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Pro-Hamas Rallies in Canada

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15 minutes ago, eyeball said:

You can't understand how making them redundant would make them cease to exist?

Trying to destroy them the way Israel is and apparently in the only manner that will satisfy you, will only create the next Hamas in line, hence the perpetuation.

No, you have yet to offer any kind of explanation as to what you mean making them redundant would make them cease to exist. 

Israel is not trying, they are succeeding. 

And the return of any Hamas depends on what Israel does after they destroy them. Their strategy to leave Gaza before didn't work. They will need to control Gaza for some time to prevent another Hamas. 

16 minutes ago, eyeball said:

The same as Netanyahu's coalition, perpetuation in a word.

I'm clearly also using the name Hamas in a more general way to describe the inevitable reaction to forced dispossession, displacement, and subjugation. There will always be an organized reaction against these and why shouldn't there be?

You still haven't answered what you would do if it was you. Put yourself in their shoes and then ask how you would react if your kids were killed in the process.

So, no, you do not know what their goal is. Hamas wants to see the end of Israel and to kill all Jews there. Your trying to equate them to Netanyahu's coalition is beyond absurd. 

I already answered your question. Here you go again, feel free actually to respond to it this time:

"You are trying to equate whatever morality, culture, and understanding you have (or me) with that of a Palestinian devoid of any context. You might as well ask what a Space Marine in the movie Aliens would do if he were in the shoes of one of the Aliens. 

You are either on the side of the people who want to kill all the Jews and just kill around 1000 of them, as well as the rape, torture, and Hostage-taking... or you are on the side of stopping that. 

I am on the side of stopping it. "

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23 hours ago, eyeball said:

No I'm not okay with that now that you mention it. Everything that POS organization has done should be reviewed within the scope of a grand slam global reconciliation process that puts history to bed once and for all.

Failing that, I couldn't give a shit if we all go to WW3 next week.

It's what we deserve... Notwithstanding the kids but who gives a shit about them. You? In a pig's eye.

For a guy that does not give a shit, your sure burning up band width chirping about it...i would go out on a limb and say you do care, your just cheerleading for the wrong crowd...

Well sir, i stuck my hand up three times, to go into combat for a nation i thought deserved a better chance than live under terrorist rule...and for 16 years they had that...and it has cost me some real good friends, a good chunk of my mental health, i once questioned my reason for going back over and over again, one was for lost comrades, one was to protect as many young rookies as possible, and for a little girl i shared my lunch with on a patrol we did, she had both her hands cut off for going to school, her mother was raped then killed in front of her and her little  brother, her father was beaten almost to death, she continued to go to school despite of what it cost her, her father wanted that for her......If she could give up that part of her life and continue with her dreams i could give up some of my time and effort to help her...I already gave a shit, i already got that t shirt...

You can sit there and judge me all you want, but when i wake up in the mornings i don't have any regrets, of what i did or who i done it with....And while you don't know jack shit about me, what have you ever given this country, what have you sacrificed to make this world a little safer...

I'm not saying your opinion does not count, but your the one that accused me of not giving a shit...So i questioned your motivation...

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9 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Peace with Hamas was how this started in the first place. 

There was peace with hamas - then hamas made war. 

Be real.

There has been no peace between jews and arabs in 4000 years. LOL

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7 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Peace with hamas will stop current events.

Peace will allow Palestinians to get back to "normal" and allow/enable elections.

Should hamas lose, then it is known the people do not want them.

Should hamas win again, then perhaps Israel has done so much damage it is now irreparable.

For days or weeks perhaps then what , 

Palestinians will have elections at some point of the future, depends if Israel decides to hand gaza back to them or not...

if Hamas wins another election, if there is an election...then this will be proof positive that is what Palestinians want a terrorist government that will not have peace with israel ever. if they want change they will strike when Hamas is almost destroyed...with out any action on their part it will send a clear signal, this conflict will go on forever until hamas and Palestinians are destroyed or brought to the very brink of destruction.... 

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18 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Be real.

There has been no peace between jews and arabs in 4000 years. LOL

So... why do you spend so much time on here trying to defend Hamas then?

If your flippant position is peace can't exist, then you should spend more time in a different thread and not worry so much about what Israel does. 

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5 hours ago, eyeball said:

If someone knocked on your door and told you to pack a bag and leave because the UN said it was okay for them to move in you'd just submit? What if they killed your kids in the process?

Put yourself in their shoes.

How many Palestinians were alive in 1948? The UN estimate of the life expectancy in Palestine in 1950 was about 46 years.

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1 hour ago, User said:


Do you not understand how a forum like this works?

Perhaps you should look into using notepad and type to yourself. 

I do...do you??

Trying to be evangelical and convert to your religion is wasted on me.

Perhaps you should look into ...trying to convert someone else and quit hitting your head on my wall?? LOL

1 hour ago, User said:

So... why do you spend so much time on here trying to defend Hamas then?

If your flippant position is peace can't exist, then you should spend more time in a different thread and not worry so much about what Israel does. 

Who defends hamas? When? Where did I "defend" hamas??? I just take opposition position to you but, never in defence of the other side. You are just too prejudiced to see that LOL

Flippant position on peace??? Fact is that arabs and jews have hated each other and in one way or another fought since jews left egypt in about 1300 BCE

I care zero about hamas or Israel  but you keep pulling me in.. Your obsession with what I post is actually kinda scary and creepy.  Nuke em all :)

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

For days or weeks perhaps then what , 

Palestinians will have elections at some point of the future, depends if Israel decides to hand gaza back to them or not...

if Hamas wins another election, if there is an election...then this will be proof positive that is what Palestinians want a terrorist government that will not have peace with israel ever. if they want change they will strike when Hamas is almost destroyed...with out any action on their part it will send a clear signal, this conflict will go on forever until hamas and Palestinians are destroyed or brought to the very brink of destruction.... 

I agree.Perhaps giving palestinans an opportunity to vote out hamas can gave some semblance of peace.

But yes, if historically (biblical and other) is any indication, it too shall pass.

I am not going to get in the blame game. Enough of that crap to go around.

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Be real.

There has been no peace between jews and arabs in 4000 years. LOL

Jews and arabs perhaps.  I mean - if we're getting down to it there's been no real peace between anyone and anyone else during that time either :)  Just brief lulls in the fighting.  I remember one miliary writer saying "peace is a theoretical concept whose existence we mistakenly postulate because there are pauses between wars."  :) 

But as much as peace ever exists, on October 6th there was peace. And Gaza and Israel had a choice to continue that peace or not. And Gaza chose not. 

Don't mistake me, there have been times in the past when Israel made the wrong decision as well. And maintaining peace always requires both sides to be willing partners in that concept.

But there can be no doubt that in this case it was Gaza that chose violence, and organized itself in such a way that it's civilian population would pay an insanely heavy price for the war. 

Really as outsiders there's not much we can do other than to support our ally in pursuing the criminals who started this and hoping in the future people make better choices. It is sad that so many non-combatants will wind up paying the price but it is also unavoidable and is the choice of the gaza people , not israel. Israel would happily accept surrender tomorrow without killing a single additional person.

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15 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I do...do you??

Trying to be evangelical and convert to your religion is wasted on me.

Perhaps you should look into ...trying to convert someone else and quit hitting your head on my wall?? LOL

I see that expecting you to engage earnestly and honestly here is a waste, but it is you who continues to post your nonsense here. 

For as long as you post your nonsense, I will call you out for it. Then you can play your little games here and act like you don't care. 

15 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Who defends hamas? When? Where did I "defend" hamas??? I just take opposition position to you but, never in defence of the other side. You are just too prejudiced to see that LOL

Flippant position on peace??? Fact is that arabs and jews have hated each other and in one way or another fought since jews left egypt in about 1300 BCE

I care zero about hamas or Israel  but you keep pulling me in.. Your obsession with what I post is actually kinda scary and creepy.  Nuke em all

You defend Hamas. You repeatedly criticize Israel, pushing Hamas propaganda that defends them and attacks Israel. 

When you get called out for it, you resort to this game of your acting like you don't care about either and to nuke them all. 

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15 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I agree.Perhaps giving palestinans an opportunity to vote out hamas can gave some semblance of peace.

How do you give that to them when Hamas is in control and not allowing elections?

15 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I am not going to get in the blame game. Enough of that crap to go around.


You had plenty to start and throughout this thread. 

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54 minutes ago, User said:

I see that expecting you to engagee...


s game of your acting like you don't care about either and to nuke them all. 

You do not see,.... that is the issue.

I do not want to engage with you yet you keep trying to get me to.

You certainly fail to understand or comprehend that LOL


43 minutes ago, User said:

How do you give that to them when Hamas is in control and not allowing elections?


You had plenty to start and throughout this thread. 

Like I said, numerous times, cease fire and make it conditional to elections.


One more time....just for you, I do not give a shit what happens over there and more importantly, I do not give a shit what you think of it all :)

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34 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

You do not see,.... that is the issue.

I do not want to engage with you yet you keep trying to get me to.

You certainly fail to understand or comprehend that LOL

No one made you respond to me, yet you keep doing it. 

I will gladly refute your nonsense and not have to deal with your obfuscation. 

35 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Like I said, numerous times, cease fire and make it conditional to elections.


One more time....just for you, I do not give a shit what happens over there and more importantly, I do not give a shit what you think of it all :)

Well, this is the first you have told me that you would make it conditional to elections. Where else did you say that in this thread?

What happens when Hamas says no to your terms? What happens if they win the elections and resume trying to kill Israeli people?

You give enough crap to continue posting your nonsense here about it. 

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9 minutes ago, User said:

No one made you respond to me, yet you keep doing it. 


And yet, here you are again...and again...and again

Expecting something different? LOL 

You fit the witticism  perfectly -  “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” ROFL 🤣

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On 5/9/2024 at 6:20 PM, Videospirit said:

There is 0 justification for the blockades. Either Palestine is actively in the process of attacking Israel, or whatever it's doing is none of Israel's business.

Stop changing the topic when you quote me - that's a straw-man argument.

We were talking about whether or not Gazans ever had sovereignty, not whether or not they should get food. 


If Palestine is actively in the process of attacking Israel, defeat Palestine militarily and install a new regime by force. If it's not, leave Palestine alone.

PLO, muslim brotherhood, Hamas, Fatah, etc, etc...

Same sh1t, different pile. 


Instead Israel chose to actively oppress Palestinians indefinitely and act like a pariah state. The only explanation for Israel's behavior is if Israel was hoping to one day annex Palestine into itself or they really really want to genocide Palestinians. Either way makes Israel the villain here. They could Perform a Regime Change, withdraw from Gaza and the west bank, and have this war over very quickly if they wanted, and they'd probably be able to claim Jerusalem entirely for themselves if they really wanted. Israel does not want Peace.

I appreciate that you're making an effort, but you don't understand the length and breadth of the situation. 

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4 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

And yet, here you are again...and again...and again

Expecting something different? LOL 

You fit the witticism  perfectly -  “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” ROFL 🤣

I have been clear that if you post nonsense, I will call you out. 

You are the one who keeps complaining about posting. Feel free to stop anytime. 

So... you are admitting you are insane because you keep complaining about posting and then... keep posting?

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6 minutes ago, User said:

I have been clear that if you post nonsense, ....

And yet, here you are......again LOL

You fit the witticism  perfectly -  “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” ROFL 🤣

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2 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

And yet, here you are......again LOL

You fit the witticism  perfectly -  “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” ROFL 🤣

Are you OK? 

There is clearly some kind of comprehension barrier here. 

I don't expect much of anything from you at this point. So... 

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18 hours ago, I am Groot said:

How many Palestinians were alive in 1948? The UN estimate of the life expectancy in Palestine in 1950 was about 46 years.

We'll stop the presses.

This changes EVERYTHING.

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On 5/9/2024 at 11:56 PM, Videospirit said:

What? Hamas has no power to end this conflict.

Of course they do. Surrender tomorrow and it's absolutely over. 

But they reject even fair cease fire offers, never mind doing the right thing and facing up to their crimes on oct 7th. 


Israel is the one constantly dragging this war out instead of forcing a peace on the clearly weaker foe.

"Forcing" peace on them means killing them till the surrender. Which is what they've been doing. They just need to surrender. 


Hamas could maybe do something to earn themselves a ceasefire,

You mean like actually agree to one?


but Israel is the one occupying Palestine, and hamas has no power to make them end the war.

There was no occupation before october 7th and hamas has the power to end the war that they started tomorrow.

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This is what the civilized world is up against.

He's perfectly open about what the ultimate goal of Hamas is. And still, progressives around the world rally behind men like this.

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3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

There was no occupation before october 7th

Ever since 1967 Gaza has been under some form of Israeli Occupation, and hamas has never started a war with Israel, at most they've ended ceasefires in the ongoing war against Israeli occupation of Palestine. Anyone who tries to claim "Gaza" hasn't been under Israeli Occupation is willfully ignorant of the situation. There hasn't been a moment where Hamas was in control of Gaza where Israel wasn't committing acts of war against the territory. Hamas has been relatively peaceful in comparison, mostly because they struggle to mount any kind of resistance not any lack of desire, but still.

Trying to claim that Israel laying siege to a territory and blockading its ports is peace is laughable and anyone doing so should never take part in a political discussion.

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