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Bank of Canada says the country faces a productivity 'emergency'

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26 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

 Exorbitant taxation is theft.

To you, any taxation is theft. As for moving taxation from income to consumption being communist, well that's a new (and stupid) one. Take it up with any surviving members of Mulroney's caucus.

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6 hours ago, eyeball said:

No, it's like Queenmandy says, the easiest part is now. Good luck with it when PP is in power.

It's 200 - 300% in the case of chocolate.

As for bananas...

Banana prices to go up as temperatures rise, says expert



So - bananas HAVEN"T gone up yet due to climate change - they only might.  Gotcha.

Here's the carbon tax not affecting mushroom prices. I'm sure you caught this in the house.  And that farmer marks it up to the distributer who marks it up to the stores who then mark it up to the customer.


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1 hour ago, herbie said:

To you, any taxation is theft. As for moving taxation from income to consumption being communist, well that's a new (and stupid) one. Take it up with any surviving members of Mulroney's caucus.

You don’t think the 13 percent tax we already pay in basic consumption tax isn’t enough? Get real. Do you understand that Canada is already a high tax jurisdiction? Someone has to pay for your assisted suicide after all.

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54 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

You don’t think the 13 percent tax we already pay in basic consumption tax isn’t enough?

Probably not, especially for the wealthy. It would depend on how much your income tax is reduced or eliminated completely.


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10 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Probably not, especially for the wealthy. It would depend on how much your income tax is reduced or eliminated completely.


Its more than enough. In fact we'll be pushing for boht consumption and income tax to go down. The wealthy pay way too much which is why they're leavnig, and the middle class is over taxes as well.

If people like you like the gov't services those taxes paid for (like the cbc and 'exploring diversity in democracy' etc) then you can fund it out of your own pockets.

People, especially the wealthy, pay FAR more than their fair share right now.  And as a result our quality of life is nosediving. Our medical and shelter situation is horrid.

Until we manage to get the productivity back up and reduce that debt to gdp back to a sane number, i'm afraid the poor will have to fend for themselves.

But i know you're fine with that - you've been told for decades this is what happens when there's overspending and too much immigration for us to digest.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

And that farmer marks it up to the distributer who marks it up to the stores who then mark it up to the customer. 

No one's forcing the customer to buy fresh food grown out of season when it's more expensive and emission intensive to do so.

I know this makes you people go bonkers but the point of the exercise is to increase the cost of things that cause emissions.

Try buying mushrooms in season and drying or canning them for later.

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

No one's forcing the customer to buy fresh food grown out of season when it's more expensive and emission intensive to do so.

I know this makes you people go bonkers but the point of the exercise is to increase the cost of things that cause emissions.

Try buying mushrooms in season and drying or canning them for later.

You really want living standards to drop for Canadians, huh?  That’s exactly what carbon taxes are doing, making life more expensive.  You reveal your secret desire to make people live a feudal existence.  It’s like some posters’ secret wish to see billions die so the planet is pure for their personal enjoyment.

I hope people figure out just how dumb and destructive these radical leftists running our government are.  People are going to feel this carbon tax rise, millions of people, not just the poor but the middle class and rich that you and Herbie hate.  At least for now they all get to vote.

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1 hour ago, I am Groot said:

standard of living.jpg

Anyone know what happened on or around 2016 that might have changed things?

Exactly.  Canada was on a great trajectory before Trudeau’s Liberals took office.  We had surpluses, a strong dollar, rising incomes for working people… All our current government does is spend more taxpayer money or borrow more money at our expense so they can make funding announcements. Most of these spending programs are of dubious value.  I’m sick of this government using our money to control how we live and think.  Freedom and opportunity is about self-determination, not imposing endless state programs that are substandard and unwanted by many.

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3 hours ago, eyeball said:

No one's forcing the customer to buy fresh food grown out of season when it's more expensive and emission intensive to do so.

There is no season for those  mushrooms - they grow all year.


I know this makes you people go bonkers but the point of the exercise is to increase the cost of things that cause emissions.

Like food?


Try buying mushrooms in season and drying or canning them for later.

Can you show where they go up or down seasonally? They just go up - like all food for the last 4 years or so.

But typical liberal  "let them eat cake" when the peasants start to complain about starving.

Sigh. I suppose we're also buying milk out of season? What is 'in season' for cows?

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

Exactly.  Canada was on a great trajectory before Trudeau’s Liberals took office.  We had surpluses, a strong dollar, rising incomes for working people… All our current government does is spend more taxpayer money or borrow more money at our expense so they can make funding announcements. Most of these spending programs are of dubious value.  I’m sick of this government using our money to control how we live and think.  Freedom and opportunity is about self-determination, not imposing endless state programs that are substandard and unwanted by many.

All of our metrics have gone to hell.

We had one of the best debt to gdp ratios out there even if you looked at total gov't debt not just federal - now it's in the crapper.  We had about 25 billion dollars  a year less in interest payments.  we had a higher gdp per capita.  We had a much lower cost of living to income ratio so people had more disposable income.  Business investment increased substantially during harper's time, it nosedived during trudeau which leads to our current productivity problems. Inflation was under control at 2  percent or lower.

Not to mention crime was MUCH lower.

Healthcare was better and the percent of healthcare covered by the feds was higher.

Immigration was much more successful and we didn't have refugees living on the streets.

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11 hours ago, CdnFox said:

All of our metrics have gone to hell.

We had one of the best debt to gdp ratios out there even if you looked at total gov't debt not just federal - now it's in the crapper.  We had about 25 billion dollars  a year less in interest payments.  we had a higher gdp per capita.  We had a much lower cost of living to income ratio so people had more disposable income.  Business investment increased substantially during harper's time, it nosedived during trudeau which leads to our current productivity problems. Inflation was under control at 2  percent or lower.

Not to mention crime was MUCH lower.

Healthcare was better and the percent of healthcare covered by the feds was higher.

Immigration was much more successful and we didn't have refugees living on the streets.

It illustrates that the theory that increasing debt would grow the economy and maintain the same debt to GDP ratio has been totally debunked.  The budget will NOT balance itself.  What’s more, this massively increased debt load under the Liberals has put us in a position where our debt payments have increased significantly and we have much less room for spending on the social programs that the NDP and Liberals love.

The old adage, “Don’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg”, is very apt right now.

Kill economic activity and individual discretionary spending and all government spending will have to be cut. This will be a very hard situation for a government that only knows how to bribe citizens with taxpayer money and borrowed money. It’s 1993 all over again, except now it’s the Liberals and NDP who have dug a deep debt hole. Hopefully the Conservatives will find a way to cut spending AND red tape AND taxes at the same time.  Maybe it means we won’t be funding Liberal eugenics programs like abortions in Africa or assisted suicide for the mentally ill.

The problem is that you have an overpaid political class who are so disconnected from the way ordinary people live.  This group of Laurentian elites don’t understand or care about the bread and butter struggles average working Canadians face.  They are too busy booking itinerary to overseas conferences where they sincerely think they can solve the world’s problems with other out of touch elites.  They think that by adding to citizens’ costs with regulations and carbon taxes that they are helping them. After all, what do these rough ignorant workers know?  I fly by private jet and stay in spa boutique hotels.  I must be doing something right.  Of course it’s all at public expense. That’s the current regime.


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Libbies...and Mike...don't care about mundane crap like the economy. They're saving the whole world from a climate crisis...that doesn't exist.

Taxation is the Libbie way folks. In a time when the nation needs to recover from the damage the Libbies inflicted on Canada with their draconian Rona shutdowns. Their answer to creating this recovery is to tax the Hell outta those who can't afford it.

Pixie-Dust already knows he's history. So he's going to punish Canada by dumping as many piles of raw shit on the public as he can before its all over.

There is no climate crisis. There is a crisis of fear, hatred and wanton destruction.

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11 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

You really want living standards to drop for Canadians, huh?

No, it's not something I look forward to but they're going to drop whether you like it or not.

And there's fu ck all you, PP or anyone else can do about it.

3 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

It’s 1993 all over again, except now it’s the Liberals and NDP who have dug a deep debt hole. Hopefully the Conservatives will find a way to cut spending AND red tape AND taxes at the same time.  Maybe it means we won’t be funding Liberal eugenics programs like abortions in Africa or assisted suicide for the mentally ill.

Maybe it'll mean going back to Leave it to Beaver so it'll be almost like starting all over again.  Take building codes and associated red tape that have made house construction costs around here go up to $350 a sq ft or more.  Now you need thicker walls, earthquake resistant foundations, greater insulation etc etc.  How do you dial things like these back? We're supposed to believe the economy will surge and boom so these things become cheap and affordable or just do away with these sorts of standards?  Maybe we'll all be able to go back to fishing and logging again.  Of course you'd have to take that all back from 1st Nations and redistribute the opportunities to everyone again. 

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50 minutes ago, eyeball said:

No, it's not something I look forward to but they're going to drop whether you like it or not.

And there's fu ck all you, PP or anyone else can do about it.

Maybe it'll mean going back to Leave it to Beaver so it'll be almost like starting all over again.  Take building codes and associated red tape that have made house construction costs around here go up to $350 a sq ft or more.  Now you need thicker walls, earthquake resistant foundations, greater insulation etc etc.  How do you dial things like these back? We're supposed to believe the economy will surge and boom so these things become cheap and affordable or just do away with these sorts of standards?  Maybe we'll all be able to go back to fishing and logging again.  Of course you'd have to take that all back from 1st Nations and redistribute the opportunities to everyone again. 

Okay you’re saying some things that reveal the problem and point to solutions:

1. Deregulate

2. We already pay for health, education, higher education, and a lot of infrastructure for Indigenous who don’t pay taxes and are guaranteed free land as our “treaty partners”.  The continued attempts to make Canadians alive today pay “reparations” to people alive today who weren’t around when “unfair deals” were struck by past generations have to be stopped.  Many injustices happened hundreds of years ago. Groups lost territories, including to other Indigenous.  It’s time to stop preferential treatment for certain groups.  We appear to be stuck with the Indian Act because Indigenous don’t want to change it.  Who wants to give up free stuff?

Meanwhile life gets harder for taxpayers.  Will the Conservatives restore prosperity and higher living standards?  I don’t count on it but they can’t be worse than this profligate government.  Clearly the Americans are growing their economy, productivity and wages better than we are, so it’s doable.  

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

No, it's not something I look forward to but they're going to drop whether you like it or not.

And there's fu ck all you, PP or anyone else can do about it.

And that' simply isn't true.  It's a massive lie that lefties tell themselves to excuse their bad and very destructive behavior.

The standard of living did NOT need to drop. That did NOT need to happen. That was a deliberate choice made by our left wing govt.

And it absolutely can start to get better. There is NO reason for it to stay in the gutter in the slightest.  It may take decades to fully recover to where we were before but we can start and get better every year till we get there.

We just have to avoid any more leftist crap and stupid social experiments and learn to tell the left to shut up and eff off with their stupid culture war crap and their hatred of rich people and start making good decisions.  That's all it takes.

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50 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

The standard of living did NOT need to drop.

For the biggest emitters it does. For lower income people who can't afford a drop we use rebates.


52 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

We just have to avoid any more leftist crap and stupid social experiments and learn to tell the left to shut up and eff off with their stupid culture war crap and their hatred of rich people and start making good decisions.  That's all it takes

Good luck with that.

PP will be up to his neck in protestors.

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17 hours ago, eyeball said:

Try buying mushrooms in season and drying or canning them for later.

Yeah they nay do down to $4.99 lb.... last year's Okanagan fruit (if you could even find it in grocery stores) was nearly what meat sold for the year before. It will be outrageous this season.

$2.49 for green onions? $3.99 for yellow ones? Come on....

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26 minutes ago, eyeball said:

For the biggest emitters it does. For lower income people who can't afford a drop we use rebates.


The rebates will be gone, and the rebates aren't coming close to making up for the higher cost of living due to inflation. So they're screwed either way. As for the biggest emitters - nope.  They pass their costs down to the 'lower people'.

And you're trying to change the subject again now that you've realized you were wrong.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

And often get subsidies to boot, also paid for by the lower people.

Sure - as i've said many times all these initiatives will be paid for by the lowest people first. 

And when services get cut to try to fix the economy it will be the poor who pays again. And when businesses tighten things up and stop hiring especially lower end jobs guess who gets it.... the poor.

 Tried to warn you. Justin screwed the poor over the most - they will pay big time in the years to come and that will be hard to beat.  But at least if we do the right things we can prevent another generation from being poor like that.

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Just now, Aristides said:

Canada needs a productivity commission like Australia and a government that listens.

Canada mostly needs to get out of the way of business. 

The solutions here are not hard. We spend a tonne of time passing laws to protect labour with zero protecting businesses from dishonest employee behavior.  We tax businesses insanely, we demand they give more and more freebies to people every year and we add more and more regulation till it suffocates all but the bigger players.

Clear the bullcrap away, make it easy to make money, incentivize productivity investments and get the hell out of the way and let the market do it's job. 

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Sure - as i've said many times all these initiatives will be paid for by the lowest people first. 

And when services get cut to try to fix the economy it will be the poor who pays again. And when businesses tighten things up and stop hiring especially lower end jobs guess who gets it.... the poor.

 Tried to warn you. Justin screwed the poor over the most - they will pay big time in the years to come and that will be hard to beat.  But at least if we do the right things we can prevent another generation from being poor like that.

And as I've been warning you voters will put up with PP's austerity for about half of his first term at which point even the RCMP are predicting there will be rioting in streets.

The solution is easy enough...tax the snot out of the rich...he'll have little choice but to become...a socialist.

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