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Status Updates posted by waldo

  1. no - the CBC is not state controlled... no matter how many times the trolling refrain continues to be brought forward! The CBC, per the UNESCO definition, is public service broadcasting made, financed and controlled by the public, for the public. It is neither commercial nor state-owned; it is free from political interference and pressure from commercial forces.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. overthere


      no pressure from commercial forces? is paid advertising being banned from CBC TV now? I feel bady for their 'journalists', their daily scripts are written by the PMO daily now

    3. waldo


      who funds the CBC? Why... the people... for the people! Obviously.

    4. waldo


      any examples of commercial entities forcing the programming of particular content on CBC?

  2. oh my! Is there a real reason Baird left? http://tinyurl.com/BairdLeftWhy

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. WWWTT


      Oh and by the way scribblet, shame on you for blocking another poster then posting on their updates!

    3. Mighty AC

      Mighty AC

      Meh, conservatives call not allowing comments or answering questions, 'controlling the message'. They feel a lack of information, transparency and accountability is a good thing. Knowingly providing false information on major election issues and outright cheating during the election itself is just good politics to them.

    4. scribblet


      To whom are you referring, I haven't blocked anyone. I do have two people on ignore which could mean they can't reply to me here.

      I don't reply to rude people who deliberately change names either.

  3. Face to Face With The Prime Minister... unscripted, 10 Canadians with diverse backgrounds, one-on-one, any questions, any issues... just like Harper used to do! And no Trolly... no need for selfies... it's carried nationally on Canada's national public broadcast station!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. poochy


      Im sure it was riveting, and icky.

    3. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Drawing a conclusion without knowledge. Why am I not surprised?

  4. Despite their swaggering bravado in claiming to "support the troops", Harper Conservatives have reduced defence spending to just 1% of GDP — the lowest level in Canadian history!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Big Guy

      Big Guy

      How many Canadian troops wrre killed during "The decade of darkness"?

    3. Argus


      Where's the new promised new APCs? Where's the promised new support ships? Where's the promised new helicopters? Where's the promised new fighter jet contract? Where's the promised new icebreakers? Where's the promised money to grow the reserves?

    4. dre


      My guess is that the government sees political value in trotting out statements of military idolitry but at the end of the day they recognize that Canadians would benefit more from that money if it was spent on other things.

  5. fresh off Obama's speech last night: apparently... the latest Republican spin has Obama squandering the Bush "gains" in Iraq!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. bush_cheney2004


      Bombed Iraq too...just like Canada did.

    3. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Maybe you didn't hear, Chretien said "non" to Bush. Oh yeah, I better explain, Chretien speaks French, "non" en francais means "NO" in English.

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Just heard a good one from Letterman: He said he heard Cheney has said "we need to illiminate ISIS." Letterman's response was "good idea... dick, why don't you take them hunting"

  6. Happy 1-year anniversary of the demise of Sun News!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Then thank god for the crtc!

    3. overthere


      Waldo would cheer if certain journalists were sent to special camps for re -education.

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Levant would certainly be a good candidate for some kind of education.

  7. Stephen 'Decarbonization' Harper: "We simply have to find a way to create lower carbon-emitting sources of energy"

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      The producing provinces already have.

    3. Shady


      Taxing carbon is taxing manufacturing jobs and the middle class.

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Why does that sound like a Harper talking point and nothing else. Check the facts at how well carbon tax actually works, in BC for instance.

  8. hey now! The lil' leprechaun isn't down with using his next year's forecast surplus to expand income-splitting ahead of the Oct, 2015 election campaign. Timing is everything, doncha know!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Now you know that Flaherty is getting a sound spanking over that. Ah yet another election promise down the tube, but I don't think it was on the script for the finance minister to announce the scam the day after the budget.

    3. The_Squid


      The election promise of income splitting clearly wasn't thought out or researched. Not even the finance minister has looked into it.

      Sounded good... But in practice might be really stupid. Of course, most Conservatives are still for it.

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      I guess they are now wishing they hadn't promised it back in 2011.

  9. guys, guys... liberally mixing federal Liberal and provincial Liberal is a most liberal use of attachment, association, comparison, correlation, causation, etc.. Please adjust accordingly.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Boges


      Because many of the same people are involved in both parties. I guess you're not in Ontario so you don't give a flip. All I did was compare instances of political controversy. I didn't imply they were the same party. I think you protest too much.

    3. drummindiver


      Waldo, you have indeed not been following Ontario politics if you didn't notice Wynne campaigning on your boy's behalf.

    4. waldo


      no - you're out of proportion; there was concern on how close ties with Wynne would be perceived... so the campaign chose to limit her direct involvement.

  10. the waldo would like to make a genuine offer of conciliation towards CPC supporters - we have hard work ahead and continued acrimony is self-defeating... please embrace the natural governing party of Canada in re-shaping our Canada - sunny ways!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. overthere


      No, Turdeau will dick about for a couple years then decide what has already been decided: ranked ballots. That absolutely ensures that the Liberals will reign many generations.

    3. overthere
  11. did Harper see his shadow... did he even come out from his hidey-hole?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Argus


      Waldo has a man crush on Harper and is missing his fix.

    3. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      I guess then you are also saying BC must have a similar one on Trudeau.

    4. Shady


      Hey waldo, what do you think Harper's plans are for the summer? Maybe cottage or something?

  12. Pork Wars! Way to go Harper Conservatives... you sure showed Puti what's what!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Boges


      Putin invading other nations make him more popular. When will he get around to invading Poland?

    3. Argus


      It's back to the bread lines for Russian shoppers!

    4. overthere


      Putin: looks like Napoleon, acts like Stalin

  13. waaaa! In U.S. primary election, Koch brothers backed Tea Party member defeats U.S. House Majority leader, Republican Eric Cantor!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. BubberMiley


      These days, everyone to the left of Attila the Hun is a RINO.

    3. Shady


      Cantor was out of touch from his district. Spent more money on steak dinners than his opponent did on his whole campaign.

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Apparently Cantor wasn't right wing enough for the tea party. If you can imagine that!

  14. Harper Conservatives are bringing in a freakin' wizard to reset their campaign... from Oz no less!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Derek 2.0

      Derek 2.0

      ....look where the Liberals are now...this was a Crosby gambit, much like in the recent British election leaving Scotland to the SNP, salting the earth for new Labour North of Hadrian's fence.....

    3. Derek 2.0

      Derek 2.0

      As to rumblings of Rove, I haven't heard anything to that, but attack dog Crosby makes Rove look like a poodle...I don't know that Rove would bring anything to Westminster politics.

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Harper is down 3 goals in the last half of the third. In desperation he throws in the third string goalie hoping it might spur on the rest of the team. In the actual political arena, what he doesn't realize, is just how far out of touch with reality he has become. Not hard to call the outcome of the game at this point.

  15. whaaa! Yet another autism related status update... and still no forum thread! And a petition authorized by the Ontario PC Party - go figure. C'mon, go big thread... or go home!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. waldo


      hey poochy, your comment is stooopid as significant more monies are being allocated towards autism.

    3. waldo


      still no thread... c'mon Shady, you claimed you were tired and wanted to relax... but that you might create a thread on Tuesday... for a hamburger today!!! C'mon Whimpy, it's now Friday - git-er-done!

    4. poochy


      You should really stick to less serious subjects, your act plays better there. O and btw, deleting some comments, including the one i was obviously referring to, to make mine look bad, just shows what kind of low brow asshole you are.

  16. if you quote someone, include their name in the quote... unless you don't want a Notification alert so the reply can actually be responded to!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Boges



    3. cybercoma



    4. Smallc


      Sometimes I do...sometimes I don't. Depends how I feel.

  17. post-election poll - Abacus Data! Half of Canadians would vote Liberal today! Sunny, sunny ways!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wilber


      Enjoy it while it lasts.

    3. overthere


      The chairman of Abacus Data is Bruce Anderson, who first worked directly for the Liberlals in 1979. His daughter is on the staff of Justin Trudeau right now. Oh Waldo.....

    4. waldo


      oh my! And the Forum poll... who/what jigged those results, hey overwhere? Get out of your funk - think sunny ways!

  18. POTUS says, "The world needs more Canada!"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ash74


      Gotta side with Waldo on this.

      The world does need more of our values and passion's.

      My biggest problem with the PM so far is how tight he is with Wynne.

    3. poochy


      Do those values include, for example, being too cowardly to call genocide, genocide, until shamed into doing so? Maybe those are just LPC values.

    4. Ash74


      That's just bullsh!t politics that I am sure Waldo could defend to the death. I am talking about real Canadians. Not the waste of space that represent us in government.

  19. deliverology - the art of ensuring governments meet their goals... wadaConcept... so radial, it's somewhat mainstream! --- http://tinyurl.com/keepTryingScribblet --- News Flash example: in 2011, Harper Conservatives paid Deloitte $20-million to advise on ways to balance the books by 2014... twas that goodConsultin'?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Boges


      Yeah I'm sure this "Deliverologist" would be impressed by JT's government if they keep getting him work.

  20. the monster sturgeon hunter just playing to his Imperial American audience... just as he declares his prices in Canadian dollars. Myanmar, Liberia and the United States... the world's only "Metric Free Zones"!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. overthere


      post deleted by OP

    3. waldo


      MLW member overthere - are you looking for a bit of waldoAttention? I've not deleted any of your status updates... do you have something you'd like to say?

    4. overthere


      post deleted by OP

  21. the ever vigilent waldo counters (from Snopes) MLW Shady member's, "Hillary Clinton Rape Defense Meme", status update. TRUE: Clinton reluctantly defended in a rape case involving a 12-year-old girl, successfully challenged mismanaged evidence and entered a plea bargain for the defendant. FALSE: Clinton did not laugh at the case's outcome, did not volunteer to be the man's lawyer and did not claim the complainant fantasized about being raped by older men

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shady


      Face it waldo, she's a sleeze bag.

    3. BC_chick


      from snopes: Portions of Clinton's sworn statement bore some resemblance to the meme. Clinton did state that the victim sought "out older men" and "engage[d] in fantasizing," but did not combine the two statements to say the girl fantasized about rape. Clinton also argued that children of that age tended to "exaggerate or romanticize sexual experience," but, again, did not say that the girl fantasized about rape.

    4. BC_chick


      The girl did not fantasize about RAPE (snopes clarifies) but Clinton does call her a liar and accuses her of fancying older men (as per my comment earlier).

  22. honeymoon is still on: Following up on results of the recent Forum poll, a just released Abacus nation-wide poll has Liberals @45%, Conservatives @28% and the NDP @ 17%. Meanwhile, in a Postmedia/Mainstreet survey, Peter MacKay and Kevin O'Leary are both well ahead of any other Conservative leadership candidates... MacKay @25%, O'Leary @23%, Kenney @8%, Bernier @4%, Raitt @4%

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      Apparently it says they prefer the LPC.

    3. -1=e^ipi


      I'd prefer herpes to aids and cancer.

    4. On Guard for Thee

      On Guard for Thee

      It's good to be decisive.

  23. Never forget, hey American Woman? Ask the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis left to grieve their losses? Ask the millions of Iraqi refugees if they'll never forget?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. waldo


      Quit trolling my status update AW! :-)

    3. Shady


      Oh, and the lives lost to Saddam's perversion of the oil for food program. Which ended up being oil for weapons and palaces. Yep, lets not forget.

    4. sharkman


      Ask the common man in Iraq what he thought of Saddam. Ask him what he thought of Bush, you know, the guy they named their kids after.

  24. guys, guys... where's today's conflated weather vs. climate update? C'mon, get to it - chop, chop!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. waldo


      just... some... of the usual suspects. Please, can I have some more!

    3. The_Squid


      There are too many baby Muhammeds being born to worry about climate change.

    4. Moonlight Graham

      Moonlight Graham

      Weather = climate. Regional seasonal variations = global climate change. 1 year of global temperature variation = climate change. 2+2 = 5.

  25. Canada's Defence Policy review will include public consultation with inputs from Canadians, academic experts, industry leaders, non-governmental organizations, international Allies and partners, and Parliamentarians

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. waldo


      read the opening status update again... is there more there than your fixation with just the survey facet? Whether or not the "average Canadian" is informed to your liking or not, survey input will be reviewed and evaluated accordingly.

    3. Big Guy

      Big Guy

      Maybe we should also have somebody from the Taliban and ISIS so we know what direction to prepare for.

    4. overthere


      "early 2017"."

      further review + implementation: early 2027.

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