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U.S. Presidential Elections 2008

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It might change somewhat in 10 years, but that's a long time. In the meantime, dealing with an addiction by pawning the family heirlooms is usually not the best solution to a problem. The only solution is to ween yourself from dependence, but the Republicans are so far gone into the pocket of Big Oil they won't even, in these dire straits, make any acknowledgement of that reality.

Pushers tend to offer the least effective 12-step programs.

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...Pushers tend to offer the least effective 12-step programs.


Canada wants U.S. to run on Alberta oil

WASHINGTON - Two years ago Friday, the government of Alberta parked a supersized oilsands dump truck on the National Mall in Washington, announcing to U.S. lawmakers that Canada was about to become the next big thing in the global petroleum market.

..."Our big, big job is not so much lobbying. It's educating," says Allan Gotlieb, Canada's ambassador to the U.S. from 1981 to 1989.

"It's to make people understand that a lot of the criticism about the oilsands is unfair, and unwise, and potentially damaging to U.S. interests."

The plan? Convert oilsands skeptics, one member of Congress at a time. The Alberta government is hosting two influential Democratic lawmakers - including the chairman of the House committee on energy and air quality - for a tour of the Athabasca oilsands next week. A similar tour is planned for congressional staffers later this summer, part of ongoing Canadian outreach aimed at highlighting efforts to reduce the industry's carbon footprint.


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Means absolutely nothing at this stage...remember when Hillary Clinton was most favored too by the "polls"?

The only poll that counts is in November.

You gotta screw up pretty bad, or get swiftboated to loose that sorta lead. Since McCain has stated there is a "special place in hell" for swiftboaters, it is unlikely that they will come to his aid (really a shame we get a really decent politician for a change and he is going to loose because of it)

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You gotta screw up pretty bad, or get swiftboated to loose that sorta lead. Since McCain has stated there is a "special place in hell" for swiftboaters, it is unlikely that they will come to his aid (really a shame we get a really decent politician for a change and he is going to loose because of it)

Somebody is going to lose, and it may not be McCain. Clinton has already lost.

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You gotta screw up pretty bad, or get swiftboated to loose that sorta lead. Since McCain has stated there is a "special place in hell" for swiftboaters, it is unlikely that they will come to his aid (really a shame we get a really decent politician for a change and he is going to loose because of it)
McCain is surely not going to lose. He's doing the right thing by disassociating himself from the "swiftboaters" but the fact is that Saddam B. Hussein Osama Obama is just too inviting a target not to draw swiftboaters. "Swiftboating" is inexpensive, and when one candidate is a long-term, stalwart alum of the Hanoi Hilton and the other has a wife who "is just beginning to be proud of America" and a pastor who "damns" America this contest won't even be close.

Even at the depths of the late 1960's the voters in this country are a "wrap the flag" group.

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Guest American Woman

Good Lord. Are we going to be subjected to this -- "Saddam B. Hussein Osama Obama" -- tiresome, childish reference to Obama on this board for years to come? Why do I feel as if I'm on a playground instead of a forum whose rules state its intent is to promote intelligent discussion? Every time I see Obama referred to this way, I'm reminded of the quote from Team America: "Why is jbg everyone so fuckin' stupid?"

Edited by American Woman
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McCain is surely not going to lose. He's doing the right thing by disassociating himself from the "swiftboaters" but the fact is that Saddam B. Hussein Osama Obama is just too inviting a target not to draw swiftboaters. "

The problem is that the that the "Saddam B. Hussein Osama Obama " line of reasoning only appeals to really stoopid people that aren't likely to vote for anyone not endorsed by the klan.

You also have to remember that switf boating is about rewards too. Many of those involved in these type of dirty attack adds later got rewarded by Bush. I really doubt McCain would do that sort of thing. Many of the really good swiftboaters were involved in pushing Bush past McCain, and I think McCain holds a grudge.

Also, the real dirty money comes from the Christian right. How eager are they to switfboat for a candidate not has not only said they deserve a special place in hell, but who has also called them "agents of intollerance" ?

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Good Lord. Are we going to be subjected to this -- "Saddam B. Hussein Osama Obama" -- tiresome, childish reference to Obama on this board for years to come? Why do I feel as if I'm on a playground instead of a forum whose rules state its intent is to promote intelligent discussion? Every time I see Obama referred to this way, I'm reminded of the quote from Team America: "Why is jbg everyone so fuckin' stupid?"

:lol: :lol: :lol::lol:

Excellent post!

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Good Lord. Are we going to be subjected to this -- "Saddam B. Hussein Osama Obama" -- tiresome, childish reference to Obama on this board for years to come?

Yes..we are...if only because Barack Hussein Obama supporters are doing the same thing, going so far as to adopt the middle name "Hussein" to blunt what they recognize as a definite political liability.

The movement is hardly a mass one, and it has taken place mostly online, the digital equivalent of wearing a button with a clever, attention-getting message. A search revealed hundreds of participants across the country, along with a YouTube video and bumper stickers promoting the idea. Legally changing names is too much hassle, participants say, so they use “Hussein” on Facebook and in blog posts and comments on sites like nytimes.com, dailykos.com and mybarackobama.com, the campaign’s networking site.


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Guest American Woman
Yes..we are...if only because Barack Hussein Obama supporters are doing the same thing, going so far as to adopt the middle name "Hussein" to blunt what they recognize as a definite political liability.

The movement is hardly a mass one, and it has taken place mostly online, the digital equivalent of wearing a button with a clever, attention-getting message. A search revealed hundreds of participants across the country, along with a YouTube video and bumper stickers promoting the idea. Legally changing names is too much hassle, participants say, so they use “Hussein” on Facebook and in blog posts and comments on sites like nytimes.com, dailykos.com and mybarackobama.com, the campaign’s networking site.


Aside from the fact that Obama supporters are not doing the same thing (and in case you really need it explained to you, referring to Obama as "Saddam B. Hussein Osama Obama" and referring to oneself using Hessein as one's middle name are most definitely not "the same thing"), I feel compelled to post another quote from your article -- Ms. Nordling, a 19-year-old student from Fort Thomas, Ky., gave herself a new middle name on Facebook.com, mimicking her boyfriend and shocking her father -- and I have to wonder, in light of your seeing it as "the same thing," if you think jbg has shocked his daddy too.

One more thing-- since you feel the 'monkey see-monkey do' need to do what you see as "the same thing" that "Barack Hussein Obama supporters are doing," I can only assume you'll be "doing the same thing" they are and vote for Obama in November.


Like I said earlier, referring to Obama that way is childish and tiresome -- and it would be great to see playground behavior left on the playground.

Edited by American Woman
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Yes..we are...if only because Barack Hussein Obama supporters are doing the same thing, going so far as to adopt the middle name "Hussein" to blunt what they recognize as a definite political liability.

The movement is hardly a mass one, and it has taken place mostly online, the digital equivalent of wearing a button with a clever, attention-getting message. A search revealed hundreds of participants across the country, along with a YouTube video and bumper stickers promoting the idea. Legally changing names is too much hassle, participants say, so they use “Hussein” on Facebook and in blog posts and comments on sites like nytimes.com, dailykos.com and mybarackobama.com, the campaign’s networking site.


They are just mocking how silly this Hussein thing is. Really, what is the point using his middle name but to appeal to biggots ? What does his middle name have to do with ANY issue of importance to the United States ?

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Aside from the fact that Obama supporters are not doing the same thing (and in case you really need it explained to you, referring to Obama as "Saddam B. Hussein Osama Obama," and referring to oneself using Hessein as one's middle name, are most definitely not "the same thing"), I feel compelled to post another quote from your article -- Ms. Nordling, a 19-year-old student from Fort Thomas, Ky., gave herself a new middle name on Facebook.com, mimicking her boyfriend and shocking her father -- and I have to wonder, in light of your seeing it as "the same thing," if you think jbg has shocked his daddy too.

Your peeing contests with other members are your business....I just pointed out that not only have Obama's detractors seized upon his name, but also his supporters. Right or wrong, Senator Obama's name is an issue in this campaign.

One more thing-- since you feel the 'monkey see-monkey do' need to do what you see as "the same thing" that "Barack Hussein Obama supporters are doing," I can only assume you'll be "doing the same thing" they are and vote for Obama in November.

This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Like I said earlier, referring to Obama that way is childish and tiresome -- and it would be great to see playground behavior left on the playground.

Then start your own forum....nobody is forcing you to play here.

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They are just mocking how silly this Hussein thing is. Really, what is the point using his middle name but to appeal to biggots ? What does his middle name have to do with ANY issue of importance to the United States ?

I find it ironic that most of the people who mock Obama's name are the same people who support the "Dick and Bush" administration.

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Guest American Woman
They are just mocking how silly this Hussein thing is.


What does his middle name have to do with ANY issue of importance to the United States ?

Absolutely nothing. I can only hope we aren't subjected to that mentality here throughout the election-- and beyond, if Obama wins in November.

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They are just mocking how silly this Hussein thing is. Really, what is the point using his middle name but to appeal to biggots ? What does his middle name have to do with ANY issue of importance to the United States ?

At least one very important issue...who will be the next president? Even "biggots" get to vote (but not in Canada!) :lol:

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Absolutely nothing. I can only hope we aren't subjected to that mentality here throughout the election-- and beyond, if Obama wins in November.

I hope so too. McCain has promised not to run a dirty campaign, but it's clear that some of his supporters will (and they already have). I wonder if McCain will go one step further and speak out against those who criticize his middle name?

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I hope so too. McCain has promised not to run a dirty campaign, but it's clear that some of his supporters will (and they already have). I wonder if McCain will go one step further and speak out against those who criticize his middle name?

Doesn't matter....proxy attacks will still be effective, and are now expected as normal campaign activity. "Apologizing" or "speaking out" is just part of the game.

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Guest American Woman
I hope so too. McCain has promised not to run a dirty campaign, but it's clear that some of his supporters will (and they already have). I wonder if McCain will go one step further and speak out against those who criticize his middle name?

It would speak well for McCain if he did speak out about it.

It's a name, a Kenyan name inherited from his father, and nothing more. It truly boggles the mind that some would try to make it into something negative. It would be like making fun of McCain simply because he had an unusual name. It's truly grade-school behavior. I remember kids making fun of other kid's names at recess, making rhymes out of them, but I truly thought adults would have long ago outgrown that behavior.

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....I remember kids making fun of other kid's names at recess, making rhymes out of them, but I truly thought adults would have long ago outgrown that behavior.

I remember a Top 40 hit for Shirley Ellis instead for "The Name Game" song:

A verse can be created for any name, with X as the name and (X−1) as the name without the first consonant sound, as follows:

(X), (X), bo-b(X−1)

Banana-fana fo-f(X−1)



And if the name starts with a b, f, or m, that sound simply is not repeated. (For example: Billy becomes "Billy Billy bo-illy"; Fred becomes "banana fana fo-red"; Marsha becomes "fee fi mo-arsha".) (Wiki)


Barack Barack Bo-Back

Banana-fana fo-fack




Obama Obama Bo-Bama

Banana-fana fo-fama



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Good Lord. Are we going to be subjected to this -- "Saddam B. Hussein Osama Obama" --
Good Lord. I was just trying to emphasize that Saddam B. Hussein Osama Obama is a true patriot, by emphasizing that he is not Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Ladin.

If you remember, Jimmy Carter repeatedly pledged, publicly, not to campaign against Edward Kennedy on the basis of Chappaquidick or against Gerald Ford on the basis of Watergate.

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In the end you will have two crappy choices like you did the last election.

The new black rookie who lacks experience, but has drive.

The old white veteran who lacks recalling any experience correctly, and can't really drive anymore.

American Woman, children will always be children. Even the 'gown up' ones. This mentality is reflected in how the elections are run. This mentality is also shown in how the candidates talk to each other and about each other. Most elections around the planet are like this. Which is a sad state of affairs.

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In the end you will have two crappy choices like you did the last election.

Maybe so, but a recent Strategic Council survey shows that Canadians prefer Obama over domestic choices:

Barack Obama: 26 per cent

Stephen Harper: 21 per cent

Hillary Clinton: 16 per cent

Jack Layton: 9 per cent

Gilles Duceppe: 6 per cent

Stephane Dion: 5 per cent

John McCain: 3 per cent


That such a survey question even exists is interesting and absurd at the same time.

The new black rookie who lacks experience, but has drive.

The old white veteran who lacks recalling any experience correctly, and can't really drive anymore.

Not "black" enough and without any "slave blood" for some. As for the "white veteran", similar remarks were made about President Reagan.

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Maybe so, but a recent Strategic Council survey shows that Canadians prefer Obama over domestic choices:

Barack Obama: 26 per cent

Stephen Harper: 21 per cent

Hillary Clinton: 16 per cent

Jack Layton: 9 per cent

Gilles Duceppe: 6 per cent

Stephane Dion: 5 per cent

John McCain: 3 per cent


That such a survey question even exists is interesting and absurd at the same time.

Not "black" enough and without any "slave blood" for some. As for the "white veteran", similar remarks were made about President Reagan.

I never thought I'd say this, but I actually want Obama to win the election. GW's reign has done very well for Canada and I personally benefitted from it. It's been proven that Obama was full of it when he said he won't touch NAFTA, and his energy plan for the U.S. really benefits me as an Ag producer. McCain will benefit the U.S. as a country with his broad scoped energy plan, but that doesn't help me out much at all.

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Stop making fun of my 79 IQ.

I'm not surprised considering you would not vote for someone because you are incapable of understanding the context of his wife's comments that she was not proud of the American political process to this date, and you would overlook the fact that Cindy McCain not only won't release her tax records but she stole drugs from a charity to feed her addiction and used McCain's position to avoid a federal sentence.

But, again, bet the rent on McCain. Right now you can get odds three to one for Obama. Triple your fortune by the end of the year.

Or spend the next eight years broke and making adolescent strikethroughs.

What would one expect from a lying neoconservative Republican progressive left-wing Democrat. :lol:

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