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  1. Hillary is a real politician which is a dangerous one...
  2. You got me there. I was seriously reading it though.
  3. Iranian should have their freedom like other democratic countries.
  4. Can anyone explain to me how Crypto Currency works? I'm planning to invest and I need some details before iI Invests.
  5. Once they got the funding the stories will become twisted plus it will bet beside an advertisement which will make the people think that "it is not an important issue" because the article is beside a hamburger or shoe advertisement.
  6. The government should develop God's Eye (Fast and the Furious).
  7. This is my wonderful pet. I got him this wonderful life jacket. I still have other 2 dogs and I'm also thinking of getting 2 of these dog life jacket. Which life jacket is perfect for a chihuahua and a pit bull?
  8. This is my favourite topic of all time.
  9. Well I do understand your point but there are still important issues that need to be tackle in that situation.
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