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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2017 in all areas

  1. I'm glad I was able to communicate with such clarity even you could understand it.
    2 points
  2. So you need to understand that they are my schools too - that one religion should not enforce their religious/cultural/medieval practices on anyone else. Pray in private, at home or wherever. Keep our schools free of religion - they are secular and should remain so. !!! As an aside, I believe it is discriminatory to publicly fund Catholic Separate schools.
    2 points
  3. Lied to the vets ,lied to the military ,lied to the small business, lied to the middle class, lies, lies, and more lies.
    2 points
  4. What part of "Public Schools" don't you understand? Public = open to all persons, for the community as a whole, the common interest being Education Schools = Not churches or mosques
    2 points
  5. I'm not interested in prayers or religion of any kind in our PUBLIC SECULAR schools... freedom of religion doesn't include turning our schools into places of worship, it belongs at home or wherever you go to genuflect to your idols. Not to mention condoning medieval rubbish in our system. The school they are referencing here is in Toronto, https://themuslimtimes.info/2017/01/18/muslim-students-gain-group-prayer-rights-in-canadian-schools/comment-page-1/ In addition, the education director is allowing Muslim students to gather in groups for daily prayers in the schools. At school prayer services, mosque rules apply, meaning genders are segregated and menstruating girls are permitted to watch but not participate.
    2 points
  6. Of course Christians are subjects to attacks - all you have to do is listen to what's being said against Christians. We know of actual Christian persecutions in Muslim countries.....Muslims targetting Christians for atrocious acts! Now we're talking about the very likelihood of physical violence in Canada. Especially so when an imam calls for violence to be committed on Christians! We know who's most likely to follow an imam's call for violence!
    2 points
  7. The article itself gives reasons that directly reflect the harder stance Trump has taken - people being more careful in their paperwork or just choosing not to go to the States. The article does not support the OP implication that Canadians' concerns about crossing the border are unwarranted.
    1 point
  8. Says the lady who plumps for and wildly supports US war crimes and terrorism.
    1 point
  9. Fine. But any organization that cancels trips to the US because of anecdotal stories are being reactionary and stupid.
    1 point
  10. Deniz Yucel. Journalist. Feb 2017,carted of to jail to join 86 other Turkish journalists, some of whom have been detained for years for speaking their minds. Erdogan issued arrest warrants for about 80 more late last year, to go along with the 35,000 imprisoned already for speaking. Time for you to explain why you think this Fascist swine from the Middle Ages is the right man to lead Turkey?
    1 point
  11. Irrelevant. This is a British man born in Kent. He has no family in the middle east.
    1 point
  12. I am trying to recall more nonsense and untruths per sentence by anybody, ever, in this forum I;m coming up short.. I would like to see Turkey not ruled by a fascist prick intent on moving his society back into the Stone Age, while simultaneously imprisoning every person who does not agree with him. I doubt it is possible to stop him from either act, certainly not when the likes of you applaud his every miserable, hateful oppressive action.
    1 point
  13. It is for the very reasons that the US has no experience dealing with terrorism that had to endure the tragic events of 9/11....
    1 point
  14. You are wrong Rue. This is what happens when you are in a debate. You cannot always talk about a topic without looking at the context. There is a discussion about the motivation of terrorists. You are trying very hard to blame this on the religion. Some others are saying that we need to look at the West's foreign policy to understand the motive. You simply cannot talk about terrorism without talking about the cause and effect. All you and some others want to do is for people to accept your perspective that this is all about a religion and it's the religion that motivates people to go over the edge. Many don't agree with that and they are giving their reasons why.
    1 point
  15. No, the purpose of Desert Fox was not regime change. This is simply not true. This time the purpose is to force Saddam Hussein to change his policy. "We do not have as a goal the toppling of Saddam Hussein," said William Cohen, the US Defence Secretary link
    1 point
  16. Judging Trump by his personal behavior has nothing to do with his policies and how he will govern. Lots of people have divorces and often there are good reasons for it. Women (or men) who are abused should get divorced. Abuse of all kinds is prevalent in the world; many people should get out. Staying in marriage when there is abuse is contributing to the abuse. It is pharisaical to judge divorced people. You do not know them or their circumstances. Supporting Hillary and the democrats which endorse and defend abortion (8 million abortions in a short number of years) and being judgmental about Trump's personal life is very Pharisaical and hypocritical. Hillary also attacked the women whom Bill Clinton assaulted.
    1 point
  17. Its not canned. Its overt and in direct response to your continuing attempts to justify terrorism by depicting all people of the US and the UK and the West as deserving being attacked by terrorists since they are in your opinion terrorist. You spew on cue, I respond.
    1 point
  18. I seriously think having a Muslim prayer room is part of a bigger, orchestrated agenda. It's happening in other places too. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4059428/Muslim-University-Maryland-students-demand-prayer-rooms-major-building-ask-names-kept-Donald-Trump.html#ixzz4cXSMLywC Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
    1 point
  19. These two are not mutually exclusive as the evidence suggests....
    1 point
  20. Let's not be coy: only Muslims are clamoring for 'prayer rooms'. Not Hindus, not Buddhists, not Jews, not Christians..... Only Muslims are demanding special treatment...and they're getting it.
    1 point
  21. Nothing to do with the thread and another example of someone trying to legitimize a terrorist attack by changing the subject of the thread to suggest the UK deserves to be attacked by terrorists. This is precisely the kind of terrorist cheer leading some of us have come to expect on this board.
    1 point
  22. What that you have come on this board and on a thread to discuss a London terrorist attack deny its a terrorist attack and try change the subject to draw a moral equivalency between what the terrorist did and what you perceive is the West engaging in terrorism against Muslims? Overly voluble. Lol. You know what your agenda is. Have the integrity to state it and stop couching your words.
    1 point
  23. I don't think so. I think a very particular kind of person goes to a forum to express themselves and argue with others. The vast majority of Canadians I know do not trouble themselves with this let alone keep up with the news or politics. Most people are quiet and prefer to mind their own business. The attitude generally is "you go ahead and do your thing and I will do my thing." It's only when people feel they are being unfairly singled out or given less chance than others, then they feel offended. An example is this thread- the issue at hand is that there are laws to protect secularism, which suppressed some people's freedom of expression. Before this it was normal to have a prayer at school in the morning. The state took action to eliminate these references. The problem today is people feel Islam is being given preferential treatment. If you listen to the video you will hear one man keeps saying "No special treatment for anyone." That is the issue.
    1 point
  24. The principal difference is that the American administration is telling illegals to "GET OUT", whilst the Canadian administration is telling illegals "WECOME", in purposeful and direct opposition to the U.S. for political expediency. So let's just see how many illegals Canada can handle before the backlash is severe.
    1 point
  25. C'mon Betsy, we are living in a new Canada today, don't you know, where if one is white and Christian you are evil. But be of a religion who cuts of heads, throws gays and infidels off roofs blindfolded, drowns it's victims in cages, and kills it's women for being raped then they are welcome in Canada with open arms. Our politicians are totally out of whack. They are on the road to destroying everything decent and moral for a world of sodom and gomorrah, and the killing of infidels. I have to wonder as to what the hell these politicians are smoking? Maybe that is why the liberals would like to legalize marijuana, it makes them feel all warm and fuzzy all over, and are ready to accept the world with no questions asked. They say welcome to Canada. We don't care what you do or have done, just come on down.
    1 point
  26. Frankly, I find such Canadian reactions to be delightfully refreshing, and a sharp departure from the usual passive, docile mindset. Now they will have more than the damn Americans to fight about.
    1 point
  27. That wasn't created by the U.S. the jihad terrorists have been at it for about 1300 years.
    1 point
  28. Agreed....the RCMP and CBSA have purposely stopped reporting "irregular" entries into Canada. Politically, if they don't count the illegals then maybe they will just go away, disappearing into Canada's largest cities. Canada has created legal and political circumstances that are very favourable to illegal entry at the U.S. border. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/asylum-seekers-statistics-difficult-to-track-1.4028468
    1 point
  29. Indeed, this is what the elite zionists, who control our media and politicians by the politically correct brainwashing strings, are being allowed to get away with. Causing division to keep the people fighting against one another while they sit back and laugh, and continue with what they have been getting away with for decades. Screwing the Canadian taxpaying public out of money with their liberal multicultural nonsense. It would appear as though Canadians are being set up for one big confrontation between Christians and Islam down the Canadian road one day. At least this is what my gut feeling is trying to tell me. Am I wrong on this? Hey, let me know.
    1 point
  30. Sadly, this is true, I do know one of the 4 of the other types of Muslims though.The 26% that says both. He is cool. I don't like religious zealots of any persuasion.
    1 point
  31. Fully disagree with your analysis and yet another pass you're trying to give. The neo-cons, led by Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz had been pushing for an attack on Iraq since before 911. They actually tried to push for the Iraq attack right after 911, but then they got some pushback. Especially since Iraq had 0 to do with the attack. Then they said, okay, fine, we'll go to Afghanistan. But then of course, the whole Iraq WMD and attack followed after. This is when the Bush administration, knowingly, cooked up so-called evidence and used that as an excuse to shock and awe Iraq into becoming a lawless terrorist haven. That's when the old Saddam generals and well-paid (by Saudi and Gulf States) mercenaries from around the Wahabi world started arriving into Iraq to form what is now ISIS/ISIL/DAESH. Looking at U.S.' adventures around the world and you will notice that "regime change and order" has never been the end result. It has always been chaos and terrible consequences. Look at what Bush and Obama have created in the Middle East. Perhaps this is an indication that it's not a good idea and people should speak against it, instead of "oh it might work next time. let's give these guys a break."
    1 point
  32. Would an injection offer protection from the Spotted Dick?
    1 point
  33. They attacked the Koran because our Left wing politicians are giving preferential treatment to Islam, as in banning the Lord's Prayer but allowing Islamic prayers on Fridays. Our schools are secular, there should be no prayers of any kind during school hours. Meanwhile Imams can call for the extermination of Jews and what - silence of course.
    1 point
  34. You state, and overstate lots of things, Rue, in way overly voluble ways.
    1 point
  35. For anyone British, you call sausages bangers. That is proof you are terrorists.
    1 point
  36. So now let's see. the vast majority of not just US citizens but MOST Westerns are brainwashed. Hey nice to know. As I stated earlier, your agenda is simply to come on this forum and justify terrorism by stereotyping the entire West's civilians as evil. You don't you have the integrity to explain your actual religious views and why you support terrorism.
    1 point
  37. Montreal Imam: Jews are the most evil of mankind, human demons, quotes kill Jews passage from hadiths. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSzSTd3kN3E Different Montreal Imam says "Destroy the accursed Jews" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_6wEZJT9dM Imam and congregation of Toronto Masjid Mosque Call for the Death of All Jews and Christians. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13WTFjcZWes
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Nothing says "kind and benevolent US/UK" like murdering half a million Iraqi children and another half a million Iraqi adults in the 1990s. And then a further million or so in the illegal invasion of 2003, based completely on lies.
    1 point
  40. Since you seem to have the inside track on the mind of this man, please explain, in comprehensible prose, in less than 30,000 words, why he did what he did?
    1 point
  41. Do you know how many US militants invaded, illegally, Iraq and Afghanisan? Do you know how long this same history has repeated itself?
    1 point
  42. Look at the big pictures. Fast food is cheaper, not good food. Sometimes the farmers have those specific corns instead of producing real food and the reason is because it is subsidized (bigger profit). It makes fast food cheaper at the expense of good food. We are not about to stop eating anytime soon. The needs is there and will always be. The jobs will still exist. The orientation will be just better. Recently I have visited the Philippines. A third wolrd country much more poor than I expected. It's like living 200 years ago but, with cars and cell phones. Despite the living conditions, the food is good. I have eaten very well. Even when I was eating amoung the locals in their homes, not "expensive" restaurants. We do not have a good attitude regarding the food. We do not subsidizes the right ones. We do not protect the quality and leave the poor consumers at the crocs of industries looking for profits.
    1 point
  43. When you can't even get such simple facts correct, I'm afraid that I am going to have to disagree with your contention that the Trump/Bannon crowd is not that dumb.
    1 point
  44. That is because it is a total non-issue. It's just another nothing pumped up by those with the same mentality of Trump/Bannon etc.
    1 point
  45. Perhaps they are, but they get ignored - much like you ignore the peaceful interpretation of Islam that has been shown you previously in favor of your horrific interpretation. Peaceful Muslims far outnumber the violent Islamists. Peaceful Muslims are much more threatened by violent Islamists than you or I. But that doesn't matter to you, does it? All you care about is that people accept your version of Muslims as inherently violent or inhumane and to understand that we're at imminent risk from them. Anyway, DoP, as usual it's been fun - but we'll have to take this up another day.
    1 point
  46. Well, that's an opinion. A certain band of First Nations used to be able to harvest clams as a mainstay of their diet. Climate change has made this impossible and they are suffering as a result. Sharia law, not so much. There is already climate change-related movement of plant, animal and human populations, albeit so small that if you keep your eyes focused firmly elsewhere, you won't notice. Now a good conspiracy-minded person might think that all this Muslim fear is deliberately stoked by the powers-that-be to keep people from noticing their environment disappearing, along with the viability of the human race.
    1 point
  47. Not really. I've pointed out pacifist Muslim sects, told you what my non-violent and equality-minded Muslim family and friends believe, and you've responded that unless they are willing to kill apostates, gays, oppress women, etc, then they are "not true Muslims". What is that but demanding that Muslims behave reprehensibly in order to be considered 'true Muslims' in your mind? I don't think I've misrepresented your position at all. I think you lose every single one of these discussions.
    1 point
  48. And yet, you are the one demanding that all Muslims kill gays/behead apostates. How can that be?
    1 point
  49. I get the fact that the warning points are confidential between mod and member.....However i asked why have them and your mods explained they mean nothing , and will not count again'st us in the future....That being said they really do not have value, and with no value or consequence then why have them at all.
    1 point
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