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Everything posted by Catchme

  1. august, I use the word home for a reason, as opposed to using house, and I used it twice to denote it was a HOME, not a house. IMV, homes are created and are a personal embodiment of those it shelters. As in they bought a "house", and made it into their "home", in several different ways. That their hard work and lovingly done renovations and redecoration made it worth more, was a plus but not the goal. Houses, on the other hand, can be seen to status objects only, and are something that people exist in, as opposed to living, laughing, crying and loving in. Houses have living rooms and dining rooms, that are never used, furniture that is never sat in or used. They exist to try and denote status, or pure equity investments. It appears, it is not understood, by some, the difference in meaning between the 2. I used a personal example regarding day care, and will most often always do so in any other topic as well, as I do not feel it is my right to expropriate others lives, words and actions, to try and make another point or topic. All I know of others, in particular here, is surface, so any example I would use, would be based solely upon my judgement or assumptions, that may or may not be correct or accurate. For example I could've used an example against mothers staying at home by using the story of a friend, who spent 24hrs a day 7 days a week at home with her children. She so handicapped her first born, by over attention, that he failed Grade 1, 3 times, because he simply could not understand and exist within group dynamics. Nor could he understand that everything was not about him all the time, and that other children had rights too. He was smart enough, he was just not socially skilled enough to progress. Her second son only failed Grade 1 twice, a good thing or he would've passed his older brother. By the time 3, 4 and 5 came along, she understood what she had done to her first 2 and enrolled the other in pre-school to off set her over-parenting. But I didn't, I wanted to give an example that supported day care and contradicted the erroneous notion some hold, as opposed to knocking down those stay at home mothers who may not be doing such a good job as what they thought.
  2. It would appear, that someone who does not recognize rights and breaches in historical legal contracts, is stuck back when the there were no rights for anyone, except for white males, and when the contracts were orginally and continuously not addressed. It is the same mentality then and now. It is colonialistic patriarchial ideology that some have adopted as their truth, irrespective of the fact that it is a misogynistic racist hegemony that benifits the few. It is unbelievable that someone could suggest it is not racism, and think they could get away with it. How can the actions of one race, that breaks the laws, in their favour, more often than others not, in fact, be prejudicial thinking, or racism? There is NO other explanation, or reason, for it to occur. True, the fact is had FN's been treated as everyone else, fairly and without prejudice, there would be nothing biting us in the ass. All the Treaties would have been settled and ties to the government would've have been concluded long ago, instead of being carried on for centuries. That there were racist actions taken against the FN's is not their fault, ignoring legal obligations to ratify outstanding obligations, today, is a further action that would be conducted by prejudice. It should be simple, one would think, if everyone just forced the MP's to conclude the outstanding negotiations in a timely manner and then we would be done with it, as we should've been long ago, if the government was/is not conducting itself in a prejudicial manner. Funny, how some believe in inheritance rights for some, but not others. But again they are doing it from a prejudicial ideology. And amazingly many of these people, who think like this, also think Jews have a right to the land now called Israel, from a 4000 years ago promise that was made by a mythological being. Exactly,on both fronts, that they have survived, to insist upon their rights, is truly amazing and no small accomplishment. What it comes down to is, prejudical colonialistic and paternalistic thinking that is still in existence long past its expiry date. Very good points, people formulate information to suit their prejudicial needs, and never venture beyond that parameter in information gathering, because they could not upohold their prejudicial thinking.
  3. Oh, that is without a doubt, one of my all time favourite books. I have like 3 copies of it. Any compares with the US Democrats to the Candian Liberal Party, cannot be acheived. And truthfully neither can Conservatives be equated with Republicans. The Liberal Party grass roots membership, is far to the left of the Democratic Party in the US. Perhaps closer to Naderist thinking. CPC fundamentalist supporters can be equated with Republican fundamentalist supporters though. People forget the CPC here in Canada are NOT Conservatives, they are the Reform Alliance peoples who co-opted a name, the same way as the BC Liberals did.
  4. The liberals just know what is right because they just know, and the conservatives know because of old teachings. The conservatives do not know because of old teachings, they have selected SOME old writings on which to premise their position. Other non- conservatives also have access to those same old writings, plus a plethora more old writings than what the conservatives have selected for their use, plus a whole bunch more pre-modern and modern information, and facts to base their knowledge upon. That the fundamentalist Christian conservatives fail to educate themselves is not our problem.
  5. For the record, one of yours said Most true-blue rank and file would rationalize that in order to address the issues closest to their hearts (confronting the homos, revisiting abortion... to which I responded Neither abortion nor homos are at or even near the top of most conservatives' political agenda, Your hypocrisy in ignoring the word when used by someone on your side of the fence, and then sniveling like an old woman because of my response is the mark of the typical Liberal faithful. It is crass, deceitful and pathetic. One of his? Just what do you mean one of his? Moreover, I take great exception to your use of gender and age degrading remarks. It is hard to try and make oneself above it all, and equal to those who use the word "homo", when you use such terms like: "sniveling like an old woman". It goes well beyond, crass, deceitful and pathetic and makes whatever else you say that might actually be valid, be of no consequence.
  6. It was post 18 and I pointed it out in post 39. You replied to post 40 and didn't even read the message above it where it was *starred*. Just so we're clear. Calling someone a homo is a slur. If you believe that Harper's supporters shouldn't use this word, then speak up now. Gotta love that "may or may not have been used" eh, jdobbin? You are correct, people should not utilze words such as that.
  7. No actually, the "movement", meaning people are not there for a separate AB.
  8. Why are you always framing it as an us or them thing? There is never an occassion for it to be an us or them situation ever, nothing is ever that cut and dried, and say it is, is pure unsubstantiated emotional rhetoric with no basis in truth.
  9. Teachers in BC are on the school premises from 8am to 4pm. One would assume it is close to those hours in all provinces. They also do on average 2-4 extra hours/day normally in lesson prep, grading etc, the only time students mark papers is in quizzes, not full tests, nor any that have written components. This number increases at semsister end and finals time and report cards. They also are dealing with 25 children all at once all day. Insisting that lesson prep takes no time is absurb. Knowledge and information does not stay static, and if it is in AB no wonder you haven't changed governments in decades. The same goes for compiling marks and student reports.
  10. Still in minority territory and leveling off according to the pollster. Actually, they are not levelling off, that wasn't even a good piece of spin by Canadian Press, the CPC are now actually below their election standings and have dropped from the last Decima Poll. The Liberals are far ahead of the CPC in PQ the poll stated. This suggests that the CPC numbers are remaining solid, or increasing, in their not going anywhere AB seats and dropping everywhere else, as Canadian Press did not give regional breakdowns, nor margin of error. Now if you compare the last Decima Poll with this one, The Liberals have gained 2% The NDP have gained 2% The CPC are down 1% and the Greens are down 2%
  11. Oh what a bunch of slanted garbage. If you are so down one the democrats because of that, why are you not down on the Republicans about their current treatment of Afghan Iraq vets who are exisitng in horrible conditions? and as if the hippies had anything to do with getting rid of the VP. ------------------------------------- BTW there are NO Democrats in Quebec
  12. There is no definition of traditional marriage you are quite right, there has never been a constant tradition. It would seem some are using the term "traditional marriage" as a euphemism for several things and all of them have to do with taking away women's rights. Could one of you out there who want to take away women's rightsplease tell us, why you think women's tights should be taken away?
  13. Yet politicians, who work less hours, spend less time on the job, have less qualtifications get a 150+k a year, with full pension after 6 yrs, are perfectly entitled, eh? Teachers do a lot of out of hours of outside the classroom class prep, test marking, record keeping on the students, and curriculums DO NOT remain the same year after year. Nice try skewing things against teachers with spurious information hydraboss.
  14. What does this mean? Jenny was not even in this thread until way further down?
  15. Of course it is. What weather/climatic occurences are NOT covered by it?see? Well weather and climate are two different things. Weather is localized and can have any number of causes, the climate system obviously only governing this at top of the hierarchy. The climate system itself is concerned with larger patterns, i.e., jet streams. ocean currents, seasons, long term cycles, ecosystems, etc.... One should not confuse a local weather event for being directly caused by the larger system. (at some point we may be able to pinpoint these connections, but not yet). Excuse me, apparently you did not read the original article posted, about the sulfur content of clouds developing over China, that entered the climate and moved into the hawaiian express it being the factor that caused the horrendous weather that destroyed Stanley Park.
  16. There again was NO such thing as traditional marriage ever as a building block for canada, women who were the first pioneers here worked side by side with their husbands breaking the land and creating a homestead. They were not just doing household duties. Prairie women also had incomes from butter and eggs, there is a reason why women from the prairies fought long and hard for equal rights because they knew full well, they worked along side their husbands equally and were equally in measure. BTW as I stated earlier our judicial system is derived from eRoman. Roman had 3 different types of marriages, one of them was those lving together as husband and wife. Seems like living together is a traditional marriage. Also, to whomever said I was gay, get a grip. I am a self identified heterosexual, who has had a life long partner of going on 28 years. That he is my husband has no bearing on the matter, we are partners, in our life journey.
  17. Again, why are peopl eusing USA statistics when discussing abortions in reference to all women?
  18. Because people decided that they would rather be happy instead of married. Good point, but there is no such thing as traditional marriages, as defined by those here, in the fist place, let alone, have them be the bulding blocks of Canada.
  19. Yes, you are throwing hot air around now, that National Geographic report was of one scientist, not ALL. And in fact, had you read further in the article, he was debunked.
  20. It seems so weird, that some continually misconstrue what is being said, about climate change, what different factors are causing climate change, such as, GHG emissions causing global warming, particulate matter causing acid rain and increased storms, all of these things have been known and discussed for a couple of decades now. This article you linked to, is only stating that now they can measure accurately particulate matter, they have not founded a whole new science and debunked all other ones. Perhaps it is new to you, but not others. My cousin in Winnipeg got her PHD in environmental sciences in the late 80's, early 90's, studying sulfur particulate matter in air, and how it causes acid rain that is destroying ecosystems. In fact, that is what Mulroney's and Regan's clean air treaty was all about, in what was that 1984 or 1985? Truly, you need to get caught up, before you start stating things that are not correct. The fact is, and always has been since it was first identified, air pollution, in ALL its many different forms, causes climate/weather changes.
  21. Might be too bad, but it is true. Think you took my sarcastic response out of it's sarcastic response context. It is with good reason "Traditional Marriage" is on the demise, and never to be resurrected. It is past its expiry date and as such has spelled its own decline. Men, have no right to have an unequal partnership contract bias in their favour, and those that think they do have a right to "traditional marriage"and the inequality it implies, and indeed are the ones who have spoiled the whole notion of marriage. We can see then, that the destruction, of the belief in marriage, is derived from those who are sexist and and they must take the burden upon themselves, instead of trying to shirk responsibility upon women and feminists. Women have every right to freedom of conscience, action and equality, if instituations which favour males fall away as a result of gaining those rights, it is a positive thing.
  22. Here is just 1 recent thread that has also been started, plus, please do feel free to read ALL the other threads of the same topic here. All the other theads detailed quite clearly, just because topics have moved from the active list does not mean the info in them is not current or applicable. Aand you yourself have started many of them. One wonders why you keep trying the same old boring nonsense of asking for proof, then refusing to acknowledge it, and start yet another thread? http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums//index....wtopic=8293&hl=
  23. One would think our NEW government is trying to make us slip, eh? After all they are always saying: Canadians are stupid, Canada is a third rate country, etc etc..perhaps they want to make us what they believe we are? That Canada is number one, again illistrates that Canadians are not stupid and we as a peoples in our country have been making the correct decisions for ourselves historically. It is certainly sad, that the Harper government, and their supporters, want to destroy a country that is ranked number 1 in the world. I agree. I have always been proud to be Canadian and absolutely hate Harper is doing to our country. If he ever gets a majority I'm sure well be flying the stars and stripes, or at least share ranking with the US. He does not even have a majority and he is trying to get the stars and stripes here with his secret deep integration meetings. If he gets a majority, you are going to hate what he is doing a whole lot more than his current trying to with his stacking the judiciary, halting environmental protection actions, closing down the court challenges program, closing down Status of women offices that are hugely negatively impacting women and childrens shelters, and programs, changing the combat orders to Afghanistan, ordering billions worth of military equipment with no contract bids, lowing the level of political discourse to a disgusting and embarrassing level, trying to allow asbestos into the manufacture of childrens toys, using national security information to play lying dirty politics, and the list could go on....
  24. Climate change is a result of global warming, and both have been equally in use since at least 1983. http://www.canadians.org/media/council/2006/18-Nov-06.html Insurer sounds warning bell on climate change http://www.abc.net.au/am/content/2007/s1865011.htm http://www.pembina.org/climate-change/index.php
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