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  1. So if she didn't wear the hijab in Pakistan, you would be criticizing her right now??
  2. Yeah, seriously. I don't agree with the paranoia that you shouldn't shake anyone's hand (if you are healthy) as the media has been reporting lately. But if you ARE sick, stay at home as much as possible, don't shake people's hands and for the love of God cover your mouth when you cough. If everyone did these very simple things, illnesses would be cut down dramatically.
  3. A good source for H1N1 statistics Updated daily
  4. Internet Explorer sucks anyways
  5. Mine is fine (I'm using firefox). What browser are you using? Maybe that's what is causing problems?
  6. It's not that annoying, but I certainly wouldn't miss it if it were gone.
  7. The outbreak started towards the end of March of this year...that's about 7 months. Considering that it takes time to produce a vaccine for millions of people, and that's on top of the regular seasonal flu vaccine, and that the virus could easily mutate making the vaccine useless, I guess the question is...what would you have done differently?
  8. I agree that the stimulus money is a case of rural ridings getting more than urban ridings. However, I disagree that this is anything new. I'd be interested in seeing some figures, but I suspect that more government money has always gone to rural ridings per capita than urban ridings.
  9. That's odd, I would have thought it would have been more of a summer sport.
  10. Good post. Ok, I didn't read all of it but I skimmed most of it, and from what I've read I like it. If you get a party started and run a candidate in my riding, I'll consider voting for you.
  11. Why not just tell your landlord that it bothers you...and if they refuse to remedy the situation, sue.
  12. Personally I'd like to see a good variety of different parties, but with more cooperation between parties on issues.
  13. Left of what? Left vs. right is all relative, so by definition you can not have only left-wing parties. It would be like saying there is an Central-Eastern Canada, an Eastern Canada and a far Eastern Canada.
  14. Wikipedia gives a good summary A lot more newspapers endorsed the Conservatives than the Liberals. I get a kick out of people complaining about the so-called liberal (or Liberal) media.
  15. Letterman's top ten is usually not very funny...they should really change it to a top 3.
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