For the record, I am no Dion fan but I have done two tours over there, and the issue of Pakistan and their "tribal areas" has to be dealt with. Afghanistan, even Pakistan itself will not be stable & normal until it is dealt with. Bhutto even knew that. There is no democracy, no stability if you allow an area, no matter how small, to be lawless and out of control.
I believe that it is time to turn up the heat of Pakistan, "they are with us or the terrorists". NATO has to let them know that they will pursure talibs into the tribal areas.... If NATO is serious about winning, it has to be done. I am a Canadian soldiers fan, I don't give a crap who says it but it has to be said.
Dions problem is he wants Canada to be there in a non combat role. He is stupid on that point. You cannot send our troops there without tanks, arty and all the war fighting equipment, you leave them at the mercy of the enemy. That is criminal. Dion wants NATO to go into Pakistan, but without Canadians in a combat role, DUMB!!!!