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Everything posted by ironstone

  1. By chance is your real name Libby Davies?
  2. Please enlighten us,how should the IDF tackle the problem of Hamas launching rockets from hospitals,schools etc? Explain,step by step,what the IDF should do?
  3. Capitalism vs the Climate? It's an interesting title to be sure.I believe Naomi Klein is extremely wealthy isn't she?Do you suppose she made all her money thanks to capitalism? It's interesting to note that there are lot's of people making huge amounts of money thanks to climate change hysteria,like David Suzuki.How about companies selling wind turbines(connected to Liberal insiders?) making millions?These monstrosities could not exist without massive subsidies from the taxpayer. The climate is changing,always has,always will,it's been doing it long before the industrial revolution. David Suzuki is without a doubt the most annoying of the climate change "Chicken Little" types.How galling is it for him to lecture everyone else about excessive population growth and consumption when he had five kids and owns FOUR homes?
  4. Apart from Sun News,it seems the mainstream media is not talking about it.Big surprise.
  5. I personally favour the melting pot approach instead of paying for multiculturalism.Do you believe that any foreign government that does not support multiculturalism is bigoted?
  6. The point of investments is to get a return at some point in time. So,after more than ten years of massive spending and piling up record levels of debt,how is Ontario better off? Why are businesses leaving in droves? Why is Ontario's rate of unemployment higher than the national average? Why does Ontario now have to depend on transfer payments?
  7. These election results are not only bad for Ontario,but bad for Canada as well.Thanks in no small part to Liberal corruption/incompetence we are now a have-not province,becoming like a giant anchor impeding Canada's economic recovery. Wynne was helped by voter apathy as well as the stupidity and ignorance of most of the rest that did actually vote.Let's not forget all the help she got from the media either.
  8. One big problem is that even refugees that have been deemed as bogus can remain in this country for years without fear of deportation.We get people claiming refugee status from some of the wealthiest countries,like the U.S.Sorry,but these people are not real refugees.Why on earth should we have to foot the bill for these people? http://blogs.canoe.ca/lilleyspad/byline/refugees-shouldnt-get-better-treatment-than-canadians/
  9. It could be argued that federal governments have been giving in to Quebec for years now.As for the manufacturing sector,the value of our dollar relative to the American dollar is very important of course but there are other factors driving business out of Ontario.You can dismiss my arguments but how about those of Don Walker? http://www.thestar.com/business/2014/05/08/magna_says_no_new_plants_for_canada_cites_ontario_energy_costs.html
  10. Chretien and Martin also cut transfer payments including health care funding years ago,but I don't really remember much protest from the left back then.It's a real pity that once mighty Ontario is now officially a have-not province,thanks to the failed policies of the McGuinty/Wynne government.We are rapidly heading towards $300 billion in debt with interest on that debt over $10 billion.I have seen articles saying we have lost over 300,000 manufacturing jobs in that time as well.I'm sure most of you are aware of all the major businesses that are leaving Ontario for greener pastures.Don't get me started on the idiotic Green Energy Act either.It is a sad situation in Ontario and even with the right people in power,it could take decades to undo all the damage.
  11. Do you actually know anything about Ontario and it's current economic situation?
  12. Please.Teachers in Canada are not in any way,shape or form,opressed.They are typically paid very well,they have a lot of time off during the year and many of them will likely be retired for more years than they actually worked.
  13. Canada by most accounts has weathered the recent bad economic times better than just about every other country.How are the Liberal policies working in Ontario?I believe Justin Trudeau would copy McGuinty/Wynne if he becomes Prime Minister.
  14. Can you answer the question,namely why nobody on the left dares to mention that vouching IS NOT ALLOWED in Quebec and Ontario elections?Why aren't the so-called "experts" up in arms over this?
  15. Would you believe the blogger if I vouched for him?
  16. I think that allowing vouching is an open invitation to fraudsters.I have yet to hear a single complaint over the fact that vouching is not allowed in Ontario and Quebec during provincial elections.But then again,those provinces are being run by left-wing parties so they get a pass...as usual.
  17. The whole thing was blown way out of proportion by the very left leaning media.Elections Canada hates the Conservatives,and if they couldn't find any hard evidence..... I have a feeling that we have not heard the last of this story though.Glen McGregor and Stephan Maher will very likely keep on mass producing their drivel.
  18. I don't think we should hand out so much money to someone that makes mediocre cars.I think a better option is to have a good business climate in Ontario,like having the best tax rates and,it pains me to say this,affordable electricity rates.Ontario is so far gone as it relates to electricity now.
  19. I don't think the equalization program in Canada is a great success.The worst example is how Quebec always recieves billions and has very generous social programs.Not to mention how Quebec has never contributed a dime since the equalization program started either. And is it not fair to say that Detroit has mostly been run by the Democrats and the big unions?
  20. According to this column by Brian Lilley,the practice of vouching is not allowed in Ontario and Quebec for provincial elections.Why do you suppose Trudeau and Mulcair have not complained about this? Do you not think that along with all those rights Canadians enjoy,we should have just a couple of responsibilities as well?Is it so bloody impossible to come up with one of thirty nine acceptable pieces of identification? http://blogs.canoe.ca/lilleyspad/politics/column-lilley-end-voter-fraud-ill-vouch-for-that/ This is on the Elections Canada website: http://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=vot&dir=ids&document=index〈=e Frankly,if anyone can't come up with at least one of these,they do not deserve to be voting.
  21. Hey,is this a good example of media bias? http://blogs.canoe.ca/lilleyspad/politics/hey-someone-discovered-mac-harb/ 280 results of Mike Duffy and expenses 112 mentions of Duffy without mention of Mac Harb 167 mentions of Pamela Wallin and expenses 89 mentions of Pamela Wallin without mention of Mac Harb 182 mentions of Mac Harb and expenses 3 mentions of Mac Harb and expenses without a mention of Mike Duffy. These numbers come from a search of FP Infomart, a media database. Please read the whole link,pretty interesting.
  22. Is that Kevin O'Leary,SELF MADE billionaire you are talking about?
  23. Hey Kimmy,do you think every penny of those high taxes are well spent?I believe there is an enormous amount of wasteful spending at all levels of government. I do think there are some groups that should suck it up,and at the top of my list are all the Public Service unions who keep demanding more and more.Let's end the free ride for unions and other worthless special interest groups shall we?
  24. The Liberals and the NDP do use robocalls. http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/liberal-campaign-in-guelph-fined-for-robocalls-violation-1.1177594 http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/robocalls-land-ndp-mp-paul-dewar-7-000-fine-1.1310883 http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ndp-repays-344k-in-sponsorship-money-after-tory-complaint-1.1237487 http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/liberal-leadership-candidates-with-outstanding-loans-wont-be-taken-to-court/article13496625/
  25. The IRS targets conservative groups.The Department of Justice secretly going after phone records of the the Associated Press.The Obamacare farce(You can keep your present health care plan...... period!),NSA surveillance http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/01/10/christie-crackdown-ups-scrutiny-over-obama-scandal-response/ http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/obamacare-nsa-barack-obama-shutdown/2013/12/26/id/543936 Four Americans died in Benghazi,I don't think that's a joke.
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