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Status Updates posted by Argus

  1. This tendency — to announce policy first, then figure out the consequences later; to prefer show to substance — is by now established as this government’s modus operandi. - Andrew Coyne

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      A slight delay in completing a promise is not a broken promise. You'll have to do much better than that to get any traction I'm afraid.

    3. -1=e^ipi



      why reference articles and post no link?

    4. BC_chick


      What broken promises Shady?

  2. Thomas Mulcair's self righteous promise to not go negative in ads broken just two weeks later.

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Argus


      It's a lie, actually. Suggesting this government is corrupt is blatantly dishonest. There have been a few minor individual acts of rule breaking, but this government has been remarkably free of corruption compared to its predecessors.

    3. BubberMiley


      It's a lie to list off all the people charged or under criminal investigation? No, those are called facts.

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      It can be a pain when those durn chickens come home to roost I guess.

  3. Those who repeatedly condemn Israel for actions they ignore on the part of all other nations do so out of antisemitism, pure and simple.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Argus


      I said "repeatedly". I certainly accept Israel is imperfect, and does some dumb things. But if you're singling it out, it's because they're Jews.

    3. overthere


      Yep, those pesky Joos simply refuse to roll over and die, en masse.

  4. Today is the day all those people who pay no taxes get to decide how our taxes should be spent...

  5. Today's lesson: When considering the wisdom of smashing something to pieces, bear in mind the need to clean the pieces of afterward...

  6. Toronto police to begin unique experiment with bodycams. Police wearing the cameras may turn them off any time they feel like it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      No you carry on. Youre doing just fine. (speaking of shit from thin air)

    3. sharkman


      Sure, another is those cops who turn off the camera frequently would be open to review as to why so frequently. No promotions, no OT in risky situations, or many other options to curtail their career. Surely you're not so dim witted to have nothing to add, Guardster?

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      You are handling that part quite well all by yourself.

      But ya know you wouldnt have to turn the camera off that often. Just when you were about to shoot an unarmed guy running away from you.

  7. Trangendered the new fashion frenzy among progressives. Liberals desperate to jump onto bandwagon and start issuing orders on their behalf.

  8. Trials delayed, thousands of criminals could be set free as Liberals delay appointing judges while desperately searching for at least slightly qualified black lesbian muslims to appoint to the bench

  9. tried to download an app on my phone to track stocks today. Virtually every one wanted access to my photos and media files, my identity, purchase history, and even contacts. And people are agreeing to this!?

    1. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      Yes, they're naive fools.

    2. GostHacked


      Check out Humancentipad .. a South Park ep.... you'll like it.

    1. Argus


      Apparently progressives have no issue with threatening reporters as long as the threat comes from a progressive government.

    2. dialamah


      Good advice for Conservatives in that article. Constantly harping on JT's pics or lack of shirt comes across as petty. Use real stuff, like people using limos when taxis will do, stuff like that. :)

    3. poochy


      You know it's not good when they would prefer you focused on a $1700 limo ride. Children following children.

  10. Trudeau booed by crowd -- for speaking English in Quebec city. Don't worry, they cheered him again - once he reverted to French.

  11. Trudeau is in China crawling before China's sniggering political elites and begging for favours. I wonder how many more tricks he will do as he desperately looks for their approval.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. overthere


      Hey, he is getting a bunch of free meals. Think of the savings in per diems!.

    3. ?Impact


      Trudeau is our Prime Minister, get used to it, you will have another 11 years of him.

    4. DogOnPorch
  12. Trudeau Liberals spend $9 in March, highest in 11 years, just so they can claim there was a deficit last year.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Argus


      And yet this year's splurge was the largest in 11 years, just large enough for the Liberals to claim there was a deficit last year.

    3. waldo


      yes - you're echoing just what Joe Oliver said in his article! Does it really matter if there was a minimal surplus... or a minimal deficit? One can say the exact same thing to you about the creative handiwork done by Harper Conservatives to (supposedly) arrive at that minimal projected surplus announcement... timed coincidentally to be announced right in the peak of the election campaign! Just coincidence, right?

    4. scribblet


      As Oliver said correctly: Liberals inherited surplus. If tenants moved into an immaculate house in October & trashed it in March it was their fault not previous tenants.

  13. Trudeau Liberals spend $9 in March, highest in 11 years, just so they can claim there was a deficit last year.

  14. Trudeau replaces skilled diplmat with party bagman as ambassador to UN, appoints another as ambassador to US. Gee, where's that respect for the public service he talked about?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. waldo


      what diplomatic experience did Gary Doer have when your boy Harper appointed him?

    3. overthere


      Yeah and Gary Doer was a partisan appointment too, he was a lifetime NDP man.

      Oh wait.

      Look, McNaughton has servedf Liberals loyally for decades and needed a job.

    4. Shady


      Looks like Justin's not much of a change from Harper. He's also very controlling of his MPs and ministers.

  15. Trudeau to restore Old age security age to 65. "So what if we go bankrupt! I'll be gone by then!" he said cheerily as he danced through the tulips plucking his ukelele

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Smoke


      smallc so bad policy is OK so long as it was promised? What a partisan hack.

  16. Trudeau to revamp Liberal party constitution. “There’s a power grab going on within the Liberal Party of Canada,” said one senior Liberal. “Power is being concentrated into a small group around the leader, as opposed to members.” Say it ain't so!

  17. Trudeau wants to make it the law for all those who don't follow politics, don't know anything about what's going on, and don't care, to vote. Why? Because they're the most likely people to vote Liberal.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Harper likes his uninformed voters, but then they read C51.

    3. Boges


      Mandatory voting is a bad idea.

    4. Mighty AC

      Mighty AC

      C-51 is a bad idea. Gutting environmental protections, science research and reporting is a bad idea. Suing our vets to deny them pension benefits is a bad idea. Raiding emergency funds, selling assets at a loss and not spending budgeted money on vets and first nations to fake a balanced budget is a bad idea.

  18. Trudeau wants to strengthen bilingualism laws and require all senior government people, including appointees like Supreme Court justices, to be fluently bilingual.

  19. Trudeau's upcoming African mission could be MORE dangerous for Canadian troops than Afghanistan was. http://news.nationalpost.com/news/world/matthew-fisher-why-an-african-mission-could-be-more-dangerous-than-afghanistan

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Smallc


      some of you have lost all perspective.

    3. Argus


      You mean because we don't swoon every time the glorious boy leader appears on TV?

    4. overthere


      The reason we are presently shopping for an African war are reality.

      And it will be more dangerous than Afghanistan. The logistics are very difficult in Mali, and there is little support available from our allies. Disclosure: I have been to both countries.

  20. Turkey joins rest of Muslim world in elminating all free press. I guess free speech and a free press are among those things not compatible with Islam

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Argus


      For those wondering why I deleted your contributions. It was because they were stupid.

    3. poochy


      Yea, comparisons to communism and Africa, that'l make your point.

    4. DogOnPorch


      Turkey was ushered into NATO to provide a platform + bases re: MRBMs aimed the the USSR during the Cold War.

  21. Turkey needs to grow up and stop acting like a child. Lying and denynig what was done despite what everyone else on the planet knows to be fact is childish and stupid.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      genocide, massacre, holocaust, take your pick.

    3. Argus


      It was all of that, a very dark time in history. The Turks need to own up and grow up and stop acting like the world's most backward child.

    4. sharkman


      Well they see Iran lying their asses off and getting rewarded in the international community, so...

  22. twisted his ankle and is sitting in his recliner with his foot up muttering at the unfairness of the world.

  23. Two people of Syrian origin have been arrested in Geneva on suspicion of making, concealing and transporting explosives and toxic gas, the Swiss attorney general says http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35083819

    1. The_Squid
    2. DogOnPorch


      Not possible. They're Syrian and incapable of causing harm.

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