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Everything posted by ironstone

  1. Does that mean that you would like to see more "disruptive" means?What has rioting,looting and murder solved?
  2. I forgot one thing in the teaching profession,they don't actually have to get the best results from their students any more.I thought students don't fail these days,they just get passed up to the next grade regardless of how bad their grades may be. And I do believe the majority of teachers get a lot more than two weeks off too.
  3. How many Conservative papers are there?How many left-wing papers are there?Which papers are Conservative and which are left-wing?Names?
  4. Hey socialist! You have told all of us just how difficult it is to be a teacher these days.I would agree that it may not be the easiest job out there but can you at least tell us about all the good perks that go with the job?The very good pay,having most summers off,generous sick leave on top of that,the wonderful pension plan where you may likely be collecting a pension for more years than you actually worked?Tell us about the good stuff like that...
  5. Personally I don't cross the border to shop but I don't have a problem with anyone doing it.I do buy small items from ebay which are always cheaper than what I would pay in Canada.Marketplace did an interesting show about the big gap between prices in Canada and the US. http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/episodes/_search_results/52a2117524f245a2bf68765a1435a89c/
  6. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/11/28/the-physical-evidence-in-the-michael-brown-case-supported-the-officer/ http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/michael-brown-shooting-forensic-evidence-supports-officers-version-of-events-that-sparked-ferguson-riots-9812632.html I think the actual physical evidence speaks for itself in this case.
  7. I don't think these dismal results will hurt the Ontario Liberals in any way.This government is perhaps the most inept we have ever had in this province.It's hard to think of anything they have done right.
  8. I completely agree,teachers complain too much these days and quite frankly they have it pretty good compared to most working Canadians.Their pension plan is among the very best in the country.The sick leave is extremely generous as well.They are pretty high up in the food chain if you ask me. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/education/anatomy-of-an-ontario-teachers-paycheque/article6015968/
  9. So in your opinion,a government can keep piling up debt and there are absolutely no consequences? It's likely you're not aware that in Ontario,the interest payments on the debt exceed 10 billion dollars a year.It's the third largest expense for Ontario taxpayers after health care and education. Ever hear what's happening in Greece,Portugal,Italy,Spain? Too many low-information voters in this country. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-debate/ontarios-debt-burden-just-keeps-on-growing/article11689508/
  10. If you don't see it you must not be looking very hard.This government has been piling up debt for around a decade now,or as a left-winger like yourself would put it "investing".So when will these "investments"start to pay off?Are you aware Ontario is now a have-not province?Kathleen Wynne is turning Ontario into another Quebec,always demanding handouts.
  11. Nobody can deny that Justin Trudeau is the most popular celebrity in Canada right now but for me,that's part of the problem.He also sounds like a celebrity too.
  12. Canada came out of the recession in rather good shape,thanks in no small way to Harper....there's that.The feds are on the verge of having a budget surplus,there's that. A lot of you guys on the left seem to really have an intense hatred for this man,and that I cannot understand.I have little use for Trudeau or Mulcair I will admit,but I don't hate them either.I have no doubt they are decent men but I don't want either of them to lead this country.
  13. All parties use attack ads to some extent and some of them do work.I wouldn't lose too much sleep over the negative ads against Trudeau as he has an enormous amount of supporters in the media who will not hesitate to circle the wagons around him.
  14. Perhaps the shooter did have mental health issues.I have read some of your comments in this forum....what are your issues?
  15. We'll oblige you and talk about yet another terrorist incident apparently linked to one particular religion.What are you afraid to hear?
  16. "We don't know if it was terrorism, or a single crazy, or a domestic issue or a foreign issue — all those questions. But there is no question that this happened because of someone who feels completely excluded, someone who feels completely at war with innocence, at war with society." This is what Trudeau said about the Boston bombing.He is of course entitled to his opinion,just as we all are.I don't feel that he should have said right away,with absolute certainty,that it happened because someone "felt completely excluded".Sometimes,evil is just evil.His father did not have the same opinion of the FLQ back in the day,he recognized them for what they were. His comments regarding China just indicate to me that he isn't very well informed in these matters.We should expect more from someone in his postion.
  17. What's wrong with Canadians seeing news clips of Justin Trudeau expressing his sympathy for the Boston bombers or his admiration of China's dictatorship?It hasn't hurt in him in the polls so far.
  18. http://www.torontosun.com/2014/10/09/networks-shouldnt-censor-political-ads I think your anger is misplaced.Behind closed doors the Liberals agree with the Conservatives on this issue.
  19. http://www.ezralevant.com/theres_a_huge_difference_betwe/ Quite a contrast between what father vs son had accomplished at around the same age I would say. I do think he is a heavy favourite to win the next election only because of his looks and famous last name, but let's be honest,this guy is a real life Zoolander.
  20. This is not always the case,some people that come to Canada also bring their hate with them.What is peaceful about the people in these photos? http://www.riotstoppers.com/ There were two prominent protests recently in Calgary,the first one was pro-Palestinian/Hamas and they attacked a handful of Israel supporters.The second one was organized by Ezra Levant of Sun News in support of Israel,no violent attacks against anyone by them.See the difference?
  21. When Israel turned Gaza over to the Palestinians,did they not leave lot's of greenhouses fully intact which the Palestinians then destroyed?
  22. I agree that Harper is the best leader out there now.And his position on Israel is correct.For the record,Israel withdrew from Gaza years ago and also removed Israeli settlements from the West Bank.They do,in fact allow supplies into Gaza but have to search it for obvious reasons.
  23. A ten year ceasefire gives Hamas a lot of time to stock up on weapons and extend the tunnel system(Jacee,why are the Palestinians tunnelling into Israel? ).So much money pouring into Gaza,much of it from the hated West and the EU.What chance does peace have when Palestinian children are taught from day one to hate Jews?
  24. And there you have it,complete backing by a Canadian citizen for a known terrorist organization that has repeatedly said that all Israelis,men,women and children are legitimate targets.Anything goes.No effort whatsoever to avoid civilian casualties,none. The Hamas charter?No problem,don't care!.....right jacee? Beyond pathetic!
  25. Hey jacee I'm still waiting for you to answer my question.Rockets get launched from schools and hospitals,what should the IDF do?If you don't like what they currently do,warn civilians to leave and then attack the launch site,what is your alternative?
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