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Everything posted by Catchme

  1. Societies under threat and destruction have little to fall back on, other than war/violence. This happens to be a exploitation of those by corrupt peoples who called themselves "religious" leaders, in as much as the Inquisitions and Holy Wars were. I concurr.
  2. It was after Harper, as head of the NCC tried to get rid of the CWB, that the Alberta Agenda aka Firewall letter was written. https://www.albertaresidentsleague.com/letter.htm
  3. Yes, historically, until the Dome of the Rock was threatened, Islam has been more tolerant and passive than "Christians". But then most do not understand the Sunni Shia Muslim controversy either. The lack of historical knowledge by some here is astounding, particularily when they makes claims they no differently but never provide proof. Why on earth would the western world be engulfed in a civil war due to Islam?
  4. These are the ones meaningful to me, plus the ones that figleaf noted. 9. Canceling the Kelowna Accord, cutting off talks with first nations’ leaders and refusing to deal with the Caledonia crisis. 10. Fudging the costs of government jets used by Stephen Harper and his ministers after blasting Liberals for the same thing. 20. Conservative MP Colin Mayes writing a column saying journalists who disagree with Harper should be jailed. 21. Doing nothing about climate change or the environment for more than a year, and until forced to by the polls. 22. Making a former lobbyist for military arms dealers the minister of defence, in charge of $15 billion in spending. 23. Orchestrating a secret dirty tricks campaign against Bob Rae inside the Liberal leadership convention. 24. Preaching Senate reform, then appointing Michael Fortier to the Senate so he could be made an unelected cabinet minister. 25. Spending $150,000 per weapon to arm border guards. 26. Rona Ambrose, as environment minister, firing a government scientist for writing a book on global warming. 27. Stacking a stem cell research advisory committee with pro-life Conservatives. 28. Muzzling Conservative MPs and banning them from unauthorized media interviews. 29. Saying opposition MPs have “more passion for Taliban prisoners” than they do for Canadian soldiers. But Turner should have gone a step further on this one: 32. Refusing to apologize for wiping out $25 billion in private savings with one tax measure, a great deal of it belonging to seniors. Harper should be condemned for wipingtheir savings out, as opposed to just apologizing for it.
  5. That is really what it comes down to, eh? But truthfully, they really need to go to their local library and get some, Historical DVD's regarding history of the Middle East. It was Persians/Ottomans, and their knowledge and abilities that started the Renaissance, which lead to western advancements, in: art, inventions, military activities, science, or so called advancements. Some are being sucked into, because of their bigotry, support for a complete global hegmony by the few.
  6. If some are suggesting it it as a panacea for declining birth rates it is because they are uneducated. No budget is going to reduce the implosion ever, in any country. Harper's tax gifts to families with 6+ children are merely more ways to make ALL other Canadians pay for the relgious right's excessive amounts of children. Are you advocating for programs for people to marry younger?
  7. Oh yes, the surge most certainly is working hard at putting innocent Iraqis deaths over the 1 million mark it seems British backtrack on Iraq death toll By Jill Lawless Published: 27 March 2007
  8. So, here we have Harper NOT, utilizing all Gomery's accoutnability positions that would make elected officials accountable for such things as sponsorship payoffs, and NOW we have Harper bringing back sponsorship. The only thing is Harper et al are less accountable than the Liberals ever were. So I guess we can look forward to way more of tax dollars being used to payoff party supporters.
  9. How are men becoming men again? And how did they stop being men?
  10. Women's voices have been silenced historically throughout the ages so autrocities could be committed upon mass amounts of peoples. Divide and conquer. Cloisters for Nuns started in the medieval ages by Hildegard of Bingen and later furthered by Theresa of Avila. Their writings and works are indeed incredible and their attempt to save women's lives a miracle. Not just the Cathars but the extermination of Albigenses. Say nothing of the Templars. Non-of which were included in the amounts noted by my quotes, as they were not actually part of any inquisition per se. In only one crusade, two million Albigenses were killed. How many must there have been altogether, and how many millions more must have been killed during the entire Middle Ages!
  11. Oh, and let's increase the number to well over 200 million, and closing in on 300 million, when one considers ALL the pogroms, and the holocaust, that were killed because of "Christian" philosophy. Remember, this "Christian" philosophy, is pure mythology, perhaps used to cover bigotry, racism and hegmony? At least Mohammed actually existed, unlike Jesus. Also, nothing by way of Iraq and Afghanistan can be used against Muslims as a threat towards the west. Those countries and peoples were invaded, by the west in the case of Iraq illegally. "Religion" is but a cover for those who would like to destroy or have power over another peoples and not allow them their freedom of conscience and action, nor equality. Those who advocate the destruction of Muslims, and/or Iran are being fosterers of another holocaust and nothing more.
  12. The Roman Inquisition separate and apart from the Medieval and Spanish Inquisitions. around... The History of Protestantism, by James A. Wylie, LL.D., Volume II, Book XVII, Chapter 16 astronomer Giordano Bruno, forerunner of Galileo, to the stake for his 'heretical' Copernican astronomical theories. Of note apparently during the Inquisition many did not know what they were supposed to retract, or confess, sounds much like today's security certificates and the Patriot Act eh? Also, considering what was done by "Christians" to FN's, Africans, and other "heathens" around the world in history, and up to including todays wars, we are looking at well over 100 million and close to 200 million dead, that can be traced through "Christianity's history. Say nothing of those wiped right out and erased from history.
  13. The Medieval Inquistion separate and apart from the Spanish Inquistion. The exact quote of Brownlee referenced above is as follows: -- The Roman Catholic Religion viewed in the light of Prophecy and History, New York, Charles K. Moore, 1843, page 60. And later in the same work, -- page 97. Walter M. Montano, a former Catholic priest, asserts in his book, Behind the Purple Curtain that it has been estimated that fifty million people died for their faith during the twelve hundred years of the Dark Ages. (Citing Walter M. Montano, Behind the Purple Curtain, Cowman Publications, 1950, page 91.)
  14. The Spanish Inquistion is different from the Medieval Inquistion. And 100's of thousands died over 100's of years. The Catholic Church and it seems some Protestants today would love to re-write history. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsourc...nquisition.html http://www.thenagain.info/Webchron/WestEurope/SpanInqui.html " (Dave Hunt, A Woman Rides the Beast, page 79, also 242) http://jmgainor.homestead.com/files/PU/Inq/mi.htm The History of the Inquisition of Spain, by Juan Antonio Llorente (Second Edition, 1827); p. 65
  15. Be careful Catchme, I'm going to Christ you... in a very Christly way. How does that make any sense as a verb or adverb? Well, I suppose you could Christ me, if indeed you were in a state of Christ yourself. And then you would be doing it in the "Christly" way. Do not tell me you really believe Christ is a noun or a personal pronoun? The word Christ means to be "annoited with knowledge" or "being in a state of knowledge" the state of being in/annoited with knowledge is a verb, as it is an action. And again, please do remember there is no such man known as Jesus, in history, to be annoited with knowledge even. _________________________________________________________________________ JBG, your point about Christianity being disconnected from government is completely laughable.
  16. Cyrus the Great, was the person from which today's notion of "civilaization" are modeled, though for some reason "Christians" seem to they they evolved them, and didn't. The Cyrus Cylinder contains all the teachings in base form. http://www.cyrusgreat.com/ Really, today's self professed "Christians" really need to study actual history. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrus_the_Great http://oznet.net/cyrus/cyframe.htm There is NO proof that a man named Jesus existed in history, there is proof that the teachings attributed to him, existed long before the advent of the Council of Nicea and long before the split of the universal religion into Muslim and Christianity. The word Christ is not a noun, not a personal pronoun, nor an adjective, it is an ADVERB or a VERB.
  17. I agree, the powerless, and other words careless people in the world have become weak, greedy, and over passive, even in war and violence, we should try to not rely so heavily on the state or government for food, shelter, and protection, People seem to have become slaves of their money. Though the weak do need to be protected meaning they crowd around the strong, governments seem to use that to strengthen their position against one another. To add to your point, those morals have a code of justice, at least in giving the criminals a chance to prove innocence, but in all essence not even the civil citizens are innocent to the state because the only propeller of our justice today is greed. The problem is NOT the powerless people in the world, the problem is the people who have the power who prey upon the weak and who are creating the wars to concentrate more wealth and power. Good try blamming the victims. The ideas of morality and equality existed long before the advent of Judaism and Christianity.
  18. Your analysis is absolutely correct on all levels, IMV. As with the case with FN's, Quebec has historical legal signed agreements with former government bodies of Canada. Agreements that nowadays, some later immigrants to Canada do not like and would like to be broken as being non-pertinent to them it appears.
  19. Since it is clear that the RCMP do have a job to do here, it is therefore abundantly clear that Stockwell Day cannot remain as Minister in charge of the RCMP while they are doing it. As I recall Goodale remained as Minister when the RCMP investigated him and his office. See my editted post above. The difference is that Goodale wasn't minister for the RCMP. No the difference is actually greater than the fact that that Stockwell runs the RCMP, the RCMP did NOT investigate Goodale as a matter of fact. There was never any consideration given to Goodale playing any part in the income trust. Stockwell must step down, he cannot control those investigating his actions, simple as that. Now that the RCMP have a paper trail they must be irreproachable in their investigations. If he is cleared, then he can step right back in. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor...me=election2006
  20. There was no one in the Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition, until after the Liberal Leadership convention. Then Dion would've had to close up his office and get ready to move into the new digs. It is most assuredly feasible that the documents were just recently found. Stockwell had better be stepping aside, as the RCMP did not have enough proof to go further, prior to this, on the investigation. Now they do! Moreover, apparently they used Leader of the Opposition money to pay him off, which is public money, eh?! Now why did Harper leave them behind would be a good question? Or did they just innocently get lost in the shuffle from Day's era? Or both? Nonetheless, Day should be stepping aside.
  21. It seems some would still rather deny, instead of seeing things such as; London and the British government start planning the move of the population from the low lands around the Thames, because of the rising levels of the Atlantic bringing storm surges that their gates will no longer be able to control.
  22. There are at least 3 disappeared people, that is the fact, and it is for sure non-partisan to demand accountability, those agreements were signed in our name. Canadians are being called to account for our governments human rights failures by the world. Hillier and O'Connor lied and failed in their duties. They obviously cannot do the job they were given, it is time they were gone and cilivian boards set up to investigate.
  23. Harper has no business making smearing comments such as he did, yet again QP. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2007/03/21/harper-attack.html The money being spent on the military is not just equipment build up for future use so we can better defend our borders from an actual plausitive threat. In stead of wasting it in an action where we should not be. Another interestring bit of info: The government has also weakened Canada’s long standing position against the use of torture with our “no questions asked” policy of handing detainees over to the Afghan security forces. These are forces who are widely accused of torture, abuse, and violations of international law. Yet, unlike Britain and the Netherlands, the Canadian government makes no effort to check on the condition of detainees once they are handed over. So is Harper calling the Dutch and British supporters of the Taliban too?
  24. Yeppers, like off duty fire fighters and their children!
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