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Trump Threatens ‘Four Years of Scorched Earth’ If Trump Retakes Power

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Trump Threatens ‘Four Years of Scorched Earth’ If Trump Retakes Power


Presidential candidates usually promise that everybody will be happy if they win. One of the historically unusual aspects of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is that he is promising to punish his political enemies in the event he gains power. “I am your warrior, I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution,” he vowed last year.

Trump has been persuaded to turn down the volume on the threats of vengeance, but his allies are continuing to advance this message. Lara Trump, the candidate’s daughter-in-law whom he installed as co-chair of the Republican National Committee because the incumbent merely cast doubt on the 2020 election without going so far as to conclusively say Trump won, unleashed this terrifying promise:

He showed us a whole lot that we didn’t know was going on — within the media, within Washington, D.C. He exposed a lot of people. So they have to do everything they can to keep him out of that White House ’cause they know Donald Trump gets in for four more years, the jig is up for them. The gloves are off. There are no holds barred here. He is going full-throttle. He’s not worried about winning another election. "It’s four years of scorched earth when Donald Trump retakes the White House."

This is consistent with the approach Trump has consistently taken to the office. As president, Trump saw himself as the leader of a faction, rather than the entire country, openly favoring states and areas that he saw as loyal. He used policy to punish owners of independent media, and sicced special prosecutors on his “deep state” enemies.

As a candidate, he’s promising pardons for the violent offenders who assaulted police officers in a coup attempt and manically insisting presidents should be given “total immunity” to commit crimes while in office. (He’s made five posts on this theme Friday morning alone.)

Trump’s conservative apologists either ignore all this or wave it away by pointing to his first term, when Trump’s attempts to weaponize government against his enemies proved ineffectual or were thwarted by uncooperative appointees.

But this isn’t some obstacle Trump is unaware of. The candidate and his inner circle are deeply aware of his inability to crush his enemies during his first term. They are engaged in serious planning efforts to make sure that doesn’t happen again. Now, it’s possible they will fail. But to ignore their plain intention to turn the government into a weapon of vengeance against a slew of enemies, ranging from political figures to media, is to gamble with the future of the republic. 

Now some here are DENYING ^this is true, probably only because they can't face the reality of what Trump has said and IS PLANNING. 

The plan would perform a swift restructuring of the executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory — a dubious legal theory proposing the president of the United States has absolute power over the executive branch — upon inauguration. Washington, D.C.


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13 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Trump Threatens ‘Four Years of Scorched Earth’ If Trump Retakes Power

Now some here are DENYING ^this is true, probably only because they can't face the reality of what Trump has said and IS PLANNING. 


I don't think anyone's saying he won't punish his enemies.  He let hillary off the hook and look what they did to him for that.  They weaponized the courts to attack him - of course he'll do it back.

Soooo -  what was your point?

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56 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

I don't think anyone's saying he won't punish his enemies.  He let hillary off the hook and look what they did to him for that.  They weaponized the courts to attack him - of course he'll do it back.

Soooo -  what was your point?

He's still trying to find the pointy end of a beach ball.

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

Trump Threatens ‘Four Years of Scorched Earth’ If Trump Retakes Power

Now some here are DENYING ^this is true, probably only because they can't face the reality of what Trump has said and IS PLANNING. 


Why do you guys have such problems with the english language?

Here is what he said:

“I am your warrior, I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution,”

Here is the definition of retribition: Merriam Webster

1 : recompense, reward

2 : the dispensing or receiving of reward or punishment especially in the hereafter

3 : something given or exacted in recompense especially : punishment

In the context of "I am your retribution" and given he is talking to his allies, the idea that he is their punishment is laughable. In this case, the definition that fits is reward.

As I told you in the other thread, you've been trolled. You toom the bait. Now you are making yourself look crazy to potential voters.

Edited by gatomontes99
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14 hours ago, robosmith said:

Trump Threatens ‘Four Years of Scorched Earth’ If Trump Retakes Power

Now some here are DENYING ^this is true, probably only because they can't face the reality of what Trump has said and IS PLANNING. 


Lol...you're such a little whiner.

And you're so afraid of proper retribution. 

Hunter will finish in a cage. Brandon's whole family will be exposed as enemies of the state. Wray, Garland and all the assorted enemies of the Constitution will be likewise exposed publicly. All their careers...destroyed.

The American public already knows how you disgusting liars have usurped the legal system. 

As recompense, they are about to re-instll Trump to the Whitehouse.

Let the retribution and correction begin.

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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Lol...you're such a little whiner.

And you're so afraid of proper retribution. 

Hunter will finish in a cage. Brandon's whole family will be exposed as enemies of the state. Wray, Garland and all the assorted enemies of the Constitution will be likewise exposed publicly. All their careers...destroyed.

The American public already knows how you disgusting liars have usurped the legal system. 

As recompense, they are about to re-instll Trump to the Whitehouse.

Let the retribution and correction begin.

I honestly believe the dems thought " IF we manage to get him charged with dozens of dozens of court cases people won't vote for him and we will NEVER have to worry about him being in power and taking revenge!"

But they went overboard, and now all the publicity has made trump front and center in the news and a martyr to many.

So now there's a very decent chance he'll win.  And i think they're getting just a little scared of what that might mean because they know what THEY would do. And that's the last thing they want done to them.

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21 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

I honestly believe the dems thought " IF we manage to get him charged with dozens of dozens of court cases people won't vote for him and we will NEVER have to worry about him being in power and taking revenge!"

But they went overboard, and now all the publicity has made trump front and center in the news and a martyr to many.

So now there's a very decent chance he'll win.  And i think they're getting just a little scared of what that might mean because they know what THEY would do. And that's the last thing they want done to them.

It is likely even more nefarious. 

Jack Smith timed his indictments to where they essentially secured the nomination for Trump to win the primary, and now they are crying and fighting to try to fast-track it through before the election... to meddle there, too. Hoping it will keep Trump distracted and unable to campaign (Election Interference) and drown out the issues because the news cycle will be 24/7 Trump trial instead of Biden sucks. (More Election Interference). And they got a shot at locking Trump up, but at worst, they still had the Election Interference.

Now it looks like they won't get the trial before the Election and the Democrats are just going bananas over it, including Jack Smith.  

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1 minute ago, User said:

It is likely even more nefarious. 

Jack Smith timed his indictments to where they essentially secured the nomination for Trump to win the primary, and now they are crying and fighting to try to fast-track it through before the election... to meddle there, too. Hoping it will keep Trump distracted and unable to campaign (Election Interference) and drown out the issues because the news cycle will be 24/7 Trump trial instead of Biden sucks. (More Election Interference). And they got a shot at locking Trump up, but at worst, they still had the Election Interference.

Now it looks like they won't get the trial before the Election and the Democrats are just going bananas over it, including Jack Smith.  

Sure, and it was an effort to bleed him dry for finances as well.

The whole thing is just reprehensible.  And the last person you want to try to 'out reprehensible' is trump. When he can he'll strike back.

He's kind of forgetful and maybe he'll decide to mellow a bit in office. He forgave hillary pretty quick in '16. But if he doesn't - you can bet he'll make life hell for those who tried to come after him :)  

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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Sure, and it was an effort to bleed him dry for finances as well.

The whole thing is just reprehensible.  And the last person you want to try to 'out reprehensible' is trump. When he can he'll strike back.

He's kind of forgetful and maybe he'll decide to mellow a bit in office. He forgave hillary pretty quick in '16. But if he doesn't - you can bet he'll make life hell for those who tried to come after him :)  

Trump, rightly, was still playing by the unwritten code of conduct. Once you are President, you don't continue to use your position to target your rival for prison. 

Biden was too old or too inept to disagree with his handlers on Trump. He would rather tear the country apart with this mess to "get Trump" and appease his radical base. 

Trump knows better now. 


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8 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Oh, we know how it works... civil war and balkanization, fall of government etc.  

A new nation will rise .... 🤣


Ummm - what were you saying in that other post about not assuming evil intent from others just because they disagree with you?

Dare i suggest that if the Dems win they'll create the United States of Hypocrisy? :) 

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

I honestly believe the dems thought " IF we manage to get him charged with dozens of dozens of court cases people won't vote for him and we will NEVER have to worry about him being in power and taking revenge!"

But they went overboard, and now all the publicity has made trump front and center in the news and a martyr to many.

So now there's a very decent chance he'll win.  And i think they're getting just a little scared of what that might mean because they know what THEY would do. And that's the last thing they want done to them.

Funniest thing about this is that if the hadn't gone after him like they did there was a good chance that he doesn't make it out of the primary. It wasn't until they started to indict him for everything that he shot up in the polls and now he is polling higher than Biden.

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18 minutes ago, Fluffypants said:

Funniest thing about this is that if the hadn't gone after him like they did there was a good chance that he doesn't make it out of the primary. It wasn't until they started to indict him for everything that he shot up in the polls and now he is polling higher than Biden.

Yup. Trump is like a grease fire - the last thing you want to do is throw a bunch of hot water on it, you're best just to cover it up entirely.  If they'd shut up and just ignored him entirely then he'd have become a has been.  Instead they've kept him alive and relevant.

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Yup. Trump is like a grease fire - the last thing you want to do is throw a bunch of hot water on it, you're best just to cover it up entirely.  If they'd shut up and just ignored him entirely then he'd have become a has been.  Instead they've kept him alive and relevant.

precisely. Hence why I get so very tired of him being the lead story. Seriously.. he is not that interesting. 

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3 hours ago, impartialobserver said:

precisely. Hence why I get so very tired of him being the lead story. Seriously.. he is not that interesting. 

Sure.  If they'd shut up about him it really would have been the end.  Now EVEYRONE'S tired of him being the lead story so they tune it out, and while people like Robovote will get all excited over every indictment or legal turn less than one percent of america really gives a crap and the vast majority are sick of thinking about it.  So the whole thing gets tuned out by voters,  but they do still hear trump's name constantly. More than Joes.  And that is a big thing. And free :) 

It was a colossal mistake.

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