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Everything posted by ironstone

  1. Please enlighten me.What on earth do you see in this man?I haven't heard any of his speeches nor would I pay to listen to him.I have heard some of his responses to media questions and he does not impress me at all,he talks a lot but says little of substance.The fact that he was born into enormous wealth and yet he sees fit to charge charities for speaking engagements says something about his character.He currently does not take questions from Sun Media,I'm guessing he simply does not like hard questions and/or he is perplexed that Sun reporters do not fawn over him like everyone else.He's been getting the rock star treatment for years now and he clearly enjoys it. Since you are socialist,I think voting for Trudeau is a good fit for you.I think the Liberals are moving to the left from what I see,especially on the economy(Chyrstia Freeland,STAR economics advisor.......never studied economics,has a degree in Russian history and literature!!).Trudeau does not speak across generations,he simply appeals to those who are easily star struck.
  2. Do you expect the oil companies to just sit back and do absolutely nothing?Why wouldn't they hire lobbyists protect their interests?Oil companies hire lot's of people and pay large amounts of taxes to governments.In Canada,it is Alberta that subsidizes cheap tuition and daycare in Quebec,so all that money does benefit someone,even if they don't deserve it. Oil companies do get subsidies,but unlike wind turbine and solar companies,they produce something tangible at the end of the day.
  3. All of Ontario's electricity problems were a long time in the making.The former Ontario Hydro managed to rack up a massive debt despite having a monopoly in the market.Unfortunately I can't see things improving any time soon.The Green Energy Act is quite bluntly,idiotic.Wind and solar projects will not meet our energy needs and will in fact make the problem worse.We in Ontario should get used to the fact that we have become a have-not province under the McGuinty/Wynne Liberals.
  4. I recall one of the women in attendance being asked if there was any particular issue she would like to see Justin Trudeau address.Her answer,"Ummm....not really..." At least we now know that Justin,like his father, has a soft spot for dictatorships. As for this media party thing,I wouldn't say that it's cohesive or organized but I think it's fair to say that most journalists are very left-wing.That's not a crime of course but I sure notice a difference in how Conservatives are covered compared to the Libs and Dems.Can anyone name a single person with CBC News that could be considered right wing? I get the Ottawa Citizen at home and I also read the Sun at work.They generally fawn over Trudeau("He doesn't just shake your hand....he inhabits it! Columnist Michael Den Tandt).Negative stories involving the Conservatives are always on the front page and given lot's of space.Negative stories about the other parties are usually buried farther back in the paper.The Sun papers and Sun News do a much better job frankly.Ezra Levant covers subjects that are taboo for other news outlets and he does a great job.
  5. Is this the poster boy for global warming? http://qz.com/154196/the-only-way-to-stop-climate-change-now-may-be-revolution/
  6. And do you have a problem with the global warming side being supported by foreign lobby groups like the Tides Foundation to name but one? By the way,I believe there are also scientists that do not support the man made global warming theory. http://ezralevant.com/2013/12/climate-radicals-junk-science.html http://www.climatedepot.com/ I have to admit,the global warming industry is extremely lucrative for people like David Suzuki and Al Gore.
  7. http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2013/11/28/john-ivison-the-3-1-billion-conservative-boondoggle-that-never-was/
  8. Do all the so called "scandals" of the Harper government surpass the scandals of the previous Liberal regime?Can you name one Harper scandal that was worse than Adscam,where tens of millions of taxpayer dollars were stolen by Liberals?Most of which has not been recovered I believe. In my opinion,the media has set the bar quite high for the Conservatives,unlike the low standard which is set for the Liberals and NDP. I hope Harper stays on.
  9. To the best of my knowledge,OPG is not a private corporation,it is a government(taxpayer) owned utility.The heads of private sector corporations do have the right to pay themselves admittedly outrageous salaries because they are in fact,private companies. OPG management has badly bungled the job by their actions,cutting lower management while drastically increasing their own ranks and pay and perks. Oh wait!Things may actually get worse for Ontario very soon.Liberal Premier Wynne will get her 5-10cent per litre gas tax increase and in a few years if the great Justin Trudeau becomes Prime Minister,we will all likely be hit with a huge carbon tax of some sort.You think Ontario is hurting now?Just wait... http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/opg-fires-3-executives-after-auditor-general-s-report-1.2458723
  10. I have no doubt that everything that has been going on at OPG has had the blessing of McGuinty/Wynne and now Bob Chiarelli.Only when these facts became public knowledge did some Ontario Liberals pretend to be outraged.
  11. Billions of taxpayer dollars are being spent on wind and solar projects that cannot produce power on demand.How does this make sense?
  12. http://ezralevant.com/2013/12/story-of-two-mayors.html Apart from Sun News,is any other news outlet talking about this story?
  13. It's impossible to defend Rob Ford's behavior in here but I can't help but feel that if he was on the political left,this story would not get anywhere near the attention it does now.Ford clearly has his personal demons to deal with but to the best of my knowledge,he isn't being accused of ripping off the taxpayers to enrich himself.A quick search on the CBC website shows 278 hits for Liberal Joe Fontana............and 10800 for Rob Ford!How about all the rampant corruption within the province of Quebec?I think this is much worse than what's going on with Ford(who should at the very least take a leave of absence).It seems to me that when it comes to political scandals,big or small,if you are from the Liberals or NDP that seems to ensure a certain amount of protection from the mainstream media.Here in Ontario we have what is perhaps the most inept,corrupt government in all of Canada and there is barely anything written about it in the papers when compared to what are really minor scandals involving the Conservatives.
  14. So do you honestly believe that EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYEE in Canada is entitled to a pension plan?How about small businesses with just a handful of employees,how on earth can a small business owner afford to basically pay these people for life? The problem is the defined benefit pension plan,it should be replaced with the defined contribution plan.And the private sector taxpayers should not be forced to top up pension shortfalls for anyone in the massive Canadian Public Service.
  15. Paul Dewar is very fortunate in that he belongs to a Socialist political party so this story will get very little airtime or space in most newspapers.What a sharp contrast to the vast amount of negative coverage the Conservatives get from the robocalls non-story. As for Justin Trudeau,I hate to admit it but he stands an excellent chance to become our next Prime Minister.He reminds me of Obama in that he seems to gravitate to the far-left types although Trudeau himself doesn't strike me as being any sort of intellectual genius.He is the spoiled rich kid.
  16. I think that for the most part,the media does indeed have it in for Harper.Most Canadians do not have a favourable impression of him in terms of likeability,although on rare occasions I have read that those that do in fact know him say he's quite a friendly guy.Whether or not he is likeable or not isn't that important to someone like myself,I am mainly concerned about how competent he is in his current job.It seems to me that most so-called journalists are decidedly very left leaning.I don't care if someone is leftist or not but in the case of a lot of journalists,I see a huge bias in what they report and also in what they choose to leave out. Has anyone seen the newsclips from Sun News in the past of how Justin Trudeau reac
  17. I think if you put Justin Trudeau in that same situation,we would have heard a lot of "umm,well uhhh....you know......ummmm". That's how he sounds without a prepared speech.
  18. Would anybody here be as pissed off at Duffy had he chose to fight the results of this audit in court like Brazeau and Mac Harb?They still feel they are fully entitled to this money. "Entitled to my entitlements!" We have seen this mindset before.
  19. I like how this government's track record stands against Chretien's in terms of the number and severity of scandals.It surely is not as corrupt as the Chretien years,and don't forget,Conservatives will always face much tougher scrutiny than the NDP or Liberals.
  20. Just had a quick look on cbc.ca,a grand total of one story about Mulcair's keeping his mouth shut.However,type in Mike Duffy,and there are nine pages,and counting.....about Duffy and his problems.No wonder Mac Harb is smiling these days.
  21. So no evidence yet of widespread corruption as there was during the Chretien era.As for the 3.1 billion,there is also no evidence that this money was stolen by Conservatives.Relative to the size of our population,Canada has an enormous government with all the inefficiencies that go with it.Yeah,there's a good chance that a lot of this money got pissed away by the thousands of underworked bureaucrats. Perhaps it's not the best way to say it,but I believe this government under Harper is by far the best of the worst.
  22. So far,nothing mentioned about Mulcair in the Ottawa Citizen,no surprise there. Let's be honest here,negative stories about the lefties get little or no coverage at all in this country from most of the mainstream media.And it is because they have their own agenda,namely to promote leftist ideology over all else.
  23. So can you say unequivocally that the Harper government has surpassed the previous Liberals in terms of the amount of corruption? Pork barreling yes,Senators(all parties)fudging expenses yes,things that drive me crazy like most of you.But have you seen anything to equal the Sponsorship program,cash filled envelopes etc? This government is not perfect by a long shot,but the alternatives scare the hell out of me.A spoiled millionaire playboy or Thomas "my lips are sealed!" Mulcair.
  24. At least he does answer questions,unlike Justin Trudeau who scurries off in a huff when he get's asked something tough.He's terrified of anyone from Sun News.
  25. I couldn't have said it better myself.I have little use for the public service unions and some of the private sector unions like the CAW.I say this as a former member of the Teamsters. Yes,corporations are pretty much all about profit,but then so are the unions.I don't believe unions pay any taxes either,which I think is unfair.I think unions should not only pay taxes,but also be responsible for collecting their own dues.
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