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Fani Willis Lied about Timeline of Dating Relationship with Trump Prosecutor, Co-Defendant Says

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3 minutes ago, Rebound said:

So if somebody votes for Nikki Haley, they’re “far left”?

It depends on who. I heard that leftoids switched parties temporarily in New Hampshire in hopes of helping Haley win. 

But if you're not one of those dirtbags, then you're weak and misguided and should probably switch parties. 

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On 2/20/2024 at 1:22 PM, ironstone said:

Yesterday I listened to a show Alan Dershowitz did with Glen Beck a few months ago. Dershowitz brought up this exact subject. He was representing Al Gore when they were challenging the election results from Florida. Dershowitz pointed out that this was exactly what he was trying to do for Gore at the time. It was about finding votes. Not fabricating votes. They tried to find votes in specific districts that would help their case. They weren't interested in other districts that they knew would not help their case.

Trump tried to do the same thing Gore did.

BS. You’ll have to show me the transcript of Al Gore telling Florida election officials to just make up a number in his favour and simply say they’ve “recalculated” and threatening them with criminal charges if they don’t  

The Bush/Gore controversy was only debating which voting districts would be recounted and whether partially-punched ballots should be counted, period. 

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7 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

BS. You’ll have to show me the transcript of Al Gore telling Florida election officials to just make up a number in his favour and simply say they’ve “recalculated” and threatening them with criminal charges if they don’t  

The Bush/Gore controversy was only debating which voting districts would be recounted and whether partially-punched ballots should be counted, period. 

Nope. Gore is, was, and always will be, a pile of shit. That f*cker tried to steal the election, and thank God he failed. 

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1 minute ago, Deluge said:

Nope. Gore is, was, and always will be, a pile of shit. That f*cker tried to steal the election, and thank God he failed. 

More of your BS Zero-evidence, zero-fact lies, how surprising. 

BTW, even though Gore conceded after the supreme court ruled Jeb Bush was fee to engineer the recount in any way he pleased, a state-wide post-election audit revealed that Gore would have won if a recount had begun conducted in every single district instead of just the ones Jeb picked for his brother. 

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Just now, BeaverFever said:

More of your BS Zero-evidence, zero-fact lies, how surprising. 

BTW, even though Gore conceded after the supreme court ruled Jeb Bush was fee to engineer the recount in any way he pleased, a state-wide post-election audit revealed that Gore would have won if a recount had begun conducted in every single district instead of just the ones Jeb picked for his brother. 

It's funny how you sh*t heads smugly sit in these forums thinking YOU, on your own, are credible sources. lol

No, f*ckface, Gore was a piece of shit. He wasn't gracious in his loss and he dragged things out like only a scumbag leftist can.

National Review covers this nicely. 


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2 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

BS. You’ll have to show me the transcript of Al Gore telling Florida election officials to just make up a number in his favour and simply say they’ve “recalculated” and threatening them with criminal charges if they don’t  

The Bush/Gore controversy was only debating which voting districts would be recounted and whether partially-punched ballots should be counted, period. 

It was on the Glen Beck podcast, episode 192.

You can listen to it right from the horse's mouth, a classical liberal no less.

But I suspect you won't because it shoots down your narrative completely.

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11 hours ago, Deluge said:

It's funny how you sh*t heads smugly sit in these forums thinking YOU, on your own, are credible sources. lol

No, f*ckface, Gore was a piece of shit. He wasn't gracious in his loss and he dragged things out like only a scumbag leftist can.

National Review covers this nicely. 


A right wing opinion piece peddling more of your garbage. People like you have no grasp of the facts and you rely on partisan opinion pieces for information to tell you only what you want to hear

What I said was 100% accurate.

A recount in Florida was MANDATORY because the vote was so close. Florida governor Jeb Bush only wanted to recount the districts where he thought Republicans would win. Gore wanted a different set of districts recounted .

So they went to court because the law was unclear on how the recount would happen. The court’s ruled the governor can recount any way he wishes.

Gore conceded even though he disagreed he respected the rule of law. LIKE A MAN. And unlike Trump

A later audit found that if all the districts had been recounted Gore would have won. (Note: Gore had not asked for all districts to be recounted). 

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12 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

A right wing opinion piece peddling more of your garbage. People like you have no grasp of the facts and you rely on partisan opinion pieces for information to tell you only what you want to hear

What I said was 100% accurate.

A recount in Florida was MANDATORY because the vote was so close. Florida governor Jeb Bush only wanted to recount the districts where he thought Republicans would win. Gore wanted a different set of districts recounted .

So they went to court because the law was unclear on how the recount would happen. The court’s ruled the governor can recount any way he wishes.

Gore conceded even though he disagreed he respected the rule of law. LIKE A MAN. And unlike Trump

A later audit found that if all the districts had been recounted Gore would have won. (Note: Gore had not asked for all districts to be recounted). 

Self quoting again, I see. lol

I'm sorry pervert, you're gonna need stronger sources than just you. Go get them. ;)

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Could a Georgia judge derail the Trump election fraud case? Fani Willis decision looms large

While most experts think Willis is unlikely to be disqualified, the process could delay the trial until after the election, which might be as good as a dismissal for Trump if he wins in November.

Which is really all DT needs at this point. 


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On 2/19/2024 at 4:34 AM, Nationalist said:

Awww...is little robo-bot offended.

Yet...you will cheer on the flooding of North America with Gawd knows who.

You cheer on Brandon spending the USA into a financial grave.

You cheer on DAs that refuse to prosecute criminals.

You cheer on a justice system that is corrupt.

You cheer on all the sheer destruction of Brandon and his puppeteers.

Well little bot...when the time comes...and we all know it will...

I will cheer on watching your own chickenshit turned and aimed right at all you destructive, hate-filled Libbies.

Thanks for your diatribe proving it is you who is "hate-filled" with FANTASIES.

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On 2/20/2024 at 7:57 AM, Nationalist said:

Did Trump interfere with the 2020 election?

Of course he incited HIS MOB to disrupt the EC vote certification. 💡

Haven't you figured that out yet? LMAO

On 2/20/2024 at 7:57 AM, Nationalist said:


Nope. In fact...tens of millions of Americans believe the Democrats interfered with the election.

^Appeal to popularity FALLACY. AKA, NO EVIDENCE.

On 2/20/2024 at 8:01 AM, Deluge said:

Based on trumped up charges made by a bunch of politically charged activists. It doesn't get more banana republic than that. 

You calling it "banana republic" won't change ANYTHING. LMAO

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On 2/20/2024 at 8:04 AM, Deluge said:

Derail Parrot Trump's candidacy LIES at all costs. 



On 2/20/2024 at 9:41 AM, WestCanMan said:

Not exactly...

Tens of millions of Americans know that the Democrats interfered with the election, and they also know why the FBI won't catch them.

Your ^FANTASIES mean NOTHING in a court of LAW

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On 2/20/2024 at 9:57 AM, Nationalist said:

That...bucko...remains to be seen.

Most Americans understand that threatening a SoS with legal jeopardy while demanding a change to the vote count is election interference.

Maybe that works in Canada, but I doubt it. Why don't you TRY it and find out?

On 2/20/2024 at 10:07 AM, Deluge said:

He earned his pay in her bed. This hire was strictly for her pleasure. It's why they've been downplaying it, and also why fat ass told us that she repaid him, and repaid him in cash. lol

She's guilty as f*ck. THAT is CASE OVER. ;)

Your CONVICTION with your FANTASY evidence has FAILED.

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On 2/20/2024 at 10:22 AM, ironstone said:

Yesterday I listened to a show Alan Dershowitz did with Glen Beck a few months ago. Dershowitz brought up this exact subject. He was representing Al Gore when they were challenging the election results from Florida. Dershowitz pointed out that this was exactly what he was trying to do for Gore at the time. It was about finding votes. Not fabricating votes. They tried to find votes in specific districts that would help their case. They weren't interested in other districts that they knew would not help their case.

Trump tried to do the same thing Gore did.

It's completely different BEFORE the vote count was CERTIFIED.

And Trump threatened an elections official with legal jeopardy to get the vote count changed.

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6 hours ago, Deluge said:

Could a Georgia judge derail the Trump election fraud case? Fani Willis decision looms large

While most experts think Willis is unlikely to be disqualified, the process could delay the trial until after the election, which might be as good as a dismissal for Trump if he wins in November.

Which is really all DT needs at this point. 


Too bad that Latitia James is too fugly to get sex in exchange for promotions. 

Rumour has it that she tried to make an ex-con janitor there at the courthouse into an assistant DA but he had " 20/20 integrity", whatever that means. 

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On 2/18/2024 at 1:49 PM, BeaverFever said:

What makes her racist, exactly?  Why is Trump’s insult for every black person that they’re “racist”?

Welcome to the forum where everyone who walks like a racist and talks like a racist will swear on a stack of Bibles that you are the racist.

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On 2/24/2024 at 10:22 AM, Deluge said:

Self quoting again, I see. lol

I'm sorry pervert, you're gonna need stronger sources than just you. Go get them. ;)

You never provided a single source for any of the BS you spew here daily while at the same time demanding a library full of sources for anything you dislike and still claim it’s inadequate. Typical MAGA troll.   And it’s quite obvious YOU LITERALLY HAVE NO F-CKING CLUE what happened in that election you don’t even have a version of events, just baseless insults. You couldn’t even begin to tell me how you think Gore tried to steal the election you uneducated mor*n. 

But ok I’ll bite here are the published accepted historical facts, not that a vulgar troll like you have the intellectual curiosity to even read it much less understand it  And we both know you’re not mentally capable of accepting information that’s inconvenient to your ideology anyway but here’s me once again taking the high road over an unwashed bottom-feeder like you. It’s why I’m the good guy and you’re an Orc from Lord if the Rings  


The Florida election was closely scrutinized after Election Day. Due to the narrow margin of the original vote count, Florida Election Code 102.141 mandated a statewide machine recount,[5] which began the day after the election. It was ostensibly completed on November 10 in the 66 Florida counties that used vote-counting machines and reduced Bush's lead to 327 votes.[4][6] According to legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, later analysis showed that a total of 18 counties—accounting for a quarter of all votes cast in Florida—did not carry out the legally mandated machine recount, but "No one from the Gore campaign ever challenged this view" that the machine recount had been completed.[7]




Following the machine recount, the Gore campaign requested a manual recount in four counties. Florida state law at the time allowed a candidate to request a manual recount by protesting the results of at least three precincts.[10] 




Florida statutes also required that all counties certify and report their returns, including any recounts, by 5:00 p.m. on November 14. The manual recounts were time-consuming, and it soon became clear that some counties would not complete their recounts before the deadline. On November 13 the Gore campaign and Volusia and Palm Beach Counties sued to have the deadlines extended.[13]

Meanwhile, the Bush campaign worked to stop the recount. On November 11, it joined a group of Florida voters in suing in federal district court for a preemptive injunction to stop all manual recounting of votes in Florida. 



(Described in detail over multiple paragraphs I will not try to repost here)




The U.S. Supreme Court convened on December 1 to consider Bush's appeal. On December 4, the Court ordered the Florida Supreme Court to clarify its ruling that had extended the certification date. On December 9, the Court suspended the manual recount, in progress for only several hours, on the grounds that irreparable harm could befall Bush, according to a concurring opinion by Justice Antonin Scalia.

Meanwhile, on December 6 the Republican-controlled Florida legislature convened a special session to appoint a slate of electors pledged to Bush, as the U.S. Constitution bestows upon state legislatures the duty to determine how its state's electors are appointed. On December 12, the same day as the U.S. Supreme Court ruling, the Florida House approved awarding the state's electoral votes to Bush, but the matter was moot after the Court's ruling. Some have argued that awarding the electors in this manner would be illegal.[15]

On December 13, Gore conceded the election to Bush in a nationally televised address.[16][17]



While the Bush campaign opposed the Gore campaign's requests for manual recounts in four heavily Democratic counties, they quietly accepted manual recounts from four Republican-leaning counties. Polk, Hamilton, Seminole, and Taylor Counties, which used the more reliable optical scanners, decided to manually examine unreadable ballots (both undervotes and overvotes) during the counties' electronic recounts, in accordance with those counties' existing policies (see County-by-county standards below). These manual counts garnered Bush a net gain of 185 votes.[23]


CNN and PBS reported that, had the recount continued with its existing standards, Bush would likely have still tallied more votes, but variations of those standards (and/or of which precincts were recounted) could have swung the election either way. They also concluded that had a full recount of all undervotes and overvotes taken place, Gore would have won, though his legal team never pursued such an option.[74][75][76]

The National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, sponsored by a consortium of major U.S. news organizations, conducted the Florida Ballot Project, a comprehensive review of ballots collected from the entire state, not just the disputed counties that were recounted.[77].


Based on the NORC review, the media group concluded that if the disputes over the validity of all the ballots in question had been consistently resolved and any uniform standard applied, the electoral result would have been reversed and Gore would have won by 60 to 171 votes (with, for each punch ballot, at least two of the three ballot reviewers' codes being in agreement). The standards that were chosen for the NORC study ranged from a "most restrictive" standard (accepts only so-called perfect ballots that machines somehow missed and did not count, or ballots with unambiguous expressions of voter intent) to a "most inclusive" standard (applies a uniform standard of "dimple or better" on punch marks and "all affirmative marks" on optical scan ballots).[4]

An analysis of the NORC data by University of Pennsylvaniaresearcher Steven F. Freeman and journalist Joel Bleifuss concluded that, no matter what standard is used, after a recount of all uncounted votes, Gore would have been the victor.[37] 


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13 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

You never provided a single source for any of the BS you spew.

That's a lie, and we both know it. 

And below is the best summary of the 2000 election:

1. Gore famously used inflammatory and violent rhetoric throughout his campaign.

2. As is often the case for incumbent Vice Presidents, Gore was nominated as his party's candidate in the 2000 Presidential Election. He lost to George W. Bush in the Electoral College after a close vote, in which Gore garnered more popular votes than Bush, but fewer electoral votes.

3. Gore challenged the election results and pursued a recount based on his far-fetched claim of violation of the Equal Protection Clause, which the U.S. Supreme Court rejected by a 7–2 vote, in Bush v. Gore.

4. On December 13, 2000, after an extensive court battle (Bush v. Gore), Gore accepted Bush's election to the presidency.


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17 hours ago, robosmith said:

It's completely different BEFORE the vote count was CERTIFIED.

And Trump threatened an elections official with legal jeopardy to get the vote count changed.

You didn't listen to the Dershowitz link I provided did you?

No offense to you, but I highly doubt you have credentials like Alan Dershowitz.

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On 2/19/2024 at 6:54 PM, Caswell Thomas said:

Simple...I only listen to the actual, facts based Truth, 

I'm sorry, but no you don't. You listen to manufactured bullshit produced by Orwellian globalists. 

You need to rethink what you're doing each day, CT. You're not in a good place. 

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