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Khadr should make us ashamed to be Canadian

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Sorry, didn't realize at first that we were playing moralistic `gotcha'. I assumed the 15-year-old that twit mentioned was choosing to be a neo nazi, not a boy caught in a predicament similar to Omar's, where the connections to the offensive group aren't so well defined.

So tell us, is there any evidence that Omar was force into his life, that he did not want to be a member of a terrorist group, that once in he made attempts to leave, did he even vioce his discontent with others....I mean he is very clear in his home made tape, he wanted to kill american soldiers, he wanted to collect the bounty on any dead NATO soldier....sounds like i guy was forced into his life to me....

Any kid caught in Omar's situation should be allowed a proper trial and be protected from abuse and torture.

I agree, proper trail and proper sentences that reflect the crimes he has commited....no more no less...

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That's right and Khadr can account for what happened by pointing to an upbringing that should more accurately be termed an indoctrination.

Bullshit, let me ask you this Eyeball ever get a spanking when you were a kid, well according to the UN diffination of torture that is considered torture,along with dozens of things our parnets did to us that was considered quit normal for that time....using that excuse is just that, an excuse.... ....and yet you turned out to be somewhat normal....fisherman i believe...ever thought of killing muslims, or for that matter any other race....why is that because in our culture that is wrong...but in his culture it is right and normal....

And by using this "i was abused as a child" excuse with omar it will open the door to others, a flood of others....it is a western legal ploy to get guilty persons off....

Some of the staunchest supporters of your mission to make the world safe for kids believe that instead of treatment kids like Khadr should be locked in a cage and ass-raped. That's certainly not a Canadian tradition or value worth defending is it?

It's not a Canadian value or tradition, so it's a mout piont....

This is pure hyperbole. I doubt very much that you can cite a case where a criminal or a lawyer actually uttered the words it should be OK to take another life because... In Khadr's case ironically enough he was deliberately taught to believe that it was okay. Any society that teaches kids to obey their parents above virtually everything else does so at it's peril and to me it's unconscionable that we should throw kids into prison for doing as they're told. Treatment in Khadr's case should be a fairly straightforward matter, it's not like he's suffering from FASD, he's only been led, albeit a long long way, off track. He can easily be led back if he hasn't already found his way back on his own.

Hyberbole really , it is exactly what you have been doing all along...."let him go", "release him", and yet he has not even finished his trial....Also i'm looking at over 82,000 goggle sites right now that criminals have tried to reduce or get of charges all because they had a rough childhood.....so they are in fact saying little billy, deserves to get off because it was his childhood that drove him into murder, bullshit....

Omar is not a robot, he is a free thinking individual, he was not held again'st his will, nor did he ever openly say i don't want to do this anymore, nor did he try and escape from his situation....he displayed his free thinking abilities at a very young age when his mother tried to get him and his brothers to voluteer to be bombers....and yet they knew at this time it was wrong...that death awaiting them regardless of what religous crap had been pounded into thier heads.....they knew because they had seen it...

Khadr was raised to be a soldier. I'm pretty sure that's still against our morals and values but that shouldn't matter given it's also against the law everywhere in the world. He should never have been charged in the first place and our country should have gone to bat for him right from the minute his arrest was made known to us.

No he was'nt he was raised a terrorist, soldiers have sworn alligence to nations, and fight under flags...they follow rules of engagements and the genva conventions...OMAR did none of those...

As far as it being again'st the law , another myth, here in Canada we have organizations that teach our young people to be soldiers as well, organizations such as the scouting network, and army, navy, and air Cadets.....

Just so i'm clear, it's OK to kill these combatants on the battlefield...but not charge them with any crimes....is that messed up or what....we can shot them , but not charge them or lock them up...

By the way shouldn't you be off somewhere making the world safe for little kids instead of slagging them in here?

Is that what we are doing here making the world safer for Canada's little kids....while this kid is charged with murder, i wonder if Sgt Speer had children of his own.....but screw him he was a soldier, he knew the risks ....poor Omar he did'nt know a damn thing...he was only 15, lets just take a look at what he did know...he was a active member of a terrorist group, he made and planted IED's, he took part in a fire fight which killed 1 US servicemen, and 4 Afghanis soldiers, he gather intel on NATO convoys and there routes.....he made a tape in which he expresses his will to kill as many NATO soldiers as possiable....

Slagging him....all i want is for him to face justice, to serve his time, recieve the help you think he needs then deported back to Afganistan to face justice over there.....no more no less...just like any other Canadian is expected to, and does do...and if we don't follow this through the next 15 old boy that speaks english over in Afghanistan will simply be left to bleed out over there,with no media coverage, no debate, no tears, no nothing because apparently that is legal.

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No he was'nt he was raised a terrorist, soldiers have sworn alligence to nations, and fight under flags...they follow rules of engagements and the genva conventions...OMAR did none of those...

Soldier terrorist whatever, the point that he was raised/indoctrinated into becoming one, starting at age eight.

here in Canada we have organizations that teach our young people to be soldiers as well, organizations such as the scouting network

If you're going to compare Omar Khadr to a Boy Scout to then I see little reason not to compare Al Qaeda to oh lets say, the Sons of Liberty for example.

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If you're going to compare Omar Khadr to a Boy Scout to then I see little reason not to compare Al Qaeda to oh lets say, the Sons of Liberty for example.

Well, didn't Reagan deem the fundamentalist Afghan theocrats "freedom fighters"?

Or was that the terrorist militia known as the Contras?

Or was it both? I misremember which.

And since Reagan, I'm led to believe, is a small notch short of Jesus Himself (despite that he was a terrorist supporter), the Great Communicator's words must be taken seriously.

Edited by bloodyminded
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Well, didn't Reagan deem the fundamentalist Afghan theocrats "freedom fighters"?

Or was that the terrorist militia known as the Contras?

Or was it both? I misremember which.

And since Reagan, I'm led to believe, is a small notch short of Jesus Himself (despite that he was a terrorist supporter), the Great Communicator's words must be taken seriously

:angry: common sense and the inconvenient truth aren't welcome here...you've been warned, if it happens again I'll have to report you to the forum mods....
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I mean he is very clear in his home made tape, he wanted to kill american soldiers, he wanted to collect the bounty on any dead NATO soldier....

Yea, you've made claims like this before. Now, it seems you've found more of Omar's home videos. Maybe you could provide a link to the tape mentioned? I mean the "very clear" one that only you've seen...

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Yea, you've made claims like this before. Now, it seems you've found more of Omar's home videos. Maybe you could provide a link to the tape mentioned? I mean the "very clear" one that only you've seen...

I've stated facts not claims unless you can prove other wise....Not more tapes....but the orginal tape that was found, i assumed you watched it, i mean it is available in a English version as well on almost every web site that carries the Omar story , He mentions killing NATO soldiers for bounty during the portion where him and his merry gang were planting IED's at night..

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If you're going to compare Omar Khadr to a Boy Scout to then I see little reason not to compare Al Qaeda to oh lets say, the Sons of Liberty for example.

Are you saying that the Army, navy, Airforce Cadets and scouting organization don't teach our children marshall skills....and while not terrorist camps, they are introducing our kids into learning military type skills....how many of them have made the front page news by blowing something up, shooting anyone....

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Are you saying that the Army, navy, Airforce Cadets and scouting organization don't teach our children marshall skills....and while not terrorist camps, they are introducing our kids into learning military type skills....how many of them have made the front page news by blowing something up, shooting anyone....

I can think of one example....but not in the way you are refering.

When I was in the cadets in the 70s, firing the FN, explosives lectures, schemes etc....was what it was all about.

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F***K you OLEG and the arm chair you rode in on, what gives you the right to judge anyone, you've claimed you've spent more than your share of court preceedings is wanting justice to much to ask.....i guess so ....ya he's was kid at the time of his crimes, lots of Canadian kids are given adult sentences, when was the last time they recieved 1/10 the coverage as Omar and his terrorist family....when was the last time you posted anything in their defence...when was the last time anyone here posted anything in their defence...

Shit the terrorists in Afghan employ thousands of kids...But me wanting to kick the shit out some 15 year old makes me a spiteful coward....him gathering intel ,planting IED's, engaging NATO forces in a fire fight thats OK....

Working for an oganization that forces 5 year old boys to don a explosive vest and peddle they're bike towards a Canadian check piont is OK...they routinely cut the hands off little girls for going to school, Strip an old man of all his skin and stake him to the ground to be cooked in the days sun for talking to Canadian soldiers ....yes sir these are some of the mild things they have accomplished in their rein of terror .....are these are things we should turn the other cheek for....these are things we should forget and forgive because the little bastards were only 15 years old....Sorry i'm not ready to do that....what i'm ready for is for him to face justice, serve his time, so we can all move along.

As far as taking on the American bussiness elite, ...I'm afraid it was'nt them that drove those planes into those buildings....no sir that was your terrorist buddies....they threw down the gauntlet we just picked it up and slapped them with it...

Sorry you are so pissed off...I respect the military but not those that some how control it from a distance. "So a little girl can go to school" - all in the same breath..the Canadian military has been told to "turn a blind eye" To the recreational sodomizing of young boys to the point that their bowels are hanging out..

What really pisses me off is that no movement good or bad can start without funding...Try and tell me that deep in the heart and mind of our allied Saudi princes there is not the thought of destroying the west? That these rich oil pricks...do NOT filter down money to terrorists?

I mentioned this 2 years ago that the issue of Pakistan playing both sides was a serious problem..but no one took me seriously..and NOW we are finding out that our "allies" are killing us from behind...sorry ... the first thing that is lost through the intrigue of conflict is the TRUTH..

And that fact that hundered of wonderful young Canadian men are dead and crippled all for nothing really bothers me..The truth is hard to face- THE FACT IS THAT MONEY AND POWER RULE - AND THERE IS NO REAL NOBLE CAUSE...THE WORLD IS CORRUPT!

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I've stated facts not claims unless you can prove other wise....Not more tapes....but the orginal tape that was found, i assumed you watched it, i mean it is available in a English version as well on almost every web site that carries the Omar story , He mentions killing NATO soldiers for bounty during the portion where him and his merry gang were planting IED's at night..

Yea, do you mean the taped `confession' he made under duress at Bhagram? I can't find the link on ANY site... I'm sure it's a very convincing video though... definitely not staged or scripted... more than enough for anybody to convict him, eh?

... Omar's a friggin' saint compared to Canadian Col. Russell Williams... Now there's a real, adult terrorist.

Edited by Radsickle
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Are you saying that the Army, navy, Airforce Cadets and scouting organization don't teach our children marshall skills....and while not terrorist camps, they are introducing our kids into learning military type skills....

I'm saying there is a world of difference between introducing kids to certain pursuits and indoctrinating kids into them.

how many of them have made the front page news by blowing something up, shooting anyone...

I don't know, did George W Bush ever graduate from cubs and make it into boy scouts?

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Guest TrueMetis

False. He was raised to be a filthy murdering terrorist. Just like pit bulls, the breed sometimes must be erradicated.

When a pit bull attacks someone 99% of the time it was the fault of the owner or the person who was attacked. Not to mention most people don't know what a freaking pit bull is.

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When a pit bull attacks someone 99% of the time it was the fault of the owner or the person who was attacked. Not to mention most people don't know what a freaking pit bull is.

Oh...I bet most people do know what a freaking pit bull is...especially when they are walking their own dog.

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Too easy....nevertheless:

Most jurisdictions that restrict pit bulls, including Ontario, Canada,[1] and Denver, Colorado,[2] use the term "pit bull" to refer to the modern American pit bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, or any other dog that has the substantial physical characteristics and appearance of those breeds. However, a few jurisdictions, such as Singapore[3] and Franklin County, Ohio,[4] also classify the modern American Bulldog as a "pit bull-type dog", while in the United Kingdom the term applies only to the American pit bull terrier.[5] All three breeds share a similar history, with origins rooted from the bulldog and a variety of terriers. The term can also refer to dogs that were known as "bull terriers" prior to the development of the modern Bull terrier in the early 20th century.

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Canada's motto in Afghanistan..."So a little girl can go to school" ---- AND ---- "So some mean spirited corporate ass kissing politican can send a little boy to jail for life out of sheer spite"...

This Khadr issue is boring and at this point tiresome. Well as we all know we are not free in Canada - and "fighting for our freedom" is a crock of shit!

Men have no real rights in Canada and most realize that..The woman for the most part are simple dupes that THINK...they are free.If Khadr was FEMALE...he would have been released on compassionate grounds (political grounds).

Where are shame should lay is squarely on the sholders of all us Canadian cowards who are afraid to state that we have a closed and quietly corrupt nation. What brought this to mind was the other day when I gave my younger brothers Supreme Court ruling some condensed and focused thought...Their spin on the matter was that fathers have no right to what is generated from their bodies in so far as offspring...and that woman do not amount to much either..In other words it is all about animal husbandry...as for Khadr...He is nothing but a badly behaved young pup that our masters like to kick because they are afraid of the big dogs with teeth.

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Yea, do you mean the taped `confession' he made under duress at Bhagram? I can't find the link on ANY site... I'm sure it's a very convincing video though... definitely not staged or scripted... more than enough for anybody to convict him, eh?

... Omar's a friggin' saint compared to Canadian Col. Russell Williams... Now there's a real, adult terrorist.

No i mean the tape omar and his terrorist buddies made and was found at the scene of the crime, you remember that tape don't you....I goggled it and found over 250,000 sites.....

As for comparing him to the Mr Russell, apples and oranges, he's a scumbag that deserves what he gets and more, but the cases are not comparable....

As for calling Omar a saint ....ever been involved in an IED strike, pull some stats up on how many the average Canadian tour faces....it will surprise you...

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No i mean the tape omar and his terrorist buddies made and was found at the scene of the crime, you remember that tape don't you....I goggled it and found over 250,000 sites.....

It should be quite easy to cut and paste one then...

Or, even easier, which keywords did you "Goggle"? "Omar" and "terrorist buddies"?

How about "scared, uncertain kid trying to impress his peers and elders"?

Seriously, what friggin' tape was found "at the scene of the crime"? Did the bombs somehow miss the VCR in the mud hut?!

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I hope Harper brings Khadr hope and into a Canadian prison if/when he gets sentenced. He'll apparently be in a Gitmo jail if he's not. Even if he's guilty he doesn't deserve that b.s.

Harper's a real racist a-hole for not wanting to repatriate Khadr if he's convicted. If he were a white lad he'd be home in 2 seconds.

Edited by Moonlight Graham
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It should be quite easy to cut and paste one then...

Or, even easier, which keywords did you "Goggle"? "Omar" and "terrorist buddies"?

Oh it's very easy to cut and paste , in fact it's in this thread over a dozen times, I'm sure you won't have a problem....

As for key words Omar will do, but if you are feeling creative you can throw in his terrorists buddies as well...

How about "scared, uncertain kid trying to impress his peers and elders"?

I wonder how many times that excuse has been used to defend teenagers in a court of law...

I wonder if he was as scare as my last 18 year old LAV driver was after seeing his classmate ripped to shreads after they had driven over an 500 lb IED, which penatrated their hull, evaporated his legs, (because we never found them,) I wonder if he was as scared as the young man that died in his arms, another classmate, just barely 19 years old ...."promise you'll look after my girlfriend", was his last words...just mins after we arrived to assist....No problably not....no he was scared of what his familiy would do to him at most.....not so much scared but rather concerned....

Scared....i know scared, scared shitless, scared witless, scare stupid, scared.....no i know and understand scared....and yet if me or one of my soldiers had done something "scared" like put a bullet into another 15 year old boy....would we be able to ride that excuse out....not likely, not ever, not even....

I've mentioned this many times before, 15 year old boys are common in the insurgents we tangle with....only difference over there they get a bullet or worse....NO compasion offered....and thats exceptable by you and me, by Canadians....we are doing our jobs....but capture one alive....then the singing choirs come out, waves of angels descend from the heavens....NOW we see compasion....Well sir i don't want to show compasion, what i want is justice...i want him to have his day in court, no more no less....and if that is to complicated for you to understand....then i understand that as well, we are two different sides of the tracks, we have 2 separate opinions....and we'll leave it at that...but before i do, Have you ever wondered why there has ever only been 1 OMAR...

Seriously, what friggin' tape was found "at the scene of the crime"? Did the bombs somehow miss the VCR in the mud hut?!

Omar's home movie, and yes it was found in the building that Omar was hiding in....But you know that already...

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Yea, do you mean the taped `confession' he made under duress at Bhagram? I can't find the link on ANY site... I'm sure it's a very convincing video though... definitely not staged or scripted... more than enough for anybody to convict him, eh?

... Omar's a friggin' saint compared to Canadian Col. Russell Williams... Now there's a real, adult terrorist.

I think Army Guy is refering to the footage 60 minutes aired showing Omar (or his doppleganger) making and planting road side bombs along with other al-Qaedaish/Talibanish looking folks.

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I think Army Guy is refering to the footage 60 minutes aired showing Omar (or his doppleganger) making and planting road side bombs along with other al-Qaedaish/Talibanish looking folks.

So? What's the difference between kids in Afghanistan forced to fight and those in Africa? Why is there support and sympathy for African child soldiers and none for child soldiers in Afghanistan? Is it solely because these kids are fighting us? If so, I was under the impression that our court systems sought justice, not revenge.

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