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About weaponeer

  • Birthday 08/04/1970

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    Hockey, football, old cars, military history.

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  1. Could not agree more. This is Canada, fit in or go back to where you came from. That is not racism, it is fact. We are always bending over to accommodate people; we never have the balls to say NO!! We are always caving in to this weak kneed liberal crap about how we have to be tolerant, accommodating. I say NO!! Canada is an awesome country, and I welcome all people, but this is Canada, and you become Canadian or you leave!!!
  2. For the record, I am no Dion fan but I have done two tours over there, and the issue of Pakistan and their "tribal areas" has to be dealt with. Afghanistan, even Pakistan itself will not be stable & normal until it is dealt with. Bhutto even knew that. There is no democracy, no stability if you allow an area, no matter how small, to be lawless and out of control. I believe that it is time to turn up the heat of Pakistan, "they are with us or the terrorists". NATO has to let them know that they will pursure talibs into the tribal areas.... If NATO is serious about winning, it has to be done. I am a Canadian soldiers fan, I don't give a crap who says it but it has to be said. Dions problem is he wants Canada to be there in a non combat role. He is stupid on that point. You cannot send our troops there without tanks, arty and all the war fighting equipment, you leave them at the mercy of the enemy. That is criminal. Dion wants NATO to go into Pakistan, but without Canadians in a combat role, DUMB!!!!
  3. There is no doubt that Dion has no idea what the hell is going on at the best of times. I am no great fan of the Libs, but even they deserve better than him, he is useless. Pakistan is the problem, the 700 lbs gorilla in the room nobody wants to talk about. We (NATO) have spent far too long kissing their asses with regards to Afghanistan, trying not to offend them. Canadians are getting killed over there, our government needs to start hammering Pakistan on the diplomatic front as well as in the media. We need to either embarass them into action, or do it ourselves. Mackay cannot really say to much himself, it has to be a coordinated effort with all the NATO allies. Our government should be pushing for more NATO troops, and for NATO to start pressing Pakistan for serious action.
  4. Well said....
  5. What time are we meeting to start rebuilding the Berlin wall comrade?? The colonialist can only be stopped by the socialist freedom fighters. Fighting to free you from free thought, free speach, free will and anything else the commies don't like or do not want to hear. Long live chairman Mao, long live the revolution!!!!
  6. Hi Jdobb, Going to be home in the Peg next week for a course, can't wait:) On point being missed here is the whole combat/non combat issue. We are in a combat role, IMHO should be in no other!! To send Canadians to a place like Afghanistan and tie their hands behind them and say NO COMBAT is a crime. Your leaving them to the mercy of the talibs, and if you have ever seen what the they do, they have no mercy!!! The effort should be the total destruction of the talibs, no escape to Pakistan!! Trainin g the ANA is a combat role, you are taking the ANA out on operations, training their soldiers, their leadership to fight, it is combat!! Canadians are in combat, have been in combat and the talibs will not make that distinction in the future. A Canadian will be just as dead but without the aid and security of the tanks, our own artillery etc... A non combat role will be a disaster...... Pakistan is the key to leaving Afghanistan stable & secure. We need to get the talibs there, we need to do it soon.
  7. Russia & China are NOT going to fight a war over Iran. Get over it, they could care less about them. They are not going to destroy planet earth to protect some Islamic nut who gets his assed bombed by the USA for being an idiot!!! Russia & China would fight a war over Russia & China being attacked, and rightly so.
  8. Yes, it is much wiser to defend your country while your in it. Fight the war in our country, maskes sense. So when the invading force comes you will wait until they enter our waters before you strike??? Yes, lets protect our goalie while the other teams in our end. Lets not start playing for real until we are down 5 - 0. You mentioned you were a fireman at some point. Lets wait til the place is on fire before we act, great!!!!
  9. They will most likely replace the TO in Yellowknife with new ones. There's talk about beefing up the arctic presents, perhaps a bigger unit, more planes. As for the old DND TO's & Buffs, people are lining up to buy them, so they are still good planes. Comox SAR is a little diff than the other units, they need to operate over the ocean as well as the mountains. Very differnet equipment requirments with that terrain mix, as well, Comoox is the SAR training unit. They train all AF SAR crew because they have the different terrain in the area. I have a close friend whose a SAR Tech in Winnipeg, he told me that they actually like the CL415 waterbomber. The SAR folks would love to see that airframe converted for SAR use. The second choice of the SAR world is the V-22 Osprey as it is both helo & plane....
  10. http://www.airforce.forces.gc.ca/site/index_e.asp Here's a link with some good info ref AF issues we were talking about....
  11. I do NOT want a war, but dealing with Iran now will be much easier than dealing with a nuclear armed Iran. That is reality. Those that are soft on Iran today will regert there position in years to come, and the world will have a monster that only the USA will be able to deal with.....
  12. So we should repel an invader by nuking our own country. Are you for real. I bet you a blast to have a a game of Risk:)
  13. Tie you to a tank as a human shield comes to mind....
  14. NO!! I said I can't wait for them to get hit, to be put down so they do not get nukes and "wipe Israel off the map". I will explain it to you as soon as I find my sock puppets!!! You see, it is people like you that cause wars, cause these problems. You don't have the balls to stand up to the Hitler's, Mao's and Amedeenijahad's of the world, you enbolden them and they strike. The the USA and the west has to clean up the mess and get blamed for the whole thing. Keep denying evil, denyimg that there's anything wrong, it is all GW's fault, all the USA's fault........
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