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How Many Houses Does John McCain Own?

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Homes owned by candidate in question is a non-issue.

The real story here is how Obama has tried to turn this into a talking point.

Seems to be politics as usual for a candidate who defines his very being as someone who doesn't play politics.

I guess the "messiah" is pretty much like everyone else after all.

Keep it up, Barry. Your true colours are starting to show.

Sadly, despite your huge Republican bias, i have to agree with you. I'm disappointed in Obama, he could be so much more. But he just plays the smooth political games like everyone else.

But he's still lightyears better than McCain. :D

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The whole "elitist" thing is dumb. I would WANT the President to be an elitist. I WANT him to be the best & brightest the country has to offer, and by being so i'd assume he'd have gone to some great schools & in his life has been relatively financially successful (successful lawyers & businessmen etc. usually are).

As long as he isn't completely out of touch with reality, owning 7 houses is fine. I wouldn't want the President to have 1st-hand experience of the morgage crisis. I would think the freaking President of the United States should at least know how to properly manage his money & assets.

Edited by Moonlight Graham
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Yes lets consider Obama's bacground....elite private schools, private prep schools, ivy league universities.....it is there he leaned the hardhips placed on working folk by the high price of argula ....

He got the education he did because of smarts, scholarships and student loans, not from his dad being an Admiral or head of the CIA. I'm not sure if the argula talking point is working because nobody knows what argula is, so it doesn't sound too high-falutin'. Is it a vegetable or wine or some kind of exotic meat? I'm going to have to google that.

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A strong reaction like that does show that Obama did hit a nerve. It if were 'nothing,' 'meaningless,' there wouldn't have been such a strong reaction

Yes, just like McCain's celebrity ad.

Official Net Worth: McCain $36.4 Million, Obama $799,000

Still using Huffington Post as a source? Even after I've had to correct you several times over the past couple of weeks? Even so, one has to ask how a man making 4 million dollars a year, owning a million dollar mansion, and working as a Senator and University professor approaching the age of 50, only has a net worth of $800,000? Yeah, I want that man to be President! :rolleyes:

And how are they calculating McCain's net worth? He signed a prenuptial agreement before he married Cindy.

How about someone who knows how many homes they own and realizes that a record number of Americans have had to foreclose on their mortgages

John McCain doesn't own 7 homes. That's a lie. The McCain's as a couple may own several homes, but if you count the number of homes actually in John McCain's name, you'll find the number is quite small. And I'm sure he knows all about American's having to forclose on their mortgages, since he's mentioned it in several speeches over the last 6 months of campaigning. :rolleyes:

Cindy McCain's family is rich, John McCain isn't. It's quite simple.

And another fact is that the Republicans made a really big deal out of the five homes that Kerry owns last election

Nope, that's not a fact at all, just another Huffington Post lie. Republicans made a big deal of John Kerry's smearing of soldiers serving in Vietnam, his windsurfing, his flip-flops, and his "voting for the funding before voting against it". Not his homes.

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But while it's true that McCain likely has little understanding what people whose homes are being foreclosed are going through, I think the point of the controversy is the GOP has been trying desperately to paint Obama as uppity and elitist and not like regular folks. Considering his background compared to McCain's, that line of attack is extremely hypocritical and geared towards those who prefer their blacks servile.
They both come from modest backgrounds. Obama benefitted from affirmative action programmes (making him a poster boy for traditional American liberals) while McCain benefitted from a family military tradition.

I don't think the Republicans are pretending that Obama is out of touch with ordinary Americans because he is elitist or wealthy. Obama is out of touch with ordinary Americans because he benefitted from affirmative action programmes and was/is a radical leftist. Obama is inexperienced, wishy-washy and prone to have a weakness for adulation. As he gets closer to power, he's willing to compromise anything to stay popular. In short, he may speak well but he's not a leader.

With good reason, American voters are suspicious of someone who appears to enjoy or abuse the perks of power. Obama's wife has made comments along those lines but who knows really...


Anyway, all this is neither here nor there. IMHO, Obama will not get elected because he has no track record, he's too inexperienced and he's simply too radical for most Americans. A portion of the Democratic party (radical fringe) finds this appealing in a candidate but most Americans, when they pay attention, will not.

Obama is like Ned Lamont, George McGovern, Eugene McCarthy or Henry Wallace. Obama is desperately trying to become a black Hubert Humphrey. Once you get passed his rich voice and speech making skills, Obama is unelectable.

Edited by August1991
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Guest American Woman
Yes, just like McCain's celebrity ad.

Not quite like that since many Republicans think that's stupid too.

Still using Huffington Post as a source? Even after I've had to correct you several times over the past couple of weeks?

"Correct me?" Are you living in some kind of dream world? You haven't corrected me so much as once. You've tried to pass of your version as fact, but newsflash-- that's not a "correction." :lol:

Even so, one has to ask how a man making 4 million dollars a year, owning a million dollar mansion, and working as a Senator and University professor approaching the age of 50, only has a net worth of $800,000? Yeah, I want that man to be President!

Here's a tip. One can own a million dollar mansion, and if there's a mortgage on it, the net worth isn't a million dollars. Here's another tip. Senators aren't in the million dollar income bracket. Those who are rich didn't get rich on their Senate salaries. And just how much do you think university professors make? Good Lord. I think, like McCain, you need a good dose of reality.

And how are they calculating McCain's net worth? He signed a prenuptial agreement before he married Cindy.

Isn't that romantic. Cindy had an affair with him while he was married and then had him sign a prenup when he left his wife for her. Talk about trust. :P But as far as I know, they are still married, hence it's "their" money. Unless he gets an allowance from his wife? Yeah, I'd want that man to be president. lol

John McCain doesn't own 7 homes. That's a lie. The McCain's as a couple may own several homes

So the homes they own as a couple aren't his? He doesn't own those? So educate me. When a married couple owns a home, who actually owns it? I would assume by your reasoning that since Obama and his wife own their home as a couple, Obama doesn't actually own it.

....but if you count the number of homes actually in John McCain's name, you'll find the number is quite small.

Really? And how small is that number? Because I must say, if the number is "quite small" and McCain still didn't know how many he owns, that's pretty scary! Most people who own "quite [a] small" number of homes would know what that small number is. It's not too difficult to keep track of a "small number" of things one owns.

And I'm sure he knows all about American's having to forclose on their mortgages, since he's mentioned it in several speeches over the last 6 months of campaigning. :rolleyes:

And yet he claims the economy is strong. Are you getting it yet?

Cindy McCain's family is rich, John McCain isn't. It's quite simple.

Riiiiight. She's living the rich life while McCain is living the humble life. I have to say, trying to portray her as rich and him as not rich just makes him look like a loser riding on his wife's coattail.

Nope, that's not a fact at all, just another Huffington Post lie. Republicans made a big deal of John Kerry's smearing of soldiers serving in Vietnam, his windsurfing, his flip-flops, and his "voting for the funding before voting against it". Not his homes.

Sorry, but I don't need you or the Huffington Post to tell me what happened during the Bush-Kerry election. Since I wasn't born yesterday, I was there for it, and therefore know from personal experience what the Republicans made a big deal out of. I can see why you would want to conveniently forget about it or rewrite history, but sorry, no can do. I'm sure you'll keep trying, though. ;)

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Yes lets consider Obama's bacground....elite private schools, private prep schools, ivy league universities.....it is there he leaned the hardhips placed on working folk by the high price of argula ....

All of which he achieved on merit, unlike McCain who, like Bush, had to rely on family connections. Unlike McCain, Obama excelled in his various academic and vocational pursuits. McCain failed at everything, and continues to do so. That, of course, doesn't mean he won't be the next American President. It does mean, however, that if he's elected, Bush won't be the worst President in history--McCain will be.

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All the fiction writers I know don't consider it work....

It would seem that you're not open to making valid observations. Is it your view that insult and condemnation based on false assertions and innuendo count for sound argument? If you have valid points to make why do you degrade them and yourself with such snideness? Are Obama's books fiction? Do you seriously suggest that writing books is not work? And by implication, do you support the notion that living off the avails of a rich wife, as McCain does, is worthy of someone who purports to be an officer and a gentleman? McCain has demonstrated that he is unethical, incompetent, and a liar. The facts, unlike those concocted to smear Obama, are irrefutable.

To paraphrase others, you have a right to your own opinion about Obama; you don't have a right to your own facts.

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Not quite like that since many Republicans think that's stupid too.

Sorry, but 0.001% of Republicans doesn't count as many.

"Correct me?" Are you living in some kind of dream world? You haven't corrected me so much as once
Not long ago, the New York Times reported the story of McCain's relationship with the sultry lobbyist, Vicki Iseman. McCain surrogates furiously denounced the story, but oddly, John McCain never brought it up.


John McCain Responds To New York Times Smear


As I stated earlier, that's some interesting video for someone who "never brought the issue up" and has "refused to answer". Spread your Huffington Post lies somewhere else.

Those who are rich didn't get rich on their Senate salaries. And just how much do you think university professors make?

Barack Obama earned a 6 figure salary. Michelle Obama also earned a 6 figure salary. In fact, they've been earning close to half a million dollars a year. Millions more if you count the book sales.

Isn't that romantic. Cindy had an affair with him while he was married and then had him sign a prenup when he left his wife for her. Talk about trust. :P But as far as I know, they are still married, hence it's "their" money. Unless he gets an allowance from his wife?

Strawman. I wasn't arguing whether anything was romantic or not. I could care less. And no, John McCain doesn't get an allowance. He earns a salary as a United States Senator.

So the homes they own as a couple aren't his?

No, they're not.

Sorry, but I don't need you or the Huffington Post to tell me what happened during the Bush-Kerry election

Exactly. You can just make it up, like you're doing now. :lol:

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Guest American Woman
Sorry, but 0.001% of Republicans doesn't count as many.

Give me your source for that figure or stop wasting my time.

John McCain Responds To New York Times Smear


As I stated earlier, that's some interesting video for someone who "never brought the issue up" and has "refused to answer". Spread your Huffington Post lies somewhere else.

I'll post my sources whenever and where ever I choose. If you don't believe the source, then prove it wrong. Obviously he refused to discuss it/answer the question in the source I cited.

But my original points remains. McCain does not have "30 years of a clear public and private record" as you claimed. If he did, there would be no questions regarding his fidelity; and here's a fact-- "denial" is not "debunking." Yet to you it is when McCain denies something, while you keep accusing Edwards of what he's denied.-- again proving my point that some will overlook whatever doesn't suit their views.

Barack Obama earned a 6 figure salary. Michelle Obama also earned a 6 figure salary. In fact, they've been earning close to half a million dollars a year. Millions more if you count the book sales.

So what's your point? You don't get "rich" on making $150,000 a year. "Well off" and "rich" are two different things. In fact, McCain said "rich" starts at "five million a year." B) So keep trying.

Strawman. I wasn't arguing whether anything was romantic or not. I could care less. And no, John McCain doesn't get an allowance. He earns a salary as a United States Senator.

Um, no. Not a strawman. Just an abservation. So why not address the real issue? Are you saying McCain lives on his salary as a senator while Cindy is living on her multi-millions? Of course not, making your comments ludicrous. Fact is, that's how much McCain and Cindy as a couple are worth; and they are a couple. I notice you have no trouble bringing Obama's wife's salary into the discussion, so we'll keep Cindy's money in the picture too. ;)

QUOTE=American Woman: So the homes they own as a couple aren't his?

No, they're not.

Someone should tell him and his staff that he doesn't own them then. :rolleyes: Good grief. Of course they are his. You don't know much about the law, do you?

QUOTE=American Woman @ Aug 23 2008, 05:23 AM)

Sorry, but I don't need you or the Huffington Post to tell me what happened during the Bush-Kerry election

Exactly. You can just make it up, like you're doing now.

Right. I'm making things up. You claim McCain doesn't own the homes that he and Cindy own together, and you accuse me of making things up.

Fyi, claiming that I'm making stuff up isn't a 'rebuttal.' It's an unfounded accusation, so back it up, or shut up.

Edited by American Woman
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Give me your source for that figure or stop wasting my time.

You stated that many Republicans don't like the ad. Maybe you should be the one providing the sources. It's your claim. If you consider a handful of Republicans to be many, then I can make the same kind of claim. Many Democrats don't like the Obama ad.

I'll post my sources whenever and where ever I choose. If you don't believe the source, then prove it wrong. Obviously he refused to discuss it/answer the question in the source I cited

Well, it's not my fault the source you cited was wrong. You should acknowledge that fact and move on. John McCain addressed the issue the day after the New York Time's story broke. So your/Huffington Post claim that he refused to bring up the issue or answer the accusation is wrong. Completely and utterly wrong. So I had to correct you.

So what's your point? You don't get "rich" on making $150,000 a year. "Well off" and "rich" are two different things. In fact, McCain said "rich" starts at "five million a year."

Well, Obama said rich starts at $150,000 a year. And since Michelle earns some $300,000+, and he earns $200,000+ per year, I believe they'd qualify. So, is Obama now disqualified from becoming President? Afterall, if you take the value of the Obama's home, it's worth more than most of the McCain homes put together.

Um, no. Not a strawman. Just an abservation. So why not address the real issue? Are you saying McCain lives on his salary as a senator while Cindy is living on her multi-millions? Of course not, making your comments ludicrous. Fact is, that's how much McCain and Cindy as a couple are worth; and they are a couple. I notice you have no trouble bringing Obama's wife's salary into the discussion, so we'll keep Cindy's money in the picture too.

An observation can be a strawman, and I don't care if something is or isn't romantic. It's not germane to my argument. And you can keep Cindy's money in the picture all you want, but a prenup explicitly seperates the wealth of someone before the two entered into marriage. Don't blame me, blame the law.

Someone should tell him and his staff that he doesn't own them then. Good grief. Of course they are his. You don't know much about the law, do you?

Do you? Any property owned by trusts and companies controlled by Cindy McCain are not automatically partnered with John McCain. Again, don't blame me, blame the law.

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An observation can be a strawman, and I don't care if something is or isn't romantic. It's not germane to my argument. And you can keep Cindy's money in the picture all you want, but a prenup explicitly seperates the wealth of someone before the two entered into marriage. Don't blame me, blame the law

Actually is sperates the wealth AFTER the marriage is over. Hence the reason for the prenup. While they are married, it belongs to the both of them. So you are right, don't blame the law. Blame your understanding of what a prenup is.

Do you? Any property owned by trusts and companies controlled by Cindy McCain are not automatically partnered with John McCain. Again, don't blame me, blame the law.

I am no fan of McCain, but I will argue that some of Cindy's business relationships before the marriage will stay that way during the marriage. McCain has nothing to do with it and I will guess, Cindy just wants to keep that seperate.

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Ciny's family fortune came from beer and she's also one of many US citizens that is making money off the war by supplying the military with beer and water. Cindy is worth mega millions and I read were alot of it is hidden down in the Caymen Islands. Perhap McCain doesn't own anything is all Cindy's!!

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Guest American Woman
You stated that many Republicans don't like the ad. Maybe you should be the one providing the sources. It's your claim. If you consider a handful of Republicans to be many, then I can make the same kind of claim. Many Democrats don't like the Obama ad.

Make the claim all you want, but when you use a specific figure, you'd better have a source for it.

Well, it's not my fault the source you cited was wrong. You should acknowledge that fact and move on. John McCain addressed the issue the day after the New York Time's story broke. So your/Huffington Post claim that he refused to bring up the issue or answer the accusation is wrong. Completely and utterly wrong. So I had to correct you.

No, it isn't completely and utterly wrong. McCain did refuse to answer the journalist in question. I'll c&p it for you since you seem to miss it repeatedly:

"Well have you always been faithful to Cindy McCain?"

McCain: "Oh no... that's not what I'm going to talk about."

"Have you been faithful to your wife? You won't answer? C'mon - how 'bout a little of that straight talk?"

McCain: "Young man, I will tell you that I have a son serving in Iraq in the Marines."

"Yes - I know. I know a lot about you. Have you cheated on Cindy McCain? Why won't you answer?"

McCain turned away.

Well, Obama said rich starts at $150,000 a year.

I'd like a source for that.

And since Michelle earns some $300,000+, and he earns $200,000+ per year, I believe they'd qualify.

Is there something wrong with you that you keep including Obama's wife's money while dismissing McCain's wife's money? Let me remind you that Cindy earns multi-millions. And while I'm at it, I'll remind you that McCain said that rich doesn't start until five million. But he's in touch with the middle class. He's not the elitist that he accuses Obama of being. :lol:

So, is Obama now disqualified from becoming President? Afterall, if you take the value of the Obama's home, it's worth more than most of the McCain homes put together.

You've got to be kidding me. You truly believe all the houses the McCain's own don't add up to the value of their one house?? You are either outrageously ignorant regarding the value of real estate, completely blinded by your partisan mentality, or totally dishonest.

An observation can be a strawman, and I don't care if something is or isn't romantic. It's not germane to my argument.

It is germane that even McCain's wife doesn't trust him and had him sign a prenup. How are we supposed to trust him when his own wife doesn't? ;)

And you can keep Cindy's money in the picture all you want, but a prenup explicitly seperates the wealth of someone before the two entered into marriage. Don't blame me, blame the law.

I'll blame you for insisting that money that wouldn't belong to him if they divorced doesn't belong to him while they are married. When they get divorced, get back to me, k? Because the fact is, it's either both of their money, or she gives him an allowance and/or permission to spend her money, or she makes all of the monetary decisions in the household herself. None of those scenarios is pretty.

QUOTE=American Woman: Someone should tell him and his staff that he doesn't own them then. Good grief. Of course they are his. You don't know much about the law, do you?

Do you? Any property owned by trusts and companies controlled by Cindy McCain are not automatically partnered with John McCain. Again, don't blame me, blame the law.

You really won't give this ridiculous argument up, will you? Unbelievable. When McCain was asked "how many houses do you own," he didn't say "hardly any ... my wife owns most of them," he said you'll have to ask my staff. As I said earlier, if he doesn't own these houses, if he only owns a "small number" as you claimed, he must be losing it not to know how many he owns. I've never once heard him say "I don't own them, my wife does." So until I hear it from him, as long as his staff is saying he owns them, I'll take their word over yours. :rolleyes:

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If someone were to ask me, how many rrsps do i have, i would have to go check my files......I'm certainly not as rich as MCCain...but I was and someone asked how many investment properties I owned, I would ask my accountant.

I amazed that some people are too thick to grasp that.

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Do you? Any property owned by trusts and companies controlled by Cindy McCain are not automatically partnered with John McCain. Again, don't blame me, blame the law.

He could have said that his wife has many investment properties and then mention the places where he primarily takes up residence. He stumbled on a question that shouldn't stumble most people.

How many homes do you have?

Four. My wife comes from a well off family and has several investment properties but we have four places we primarily live at during the year.

The fact that McCain reacted with befuddlement really shows he didn't want to answer a question as simple as "Where do you live?"

Edited by jdobbin
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Just for the record, the Obamas earned their money. The McCains inherited theirs, got it through family connections, or by marriage. If the McCains had to rely on their own merits, they'd be abject failures.

Really? So the millions of US veterans with earned retirement benefits are also abject failures? Or US Senators without "earned" wealth? Anyone who retires at the rank of O-6 and is successful in the US Congress for over 20 years can hardly be an "abject failure".

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Guest American Woman
Best line I've heard so far about McCain's houses is a woman who wrote an email to an American talk show that said:

"I'd rather vote for a guy who doesn't know how many houses he has than a guy who doesn't know when life begins."

When McCain was asked what he would do if his daughter got pregnant and wanted an abortion, he said the final decision would be made by her with his and Cindy's counsel. Sounds exactly like the pro-choice position to me.

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When McCain was asked what he would do if his daughter got pregnant and wanted an abortion, he said the final decision would be made by her with his and Cindy's counsel. Sounds exactly like the pro-choice position to me.

By that logic, everyone is either pro choice or a hateful totalitarian parent.

What other choice does a parent have? ground her? Never speak to her again?

I'm pro choice but personally opposed to abortion except in extreme cases. I know if my wife got pregnant we would have a baby. No question. If myut she would definately daughter got pregnant (in no less than, pray to God) 20 years.....the final choice would be hers but if my advice was asked it would be to deliever a live baby as opposed to killing it.

And that would be if she was a minor too...

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Best line I've heard so far about McCain's houses is a woman who wrote an email to an American talk show that said:

"I'd rather vote for a guy who doesn't know how many houses he has than a guy who doesn't know when life begins."

Wow, that's pretty sweet. Can you imagine he actually said it was "above his pay grade" to answer the question. Apparently he has no idea when life begins, so logically you err on the side of possibly killing the unborn? Yeah, that makes sense. :blink:

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Guest American Woman

How many houses one owns is an absolute. When "life begins" isn't. Some say life begins at conception, some say at birth. A miscarriage isn't registered as a death. Fetuses can't get life insurance. It's not a black and white issue. How many houses one has is. So we all have opinions as to when life begins, but that's all they are: our opinions. So when Obama says he doesn't know when life begins, he's saying he doesn't have the answer. And he doesn't. None of us do. We only have our opinions.

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