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  1. US removes all its funding and support from UNRWA.
    3 points
  2. I agree with you wholeheartedly. We in Finland will have elections next April and for the first time in my life I'm thinking of skipping it as it seems such a waste of time as the puppet-masters are not up for election and I'm not interested in voting for the puppets. However, that is exactly the mindset globalists want to create. Why bother, it's no good, waste of time. The cattle will be easier to control when it meekly accepts its fate.
    1 point
  3. Mr. Argus. Just trying to show respect for the old fella. LOL.
    1 point
  4. The Liberal and Democrat parties are just so interested in getting votes via virtue signalling that they actually end up being divisive and silly.
    1 point
  5. But yet Trump is always the bogeyman here. Go figure, eh? Even the Canadian left wing liberal media won't leave it alone. Every hour of every day it's Trump-Trump-Trump while our prime mistake is ignored every hour of every day and what that fool is doing to Canada. The Canadian media is a joke. I should not even call the Canadian media a media. They are more like the Enquirer or Mad Magazine. I agree. The democratic party is a dangerous communist political party to America. They do support Antifa, BLM and illegal immigration and are full of lying communists. Hillary is truly a deplorable woman.
    1 point
  6. On FOX News Hannity he talks about all the crimes that have been committed by Hillary and McCabe and Comey Strzok etc.etc. but yet the Mule(Mueller)seems to be only concerned about trying to get something on Trump a la Russians. There is nothing on Trump and Russia and yet this witch hunt still goes on and on. Hillary should have been arrested and thrown in jail by now but thanks to Sessions and the Mule she still walks around free. It sure looks like crime pays in America.
    1 point
  7. 1) They had to apply for the FISA warrant 4 times to renew it. The info was definitely available the 4th time around, if not the first or second. 2) Bush started it, and the Russians became involved under Hillary. 3) Van Jones from CNN even admitted russian collusion was a big nothingburger on hidden video. It's not just "Fox News" who knows. The investigation is still going on because Mueller is looking for dirt elsewhere. That's not how the FBI is supposed to opertae. They're supposed to know about a crime before they obtain warrants to investigate people. Not start an investigation based on opposition research and then squeeze people who work with the subject of your investigation for information. ""96 years in jail, or 6 if you rat out someone who we don't even know to have committed a crime" lol. It's a joke. 4) By Fox news? By everyone in Congress who is part of the investigation. Not one Democrat has ever said that they were aware of a crime yet and they've been asked point blank. Adam Schiff makes claims all the time and a week later it's known to be false. 5) No, it wasn't disclosed at all. Congressman Jordan has had access to all the un-redacted FISA warrant submissions and said that the disclosures were not made. 6) It's important for you to acknowledge that you're aware of how many people in the FBI were fired, demoted and/or resigned. Stop dodging.
    1 point
  8. Yes. My generosity is boundless, this morning.
    1 point
  9. Fiction. Just because someone says something which disagrees with Trump does not prove they lied. If the Trumptards in congress like Devon Nunes could show one of Trump's enemies lied before committee you can be damn sure he'd be moving to prosecute him. He can't, so he isn't. Stop listening to the raving loonies on FOX.
    1 point
  10. 1. The investigation was already well-underway when this became available. 2. It was largely financed by Trump's Republican opponent Jeb Bush, who hired a British ex-intelligence officer to compile information. Only Trump loyalists say that the dossier was completely wrong. And they say so with zero actual knowledge of what is and is not correct. If the courts felt it was a work of fiction then the warrant would have been declared invalid. They have not done so. By FOX news. It was disclosed. I know that Trump wants the justice department to be his political police force and wants to force out anyone not loyal to him. I know Trump rages against his own attorney general appointee for allowing the department to investigate Republicans and not putting a stop to the investigation of him, and that he wants the justice department to instead investigate his political enemies and those who criticize him. I also know he's hounded any FBI official who dared to stand up to him. That's what I know.
    1 point
  11. Because Obama made Canada pay for the new Detroit River bridge ?
    1 point
  12. Thank you...obviously you agree with my stupid position. Of course....it is delightful fun to see Canadian pride on full display, with a rare opportunity to fully exercise the throbbing anti-murican resentment and passive aggressive behaviour that existed long before Trump came along. Trudeau will build a wall made of Canadian cheese...and make those damn Americans pay for it !
    1 point
  13. As a kid living in the North, there was just CBC. Summer brought vacations to the South where we would encounter AMERICAN TELEVISION...13 channels...and some UHF!!! All free over the airwaves...OMG what an amazing world!
    1 point
  14. Your last lines reveal the whole stupid position. No one wins a trade war. Every tariff is met with a counter tariff. Workers, consumers and families are negatively impacted in equal numbers on both sides of the border. Don’t underestimate Canadian pride and fortitude. We’ll ride this out like many bigger challenges in the past.
    1 point
  15. Iranian should have their freedom like other democratic countries.
    1 point
  16. Balderdash....it was Trump's finest hour....so far. Make promise.....keep promise.
    1 point
  17. I am thankful that I have Americans as neighbours. Too often, too many Canadians say bad things about you thinking that "Americans are the big, rich guys - the corporations". Whenever I've been to the states, I'm usually talking to some guy/girl in a gas station - confused with my credit card/accent. ==== b_c2004: fought/died? You Americans fought/died in Vietnam. I'm thankful. For the good of us all, you won the Cold War.
    1 point
  18. ...with plenty more to come. If the U.S. is not welcomed for excess dairy production, then Canadian dumping is not welcomed either. Clear cut all the beetle infested forests you want, but ship them to China instead. Canada cannot win a trade war with the United States.
    1 point
  19. Well yeah.....think about it....Canadians fought and died for the right...to watch real American Super Bowl® commercials !!!
    1 point
  20. No, it is cheaper to produce in American right-to-work states. Canada is guilty of protectionist tariffs, non tariff barriers (banks, telcom, CanCon, etc.), dumping, transshipments, and IP theft for decades, regardless of any real or imagined trade surplus. Trump is right to challenge Canada on trade and crush its cheating ways.
    1 point
  21. I would like to wait until NAFTA has a chance to play out. An election before that could be damaging to our negotiations. It may also give Sheer a better chance, but that is just a gut feeling. The fixed election date is more like guidelines, just like the Pirates Code laid down by Captains Bartholomew and Morgan. Harper broke that rule soon after he brought it in. (POTC: Curse of the Black Pearl)
    1 point
  22. Eyeball knows the difference between the two, he just likes the drama......everyone knows the difference between Collateral Damage and most terrorist actions.....where they intentionally target women and children....
    1 point
  23. So cute...Maude Barlow is still fighting the NAFTA fight after all these years....clumsily agreeing with Trump's ultimate goal....the death of NAFTA. Who needs NAFTA? Canada can do without it
    1 point
  24. Such as whom? A couple who exchanged anti-Trump texts with each other prior to the election? Do you think all public servants are neutral and have no personal political favorites?
    1 point
  25. I don't know - 2020 or 2030, somewhere back then.
    1 point
  26. I'd like to see Trudeau gone but he has a solid majority and we should at least be able to judge his government next year on the results of an entire term. Right now, the big issue might well be NAFTA but what would be accomplished by an election when all three mainstream parties effectively have the same position on this matter? In general, there's so little to choose from between the two parties that have any chance of winning, the Libs and CPC, that holding an election right now would seem redundant. Let's see if Bernier's party can get off the ground and what it might have to offer. I read one analysis which I believe indicated that it could appeal to about one-third of Canadian voters. If true, it would have a substantial impact on the next year's election. At the very least, it would make it difficult for any of the traditional parties to form a majority government. A CPC-Bernier coalition might well be a better alternative than another dreary run by the Libs.
    1 point
  27. Turkeys voting for early Christmas? I dont think so. Besides, I thought in Canada you changed the law so that parliamentary terms are almost always fixed. Perhaps I have misunderstood something.
    1 point
  28. You ignore the Chief, and Mulroney. They were of the Party of MacDonald. Reform is the Party of that lewd, vulgar Lincoln.
    0 points
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