wanting to participate in gym or music classes, it doesn't really matter what it is. We don't need the explanations anymore as to why someone is imposing their value system on us because if we just keep accommodating, if we just keep on allowing the shoving to continue, there is no more Canadian value system. How can you call it a value, if you don't defend it?

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Definitely. That's kinda how I feel when I encounter anti-weed, anti-abortion, anti-fair trade, anti-gay, anti-sustainability types. And they're even worse when they're telling us what to drive, what to eat, what to where---wait, I think I mean "wear"---and how to live. I mean, they're in our bedrooms, our garages, our kitchens, our cars. They're in everything! They're even in our classrooms, brainwashing our youngsters, and revising history to paint America---wait, I think I mean Canada---and it's---pardon me, its---founders in a horrible light. It's very disconcerting to say the least.

:lol: thanks for 'Canadianizing' the lil' American wannabees post!

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Definitely. That's kinda how I feel when I encounter progressive anti-fur, anti-meat, anti-fossil fuels, anti-smoking, anti-salt, anti-soda, anti-religion, anti-Wal Mart types. And they're even worse when they're telling us what to drive, what to eat, what to where, and how to live. I mean, they're in our bedrooms, our garages, our kitchens, our cars. They're in everything! They're even in our classrooms, brainwashing our youngsters, and revising history to paint America and it's founders in a horrible light. It's very disconcerting to say the least.

Satire to be effective should be cloaked in a basis of reality. :D

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Definitely. That's kinda how I feel when I encounter progressive anti-fur, anti-meat, anti-fossil fuels, anti-smoking, anti-salt, anti-soda, anti-religion, anti-Wal Mart types. And they're even worse when they're telling us what to drive, what to eat, what to where, and how to live. I mean, they're in our bedrooms, our garages, our kitchens, our cars. They're in everything! They're even in our classrooms, brainwashing our youngsters, and revising history to paint America and it's founders in a horrible light. It's very disconcerting to say the least.

Interesting that you think Harper and the CONS are all "lefties"... And of course by your "standards" ALL Americans, in particular it's founders, are ALL "lefties" too... That doesn't seem to leave many "righties" around... I can see why you would be disconcerted... You are in a very lonely place...

Edited by GWiz
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However, [born-again Christians] are even worse when they are ... in my womb, now that is where they really frighten me.

"Born-again" Christians can't possibly be in your womb. It won't be a Christian inserting a suction tube into your womb so as to vacuum your nascent child out of it. Nor will it be a Christian giving you toxins or poisons intended to kill or abort the same. What you, with the assistance of a necessary third party (which will never be Christian) does to your child in your womb has nothing at all to do with Christianity, because Christians do not kill their offspring.

Edited by Timothy17
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Anti Christianity rants are simply an attempt to deflect from the actual topic.

The tone of this forum is becoming less civil lately with stupid accusations and baseless personal comments etc. how about getting back to the actual topic.

Another good piece here that speaks to the issue better than I can.


In the past four months, the leaders of Western Europe's three largest democracies -- Germany, Britain and France -- have each declared multiculturalism a failure, largely because Muslims in their countries have failed to assimilate into the mainstream culture and are now growing increasing radicalized and dangerous.

This, they have said, applies as much to native-born Muslims as to those born elsewhere who have immigrated to Europe. Multiculturalism has encouraged segregated ethnic communities to develop within which Western values such as equality of the sexes and pluralism are disparaged.


In the end, this forced, unnatural, public multiculturalism leads to the segregation and radicalization European leaders are now warning against.

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