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Everything posted by Mailman

  1. The UK Muslim Council has condemned the attack in their press release. Day of: http://www.mcb.org.uk/westminster-attack/ Day after: http://www.mcb.org.uk/westminster-attack-call-for-solidarity-and-prayer/ Neo-nazis, come out and play!
  2. It's quite sad that you say that. Statements like that make it obvious people are living in a bubble in this country with their fingers in the ears. Start reading about what life is like for aboriginals in this country and what conditions they live in. Better yet, aboriginal women. I know you won't but at least I've done my part. Nothing left to say to someone who is not well informed on this topic.
  3. That's the standard you're using to make the comparison? Wow. Gassing, bad. Anything else = good treatment. Right on.
  4. And we have a terrible reputation of treating First Nation aboriginals like dog doodoo. Blame game is a child's game.
  5. Those folks must have been an entertaining bunch. But then again, if you grew up in a household where everyone looks the same, what else is one to expect?
  6. Cool story. I was told by an Arab that all Israelis are thieves and not to be trusted. I was also told by a First Nation aborginial that all white men steal land and rape women. Any relevance? None. Except when it comes to prejudice itself.
  7. Are you kidding? Scroll up just a bit and see what Goh Shah posted 3-4 posts above mine.
  8. I think she/he was trying to imply that because muslims aren't what they are portrayed to be by main stream media and politicians (murderers, terrorists, bombers, etc.), then one isn't considered a muslim. Hence the word "moderate". At least judging by that persons ignorance regarding this particular religion.
  9. Lol. What is "the real sense"?
  10. The double-standard on these forums is scary. I expect to see "I hate them because they are muslims" and messages of that ilk on extremely conservative (ie. neo-nazi) forums, but here? Holy smokes. :S
  11. It's absurd how the mods of these forums allow such blatant hatred and bigotry to be posted. Let me join in on the fun; I hate Asians, all of 'em. Because they are slant eyed and because they eat dogs and cats. I wish there was a ban on them. Wonder how long this will last.
  12. Wow. If you need a citation for my "claim", then you are absolutely delusional. It has been widely reported that he was mentally ill. Google it. I'm not spoon feeding anyone. I understand some might have an extreme dislike of religion, in this case Islam, but fabricating stories is just childish.
  13. Holy cow. If someone has the audacity to spread fake news like this (Puerto Rican Alaskan Muslim), they need to be humiliated publicly. This is just asking for trouble. He was a war veteran who had a mental disease. Is it so hard to accept?
  14. Not sure what Sweden defending it's borders have to do with the US elections or why Trump would serve best in Putin's interests (since that's what the main discussion is here). Which again brings me to my point; why does the US have to protect the world? The world existed way before US was founded. You seem stuck on that Russkies are against the world rhetoric which as I've said before; move on. Of course I don't agree with Putin. Now let me ask you something; do you know why the Soviet Union fell apart? Hint: it wasn't because of the US.
  15. It is very relevant. But because you don't seem to understand why, let me simplify; the US cannot control Russia and thus it is labeled as a threat. It's quite obvious you need to brush up on Western (specifically US) foreign policy. There is a gigantic reason why Americans are seen as arrogant and aggressive. You'd see that if you traveled a little bit, or just read more. Ever wonder why Canada is (or at least was) seen as a peace-keeping nation compared to the US? Or why people hold Canada in high regard compared to the US? The answers are in front of you but you are so caught up in corporate-funded media lies that you refuse to look anywhere else. And once again, it's all very relevant. But hey, keep the hate strong. There are much bigger issues in the world for the US to focus on then what the Russians are planning/or doing. You can figure that one out on your own. It's quite obvious when someone refuses to look at history and put things into context but will easily gobble up whatever is fed to him without asking.
  16. I, for one, am very curious how this pilot program will work out in Finland. I've got a friend there and intend to keep tabs on this story as it's quite interesting. There's no reason why this couldn't work, if implemented well, in Canada as well. It would solve a good number of problems. The only issue I see is, not taxes, but the bureaucracy that stands in front of it. The fat cats in the government who drain the budgets for their "business" trips and vacations, the fat bonuses, not to mention their higher than necessary pay cheques wouldn't allow this to happen. I mean, the 5K spent to fix some coat hangers just makes my blood boil. Or, almost half a mill to renovate some office building. It's irresponsible actions like these that wouldn't make this sustainable in Canada, not the current tax schemes. We pay more than enough to make this work, but politicians love their fat cheques more than the people they claim to work for.
  17. Jesus christ. People are acting like Trump trying to have better (or at least netural) ties with Russia means the end of the US/North America. Like we are going to start listening to Russian music, eat Russian food, watch Russian shows on cable tv, Russian school curriculum, etc. As if Russia is going to invade and take over the US and we all have to speak Russian. Warmongering at its finest.
  18. Memory refresh; a huge chunk of dictators, especially in the Middle East were put in place and supported by Western powers. When they are no longer needed or suit our purpose, we dispose of them. An exception is Russia. So because they don't or won't cater to our needs, we see them as a threat. Ironic, isn't it? Now, since when is it the US or the West's job to protect the world? Better yet, why is it? The EU has plenty of power to stand up to Russia if need be. We are in different times compared to the old days. Heck, Turkey and Russia were in cahoots when the plane was shot down and that went away pretty quick. Now they are even buddies! Without anyone else getting involved. Imagine that. Like I said, if we remain in the old days and keep drinking the kool-aid, we won't fare any better. Sadly, it's always us vs them when it doesn't have to be. But when you live in an imperialistic world where everyone wants to beat their chest and claim to be number one, misery happens.
  19. Not sure where you're pulling that out of but you're clearly looking for a reaction. Keep trying. The West is already so anti-Russian that they are willing to tell people the Russkies are controlling us. We all waited during the Cold War for the nukes to come and yet we are still here. Why not take a different approach to things this time? And don't forget; when Snowden revealed the fact that the US is spying on everyone, including political leaders (surprise surprise), no one starts imposing sanctions on the US. But hey, call it whatever you want.
  20. ^Ease up on the anti-Trump/Putin/Russia agenda. Would it hurt anyone, for once, to have better US-Russia relations rather than constant threats and finger pointing? Not to mention, how could a foreign intelligence influence the outcome of the US elections when millions of voters put Trump in office? The fact is, the Democrats ran a terrible campaign and didn't listen to the people. They chose Hilary when she wasn't the people's choice, and on top of that, they ignored what the people were asking for. It's really not that difficult to figure this stuff out.
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