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Palin reads cheat notes off of hand

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Guest American Woman

I guess my wife is a typical woman, she writes on her hand occasionally and doesn't consider herself sexist.

Duh. So what if she writes on her hand occasionally? It's not something that's limited to women. Thus the remark was sexist. Not the act of writing on one's hand. Sorry that was too difficult for you to understand. ;)

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Palin is just so cure - love her lips and that tom boyish persona - she is like the hot girl with the librarian eye glasses we lusted over in high school but could never figure out why - as for Obama - I TOLD YOU SO.....Now you understand that people in power never show their faces - never - they send the actor forward and actors need teleprompters....I remember being on set with Marlon Brando - he as an old man arrived nude one day just to piss everyone off with his fat ass..THEN once he was dressed and ready to work he insisted that his lines be taped to the forhead of the actor he was playing opposite too. Maybe America should just tape what they want to say on their own foreheads and Obama will read it - then we will all be happy.

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I fail to see what the issue is. The fact he had notes or the fact she wrote on her hand?

I do on occasion speak in front of small audiences, but often in groups less that 6 people. I always have notes. It is insurance against missing an important point and limits rambling.

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I fail to see what the issue is. The fact he had notes or the fact she wrote on her hand?

I do on occasion speak in front of small audiences, but often in groups less that 6 people. I always have notes. It is insurance against missing an important point and limits rambling.

Perhaps people crave statemen and orators of some long lost bygone era - where persons of ability and passion rose to the top of the heap to lead who did not have a billion bucks to buy add space. It's very disappointing to understand that a system has taken shape where leadership is not an issue - where rule by committee and mobish modern democeratic mayhem prevails..and idots who can not speak who have nothing to speak of need frinking scripts..This is the real world we are talking about not the cinema.

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I do on occasion speak in front of small audiences, but often in groups less that 6 people. I always have notes. It is insurance against missing an important point and limits rambling.

Also, in your case, I suspect that you're prone to reciting an off-colour joke or two, bringing blushes to many in the room. Am I right ? :lol:

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At lest Dems are trying with a new way forward.

Taxing and spending is a new way forward? Running up massive, unprecedented deficts, and debt is a new way forward?


It was you who was criticizing--in fact, mocking--Obama's use of the teleprompter.

I was definitely criticizing Obama for using a teleprompter. He's the Ron Burgundy President. What ever you type in, he reads it, and many times, mispronounces it. Lastest example, corpseman. Although on that one, we should probably cut him some slack. It's a military term, and obviously when it comes to that subject, he knows little to nothing.

None at all.

Check out the photo in this news blog.

Sarah Palin is a woman, and she has a sense of humour.

That was great. I was gonna post that myself. Too funny!

I guess my wife is a typical woman, she writes on her hand occasionally and doesn't consider herself sexist.

Perhaps she's the "typical white woman" Obama spoke of during the campaign! :lol:

I fail to see what the issue is. The fact he had notes or the fact she wrote on her hand?

I do on occasion speak in front of small audiences, but often in groups less that 6 people. I always have notes. It is insurance against missing an important point and limits rambling.

Exactly. Although a cue card would've been a little cleaner and more professional, it might have been a last minute thing. But apparently to some, thats worse than having your entire speeches programmed into a machine, so that you can read them off small panels of glass, reading comments other people are suppose to make, and mangling terms and phrases during the process. Like I said, he's the Ron Ron Burgundy President.


<--- Ron Burgundy reads whatever is programmed into the telepromtper.

And so does the Commander-In-Cheif!

Obama In St Patrick's Day Teleprompt Blunder

A teleprompt blunder has led to Barack Obama thanking himself in a speech at the White House in a St Patrick's Day celebration


But at least he didn't write a note on his hand right? Cause that'd be embarassing. :rolleyes:

<--- This one is priceless! He walks to the wrong podium to speak, and then realizes it doesn't have his teleprompter. So he walks across the room to the teleprompted podium!
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Guest American Woman
Ron Burgundy reads whatever is programmed into the telepromtper.

And so does the Commander-In-Cheif!

The teleprompter is merely a performance device. It doesn’t write the speech or control what is being said.

It's Obama's speech that is programmed into the teleprompter. Please tell me you're not so ignorant that you didn't realize that.

But at least he didn't write a note on his hand right? Cause that'd be embarassing.

It sure would be; especially if he had just been mocking someone for using a teleprompter. :D

Here's some info about using a teleprompter that you should find interesting and educational:

There’s one reason above all others that President Obama uses a teleprompter in delivering most of his speeches: he’s good at it.

Ronald Reagan was the same way. He was more at ease in reading his speech off the dual screens of a teleprompter than looking up and down at a speech text on his lectern.

Wonders never cease. Ronald Reagan preferred using a teleprompter, too.

Not so, George W. Bush. He often got that nervous, deer-in-the-headlights look when giving an address from a teleprompter.

“He preferred using large index cards,” said his one-time White House Press Secretary Ari Fleisher, “plus I think he was just more comfortable with the cards.”

So Bush preferred to read off of index cards. Wow. So much better than using a teleprompter, eh?

It’s definitely a finely honed skill to deliver a speech from a teleprompter. It takes as much if not more focus or concentration than reading a paper copy.

You know there's really not much to criticize a POTUS for when the masses start criticizing him for using a teleprompter. :D

Can you say "desperate," Shady? B)

The Truth About Presidents And Teleprompters

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My opinion too.

There is no comparison between a teleprompter and the notes cribbed in the youtube video of Palin's hand. Frankly, you can only write a few critical points on a hand, like a phone number. I suspect that Palin was being a typical woman. That's all.


With that said, I prefer politicians who can speak freely.

I have posted this before but imagine Obama (or Palin) talking to journalists in this way, under similar circumstances:

Trudeau had neither a teleprompter nor a crib in his hand. But he had a clear idea of what he was doing because younger, he had given long thought to the issue at hand - rather than merely think of how to become famous.

Although I never approved of Trudeaus experimentation on humanity..I must agree that at least he did his homework - that he was a scholar-- not that Palin should go get a PHd somewhere but at least she should be interested in learning and have a love of it. Being famous seems to be all that is wanted these days...I know of some talented musicians who play 3 thousand dollar guitars and talk a mean streak about the "studio" Yet the jerks barely know how to write and their knowledge consists of a variation on the same to chords...people don't want to do the work to get their skill level up - If I am going to comment on Muslim extremist I will have to do more than speed read the Koran - I am going to have to understand it.

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I'm actually quite suprised of the power and influence Sarah Palin continues to have on the media and politics. I mean, after her speech saturday night, every cable news channel had their own coverage of the event, with their own groups of analysis.

And now you even have the spokesman of the President of The United States responding in kind, which only helps to elevate her status.

I can't believe the power and influence she has, as an unelected, private citizen. It's amazing. And very fun to watch the way she's able to get under the skin of so many people! :lol:

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The main difference between a teleprompter and ummm...off the cuff ...notes....

A teleprompter provides a pre written text which the speaker usually has rehearsed before hand. People who use teleprompters don't normally ad lib or improvise.

Notes are ...notes. They are not a speech. They are "talking points".

teleprompters are great for TV talking heads, bad for raconteurs...

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I'm actually quite suprised of the power and influence Sarah Palin continues to have on the media and politics. I mean, after her speech saturday night, every cable news channel had their own coverage of the event, with their own groups of analysis.

And now you even have the spokesman of the President of The United States responding in kind, which only helps to elevate her status.

I can't believe the power and influence she has, as an unelected, private citizen. It's amazing. And very fun to watch the way she's able to get under the skin of so many people! :lol:

It's the same reason people slow down when passing car accidents. The scene is so horrible, you can't seem to look away from it.

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Guest American Woman

What is super-funny is that Palin was making fun of Obama using a teleprompter while she had notes scrawled on her hand.

That is what makes it so funny. :P

I'm not sure what the deal is with the teleprompter anyway. Is it because they resent the fact he can read? :lol:

Evidently it takes a certain talent to read off of a teleprompter instead of looking down at notes. Reagan preferred a teleprompter too, but I'm sure none of the people berating Obama for it would have anything to say about his using it.

It's like I said before-- when people have to resort to criticizing a POTUS over the use of a teleprompter, you know it's a slow day and there's slim pickin's in the 'what can we criticize him for today?' department. :D

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Evidently it takes a certain talent to read off of a teleprompter instead of looking down at notes.

Not really. Not beyond reading anyway. There is an awards show that I was involved with. Every award had a presenter who read a short piece. They would come in the afternoon of the event and rehearse for a few minutes, just to get an idea of what it looks like. (think of a heads up display, superimposed over the audience). If they can speak in public, they come off looking like a pro. If they can't speak well in public, they don't look too stupid fumbling their notes...

One year a chap didn't practice because he flew in that afternoon from Europe. And yes, he read "pause for applause".

He got the best appaluse of all...

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Guest American Woman

Uh, so what kind of a news day is it when a former failed vice-president nomination(Palin) gets criticized over the use of notes on her hand?

It's the kind of day where we have a good laugh. Had she not mouthed off about Obama and the use of a teleprompter, I, for one, couldn't have cared less about the notes on her hand.

But she did criticize Obama, and she looked so obvious reading the notes off of her hand ( :lol:, so there you go ..... B)

I can see why she had to have the notes, though; they were quite deep and difficult to remember without the reminder.

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It's the kind of day where we have a good laugh. Had she not mouthed off about Obama and the use of a teleprompter, I, for one, couldn't have cared less about the notes on her hand.

Having a few points written down is hardly the same as reading all of your speeches off a teleprompter. Even comments given in a grade 6 classroom. :rolleyes:

they were quite deep and difficult to remember without the reminder.

Possibly. When giving a 40+ minute speech, followed by a discussion, there's always a risk of forgetting something important you wanted to say. You're acting pretty petty in this case. Save your ammo for something real to criticize.

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It's the kind of day where we have a good laugh. Had she not mouthed off about Obama and the use of a teleprompter, I, for one, couldn't have cared less about the notes on her hand.

But she did criticize Obama, and she looked so obvious reading the notes off of her hand ( :lol:, so there you go ..... B)

I can see why she had to have the notes, though; they were quite deep and difficult to remember without the reminder.

So it's a slow news day when Obama gets criticized, but when Palin gets criticized it's a knee slapper?

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Guest American Woman

So it's a slow news day when Obama gets criticized, but when Palin gets criticized it's a knee slapper?

You really need me to spell this out for you too, eh?

Obama is the president. Therefore, he's in a position of power.

Palin, as you pointed out, is a "failed" VP candidate who quit her position as Governor. In other words, she's not in any position.

Obama is busy doing all kinds of things being the POTUS, so if he's doing so much to be critical of, one would think there would be any number of things to criticize him over. But evidently the use of a teleprompter is the best the anti-Obama crowd can come up with.

On the other hand, Palin isn't busy doing anything other than being a commentator.


So yeah, when people can only criticize the POTUS for reading off of a teleprompter, it says there's not much to criticize him over.

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So yeah, when people can only criticize the POTUS for reading off of a teleprompter, it says there's not much to criticize him over.

Au contraire. It gets to the very heart of the Obama criticizm. It symbolizes it. He needs the teleprompter, because he's not genuine, and he has absolutely no idea what he's doing as President.

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Another dose of what's wrong with the American Liberal, condescending attitudes regarding the right, AW.

At any rate, Obama has done much to attract criticism. This attraction has even started a movement called the Tea Party. I notice that the left's talking heads used to refer to them as tea baggers, which is a disrespectful term. They now call them tea party-ers. If the left is showing the movement respect it's only out of fear.

But that's beyond the scope of this thread. If some here want to raise Palin to the level of Obama, that's fine with me.

Edited by sharkman
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Guest American Woman

Au contraire. It gets to the very heart of the Obama criticizm. It symbolizes it. He needs the teleprompter, because he's not genuine, and he has absolutely no idea what he's doing as President.

omg. If ever a post symbolizes that have absolutely no idea about presidents, speeches, and teleprompters, this is it.

You really have made my day. Seriously. Keep posting about obama's using a teleprompter. It assures me that he's not doing anything that even his critics can be critical of.


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