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Trump says Day 1 priority if he wins is releasing Jan. 6 rioters

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50 minutes ago, robosmith said:

^Not just bankrupt, but OVERDRAWN and incompetent.

Plus he has that student loan.  Don't forget about that.  On the other hand his buddy Jason owes him 20, so we have to take that off - and then there's his tax return....   This is getting complicated, i'm going to go get my white board... .

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21 hours ago, robosmith said:

Now we know just how delusional you are to contest the legal convictions of hundreds of rioters IN COURT with EVIDENCE you've not even seen.

I never before knew just how deep you are in the MAGA CULT. Suspected, but now we KNOW.

What you know...is that you'd excute people...any people...for taking a stand against Libbie corruption. 

But no matter how much you squirm, Brandon is through.

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On 3/16/2024 at 8:10 AM, Nationalist said:

What you know...is that you'd excute people...any people...for taking a stand against Libbie corruption.

I never said ANYTHING like ^this, so STOP LYING.

On 3/16/2024 at 8:10 AM, Nationalist said:

But no matter how much you squirm, Brandon is through.

Biden is leading Trump in the latest poll. And Trump is sabotaging his own campaign.

Latest word is Biden has way more money and doesn't have to spend it on legal expenses.

And Trump keeps upping his legal expenses by continuing to defame Carroll. LMAO

23 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Releasing Jan. 6 rioters would not be my first priority. Maybe 366th but definitely not first. However, I am too pragmatic and objective to be a politician.

You're not pragmatic enough to put your army of goons back on the street?

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On 3/13/2024 at 10:41 AM, Yakuda said:

Political prisoners should be released. Filthy leftists raped the justice system to prosecutor people. 

What about the Antifa rioters who went to jail for rioting, looting, burning buildings? Are they political prisoners, or convicted criminals? 

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8 minutes ago, robosmith said:

I never said ANYTHING like ^this, so STOP LYING.

Biden is leading Trump in the latest poll. And Trump is sabotaging his own campaign.

Latest word is Biden has way more money and doesn't have to spend it on legal expenses.

And Trump keeps upping his legal expenses by continuing to defame Carroll. LMAO

You're not pragmatic enough to put your army of goons back on the street?

 Pragmatic and objective.. there is no immediate/tangible/quantifiable benefit to releasing these folks. As President.. there would seem to be more pressing matters at hand.. Ukraine, trade policy, Israel, the economy, laws concerning AI, etc. 

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34 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

 Pragmatic and objective.. there is no immediate/tangible/quantifiable benefit to releasing these folks. As President.. there would seem to be more pressing matters at hand.. Ukraine, trade policy, Israel, the economy, laws concerning AI, etc. 

How To Multitask At Work Without Losing Productivity
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44 minutes ago, robosmith said:

I never said ANYTHING like ^this, so STOP LYING.

Biden is leading Trump in the latest poll. And Trump is sabotaging his own campaign.

Latest word is Biden has way more money and doesn't have to spend it on legal expenses.

And Trump keeps upping his legal expenses by continuing to defame Carroll. LMAO

You're not pragmatic enough to put your army of goons back on the street?

Oh for Gawd's sake robo-bot! Lets be realistic. You'd do anything to oppose Trump. Hell I bet Latitia gives you the hots everytime she shows her pudgy self in public.

"OOOO! She's gonna put chains on Trump Tower!"

Ya know what...I hope she does. I bet Trump is secretly hoping she does that too.

Lets see if you can figure out why...

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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

What about the Antifa rioters who went to jail for rioting, looting, burning buildings? Are they political prisoners, or convicted criminals? 

Seems like not to many of them received jail time.


Greene's latest claim attempts to create a parallel between the number of protestors arrested and charged in one day on January 6 versus the many protestors that took part in rioting and action across the U.S. in 2020 and beyond.

There is some truth to what Greene says here; since rioting took place in 2020, following the death of George Floyd, a large number of charges against protestors have been dropped.

While not 95 percent in every region across the U.S., prosecutors in a number of large cities such as Dallas and Philadelphia were reported to have dropped this proportion, according to an analysis of law enforcement records by The Guardian.

On a specific point, we can't say with certainty whether all of those people who were arrested were associated directly with Antifa or BLM causes or followings; police do not typically collect such data on arrests of individuals.

That said, whether the numbers of those whose charges were dropped came to 95 percent or slightly lower, the spirit of what Greene is saying here is broadly correct, i.e. that the overwhelming majority of those charged at these protests have been dropped.

While it is inaccurate to imply that it was "over 95 percent" across the U.S., there is sufficient evidence to support her argument in broad terms.

In the case of the George Floyd protests, many of the arrests were for minor offenses that prosecutors decided not to pursue; elsewhere, they believed there was insufficient evidence to prosecute.

A representative for the Georgian Republican who spoke to Newsweek provided the analysis by The Guardian.


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7 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Oh for Gawd's sake robo-bot! Lets be realistic. You'd do anything to oppose Trump.

You're LYING as usual. Have I fantasized about taking out Trump for the good of the nation. Yes.

But I know it's just a fantasy, unlike your WORSHIP of and BELIEF in everything he says.

That's the ONLY reason you believe the election was stolen, despite him FAILING in 60+ court cases.


7 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Hell I bet Latitia gives you the hots everytime she shows her pudgy self in public.

"OOOO! She's gonna put chains on Trump Tower!"

Ya know what...I hope she does. I bet Trump is secretly hoping she does that too.

Lets see if you can figure out why...

James won't chain TT, she'll just slap a LIEN on it. No one in their right mind wants to manage the sale of that building.

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

Have I fantasized about taking out Trump for the good of the nation. Yes.

Woah! Dude -  that's REALLY disturbing. Even I haven't imagined killing trudeau and he's been far worse for our nation than trump has for yours.

You really need to sit down and think about htat - that's not the sign of good mental health.

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7 hours ago, robosmith said:

You're LYING as usual. Have I fantasized about taking out Trump for the good of the nation. Yes.

But I know it's just a fantasy, unlike your WORSHIP of and BELIEF in everything he says.

That's the ONLY reason you believe the election was stolen, despite him FAILING in 60+ court cases.

For the good of the nation? Man...you have issues. 

I worship my family and the Gawd of creation. Nothing more...nothing less. As to what I believe...I believe in common sense. I believe all men are created equal. I believe in law and order. In security for all. What I do not believe is this asinine idea that Trump must be destroyed at all costs. That mentality can never end well for anybody. It's a scorched Earth ideology that is a bridge and a half too far.

7 hours ago, robosmith said:

James won't chain TT, she'll just slap a LIEN on it. No one in their right mind wants to manage the sale of that building.

And if she does...what do you figure will be gained? Will you dance in the streets while investment pours out of NY? Will you rejoice while thousands lose their jobs? Will you sing Halaluya while Trump's public support skyrockets?

You're sowing the seeds of your own demise robo-bot. Your irrational behavior will soon bring you nothing but tragedy. I know you don't believe that and will push on with this unbridled hate campaign. But you can't win this one.

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Nationalist said:

For the good of the nation? Man...you have issues. 

You're the one with issues cause you have no problem with hooligans invading the Capitol being pardoned.

IF Trudeau did what Trump did, you'd be throwing a shitfit.

5 hours ago, Nationalist said:

I worship my family and the Gawd of creation. Nothing more...nothing less. As to what I believe...I believe in common sense. I believe all men are created equal. I believe in law and order. In security for all. What I do not believe is this asinine idea that Trump must be destroyed at all costs. That mentality can never end well for anybody. It's a scorched Earth ideology that is a bridge and a half too far.

Trump exhibits all the signs of Hitler previous to his RE-ELECTION after which he destroyed democracy in Germany.

5 hours ago, Nationalist said:

And if she does...what do you figure will be gained? Will you dance in the streets while investment pours out of NY? Will you rejoice while thousands lose their jobs? Will you sing Halaluya while Trump's public support skyrockets?

If all the investors in NY are as fraudulent as Trump then GOOD RIDDANCE. But the FACT is, MOST are careful to NOT VIOLATE THE LAW.

5 hours ago, Nationalist said:

You're sowing the seeds of your own demise robo-bot. Your irrational behavior will soon bring you nothing but tragedy. I know you don't believe that and will push on with this unbridled hate campaign. But you can't win this one.

You don't know JACK about "rational behavior," and you're in denial about the dangers posed by Trump promising to be a DICTATOR.

Just remember this, many who live in the US are completely familiar with Trump's long history of FRAUDULENT BEHAVIOR, unlike most Canadians who only started paying attention (MAYBE) when he became a reality TV star.

Edited by robosmith
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47 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

this thread is proof that politics in America is turning into a joke. It has always been a bit of a farce but now the curtain is wide open. 

There is nothing funny about a candidate for POTUS promising to be a DICTATOR. Esp when all the signs tell us that's exactly what HE WANTS. AKA, cozying up to foreign dictators and oligarchs like Orban and Putin among many other signs.

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

You're the one with issues cause you have no problem with hooligans invading the Capitol being pardoned.

IF Trudeau did what Trump did, you'd be throwing a shitfit.

Trump exhibits all the signs of Hitler previous to his RE-ELECTION after which he destroyed democracy in Germany.

If all the investors in NY are as fraudulent as Trump then GOOD RIDDANCE. But the FACT is, MOST are careful to NOT VIOLATE THE LAW.

You don't know JACK about "rational behavior," and you're in denial about the dangers posed by Trump promising to be a DICTATOR.

Just remember this, many who live in the US are completely familiar with Trump's long history of FRAUDULENT BEHAVIOR, unlike most Canadians who only started paying attention (MAYBE) when he became a reality TV star.

My gawd...the hatred!

Trudeau and his little wannabe Freeland did very similar to what Biden and his little wannabe Pelosi did. They shat on protesters.

Man don't you Libbies have anything better in your arsenal than digging up the bones of Hitler over and over?

News flash robo-bot. That IS how business is conducted. Gawd don't be so naive.

robo-bot...you need to find another means of venting your anger. This constant lying is really gonna diminish you to anyone who reads this tripe. Thank Gawd this is all anonymous eh?

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25 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

My gawd...the hatred!

Trudeau and his little wannabe Freeland did very similar to what Biden and his little wannabe Pelosi did. They shat on protesters.

Man don't you Libbies have anything better in your arsenal than digging up the bones of Hitler over and over?

News flash robo-bot. That IS how business is conducted. Gawd don't be so naive.

robo-bot...you need to find another means of venting your anger. This constant lying is really gonna diminish you to anyone who reads this tripe. Thank Gawd this is all anonymous eh?

Yes, your constant LYING is diminishing YOU. As is YOUR IGNORANCE about what is happening here.

Trump is using Hitler's words, among other things, so it is HE who is "digging up the bones of Hitler."

The FACT that you don't understand that completely destroys what little CREDIBILITY you had left.

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37 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Yes, your constant LYING is diminishing YOU. As is YOUR IGNORANCE about what is happening here.

Trump is using Hitler's words, among other things, so it is HE who is "digging up the bones of Hitler."

The FACT that you don't understand that completely destroys what little CREDIBILITY you had left.

Trump is not using Hitler's words. gawd you have serious issues.

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11 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Everyone else knows he is. Question is, how can you be SO IGNORANT?

Trump borrows from the language of Hitler for anti-immigration speech in New Hampshire

^Tip of the iceberg.

LOL...Oh no! Its the dreaded DOG WHISTLE!

Flippin' hilarious.

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Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

LOL...Oh no! Its the dreaded DOG WHISTLE!

Flippin' hilarious.

Still using Hitler's words which YOU DENIED and are now defending with ridicule.


Trump Campaign Ads Are Monetizing Pro-Nazi Content

Donald Trump’s campaign is running online advertising to raise cash for 2024 — and a portion of that ad spending is monetizing pro-Nazi content on the streaming service Rumble.

It should be shocking for any American presidential candidate’s advertising to appear alongside pro-Nazi content. Yet in the context of the 2024 campaign, there are few surprises when it comes to open fascism. Trump has in recent months echoed Hitler himself by claiming immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood’ of America, and polls show such fascist rhetoric has been avidly received by MAGA supporters. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-campaign-ads-nazi-rumble-stew-peters-1234987325/


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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

Still using Hitler's words which YOU DENIED and are now defending with ridicule.


Trump Campaign Ads Are Monetizing Pro-Nazi Content

Donald Trump’s campaign is running online advertising to raise cash for 2024 — and a portion of that ad spending is monetizing pro-Nazi content on the streaming service Rumble.

It should be shocking for any American presidential candidate’s advertising to appear alongside pro-Nazi content. Yet in the context of the 2024 campaign, there are few surprises when it comes to open fascism. Trump has in recent months echoed Hitler himself by claiming immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood’ of America, and polls show such fascist rhetoric has been avidly received by MAGA supporters. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-campaign-ads-nazi-rumble-stew-peters-1234987325/




such silliness...

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53 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Yes, your HYPERBOLIC DRIVEL is very silly.

You come across looking worse and worse every time i look in on you.

So now you're trying to sell that trump is hitler :) LOL  well why not.  I mean, can 'trump is satan' be far behind?

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