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Biden's History of Racism

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

I'm not a big fan of helping the [insert race here] community. 

I agree. If you feel entitled to government aid to get out of your situation, you're likely f***ed.

Not only you don't have the tools, but lack the attitude to boot. 

Many I grew up around sounded the same. So many welfare frauds, and not wanting to "be a slave to the white man" or something of the sort was often the justification.

Being a slave to what you can't afford due to government aid, sounds like slavery to me.

Glorifying prison life, where you're subject to labor rates well below minimum wage, sounds like slavery to me.

Shunning any form of intellect or success, as "trying to be white", please cue in the drumroll! Can I get an S...L...A...ok you get the point. 

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Just look at two groups of people if you doubt me: Jews and the Canadian First Nations

I don't doubt you one bit.

You can also add Asian Americans. 

Being Japanese wasn't always a good thing. These people are always the best earning, most educated (Asian people in general), even compared to Caucasian people.

Do you see Asian people glorifying 300 000$ diamond chains? 20 car garage on a 2 million dollar cash advance? 

No. They invest it. Jewish people are no different. All Jewish people I grew up around. Family values, education, and just did well in life. Asian people.

Same thing.

The issue is cultural. The government chose to make it divisive and political because they need reliable votes.

What better than people who literally rely on you?

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Further to my post above about "helping people so much it hurts"...

A lot of the least successful people I know come from the best homes. Some people "fail to launch" because they have it so easy all their lives that they never feel the need to work. "Eventually my folks will die and I'll get all their stuff."

Some of the most successful people I know came from broken homes. One guy's dad was a ne'er do well drunk, mom was a prostitute, the kid took university courses while working at a labour job, is now making over $150K/yr and getting head-hunted by large corporations constantly. Owns a $2M home and half a townhome in WR. 

That guy could be a tattooed drug dealer who ended up in jail or dead, could have ended up a junkie & dead, and no one would have blamed him. 

He got no help from the gov't due to his race. His parents didn't help him get his degree or pay his rent. His mom would actually say things to him like "Drop me off at the Bird Pub so I can "get" some money for smokes and Creamo". When she says get she means give it up for... She was constantly guilting him for money. 

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34 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Great. So now we can agree that the "help" the democrats have given them, is what that has hurt them. Glad we could agree on something. 

You're very specific about the harms and very vague about the specific things you think caused them.

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I'm not a big fan of helping the [insert race here] community. 

Not only is it ridiculous to assume that people of other races/cultures don't need or deserve just as much help, it doesn't actually help IMO.

Just look at two groups of people if you doubt me: Jews and the Canadian First Nations

No one's helping the Jews. They've been ostracized, demonized, driven out of their communities, slaughtered en masse and legally discriminated against all across Europe and the ME for centuries, yet Jewish people thrive. 

That's literally what happened with the indigenous people of North America you utter tool.

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1 hour ago, Black Dog said:

You're very specific about the harms and very vague about the specific things you think caused them.

The explosion in single motherhood. What was that caused by? Who, rather?

3 strike laws? Forcing generations of latch key kids to raise themselves. In city slums no less. What do you think will happen?

Reduction of the idea of the nuclear family in the black community.

Pushing reparations, and victimhood?

What do you want specified, is the better question. 

Democratic policies have done more destruction than good in black communities.

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5 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

The explosion in single motherhood. What was that caused by? Who, rather?

The explosion in single motherhood in Black communities coincides almost exactly with the explosion of mass incarceration under Nixon and Reagan. I suspect there's a connection there.


3 strike laws?

These exist in red and blue states, how is that a Dem problem?



Forcing generations of latch key kids to raise themselves. In city slums no less. What do you think will happen?

Reduction of the idea of the nuclear family in the black community.

Pushing reparations, and victimhood?


Again these are effects downstream of policy.


Democratic policies have done more destruction than good in black communities.

Then it shouldn't be too hard to name some specific policies or pieces of legislation. I'll wait.

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42 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The indigenous people of Canada are literally getting all of the exact forms of help I mentioned you utter tool. 

So what do you think getting free glasses somehow makes up for or counteracts the tremendous damage settler policies have inflicted on those communities over the course of 150+ years?

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12 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Was fast forward by creating a  welfare incentive.

It's funny when people blame the welfare state for the supposed destruction of Black communities when the poverty rate for Blacks prior to the Civil Rights Act and various Great Society programs like food stamps was above 50% compared to below 20% today.


What do you think put black men on the streets to commit crime? Job availability? 

I don't think anyone was put on the street to commit crime; rather those communities were effectively criminalized and overpoliced. Take, for example, the the 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act that established mandatory minimum sentencing schemes that gave harsher punishments for crack than powder cocaine (a white people drug).


Nuclear families, and a sense of community?

Again, downstream effects of marginalization and criminalization.

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8 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Its about how families were destroyed. Generations of men to be raised by women. 

Far worse than poverty. 

Look at Asian nuclear families and how they do when poor.

I know you believe this: I'm asking you what specific policies or pieces of legislation did Democrats pass to cause this problem?

Because my personal view is that the Republican led War on Drugs and associated mass incarceration did more to destroy Black families than any "welfare incentive". Not that Democrats are great on that score either as Clinton's Crime Bill did unfathomable damage to communities that were already reeling. But there's also a larger point that the vision conservatives have of the Black community as full of thriving happy families living in prosperity until the Dems gave them food stamps is a pernicious myth.


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9 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I'm not a big fan of helping the [insert race here] community. 

Not only is it ridiculous to assume that people of other races/cultures don't need or deserve just as much help, it doesn't actually help IMO.

Just look at two groups of people if you doubt me: Jews and the Canadian First Nations

No one's helping the Jews. They've been ostracized, demonized, driven out of their communities, slaughtered en masse and legally discriminated against all across Europe and the ME for centuries, yet Jewish people thrive. 

By contrast, first nations people here get the biggest handout package of anyone on earth. They've gotten free medical, free dental, free eye care & glasses, free prescriptions, free housing, they haven't had to pay taxes for decades, they can hunt and fish for free year-round, and to top it all off they get free money, and yet, on average, they're under the poverty line here and substance abuse in their community is through the roof. 

The average Jew probably earns 5x as much as the average indigenous person here and is 100x less likely to end up in prison. 

Is free stuff helping? 

I truly appreciate the fact that there's all this love and support, but I don't think it is helping

I'm not advocating for an attempt to mass-murder black people, just so that they can start to enjoy the same level of relative success as Jews, but history keeps showing us that giving things to people doesn't help.

Black people "liked" the way Trump "treated" them. They got jobs. They had disposable income. They got all the positive vibes that come from a feeling of contributing to the community and benefitting from it. 

Then covid descended on the US and the Dems went fascist. 

Did covid put blacks back into the Dems' cages? 

I dunno, but Dems are not 'helping' black people, that's for sure. 

Sure, a basic subsistence safety net isn't helping. Real help would be hungry children dying of exposure and malnutrition, like they do in countries without a safety net.

Meanwhile, it's mighty white of you to allow the indigenous people to hunt and fish year round on the land that used to be theirs. What a sweetheart deal.🤦‍♀️

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8 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Tell us how it's possible that you've lived in America for so long, and you're so politically active, yet you are so unaware of those quotes...

This is just like when you were oblivious to Kevin Clinesmith's conviction after 2 years. 

Either you're living in a bubble or there's a vacuum between your ears. 

No...an ACTUAL Source...not the Trumpo Clown Conspiracy.  Or the Pillow Trials and Tribulations. Or the Giuliani Eastman Theory of Taking Over the USA if they LIE Convincingly Enough and throw in a Bunch of obsolete Legal theories!   Because that's all you ever present here....total bull$h+%$ wrapped in blahbullblah, and then present THAT as your truth and think we're gonna listen why you go off on some rant of irrelevant fantasy.   I have been here 4 months and have yet to hear ONE ACTUAL even vaguely persuasive argument on ANY subject. Just you and your fellow MAGGOTS...spouting snake oil and shinola! and not very well either.  Get your act together buddy, the road your friends and you were walking here of all these conspiracies ends tonight.  Your foils will not respond.  

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16 hours ago, Black Dog said:

I know you believe this: I'm asking you what specific policies or pieces of legislation did Democrats pass to cause this problem?

Because my personal view is that the Republican led War on Drugs and associated mass incarceration did more to destroy Black families than any "welfare incentive". Not that Democrats are great on that score either as Clinton's Crime Bill did unfathomable damage to communities that were already reeling. But there's also a larger point that the vision conservatives have of the Black community as full of thriving happy families living in prosperity until the Dems gave them food stamps is a pernicious myth.


When in doubt, ask Thomas Sowell about this.

He believes it started with the welfare state.

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2 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

But still exposes the true meaning of "systemic racism".

No, to the degree to which it was racist, it would actually be an example of individual racism. The segregated state of schools would be an example of systemic racism.

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31 minutes ago, Hodad said:

No, to the degree to which it was racist, it would actually be an example of individual racism. The segregated state of schools would be an example of systemic racism.

Well they are bringing back segregation now in a number of schools, in the form of black-only exclusive clubs. So that would be going the wrong way according to your interpretation. And I agree.

I say "system racism" means more than that. Here in Canada racism has been eradicated from schools and public institutions, for many years now. Long before the noveau-woke cause reared its head. But racism definitely exists, and it is in the streets, in the homes and in daily dialogue. Not blatantly, even. Not overt, but it's that little bit of an impression you might get when meeting someone racially different. The unspoken feelings we have, the cliques people form in association with those of their kin. That's where the last remnants of racism lie here, and it's very hard to eliminate that. If it even could be or should be eliminated at all.

One remedy is we could all drop our cultural values and thoughts, and wear grey uniforms. The cure is possibly worse than the disease...

Trudeau's "Post-national state"

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20 hours ago, Black Dog said:

So what do you think getting free glasses somehow makes up for or counteracts the tremendous damage settler policies have inflicted on those communities over the course of 150+ years?

If you wanted to take this opportunity to talk about the harm done to indigenous communities by residential schools, by people like Pierre Elliot Trudeau, even that would be off-topic here, but you're trying to act like a small pox outbreak 200 years ago is what's getting kids into substance abuse trouble in 2024 and it's farcical.

FYI this thread about Biden's racism and his racist policies that are still taking a toll on the current generation

The mass-incarceration of black men - many of them for minor marijuana-related offences - is still affecting a lot of black children today. FYI kids who grow up with single moms because their dad is in prison don't do well and it's got nothing to do with race. That's on Biden. Those kids were just unlucky enough to be at the shit end of Biden's racist stick.

I know it wasn't like Ayatollah Biden just ran this law through congress himself, a lot of people were complicit, but some of them were just duped by the Dems' false offerings of help. Even now people are fooled into believing that the Dems are the champions of racial equality while they talk about things like defunding police, but those things are actually designed to turn black communities into hellholes. Black people, just like white people, prefer to live in safe neighbourhoods. I kid you not. Police make neighbourhoods safe. Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden have them in their neighbourhoods, and they never talk about the need for less of them.


There's a major difference between residential schools and just targeting blacks for incarceration that you are failing to understand here. Trying to come up with a solution to bring children from the stone age and into the 20th century accommodations was a worthy but monumental task, and the implementation of it failed in some of the worst ways imaginable. But Biden's laws were drafted so that people like Kamala Harris could destroy people's lives over a bag of weed.

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16 hours ago, Caswell Thomas said:

No...an ACTUAL Source...not the Trumpo Clown Conspiracy.  

All ACTUAL sources talked about those quotes, clown. There are audio and video clips of them. 

FYI they're not just alleged quotes, like for example when someone attended a meeting with Trump where he allegedly said  "shithole countries" and no one else heard it. 

No one is alleging that Biden said these things. They provide the video and audio clips. It's all real. He absolutely did say those things, and the evidence has always been out in the general sphere of knowledge. The fact that you don't know these things is either evidence of your own stupidity or the fact that your 'news sources' 😂 just give you the mushroom treatment cazzy: they keep you in the dark and feed you bullshit.

After you're done wallowing in perpetual ignorance, you come here to act like we're wrong or we're conspiracy theorists.

Buddy, if you wanna live in an echo chamber with your head up your ass, that's your right, but stop coming here and acting like you're an authority on these topics. You don't know jack spit and you're just embarrassing yourself - e v e r y   t i m e.  

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