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Everything posted by ironstone

  1. I think Mulcair should have stepped forward and opened his mouth right away.He knew what was going on for all these years and did.........nothing.It doesn't say much for his judgement. As for these lazy ass Senators,I bet we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg here.
  2. What a difference between father and son.Pierre Trudeau,during the October crisis told the bleeding hearts to"go on and bleed" and he pressured the FLQ by sending in the army.He didn't waste time by worrying about the root causes did he? It's scary to think Trudeau junior stands a very good chance of becoming out Prime Minister in a few years.
  3. So are you implying that it's ok for a politician to keep his or her mouth shut if they are aware of illegal activities? If you blink,you might miss all the coverage this story is going to get in the mainstream media. And I do think what Duffy has been doing is dead wrong,just like longtime Liberal Mac Harb,who for obvious reasons gets very little coverage.
  4. All parties pander to ethnic groups to some extent,some more blatantly than others.Seems too many voters put their own interest's ahead of the country.It's always "Me first!" these days.
  5. Ford's problems have everything to do with the fact that he is conservative.In todays Ottawa Citizen,a big piece about him allegedly grabbing the ass of some lefty feminist......and while he is supposedly doing this.......she has a big smile on her face!(This made much bigger headlines than that radical environmentalist from the CBC who demands female escorts at his speaking engagements). Another baseless accusation from the loony left,they will stop at nothing to remove Rob Ford.
  6. Maybe they will end up like the perpetual have-not province of Quebec and demand that the rest of the county support them financially. Ummm maybe I shouldn't pick on Quebec so much as once mighty Ontario will likely be in the same boat for many years to come(Thank you Dalton McGuinty,Kathleen Wynne).
  7. I wait till the good books go on sale.Doesn't matter too much if they are the latest or not. Sahara by Michael Palin Shakedown by Ezra Levant The Volunteer(A Canadian's Secret Life In The Mossad) by Michael Ross Moby Dick(I love classics what can I say?)
  8. It's spelled bullshit. You guys are terrified of different points of view aren't you?I don't agree with everyone else's viewpoint in MLW but they all have the right to say it.
  9. Did they resort to ad hominems by pointing out the accounting in Attiwapiskat?Or do you not like the inconvenient truth?If you were honest,you would admit that it is usually the left that uses the personal attacks.Who is constantly screaming RACISM! HOMOPHOBIA! etc?
  10. By cutting their revenues.....you must mean cutting taxes.Spending is never cut is it?
  11. You can't spell,you can't articulate yourself well at all.We are in very deep trouble if you are the future of the Ontario education system.
  12. If that's your definition of a tabloid then so be it.Do you like your news coverage filtered by political correctness?
  13. Apparently you haven't watched much of Sun News.There are opinion shows besides the mostly hard news format.They will cover stories you won't hear on CBC,like David Suzuki being supplied with women at his speaking engagements for instance.How much coverage did the CBC or CTV give to Chief Spence's horrible accounting? Too much Honey Boo Boo,Oprah,American Idol and other garbage like that on tv but I need only change the channel to get away from it. What's wrong with more choice on the dial? We need Sun TV.
  14. Is the Birther movement anything like the Truther movement? I'm of the opinion that more often than not,it is those on the left that are in the dark about most subjects.Obama is more of a celebrity than a competent leader and I would wager that the vast majority of his supporters are clueless about important things,like the huge debt or the Bhengazi fiasco.
  15. How come you guys on the left never use the word "sustainable" when it comes to spending outpacing revenue levels?
  16. Some teachers do actually care about their students,but too many teachers care only about themselves it seems.Look at the actions of the teachers unions in Ontario.
  17. Off the top of my head I can't see much difference between the Liberals and the NDP.Like the Liberals,the NDP cater to public service unions,they both do not recognize our massive debt as a problem,and both like to spend like there is no tomorrow.Both also support high taxes. And Andrea Horvath fully supports the idiotoc Green Energy Act,which makes Ontario have the highest electricity rates in North America! The Ontario economy is lame right now,but I still think Wynne will easily win the next election,thanks largely to the GTA.
  18. The name you choose to use on here speaks volumes about yourself. You are correct in that mistakes were made with the teachers and their unions.....the Liberals were way too generous given the fact that our debt here in Ontario is skyrocketing thanks to years of reckless spending.I have read some articles which stated that under the Liberals,teachers wages have increased more than 30% in the past 8-9 years.Until recently,they had a whopping 20 SICK DAYS PER YEAR,which they could bank.I have also read that the average teacher works 28 years,and collects a pension for 35....unsustainable.Why do people like you on the left not consider massive debt to be a problem?And for the record,I see nothing but trouble with Wynne in control,she is a big spending activist who will stay the course and put us even further in the hole. I do congratulate you for getting your teaching degree but I think you need to work on your grammar and spelling.It looks more professional if you use capital letters as well.
  19. I believe Muslims(plenty of them in Canada)strongly oppose abortion too.Do you consider them lunatics as well or do they get a pass?
  20. What do you mean it might be relevant if someone were trying to excuse the FN leadership for mismanagement?That is EXACTLY what the Teresa Spence supporters are doing!How can anyone with an ounce of intelligence look at the results of this audit and not admit that there is something horribly wrong here?
  21. Corrupt companies like Enron can go belly up,First Nations can't.The money will always come pouring in,billions upon billions.
  22. For the record,I am just as pissed off with Enron etc as I am with people like Teresa Spence. One big difference is that there is widespread public support for Chief Spence in spite of the lousy job she has been doing,primarily from the left as usual.
  23. It's been pointed out by Ezra Levant that on top of all the Federal money that pours into Attawapiskat,there has also been 325 million dollars from a De Beers mine in the last 5 years.There is such a foul stench coming from this whole affair.
  24. Can you spell it out for us,plain and simple?What is Chief Spence's solution that will solve all the problems?
  25. I think if you compared the amount of favourable and unfavourable coverage of this affair it would be heavily tilted in giving Chief Spence favourable coverage.Fair and honest reporting is in short supply these days.For weeks now in the rather left leaning Ottawa Citizen,it has been mostly sympathetic towards Spence.Finally,today I see an article detailing the horrible accounting done by band members.Virtually no details on how millions of dollars have been spent!Theresa Spence is in no way,shape or form,a victim here. I suspect that the Ottawa Citizen will be back to form tomorrow and the audit details will either be buried or not mentioned again.
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