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Everything posted by GWiz

  1. "This" already has, it's resonating with the youth (under 30) across the country via going viral on the web, which is what the youth vote pays attention to...
  2. If Ignatieff can overcome almost 2 years of Harper attack ads and be seen as human (the more he's heard and listened to the more he's liked) I like the chances of how this election could break...
  3. I didn't say a thing, I left you the link to who did...
  4. Who cares about that? You either compete in a market, by whatever means, or you deplete your financial resources AND independence by becoming purely a customer down the line with no ability to make any money back from being a producer and seller of a product... That's the choice you have... Kinda like that old Midas ad: "Pay me a little now or pay me a whole lot more later on." PS - Added choice - Canadian JOBS or Jobs in the countries you have to buy it from...
  5. Pretty much, as long as their name ends in "CORPORATION" (or any derivative thereof)...
  6. Here's mine... It's ALL Canadian... http://www.geosmartenergy.com/
  7. Right http://www.alternative-energy-news.info/worlds-largest-wind-turbine/ http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/31/business/energy-environment/31renew.html http://tcbmag.blogs.com/daily_developments/2011/04/3m-adds-solar-products-mfg-plant-in-china.html I can give you a hundred more links like that from around the world if you like...
  8. (pssst, $200 BILLION might be the cost if Harper gets his way, I wouldn't know about that, but the Liberals only put $200 MILLION up for the "opportunity to purchase" the JSF and without any other commitment to purchase... )
  9. Some of you people here are absolute losers... EVERYONE from the USA to Europe, Russia to China and the rest of developed Asia are building plants and factories to SUPPLY Wind, Solar, Geothermal and anything else they can think of to SUPPLY future demand... Canada should just sit idly by to become a CUSTOMER instead of a supplier? GREAT CALL you morons...
  10. (My Personal Opinion) ANYONE that believes anything coming out of Harper and his crew of piRATeS needs their head read...
  11. So sad, less than 100 posts before you lost all credibility...
  12. To have the opportunity to buy the plane IF it panned out as projected, it was a pretty small commitment without obligation to buy and therefore no cancellation fees apply if no purchase is made... BTW, the plane is NOT panning out as projected AND it's only because Harper is in bed with Lockheed Martin (Navy Ship refurbish - Canada Census - F-35) that an actual purchase is on the table NOW instead of after a "mission ready" fully tested plane comes out in MAYBE 2016... Canada being the ONLY entity (even the US Navy and Australia are buying F-18e/fs because of the doubling of costs and unknown performance and delivery) to commit to a FULL contractual purchase...
  13. I'm hearing still 20+% undecided across the country... A looooong way from over...
  14. No, the Harper funded media execs do (CBC included - Harper appointed the BoD)...
  15. That's where the SKILL comes in... Right troll speed and the right bait... Didn't call him anything he didn't call me first... That dang Red Devil hasn't failed me yet...
  16. That's like saying a Maserati has no competition to go to Safeway to buy a week's worth of groceries... (pssst, ANY car can do that and a LOT of cars can do it BETTER than a Maserati, and so too goes CANADA'S NEED for a CF-18a replacement)
  17. How stupid are you? YOU are the fish dumb-dumb! 5 x on the same lure to boot... (Love that triple hook Red Devil)
  18. ***Sigh*** I guess the fishing season for the brain dead starts early in Ontariario... That must be the only explanation for what the trollers on MLW do... BTW Jack, are these the same people that want the Liberals to do all those "online" checks of their candidates? Just asking because it seems to me this story is available EVERYWHERE on and off line and to still be asking the stupidest of questions about it borders on IS complete IDIOCY to be as politically correct as I can be...
  19. RCMP boss OK'd ex-PM aide Carson's security clearance - CBC News has learned William Elliott, who was serving as national security adviser in the Privy Council Office in January 2006, was the official responsible for giving the green light to Bruce Carson working in the Prime Minister's Office. The RCMP is currently probing allegations that Carson was involved in illegal lobbying. Elliott, who was hand-picked by Harper to become the Mounties' first civilian commissioner in 2007, is stepping down in the summer after a controversial reign and public battles with senior RCMP brass over his management style. The Canadian Press reported earlier this week that Carson was convicted on five counts of fraud — three more than previously known — and received court-ordered psychiatric treatment prior to his hiring as an adviser to Harper. Carson worked in the Prime Minister's Office until 2008. An investigation into Carson's business dealings by the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network led the PMO to call in the RCMP in March. - I rest my case...
  20. There you go trying to change history again... Shame on you Bill... Or is it just that your falsehoods have become facts to you as you age?
  21. ***Sigh*** Once more... You'll NEVER catch anything when trolling with an empty hook on the end of your line... You've got to have something the fish will go after like a good spinner or spoon bait... As I told you before, for Jack and Pike my favorite is a triple hooked Red Devil (barbless required in Manitoba)... Sometimes a live bait works best depending on where and how fast you troll... Once again you're welcome even if you are VERY, VERY slow to learn... Happy trolling, weather's getting nicer for it...
  22. Meaning of course that Harper and Brodie aren't! Surprise, surprise, NOT! Since the RCMP have simply become Harper's "handmaidens" don't expect anything much from that side either...
  23. Yup... Maybe by the TIME the F-35 hits the line we can buy it's Chinese "knock off" at a good price... That's probably the plane Harper is counting on to meet his cost projection...
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