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Everything posted by Catchme

  1. Dogonporch, it would seem those who are saying there is no serious threat in the Interior of BC with the Pine Beetle, are arm chairing their opinions and nothing more. It is sickening, and serious, and with the flooding that is going to happen shortly, because of the 150% above normal snow pack and so many 100's of millions of dead trees that will not up take the water, perhaps they will grab a clue. The largest clear cut ever, at the north end of the Bowron Lake system, that was only replanted in 1976, so the trees are still immature, will be completely red by the end of next year. There was no separate pine beetle epidemic in the 1980's, it has be growing since then. People who try to lessen what is happening in regards to the pine beetle destruction are doing a great disservice to Canada at large. Not only are these 100's of millions of dead trees not going to be uptaking water, they are not absorbing CO2 emissions, and they are a huge forest fire hazard which will have its own environmental catastrophe. As the epidemic is moving rapidly west down Hwy 16, into the Cariboo, Selkirk Monashee, and Rocky moutain ranges, there will be complete devastation to follow. In just one electrical storm lasting a couple of hours, there can be over 2400 lightening strikes. There will be no way to escape having huge forest fires such as BC has never saw before. Those alone will devastate BC's economy, say nothing of the environment. Now back to the silly alleged debunking of the polar bear. Ya didn't, they didn't. critical thinking skills should be used a bit more. Please look at the folowing link and get back to us. http://nsidc.org/news/press/2006_seaicemin...seaicenews.html
  2. Oh yes, lets decline sports enthusiasts while were are at it, and all people with type 2 diabetes, and those skinny people who store fat inside, good grief I tell ya!
  3. Responding, once was not enough, Betsy? It is getting sickening the amount of women being killed by men in domestic disputes. The leading cause of death in pregnant women, is murder. Women, need to stop blaming women IMV.
  4. Well, Bush and company do not respect the USA, nor any other country in the world, so it is not plausible for them to respect Canada now is it?! BTW, the USA does NOT = Bush et al
  5. They are probably angry, as this shuts down the insipid voice of the theo-con lobbyists from having a say in the 'war room'. Though, I do not really believe John Reynolds will be shut out of it, he will be included under another hat. Of course, the military equipment lobbyists have no worries about be excluded either, as they already have their lobbyist holding a cabinet position.
  6. Sounds to me like you've become too influenced by radical feminists. Sounds to me like she is blamming the victim
  7. 1. When are women going to stop painting all men as savages when when the vast majority of men are decent? 2. The witness went for the guard because that is the way things are now...and the guy had a gun! When are some going to stop depicting all, FN's, and Musliims as savages? Stats do not bear you out on the vast majority are decent. So, what if he had a gun, she was pregnant.
  8. When are men going to grow up and realize they do not own women? Why did the witness go for a guard and not try to stop the man? http://edition.cnn.com/2007/US/04/03/cnn.shooting/index.html
  9. Betsy, I am in partial agreement with you, and in partial agreement with the person who stated maybe the child being dropped off at day care when parents are at home is the best thing for the child. And also, I would imagine you, as in other day cares, require payment, even if the child does not attend that day. Perhaps they want to utilize their dollars spent, instead of you utilizing them for doing nothing?
  10. Now here is a person willing to speak out, and take account of his bad actions in supporting the Bush regime and he recognizes his life was destroyed because of it! http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/01/washingt...&hp&oref=slogin
  11. This is the point I was responding to, and I don't think I missed it at all. You want to engender guilt in those of us who aren't soldiers, and I refuse to be a part of that. It is self aggrandizing to say that those of use who aren't soldiers are standing back; all of us play a part, overt or subtle. It leads to the question - how much respect do you have for the average Canadian citizen, who is going about the business of being free? This is not just engendering guilt, your are correct, it is trying to engender a superiority notion of deed, by fostering first the notion of guilt. There apparently is supposed to be more respect for those in the military, than for 'regular Canadians'. Which is complete nonsense. Who in the hell do they think are paying their wages and who are providing money for all the equipment and providing the money for 150k shells instead of programs and materials? The story smacks of Jessica Lynch's story IMV, and beyond that it is a recruitment device trying to play to young hero's out there. This is what our military was supposed to be doing there and using CIDA money/connections to build infrastructure. Glad to see it is now starting!!!!!! The story also noted he was a specialist doing this, and THAT it was his first time there but he has been deployed around the world elsewhere over an 18 year period. Now one would ask, if we were supposed to be there reconstructing all this time, why weren't the "specialists" like him going in prior? When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die. ~Jean-Paul Sartre
  12. Wow, the new owner sure made a bundle off of that deal, eh? And the WTC7 stood 2 blocks away, and it made history, that is not being acknowledged, amazing truly amazing.
  13. The consulate was recognized as being what it was in Iraq, we discussed this on other threads at length. It was an illegal grab. Also, this is interesting, eh! Call that humiliation? No hoods. No electric shocks. No beatings. These Iranians clearly are a very uncivilised bunch Terry Jones Saturday March 31, 2007 The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/st...2047128,00.html
  14. If Harper gets his majority, do you think he will carry out what he described in 2001? Nope, he has tasted the power of calling the shots for the largest and richest country in the world.
  15. Nor am I, afterall they approved of Bush's stealing the election(s), so truthfully we all know how much they do not believe in democracy.
  16. If such a high priority, why didn't Canada "work harder" on Afghanistan? The USA is also in Korea, Japan, Italy, and Germany after more than 50 years. Canada should not have been anywhere near Afghanistan either. The USA has bases in Italy and Germany, and is not actually "there" occupying or preventing war. Yep no better friend than Japan, that's why they got 40k worth of military there!
  17. You're just trying to suppress the truth, the truth about how UFOs are actually responsible for Bush being elected.
  18. Certainly. All you have to do is examine how secretive and manipulating the Liberal government has been over the years establishing the French fact while at the same time destroying freedoms and the true identity of this country. Are you in denial that their are Francophone's actively pursuing their interest at all times? If I was Greg, I would be pretty chagrined at your spurious accusation.
  19. No, actually argus there are many more on the right who hate Canada, and Canadians, much like yourself and who are so full of ill wishes for "others" it is sickening. And who would also not know the truth if it bit them. Who are so lacking in historical knowledge as to appear to be lacking any rational thought abilities whatsoever. Especially when they post nonsense like that above of yours.
  20. When you think: "This is the only place on earth for me"!
  21. No point in emailing Greens, May is an American, and she would love to have Canada erased. People on the left, have been against deep integration for years now, and started actioning against it long ago. People have been willfully not informed, by first the Liberals, and now the CPC. The links below are to more information this and how long it has been being actioned against by those on the left. That they have now pushed the date back to 2010, as opposed to the initial game plan of 2007, says much about those who have been fighting against it. http://www.vivelecanada.ca/staticpages/index.php/ribbon This is a citizens guide on what to do to stop it. http://www.canadians.org/DI/issues/guide/SPP.html The following link is to a pdf petition file that you can print out and send in to council of Canadians who are fighting against it. http://www.canadians.org/DI/documents/DI_Petition.pdf By creating strong social programs and public services is one way to stop it, as it is corporate takeover of 3 countries.
  22. No doubt, if this would've been the Liberals throwing money at PQ to buy votes, or try to, the CPC apologists would be screaming madly. Now we here that they are not going to pay as much on our debt, it seems like fiscally wise the Liberals had them beat hands down. Moreover, it is really reprehensible that the CPC and large families are digging into Canadian's to pay for raising children they cannot afford.
  23. I think this is well beyond what a House committee can investigate. Normally, I think something like this would be turned over to the RCMP but what do you do when it is the RCMP being investigated? Can a judge really do the job? Too funny, actually it isn't it is down right pathetic, Stockwell can't do a thing he is being investigated himself by the RCMP, and has not stepped down yet, but combined with this as well, he certainly should be today! So much for CPC accountability, it is getting really quite evident they are worse than the Liberals with accountability/corruption issues. Zacardelli, has already resigned in shame, the deputy RCMP commissioner has rersigned, and now the Human Resources Manager. http://www.thestar.com/News/article/197286 And Harper wants the RCMP to choose judiciary?!
  24. Was he elected in 2004? Not a chance Was he elected in 2000? Not a chance
  25. Say what you will about respecting a signature on an international treaty. The Conservatives only need to find 2 out of every 5 actual voters who think thousands left in their pockets is worth more than some signature signed by a former Prime Minister who knew the targets were unrealistic. If the CPC start breaking international treaties, like Bush did, watch for the backlash, we weren't too pleased about Bush breaking the USA's we sure are not going to like our own government doing it. But, heh please feel free to to believe Canadians would accept iit! LOLOL Moreover, hope Harper brings the government down soon, as people in BC, Calgary, and maybe even SK are going to be under water because of climate change, and they won't be too willing to vote for those who will do nothing towards helping the planet, aka the CPC. Some people actually want a future for their children.
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