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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2017 in all areas

  1. Looking over that list of credits, I see many films where I didn't remember it was Bill Paxton. I didn't remember he was in Edge of Tomorrow, I forgot that he was in Aliens, Twister, Tombstone... Some actors, from the moment they appear on screen your brain goes "oh hey, it's Robert deNiro" (for example) and refuses to accept them as the character they're trying to portray. Bill Paxton was kind of the opposite. "Oh... the dumb-ass army-guy was Bill Paxton? I didn't even notice!" ... -k
    2 points
  2. There is so much turmoil in the world. Why? We hear oh so frequently from oh so many sources that this turmoil has come about because of terrorism, specifically one "grouped" terrorist act. We all know what that is and it is truly a lie of gigantic proportions, not unlike all of the other lies of gigantic proportions. Premise: It is completely impossible that the alleged 911 hijackers caused the collapse of WTC towers 1, 2 and 7. Proof one: The existence of molten metals; steel, molybdenum, iron at WTC the existence of vaporized steel at WTC, the existence of nanothermite at WTC all attest to the fact that the alleged hijackers did not cause the collapse of WTC towers 1, 2 and 7. The only fuel that the hijackers are said to have brought to the WTC, according to the official government story, is jet fuel. Add office furnishings and you have fuels that can reach a maximum of about 1,800F. Steel melts at about 2,800F. Molybdenum melts at about 4,700F. Vaporized steel needs higher temperatures. Point TT-6: The Claim that There Was No Molten Steel or Iron in the WTC Point TT-6: Buildings http://www.consensus911.org/point-tt-6/ Pictures of the vaporized steel https://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/fema403_apc.pdf There are, of course, many other proofs that show that the alleged 911 hijackers did not cause, could not have caused the collapse of WTC towers 1, 2 and 7. There is currently a two year study of WTC7 being conducted at University of Alaska, Fairbanks. It is scheduled for total completion in May 2017. The study is essentially finished and in preliminary reports, the lead professor/engineer said, when asked by a lawyer, and I paraphrase, Lawyer: On a scale of one to a hundred what are the chances the official NIST story of the collapse of WTC7 is true and accurate? Professor: Zero. Lawyer: If a graduate student of yours submitted such a report would you flunk him? Professor: Yes.
    1 point
  3. Every time I click on thread page, the screen freezes while loading. What I do, I either had to click to the thread title or section to get out of it, and everything is fine. Why does it freezes like that?
    1 point
  4. It has always been the government controlling all of this, whatever "all of this" even means. There is nobody else. The funding part is very easy. It costs nothing if we get out of the places where we do not belong, where we never belonged.
    1 point
  5. You're the one with the answers. Can't believe I got sucked in another one of these discussions. The trouble with you truthers is you grab onto one thing like a dog with a bone and ignore everything else.
    1 point
  6. The Immigration Minister stated today he sees no discernable trend in a movement of illegals coming by land from the US. As the weather changes and the rates sky rocket as they will this summer, just like they do in the warm months in Europe, the Minister will be forced to acknowledge the problem he currently denies. The fact is we do not have sufficient Border or RCMP personnel. The fact is we do not have the facilities nor did our government anticipate this event. Our government was caught flat-foot. Trump has told Trudeau on Monday, its his problem if he doesn't block illegals from entering Canada. The stage is set and hey its no problem because Impact will be joined by Peter F, Trudeau and no doubt Eye in welcoming and settling the illegals in their homes. La La Land did not win the Oscar last night. But clearly Peter F wanted it to.
    1 point
  7. They didn't "retract". I appreciate if you pay attention to what you're responding to. The police officers have said that the filmmaker has lied in how he has edited the film: "The interview was about something completely different to what Fox News and Horowitz were talking about” Not only that, but the two cameraemn that worked with Ami Horowitz are also saying the same thing. Yet, you are not willing to accept that you're spreading fake news..
    1 point
  8. The point and example presented by the Windsor Tower steel beam construction fire and collapse are well known to any 911 conspiracy debate here and elsewhere. Passing dismissal of the WT fire reveals another agenda, as expected and experienced many times in yet another 911 topic.
    1 point
  9. They accept him now because he has POWER. He couldn't even show his face in CPAC when he was running for office, they claimed he wasn't conservative enough and only Ted Cruz was. Are you forgetting that Trump is a globalist? Since when is Soros the only Globalist? Trump is a guy who turns a blind eye to Saudi terrorism because they let him build a few hotels and shoddy golf courses. Trump accepts money from foreign heads of states, this guy is globalist #1. The last thing we need is an unqualified fake billionaire 8 time bankrupt who doesn't know what he is doing running our country. Trump doesn't believe in America first, he believes in Donald first. If Trump believed in America first, he wouldn't declare bankruptcy against all those loans who owed to American banks, he'd try to pay his debt to society, he wouldn't have ducked the war in vietnam and the draft. He could have taken a desk job or a non-combat role like truck driver. Trump has only ever been trump first. You think Trump isn't giving away billions to foreigners? All you got to do is donate money to Trump to get anything. Trump is a fake and a phony, he ran as a life long liberal from nyc, and teflon don even said he'd run as a republican because republican voters are the stupidest and lowest iq and so easy to trick, sad part is he is right and the joke is on America. I am glad Canadians are not dumb enough to be fooled by a charlatan like that.
    1 point
  10. I have been having the same problem too. I have to turn off my computer, and start it up again. Why this is happening is beyond me. I wonder if anyone else is having the same problem?
    1 point
  11. That's too bad, from what I understand something went wrong during a surgery. Always an actor that I enjoyed. The wife and I watched the first episode of his new TV reboot Training Day and thought it to be kinda bland......To be honest, Paxton was the only reason we bothered with a network drama.
    1 point
  12. One question that I want you to answer. Why do muslims come to Canada and force us to their way of thinking? I think the way muslim women are treated in their own country is appalling. Now they have the chance to change and they still live in their own primitive world. Why is that?
    1 point
  13. So the Huffington Post falls for the same nonsense as the Boston Globe and the ..., I forget which other newspaper. Please, can someone tell me why people who are supposedly rational would believe a blacksmith over a PhD structural engineer, 2,500 architects and engineers, ... ? Could someone tell me why people can post a link but they can't discuss the largest, smallest or even mid-size details of what he said and what his arguments have to do with the three towers that were blown up on 9-11.
    1 point
  14. You have already been told the steel did not have to melt, that it would have weakened sufficiently to collapse under the weight at a much lower temperature.
    1 point
  15. I haven't heard one Conservative candidate talk about being anti-free trade. Has one of them?
    1 point
  16. "Yup", your response above deliberately infers that all illegal migrants that come into Canada are refugees which is incorrect. "yup" your response that any detention of illegals means a concentration camp is illogical, without basis, hyperbolic and juvenile. I have not suggested nor do I condone ceoncentration camps and your attempt to suggest I or anyone else who thinks illegal migrants should be properly screened out of the system is a Nazi or Russian communist is an attempt to slur and name call rather than debate the issue. Next you again show your ignorance of immigration laws as they exist now in all your responses. To start with: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/refugees/reform-safe.asp We already stream and vet certain kinds of refugee claimants because of their high rate of rejection as the above shows. As the above states, our government came to the awareness that tgere are places in the world where it is less likely for a person to be persecuted compared to other areas. bu many people from these places were/are trying claim asylum in Canada, and are later found not to need protection. As the above Ministry comments state, too much time and too many resources were being spent on these unfounded claims. So the concept of Designated countries of origin (DCO) was created as a specific category and now includes countries that do not normally produce refugees, but do respect human rights and offer state protection. Go on educate yourself. Our country has had to address a flooding and abuse of our refugee process by streamlining out applicants from a designated list of countries and in the future it m ay add more. So the notion of creating a specific stream of treatment to differentiate applicants to help prevent an abuse and flooding of the system that can crash it, is done. Next you need to educate yourself how the safe third party rule works. You assume because Canada entered a specific one with the US and has not with other cuntryes none others exist. Wrong. How about you start with: rhttp://www.unhcr.org/3b39a2403.pdf The following countries honour this rule and say if a refugee applicant gets to their country first, they must apply in their state for refugee status and will not be permitted to state shop and skip through their country: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK, Norway, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Krugyzstan, Russia, Ukraine, Botswana. As well you can add Mexico, Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, Cyprus, Israel, Iceland, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, to that list because they won't allow so called refugees to country shop once they come to their countries. They so do voluntarily at this time without any formal agreement. Now since 2002, Canada has had 2 methods for taking in refugees. The first is the resettlement program for refugees determined outside Canada through government or private sponsorship. Since 95% of refugees are not capable of travelling too far because they have no money and have fled with nothing, they end up in camps. If we were genuinely concerned about taking in ONLY genuine refugees, we would simply use the above route. Stephen Harper encouraged private sponsorship of refugees from outside Canada. He did so because in this manner the genuine status of refugees could be determined outside Canada avoiding cost and wasted facilities and create proper priority to get to them based on urgency. By being doing it through private sponsors, i.e., churches, there was a guarantee such refugees would not become a burden on the state. .In fact the dishonest Justin Trudeau posed with the private sponsored refugees Stephen Harper arranged, and took credit for bringing them into Canada along with his Immigration Minister and Kathleen Wynne who used these Syrian refugees as props, trained monkeys posing as grateful unwashed savages being patted on the head and given winter coats and told, when they saw all the food spread out for them on tables, and were given more food then they were used to eating, not to wory they were in Canada now and they could just throw what they didn't want in the garbage. Talk about ignorant, patronizing, condescending behaviour. Oh look let's give the monkeys some food, pose them and then waste the food in front of their eyes. What did it ever occur to Justin that someone who had not seen such amounts of food would be shocked to see them being told food would be wasted and thrown out and to take more than they needed and just leave the rest for garbage. Would Justin the privileged rich boy understand the psychological consequence of such a message. Right. cont. next post
    1 point
  17. Soft as butter... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzF1KySHmUA
    1 point
  18. Cool story. I was told by an Arab that all Israelis are thieves and not to be trusted. I was also told by a First Nation aborginial that all white men steal land and rape women. Any relevance? None. Except when it comes to prejudice itself.
    1 point
  19. The media has their own agenda. You've not figured that out by now?
    1 point
  20. Such information only supports the fact that the alleged hijackers have been falsely accused, Betsy. You do understand the significance of the molten steel, molybdenum, ..., don't you?
    1 point
  21. An engineer investigating the remains of the World Trade Center sees melted girders and other evidence that the towers experienced extreme temperatures on 9/11. Dr. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl is a professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. He later recalls, “I saw melting of girders in [the] World Trade Center.” [PBS, 5/10/2007] He notes that steel has bent at several connection points that had joined the floors of the WTC to the vertical columns. He describes the connections as being smoothly warped, saying, “If you remember the Salvador Dali paintings with the clocks that are kind of melted—it’s kind of like that.” He adds, “That could only happen if you get steel yellow hot or white hot—perhaps around 2,000 degrees.” [CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION, 12/7/2001] Astaneh-Asl says that steel flanges have been reduced “from an inch thick to paper thin.” [BERKELEYAN, 10/3/2001] He finds a foot-long twisted shard of steel that is “like a piece of bread, but it was high-strength steel.” He comments, “I haven’t seen anything like this [before].” [BERKELEY DAILY PLANET, 10/20/2001] He finds “severely scorched [steel] members from 40 or so floors below the points of impact [by the planes].” He believes this is the result of the planes having destroyed the elevator walls, thereby allowing burning jet fuel to pour down into the building, igniting fires hundreds of feet below the impact floors. [CBS NEWS, 3/12/2002] Astaneh-Asl sees a charred I-beam from WTC Building 7, which collapsed late in the afternoon of 9/11. “The beam, so named because its cross-section looks like a capital I, had clearly endured searing temperatures. Parts of the flat top of the I, once five-eighths of an inch thick, had vaporized.” [NEW YORK TIMES, 10/2/2001] Other individuals will report seeing molten metal in the remains of the World Trade Center in the weeks and months after 9/11 (see September 12, 2001-February 2002), and data collected by NASA reveals dozens of “hot spots” (some over 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit) at Ground Zero (see September 16-23, 2001). But Thomas Eagar—an engineering professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology—later comments that the “temperature of the fire at the WTC [on 9/11] was not unusual, and it was most definitely not capable of melting steel.” [EAGAR AND MUSSO, 12/2001] Yet Astaneh-Asl will later put forward the “tentative” conclusion, “The collapse of the [Twin Towers] was most likely due to the intense fire initiated by the jet fuel of the planes and continued due to burning of the building contents.” [ASTANEH-ASL, 11/30/2003 ] Astaneh-Asl is a member of the team assembled by the American Society of Civil Engineers to investigate the World Trade Center site after 9/11 (see September 12, 2001), though he will resign from this because he disagrees with its decision to keep findings secret until the initial inquiry has been completed. [NEW YORK TIMES, 10/2/2001; ASSOCIATED PRESS, 9/6/2002] http://www.historycommons.org/searchResults.jsp?searchtext=molten+metal+Abolhassan+Astaneh&events=on&entities=on&articles=on&topics=on&timelines=on&projects=on&titles=on&descriptions=on&dosearch=on&search=Go
    1 point
  22. From a supporter of the official US government conspiracy theory. "Some reports suggest that the aluminum from the aircraft ignited, creating very high temperatures. While it is possible to ignite aluminum under special conditions, such conditions are not commonly attained in a hydrocarbon-based diffuse flame. In addition, the flame would be white hot, like a giant sparkler. There was no evidence of such aluminum ignition, which would have been visible even through the dense soot." http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/JOM/0112/Eagar/Eagar-0112.html And remember, NIST denied, denied denied that there were explosions, even when there were myriad explosions reported by many firemen, reporters, first responders, ordinary folk, ... . This is all so easily found in the news reports of the day. Day two and on, dead silence from the media. The narrative had been set. The NYT applied to the courts and got a FOIA request for the many firemen that had been debriefed after 911. There are many reports from them describing massive explosions on the ground floor and sun floors of WTC1. One really doesn't have to go past the copious evidence of molten metals that could not have been at WTC, according to the official story. What could have caused this molten steel, molybdenum, iron, vaporized steel? Not jet fuel and office furnishings. 9/11: FEMA investigator Abolhassan Astaneh says, "melting of girders" in WTC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syXpA6B85Ek
    1 point
  23. What blacksmiths do is of no consequence to the issue at hand. According to the official US government account, the only possibility was of fuels that can attain a maximum of 1,800F. Supporters of the official story actually describe much lower maximum fire temperatures. [1,382 - 1,472F] "However, it is highly unlikely that the steel at the WTC experienced temperatures above the 750–800°C range." http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/JOM/0112/Eagar/Eagar-0112.html These molten metals of the variety found at WTC should not have been there, ie. there was no legitimate/legal reason for them to be there. That in and of itself, makes the official story false.
    1 point
  24. Forum guidelines suggest: "If you are not bringing anything new to the argument, then do not say anything at all."
    1 point
  25. Why should we believe the police and the cameramen? Why shouldn't we? Who is pressuring them? You want these anti-Muslim fake stories to be true so much that you're willing to go as far as to say that the policemen are lying and the people who shot the films are lying. You have no credibility.
    1 point
  26. More facts, or alternate truths, brought to you by Donald Trump and his administration. The Washington Post - Democracy Dies in Darkness
    1 point
  27. This turned out to be another fake story. Just like the "Bowling Green Massacre" story. I hope the following information will stop you from spreading more fake stories, Betsy: The policemen who were interviewed say this: Two Swedish police officers were interviewed in the film. Anders Göranzon and Jacob Ekström answered questions about how weapons are becoming more accessible. Horowitz also asked the officers about how crime has spread through cities. But the police officers now say that their answers were taken out of context, and are very critical of how their comments were portrayed on Fox News ”Tucker Carlson Tonight”. ”I don’t understand why we are a part of the segment. The interview was about something completely different to what Fox News and Horowitz were talking about”, says Anders Göranzon. The cameramen who filmed Ami Horowitz shoot the films also say that he has created a false narrative: Swedish freelance cameramen Emil Marczak and Jakob Bjelfvenstam both helped Ami Horowitz make his short documentary ”Stockholm syndrome”. Speaking to newspaper Dagens Nyheter, the cameramen said Horowitz's questioning in his interviews and his editing of the footage showed a clear bias toward linking immigrants to Sweden to crime. Marczak helped Horowitz interview two police officers about crime in Stockholm. Since the film's release, both officers have distance them from the piece and Marczak said the raw footage supports their concerns. "I would never have participated if I had known how unethically and frivolously the material would be edited. To double check that my memory is correct I have gone through the raw material and it confirms the policemen’s view of the course of events”, Marczak told the newspaper.
    1 point
  28. Do you think Hitler might have been a convert to Islam?
    1 point
  29. If you recall, I was calling for his arrest as a war criminal.
    1 point
  30. It's got everything to do with it. Considering the so called journalism that got the US into Iraq back in 2006. Even back then the main stream media was engaging in fake news.
    1 point
  31. Shame is something you feel about your own actions, embarrassment is is something you feel about how others view your actions.
    1 point
  32. So I take it then you are opposed to an expansion of the travel ban, since you won't entertain the idea that it might be coming?
    1 point
  33. I ask because it's rumoured to be added. Your seeming unawareness of this proves you don't follow what's going on very closely But yeah, I know. Obama made a list of countries he said were a threat. Apparently Trump is adding to it. What's your point? Are you saying nations are exempt if Trump does sufficient business there?
    1 point
  34. Stupid is as stupid does - as I said actions speak loudest.
    1 point
  35. Tales of violence committed by Muslims and refugees in Sweden often start as local crime stories that are then translated by sensationalistic UK tabloids, conservative outlets like Breitbart News, or the Russian state-funded broadcaster RT, before being further spread by fringe websites and anti-Muslim blogs in the US. Thank you betsy for continuing the tradition. Psssst, I have a good rumor for you to spread. No basis is reality, no fact checking, just pure alternative facts.
    1 point
  36. Don't worry you come thru loud and clear and there's no ambiguity whatsoever.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. No. It's biases based on understanding and principles. Your.s OTOH appear to be based on pure crap.
    1 point
  39. How would you expect people in the West to respond of it was in the Muslim world's shoes?
    1 point
  40. There you go again, deliberetly confusing and conflating understanding with justification to avoid dealing with our provocation. That said, if there's anything that justifies targeting.It's that.
    1 point
  41. I did. I say screw Argus' concerns if that's what it takes for Canada to show a backbone in the face of a grotesque bully.
    1 point
  42. Hers another one Why do you guys insist on defaulting to addressing the voices in your head instead of the words on your screen?
    1 point
  43. No I'm saying you know full well what I mean when I say complicity and I'm underscoring your attempt at being disingenuous. Its one of the ugliest and despicable aspects of western conservatism on tap at the moment and I think you should be ashamed of it.
    1 point
  44. Well, judging by the state of affairs abroad you were obviously no good at so why not him? Resisting tyranny is always worth it. I do think we used to get a bigger bang for our buck back in our grandparents day though.
    1 point
  45. It is understandable however that's not what I was saying.
    1 point
  46. It's not understandable at all why the west has been committing acts of horror for so long throughout so much of the Muslim world. I don't see you abhorring that very much if at all.
    1 point
  47. How can Ontario continue on this path? Yes, the Ontario Liberals have promised to balance the budget in 2018 but I think we all can agree that this will be done with voodoo economics combined with this new cap and trade gouging that will do little if nothing towards lowering emissions but will continue to hurt all classes of people in this province. Even in the evil days of Ernie Eves, he knew enough to back off the selling of hydro one. Wynne raised the bar on corruption in Ontario politics and I am praying to whatever God that might maybe listening to completely wipe these individuals out.
    1 point
  48. Stop making it sound like this wasn't all pointed out to you folks 15 years or more ago - back when right-wing conservatives were complicit in cheering for the policies that would create the world we're in.
    1 point
  49. Given power, Christians do not behave any better than our current Muslim extremists - they convert by the 'sword' and oppress women and minorities. What is keeping Christians mostly in check in the Western world is that secular governments are in power, and not religious ones. The basis of oppression lives within the Christian faith, as demonstrated by those cults who create small, closed societies in our Western societies. And in Uganda, where 84% of the population claim Christianity, they tried to pass a law that would have seen homosexuals put to death. International outcry resulted in changing the law to 'life in prison', but many "Christians" have no problem killing gays anyway - and raping lesbians, to 'transform' them. So don't you think for one minute Christianity can't be just as ugly as Islam can be. All religious conservatives can inhabit your island, you can kill and enslave each other on your way to proving your God is the Only True God. I have no problem with religious people who do not try to tell others how to live, who exhibit the love for others their religion invariably counsels, who don't find it necessary to disapprove of other people based on some ancient texts.
    1 point
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