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Everything posted by herbie

  1. Hard time comprehending or what? Bitterness at a govt that stood up to corporate blackmail? Or bitterness at the Negative Nellies who can't even imagine fixing things, only smashing them to pieces and throwing them away? In the vague hope Mommy will buy you a new one.
  2. Yeah yeah.... just like how every other Tory govt was so much better at managing things...
  3. Are Cemocrats A Cult? Asks the Trumpoid. def: (noun) Ugly, smelly painful lump that clings to Trump's arsehole
  4. But PP's a miracle worker. He's gonna reduce the deficit, increase NATO funding, reduce crime requiring more cops and prisons and make everything better by starting by throwing away $12 billion worth of carbon tax revenue. While the rest of us have trouble with grocery prices without cutting our income. .Can he turn water into wine too?
  5. No, that couldn't possibly have any truth to it. [/s] In 1982 the old 'BC Tel" asked for a HUGE price increase and Trudeau Sr said no., Within hours they announced like 2500 layoffs. That was back in the days of regulation and Pierre told them f*ck you, hire them all back at full pay and find jobs if you have surplus workers. I know, I was one of them. Worked in maintenance, rebuild and 411 for years with frozen wages until retirements, buy outs, resignations etc opened postings to apply for. Choice posts like move from the mainland to Haida Gwaii, Mackenzie, Dease Lake etc or quit. You see once you place and tie in the fibre line and build the cell towers one guy can service it all over a huge area, and bandwidth Gigs cost ZERO. So nobody's gonna mess with their cash cow or they'll suffer the wrath of the Telcos.
  6. I confess, I am one of those elitists that got good enough marks to graduate and go beyond High School.
  7. Do you mean correct or capsized starboard? You seem to want the latter far more than steadying it.
  8. Ugg say progress bad thing. Me come over there whack your bow & arrow thing with club.
  9. Driving while hung over isn't an offence. Unless you confuse "hung over" with "still drunk". Like a lot of people who chugged a 40 pounder and had a three hour nap seem to think.
  10. I feel genuine pity for people who won't hear the news on CBC-CTV-Global_CITY or read it in the Vancouver Sun or the Globe and Mail "because it's biased" Genuine pity..... we all can't be blessed with reason and common sense and that's just too hard for some to learn.
  11. So figure it out Eddy. If you just simply won't change your habits it will cost you more and more and more. Complain louder and louder and call people stupid, that always gets children what they want.
  12. Oh, so much losing... just keep pushing The Rapist and his lackeys.
  13. Yes I did my stint in Cdn polling places too. I can't believe that in the USA they'd be so lax that id10ts could claim massive fraud like Trump did and have anyone believe it. Maybe they should send UN Observers to oversee their 2024 elections. That was why I wasn't for your purple thumb idea in Canada. Your are checked against a registry, counted by hand under the noses of all parties scrutineers, If there's any issues - like out of your area or riding, you were witnessed as eligible, not on their voter list etc, it goes into a separate (used to call it section eight) and is only counted on recounts or disputes. And I do know many weirdos who don't vote out of laziness and so-called "religious" objection who deserve to be brushed to the wayside.
  14. Don't like EVs and want to do something actually constructive other than whine on an obscure Internet forum? Then start lobbying your MP, not to end the EV mandate but to amend it with a 5-10 year grace period for simple hybrids. They reduce CO2 significantly, are cheaper than plug-in hybrids and BEVs and run exactly like your car does today. Sure, ban new ICE only in 2035 but use the same reasoning as with natural gas - it's less damaging and an interim step that is doable right now. Lay off criticism of everything new you just don't understand like renewable energy sources, hydrogen, fuel cell EVs, etc. They're all coming but we can't do it by tomorrow morning. * addressing the pooh-poohing of hydrogen as it's "too expensive" right now, do you know what that definition of too expensive" is? Research it and discover that a hydrogen fill up costs almost as much as gasoline fill already does in Vancouver ! Oh the horror, the horror... the world would collapse.
  15. Even one coal fired plant that can charge 100,000 electric cars emits less CO2 than 100,000 gas vehicles, but no,,, that's too hard for some people to grasp. Just like the fact if you drive 50km to work and back everyday. you are the stupid one for not owning a BEV, a PHEV already, Admit it, you just can't afford a new car you you've found something to whine about the people who can, I enjoy Scotty Kilmer's videos, but as far as electrification of cars, he's an obstinate id10t. Just the other day mentioned a guy in Northern Manitoba with an F150 Lightning who's range was cut massively at -40 degrees. Adn another who's Tesla took hours to charge as reasons not to go electric. Failing to mention the Tesla was intentionally left outside in the cold overnight on purpose to show what happens if you freeze the battery. Or that someone in rural Manitoba should consider an F150 EV only, let alone go for a 'drive' at -40. Things common sense NOT TO DO being used to make con EV arguments. If it's -40 your gas or diesel F350 won't start unless you left it plugged in, your tires are gonna go flop flop for miles, steel parts are gonna snap if you hit a pothole and even if you have full defrost blasting right at your face the whole time the slightest moisture's gonna ice up the outside of your window so you can barely see. The leas"plus" in an ICE vehicle is that some of the energy p1ssed away by ICE as heat will keep you warm. Think about licking a flagpole at -40 and clue into how cold a battery the size in an F150 Lightning and made entirely out of metal gets and how much energy it takes to warm it up, knowing since you were 6 that your D cell barely runs a flashlight when it's cold unless you stick it in your pocket for a while. If I leave my vape on the dashboard at -20 just to run in and buy more pods, it's only good for a couple drags unless I sit it on the heater. So let's be honest, the gripe is you can't afford an EV and from some of the responses about prices, you can't afford a new car at all. At the start of this thread we saw "well if they were available for $20,000" posts when the average price Canadians spent last year for new vehicles last year was well over fifty thousand dollars.
  16. These unpatriotic whiners insist on living in a dream world where because things were, they mus have been better. Oooh we all miss black & white TV and those exotic Jello & tuna dinners, calling Grandma in North Van long distance, playing with Bolo bats under the willow trees, no natives allowed in bars and boat people from the UK being allowed to vote without citizenship. Glory days driving the Acadian or the Frontenac to the Safeway to get a box of KD for 19 cents and a tin can of 50 Sweet Caps for 43c. Hear them whimper how multiculturalism, bilingualism and the maple leaf and the metric system destroyed the country for fifty more years. Dig the old dusty leather strap from storage and beat some sense into those insolent Liberals.
  17. Actually the American public had a massive simultaneous brain fart that helped by the Electoral College handed The Lying Rapist the win.
  18. Remember when he was asked "Have you no shame, sir?" and McCrthy and his committee petered out...? Now you'd get a reply Trump and his MAGAoids. "Shame? Whassat?"
  19. Thing was when Don Donald said it, his audience of pinheads applauded. Duh he said something! Don't think about what he said, just cheer cuz he said it! Hillary's deplorable was about the politest term one could use to describe his supporters.
  20. WAS the operative verb, not IS. Like sands thought the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. And some people enjoy being buried by it.
  21. And that last part of my post was devoted to people as politically ignorant as you who believe it's truth and that Parliament votes on apps and Ministry decisions, and the PM decides if your toast will burn.
  22. Didn't realize it until last night but the news and the odd W5 is about all I ever tune to CTV. Prime time is all shit reality shows and they've turned Scfi into utter crap, just non-stop Star Trek, Castle & Stargate reruns.
  23. WTF??? They announced cuts at CTV one night and that only Toronto & Montreal would be kept and the very next night the Vancouver news at 11:30 was gone, replaced by Seinfeld reruns. Tonight it's back! And Global switched since last I tuned in their news, local first, National at 11:30.... WTF?
  24. Reason was more like the usual Lib/Tory/almost all big business "don't tell the coder exactly what you want and who the users are going to be - just farm it out to the cheapest". I'm sure the Tories would've picked someone off a Facebook ad or a phishing email. To be fair and unbiased we'd get ArriveCan 1.0 about 2040 under the NDP as they'd grab the civil servant with the most seniority and we'd have to wait until they completed their degree. Probably a blind person of colour in a wheelchair with ESL. And two refugee trannies to do the French website translations. Right?
  25. Plenty of proof of that right here in this thread. (prepare for usual gish gallopper within 30 seconds)
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