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Trudeau's immigration minister Marc Miller announces that he is quintupling the number of refugees Canada is taking from Gaza from 1,000 to 5,000.

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18 hours ago, eyeball said:

Ideology. As I understand it Palestinians are a lot more liberal and progressive than Arab and Islamic states that hate lefties as much as any other conservatives around the world.

Do you really think a place governed by an autocratic Islamist terrorist group for the lat 18 years, which is longer than half the population has been alive has a lot of liberals in it?

Edited by I am Groot
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22 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Do you really think a place governed by an autocratic Islamist terrorist group for the lat 18 years, which is longer than half the population has been alive has a lot of liberals in it?

Nope. That's a consequence that just seems to defy rectification. Best to exacerbate the situation instead by making it their fault. Yup, that's the ticket.

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19 hours ago, eyeball said:

As I understand it Palestinians are a lot more liberal and progressive than Arab and Islamic states that hate lefties as much as any other conservatives around the world.


Now just imagine if this was in Gaza.

You were saying?...

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20 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Nope. That's a consequence that just seems to defy rectification. Best to exacerbate the situation instead by making it their fault. Yup, that's the ticket.

Wow you sure are all over the map with this.

Based on what you're saying it sounds like the only viable answer is if those people are just gone. Kick them all out of Israel and they can figure out where they're going to live elsewhere.

You hate every solution proposed and that's the only one with any guarantee of success so... 

We can call it the 'Eyeball for an Eyeball" solution. :) 

Edited by CdnFox
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10 minutes ago, ironstone said:

Now just imagine if this was in Gaza.

Under Hamas? That's a no brainer, they're obviously way to conservative to tolerate something like Queers4Palestine.

Let the place settle down for a generation and let's see what happens then. It's no surprise to me advancing respect for human rights have generally stalled in the face of other more immediate concerns.


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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Under Hamas? That's a no brainer, they're obviously way to conservative to tolerate something like Queers4Palestine.


You literally just got done explaining how liberal hamas is :) 

And Hamas isn't right-wing in the slightest. They are the ultimate in statist and socialist organizations. They don't believe in freedom, they don't believe in a free market, they don't believe in any of that crap. They believe that society should be extremely heavily regulated.

Just like you do. I can see why you find them so attractive.

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Under Hamas? That's a no brainer, they're obviously way to conservative to tolerate something like Queers4Palestine.

I think you are aware that it just isn't limited to Hamas. Maybe the actual religion that's in question?

Both of these groups are pretty aggressive and often display the same in-your-face attitude towards others.

These kinds of confrontations are kind of a dilemma for progressives. They are 100% on board with everything in the lgbt++ agenda, but at the same time, they are also rather supportive of aggressive Islam and are willing to turn a blind eye to their intense hatred of Jews for one thing.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

Nope. That's a consequence that just seems to defy rectification. Best to exacerbate the situation instead by making it their fault. Yup, that's the ticket.

It IS their fault. 

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2 hours ago, I am Groot said:

Do you really think a place governed by an autocratic Islamist terrorist group for the lat 18 years,

Well if we want to paint a whole people with the same brush, we shouldn't have taken all those damn Hungarians and Vietnamese boat people because the were ALL Soviet sleeper agents, right?
The complaint seems to be unanimous that they're Muslims, and ALL of them are terrorists, none of them just go to mosques for weddings and funerals like 90% of us do, they're all fundamentalist maniacs that want to kill you. Same song as in 2015.

But of course that has nothing to do with racism, right? Immigrants from Bosnia or Albania are just fine.


Edited by herbie
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2 hours ago, I am Groot said:

Do you really think a place governed by an autocratic Islamist terrorist group for the lat 18 years, which is longer than half the population has been alive has a lot of liberals in it?

That's one of his more sensible theories. 

But he has an excuse: he identifies as a victim of genocide because 300 years ago some of his clansmen were killed in the massacre at Glencoe (26 people or so). 

Stop victim-shaming, Groot!

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11 minutes ago, herbie said:

The complaint seems to be unanimous that they're Muslims, and ALL of them are terrorists, none of them just go to mosques for weddings and funerals like 90% of us do, they're all fundamentalist maniacs that want to kill you. Same song as in 2015.



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1 hour ago, ironstone said:

Ivthink you are aware that it just isn't limited to Hamas. Maybe the actual religion that's in question?

Sure, but they're all ultimately retarded and  incapable of resolving their issues.

1 hour ago, ironstone said:

These kinds of confrontations are kind of a dilemma for progressives. They are 100% on board with everything in the lgbt++ agenda, but at the same time, they are also rather supportive of aggressive Islam and are willing to turn a blind eye to their intense hatred of Jews for one thing.

You see clashes of values on the right as well. Netanyahu's coalition isn't far enough to the right for some within it for example. Here at home the only thing Libertarians and social conservatives seem to agree on is that they're not lefties.

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28 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

That's one of his more sensible theories. 

But he has an excuse: he identifies as a victim of genocide because 300 years ago some of his clansmen were killed in the massacre at Glencoe (26 people or so). 

Not exactly, I simply underscored the point that justifications for trying to settle ancient grievances are so loose as a goose now that anything goes. Same for denying them of course. 

It's all politics projected in whatever direction suits your needs.

58 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

It IS their fault. 

Part of it sure but not all of it - not even close.

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22 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Not exactly, I simply underscored the point that justifications for trying to settle ancient grievances are so loose as a goose now that anything goes. Same for denying them of course. 

It's all politics projected in whatever direction suits your needs.

Part of it sure but not all of it - not even close.

It's their fault, and they're paying the price right now for that. 

This really is that simple.  If they wanted peace there would be peace. 

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2 hours ago, herbie said:

Well if we want to paint a whole people with the same brush, we shouldn't have taken all those damn Hungarians and Vietnamese boat people because the were ALL Soviet sleeper agents, right?

The Hungarians were occupied by a Soviet-controlled government few of them had much affection for. The boat people were Chinese who had been driven out by the Vietnmaese. There was no likelihood either group would have been loyal to the places they'd come from. Not to mention there's a difference between religious fanatics and pretty much everyone else.

2 hours ago, herbie said:

The complaint seems to be unanimous that they're Muslims, and ALL of them are terrorists, none of them just go to mosques for weddings and funerals like 90% of us do, they're all fundamentalist maniacs that want to kill you. Same song as in 2015.

Nobody said ALL of them are terrorists. However, most of them are likely Islamists, who are the group from which terrorism springs. They also have values that are the antithesis of our own, and a religion that will prevent a lot of them from ever fully integrating.

2 hours ago, herbie said:

But of course that has nothing to do with racism, right? Immigrants from Bosnia or Albania are just fine.


I realize you barely have the intelligence to turn your keyboard on and punch in letters one key at a time but what you are asking for is people who make the Nazis seem left wing to come over here, have as many kids as possible, influence our society to be closer to theirs. I would have thought a far left fanatic would be opposed to that. But then, far-left fanatics are too pig ignorant to understand anything other than oppressed => oppressor. If they have non-white skin then they're oppressed and everything they do is goodness and wonderful and how dare we judge them!?

2 hours ago, eyeball said:

Part of it sure but not all of it - not even close.

They voted in Hamas and if they had the choice they'd do it again.

It's their fault.

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1 hour ago, I am Groot said:

They voted in Hamas and if they had the choice they'd do it again.

It's their fault.

We supported apartheid and all the chaos that goes with it in the past and that's why we still support it to this day.

I hope it's safe to say we'll welcome Israeli refugees one day - a step in that direction would be a refreshing start.

Oddly enough you'd probably see it as a defeat.


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1 hour ago, I am Groot said:

The Hungarians were occupied by a Soviet-controlled government few of them had much affection for.

No! No! They were ruled by Communists so therefore they must all have been sympathizers, just as Palestinians must all be terrorists.
Nobody wants to escape a war/occupation zone, they want to corrupt your society, that's the only reason to come here.

I mean you want to treat two groups of people in the same circumstances differently and claim that's not discrimination don't you?

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58 minutes ago, herbie said:

No! No! They were ruled by Communists so therefore they must all have been sympathizers, just as Palestinians must all be terrorists.
Nobody wants to escape a war/occupation zone, they want to corrupt your society, that's the only reason to come here.

I mean you want to treat two groups of people in the same circumstances differently and claim that's not discrimination don't you?

Give it up, dude.

You are delusional, if you think Eastern Europeans and Palestinians should be given equal access to Canada. I ahve no problem admitting Eastern Europeans since they assimilate almost immediately, work hard, and advance Canadian society.

Palestinians want to being their wars here, and kill Jewish Canadians.  If Egypt, Jordan, and Syria will not take Palestinians, why should Canada get shuck with them.


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11 minutes ago, DUI_Offender said:

If Egypt, Jordan, and Syria will not take Palestinians, why should Canada get shuck with them.

That's probably what Egypt, Jordan and  Syria asked after Canada didn't want to be stuck with Jews from Europe, lots from Eastern Europe too I bet.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

That's probably what Egypt, Jordan and  Syria asked after Canada didn't want to be stuck with Jews from Europe, lots from Eastern Europe too I bet.

And looking back, some might say they had a point. :)  It does seem to have caused some trouble in the region.

But at the end of the day the Jews weren't our people per se. The Palestinians are the people of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. If they won't take their own people then why would we?

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1 hour ago, DUI_Offender said:

I ahve no problem admitting Eastern Europeans since they assimilate almost immediately, work hard, and advance Canadian society.

Every time you attempt to justify your beliefs you reveal your racist reasons. Just admit it.

The guy next to you on the factory floor with the turban works as least as hard as you, watches the games and wears a Leafs jersey and buys his kids shit at Christmas. The Persian guy might not eat McRibs, but eat a Big Mac at the next table. We don't brag about "melting pots" but they ALL not only melt in the end, they add something for the rest of us. If you can't or won't accept what they give, that's your loss.


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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

That's probably what Egypt, Jordan and  Syria asked after Canada didn't want to be stuck with Jews from Europe, lots from Eastern Europe too I bet.

There were already tens of thousands of Jews in those countries in the time frame you are referring to.


Additionally, Jews did not bring their wars into any country they immigrated to, like the Palestinians.


It's like the blind leading the stupid here. People who support Palestinians coming to Canada, need to stop posting, since they lack brain cells.

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1 hour ago, herbie said:

Every time you attempt to justify your beliefs you reveal your racist reasons.

Not every foreign culture or religion fits into Canadian society.  What you claim is false.

There is nothing racist about wanting a country made up of people that share the same values and culture.

Some of these immigrants are only interested in fighting for their causes in the places they came from.  How is that assimilation in any way?

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