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33 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

It's still subjective.  The topic that elicited the nasty was a flag being flown.  It doesn't warrant attacks.

An LGBTQ flag being flown, in the classroom. Not sure what you mean by attacks, but it is certainly contentious that folks on the left are turning classrooms into their political soap boxes to push this leftist agenda onto kids and not unreasonable for folks to disagree and be upset by it. 

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Posted (edited)
56 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

My pointing out that subjectivity is mitigated by politics is replied to you with, basically, saying that a politics you don't like is destructive ... So I assume you would eradicate such a point of view, ban it ?  For Freedom ?

Conservatives allow license for expressing opinions, not "stamping them out"

Mike, do you understand the difference between action and expression? I don't think you do, because every time I talk about action, you come back with expression. Are you trying to tell me that there is no such thing as action within Antifa, BLM and the LGBTQ community?  

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15 hours ago, CdnFox said:

When did the nazi's and commies show up?  Did you have a family reunion or something?

You mean there really are no Nazis or commies hiding under your beds and around every corner at all? It's all been a big misunderstanding?

Yeah, I knew that decades ago.

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1 minute ago, eyeball said:

You mean there really are no Nazis or commies hiding under your beds and around every corner at all? It's all been a big misunderstanding?

Yeah, I knew that decades ago.

There are no Nazis are commies under our beds because they're working within the democrat party. 

I'll bet you didn't know that. ;) 

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10 minutes ago, eyeball said:

You mean there really are no Nazis or commies hiding under your beds and around every corner at all? It's all been a big misunderstanding?

I'm sure the voices in your head are telling you that somehow makes some sort of sense but.....


Yeah, I knew that decades ago.

I had no idea you'd been so interested in the underside of my bed for so long :)  

Well at least we seem to have reached some common ground. Neither of us seems to have the slightest clue what you're talking about and that's a bond that we'll always have.

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21 minutes ago, Deluge said:

Mike, do you understand the difference between action and expression? I don't think you do, because every time I talk about action, you come back with expression. Are you trying to tell me that there is no such thing as action within Antifa, BLM and the LGBTQ community?  

I think the exchange I was responding to was expression.  I don't think we're capable of acting on this board, just posting.

If one can't conduct politics respectfully then they shouldn't spend a lot of time on a political board,  I'm saying...

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On 4/25/2024 at 5:54 PM, Deluge said:

No, you are saying that you are cool with how things are/went at BET and Black Panther, even though white leads are/were left out of both. 

The only way you can be IMPARTIAL, Partial is if you're showing outrage on all fronts, and you're not doing that. 

See, YOU are content with the woke movement driving society, and you get upset when inconsistencies are pointed out. ;) 


It is up to the audience to decide how great or not-so-great it is to have black actors in a given movie. Not sure how else I can say this rather simple idea. I do not like rap/hip-hop music so guess what? I do not listen to it nor do I purchase the content. If society does not like the "wokeness".. they can choose to not consume it. 

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On 4/26/2024 at 6:45 AM, Deluge said:

See, what you don't understand is that political activists have replaced actual storytellers. And when political activists replace actual storytellers, the story suffers - It takes a backseat to gender swapping, race swapping, and sexual orientation. But see, you being a trained seal, are not able to capture this kind of thing. You just clap your flappers and chortle your approval along with the rest of the circus animals. 

I, on the other hand, appreciate good stories. If someone wants to tackle an already existing story, then I expect consistency. Now, on VERY rare occasions you do see a reimagining of an existing story, that still turns out great - Shawshank Redemption being one of them. In the book, Red is a red headed Irishman - in the movie, Red is a black man. I didn't have a problem with this because the story was still excellent, and Morgan Freeman was simply born to play that role - I can't imagine anyone else stepping in and doing a better job. 


Nothing in my post says approval or disapproval. I could say 3^4 = 81 and you would respond with some garbage about how I have a vendetta against the number 5. I simply do not have an issue with it because I have the option to not watch/read/consumer it. If I had no choice then the story changes. 

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

The worst part is the tiny matter of a flag can't be discussed without acrimony anymore.  Too bad...

It is neither appropriate or responsible to fly a flag at elementary schools that represents nothing more than sexual ideals.

If you don't understand that...stay away from small children.

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2 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

1. It is neither appropriate or responsible to fly a flag at elementary schools that represents nothing more than sexual ideals.

2. If you don't understand that...stay away from small children.

1. Yes I am aware that this is your opinion.
2. Again, your opinion.

You want to be able to label your opponent as a child molester and they want to call you a hate monger.

My advice is: stop talking to child molesters then.

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6 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

It is up to the audience to decide how great or not-so-great it is to have black actors in a given movie. Not sure how else I can say this rather simple idea. I do not like rap/hip-hop music so guess what? I do not listen to it nor do I purchase the content. If society does not like the "wokeness".. they can choose to not consume it. 

Are you arguing for a more purely libertarian response to enforcing standards against racism?

That it is just fine if a private business decides only to hire white people, openly saying black people need not apply and that black people are not allowed to eat there? That the market place can choose how to respond, that if folks don't like that business doing that, then they can go to another?


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Just now, Michael Hardner said:

1. Yes I am aware that this is your opinion.
2. Again, your opinion.

You want to be able to label your opponent as a child molester and they want to call you a hate monger.

My advice is: stop talking to child molesters then.

Or put them in jail...one or 't'other...

Mike we've done this dance. Yes, I am dead set against introducing sexualized ideals into the heads of little kids who are still discovering themselves and the world around them. They need to learn basic academics and social skills. They need to play games...not wonder about sexual deviance. Frankly, the way the trannie community has infiltrated and warped the gay flag is gross. There is no messaging in that suitable for children.

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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

It is up to the audience to decide how great or not-so-great it is to have black actors in a given movie. Not sure how else I can say this rather simple idea. I do not like rap/hip-hop music so guess what? I do not listen to it nor do I purchase the content. If society does not like the "wokeness".. they can choose to not consume it. 

And it's also up to the audience to choose how they react to politically charged rewrites. I've chosen to trash Disney and other woke entertainment companies because they ruin beloved stories. You've chosen to sit on your ass and stupidly consume politically charged content. 

Isn't having the right to choose just the coolest thing ever? 


Edited by Deluge
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Just now, User said:

Are you arguing for a more purely libertarian response to enforcing standards against racism?

That it is just fine if a private business decides only to hire white people, openly saying black people need not apply and that black people are not allowed to eat there? That the market place can choose how to respond, that if folks don't like that business doing that, then they can go to another?


that is a bit of an overreach on your part. Having black actors get 25% of the roles (an increase from 10%) is hardly cause for chicken little, the sky is falling. The numbers are just for example. 

As for the market deciding it? Why not. Movies and their success have always been dictated by the market so why change now? To legislate how movies, music, books, etc. are made takes away their very essence.. creative control. Whoever produces the item should be free to control how it is made and therefore free to suffer the consequences if society rejects it (Black Adam, The 13th Warrior, The great raid). 

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Just now, Deluge said:

And it's also up to the audience to choose how they react to politically charged rewrites. I've chosen to trash Disney and other woke entertainment companies because they ruin beloved stories.

Isn't having the right to choose just the coolest thing ever? 


Yes it is. I think that you have a problem with folks not agreeing with you. When Disney cast a black woman in the little mermaid.. you were probably upset and it really bothers you that it was not a flop. It could have done better but it was not a complete bomb either. I watched it and thought it was meh! but it is up to studio to produce it and take the risk that it will not be a success. 

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Just now, impartialobserver said:

that is a bit of an overreach on your part. Having black actors get 25% of the roles (an increase from 10%) is hardly cause for chicken little, the sky is falling. The numbers are just for example. 

As for the market deciding it? Why not. Movies and their success have always been dictated by the market so why change now? To legislate how movies, music, books, etc. are made takes away their very essence.. creative control. Whoever produces the item should be free to control how it is made and therefore free to suffer the consequences if society rejects it (Black Adam, The 13th Warrior, The great raid). 

You completely ignored my question, but maybe we are getting to the point here. Is it that the issue is that you can make a movie that obviously casts black people in the lead roles because that is what the movie is about? I do not disagree with that. Fairly obvious if you are making a movie like Braveheart, you are not going to cast an all Japanese cast...  but would have an all white cast. 

My point is to test the boundaries of your position here, if it was more of the above or that you outright think it is fine to be racist or at least that the laws should allow for folks to be racist in their business, and then to allow for the people to decide how to interact with or consume anything from that business. 


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2 minutes ago, User said:

You completely ignored my question, but maybe we are getting to the point here. Is it that the issue is that you can make a movie that obviously casts black people in the lead roles because that is what the movie is about? I do not disagree with that. Fairly obvious if you are making a movie like Braveheart, you are not going to cast an all Japanese cast...  but would have an all white cast. 

My point is to test the boundaries of your position here, if it was more of the above or that you outright think it is fine to be racist or at least that the laws should allow for folks to be racist in their business, and then to allow for the people to decide how to interact with or consume anything from that business. 


In the case of art, I would agree that folks can be as racist as they want. The key word is "art" therefore a good that I do not need and have an almost infinite amount of alternatives. A restaurant.. not quite the same. Awhile ago.. there was a restaurant in Boise and come to find out the owner was not too pleased that the majority of his clientele was LGTBQ. Word got out and the place became a ghost town and it closed six months later and the gentleman has since moved away. That is the market working at its finest. 

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Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Nothing in my post says approval or disapproval. 

Actually it does. You said you have no problem with race swapping (or any swapping for that matter) as long as the story's good. But I think it's more than that. I think what you're really trying to say is that you have ZERO problem with any kind of swapping regardless of whether the movie sucks or not and that's because you are terrified of being labeled as some kind of bigot or racist. 

You see, partial, your perceived sense of impartiality is based on leftism. The LEFT tells you what you can build your opinions on, not what's truly impartial. 

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Just now, Deluge said:

Actually it does. You said you have no problem with race swapping (or any swapping for that matter) as long as the story's good. But I think it's more than that. I think what you're really trying to say is that you have ZERO problem with any kind of swapping regardless of whether the movie sucks or not and that's because you are terrified of being labeled as some kind of bigot or racist. 

You see, partial, your perceived sense of impartiality is based on leftism. 

You can read it into as much as you want, make assumptions, and such but I said what I said. If the story is good.. the racial composition of the cast is unimportant. Much like a restaurant.. if the chef/cook is white, black, mexican, vietnamese means nothing. If the food tastes good then that is what i want to know. 

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1 minute ago, impartialobserver said:

In the case of art, I would agree that folks can be as racist as they want. The key word is "art" therefore a good that I do not need and have an almost infinite amount of alternatives. A restaurant.. not quite the same. Awhile ago.. there was a restaurant in Boise and come to find out the owner was not too pleased that the majority of his clientele was LGTBQ. Word got out and the place became a ghost town and it closed six months later and the gentleman has since moved away. That is the market working at its finest. 

It is not racism because it is art though. Racism would be producing Braveheart and refusing to hire any black writers, black stage hands, black people to help with production, black people to help with editing... that is racism. 

Hiring white people to play what would otherwise be white people in real life is just that. 

Not sure if you have really answered the question yet. So, are you saying you want the market to punish what they disapprove of regarding racism in a restaurant or that there should be laws and regulations and rights that prevent a restaurant from only hiring and serving white people?

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18 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

1. Or put them in jail...one or 't'other...

2. Mike we've done this dance. Yes, I am dead set against introducing sexualized ideals into the heads of little kids who are still discovering themselves and the world around them. They need to learn basic academics and social skills. They need to play games...not wonder about sexual deviance. Frankly, the way the trannie community has infiltrated and warped the gay flag is gross. There is no messaging in that suitable for children.

1. Well you are talking to them I guess...

2. Yes, I'm aware of your opinion. I didn't comment on that.

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