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Most Republicans Aren’t Aware of Trump’s Legal Problems

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8 hours ago, robosmith said:

Congrats on accepting it as normal and NOT a huge THREAT to DEMOCRACY. 🤮

Again, no offense but your reaction is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about.

Over the top.

Sometimes it's scary, and sometimes it's just comical.

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10 hours ago, robosmith said:

That's exactly Trump you're describing and how he normalizes his behavior which is horrific to all but the MAGA CULT.

Congrats on accepting it as normal and NOT a huge THREAT to DEMOCRACY. 🤮

Actually that was the democrats.  By constantly making false accusations they normalized people hearing yet another nonsense story about trump every 10 minutes so when actual concerns are occasionally thrown in they just blow it off.

Once your credibility is in the gutter nobody's paying attention even if you speak the truth once in a while, And the dems credibility makes the gutter look like a lofty goal.

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2 hours ago, ironstone said:

Again, no offense but your reaction is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about.

Over the top.

Sometimes it's scary, and sometimes it's just comical.

Just because YOU'RE in denial, does not mean it's "over the top."

Do you know how Hitler dismantled democracy in Germany after his imprisonment and then RE-ELECTION?

IT'S NOT YOUR COUNTRY. Though if 'Hitler' gains power, Canada may be the first target for resources.

The signs are there. You just can't read them. Do you have an army which can repel the US?

Do you know the REASON for the 14A clause 3? They knew enough to NOT give insurrectionists a 2nd chance. 🤮

Though maybe you're ignorant enough of the FACTS to deny Trump was trying to overturn the election. Are you?

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10 minutes ago, robosmith said:

 They knew enough to NOT give insurrectionists a 2nd chance. 🤮


So why are they letting Biden run again? Allowing, or should I say promoting an invasion to take place at the southern border is a form of insurrection. Somewhat of a double standard don't ya think?

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

Just because YOU'RE in denial, does not mean it's "over the top."

Do you know how Hitler dismantled democracy in Germany after his imprisonment and then RE-ELECTION?

It's over the top becasue it's over the top. That's all you democrats know. Hyperbole ad obserdum. 

And yes - i do know how the nazi's dismantled democracy.  Clearly you do not.

And Canada will be fine - we just sit here with popcorn and enjoy the show.  Frankly it's been a lot of years since the US was a GOOD ally or trading partner as it is so wiether trump is  a dictator or not won't matter.  Biden was in power for 5 seconds when he unilaterally cancelled a pipeline that we'd spent billions on and had been told was accepted and would proceed and he didn't even call to say sorry.  Biden has been worse to canada than trump and trump wasn't very nice. So you guys can burn and we'll just laugh either way :) 

Trump will not take over democracy, things will continue. and your head will explode whether he does or doesn't.  Your insane hyperbole convinces no one

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1 hour ago, Legato said:

So why are they letting Biden run again? Allowing, or should I say promoting an invasion to take place at the southern border is a form of insurrection. Somewhat of a double standard don't ya think?

Technically it might be sedition which is actions that encourage insurrection or lawlessness, or possibly treason which is providing aid and comfort to the enemy and/or assisting them.

I mean - either way i'ts pretty bad  :)  

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7 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Technically it might be sedition which is actions that encourage insurrection or lawlessness, or possibly treason which is providing aid and comfort to the enemy and/or assisting them.

I mean - either way i'ts pretty bad  :)  

Correct. Trump has been subjected to the same "technicalities", The Dems called it insurrection just like school kids looking for the most impact when name calling.

I had a momentary relapse and sunk way down to their level. For that Zeus sent down two lightening bolts and Thor threatened me with his hammer.

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7 hours ago, Legato said:

So why are they letting Biden run again? Allowing, or should I say promoting an invasion to take place at the southern border is a form of insurrection. Somewhat of a double standard don't ya think?

Yes, I do think. Question is, do YOU? Even IF true, "allowing" immigrants to make asylum claims, IS NOT "insurrection" no matter how you twist logic in a FUTILE attempt at FALSE EQUIVALENCE.

Who told you it is? FOS LIES? LMAO

No evidence of Joe "promoting" illegal immigration. Though there is PLENTY of evidence of Republicons shouting "OPEN BORDER!" It's like REPUBLICONS are PROMOTING "open border" to CREATE a CRISIS at the border. 🤮 

5 hours ago, Legato said:

Correct. Trump has been subjected to the same "technicalities", The Dems called it insurrection just like school kids looking for the most impact when name calling.

I had a momentary relapse and sunk way down to their level. For that Zeus sent down two lightening bolts and Thor threatened me with his hammer.

Attempting to overthrow an election with violence IS INSURRECTION. Duh

You're completely IGNORANT cause you won't examine the EVIDENCE, and just TROLL. 🤮

Edited by robosmith
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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

Just because YOU'RE in denial, does not mean it's "over the top."

Do you know how Hitler dismantled democracy in Germany after his imprisonment and then RE-ELECTION?

IT'S NOT YOUR COUNTRY. Though if 'Hitler' gains power, Canada may be the first target for resources.

The signs are there. You just can't read them. Do you have an army which can repel the US?

Do you know the REASON for the 14A clause 3? They knew enough to NOT give insurrectionists a 2nd chance. 🤮

Though maybe you're ignorant enough of the FACTS to deny Trump was trying to overturn the election. Are you?

You lose credibility when you compare Trump to Hitler. Trump has his share of shortcomings and flaws just like everyone else, but to say he's a new Hitler is preposterous. 

You're actually suggesting that if elected, Trump is going to invade Canada???😮

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30 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Yes, I do think. Question is, do YOU? Even IF true, "allowing" immigrants to make asylum claims, IS NOT "insurrection" no matter how you twist logic in a FUTILE attempt at FALSE EQUIVALENCE.

Who told you it is? FOS LIES? LMAO

No evidence of Joe "promoting" illegal immigration. Though there is PLENTY of evidence of Republicons shouting "OPEN BORDER!" It's like REPUBLICONS are PROMOTING "open border" to CREATE a CRISIS at the border. 🤮 

Attempting to overthrow an election with violence IS INSURRECTION. Duh

You completely IGNORANT cause you won't examine the EVIDENCE, and just TROLL. 🤮

The fact that you deny there is s crisis at the border, solely caused by Biden. makes all your other wildly inaccurate rhetoric moot.

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11 minutes ago, ironstone said:

You lose credibility when you compare Trump to Hitler. Trump has his share of shortcomings and flaws just like everyone else, but to say he's a new Hitler is preposterous. 

You're actually suggesting that if elected, Trump is going to invade Canada???😮

they have a lot in common as far as personality. extreme narcissism for one. unmitigated desire for power over others. violent reactions to criticism. these people are born dictators. they're fine to be roaming around society, they're everywhere... but you don't want them having a finger on the button.

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3 minutes ago, Legato said:

solely caused by Biden

nobody is "solely" responsible for this. the US has a large immigration population and those people are sympathetic to the immigrant plight. the situation has not been improving economically or politically in the south. i myself am appalled that there is no discussion in the US about what to do about that... about preventing the conditions that make people need to leave where they are from. additionally, a large segment of the population do not want people dying crossing the border.

these are the people you need to be convincing that there is a better way. replacing Biden doesn't make any of that go away. you can treat immigrants as harshly as you like. separate children indefinitely from their families for example. if you think thats the thing to do then you need to convince your neighbour its a good thing. or that its necessary.

but if you look like an uncaring ahole then... you might not care. but it gets you nowhere. moving forward does not happen.

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1 hour ago, ironstone said:

You lose credibility when you compare Trump to Hitler. Trump has his share of shortcomings and flaws just like everyone else, but to say he's a new Hitler is preposterous. 

Trump compares HIMSELF with Hitler when he uses Hitler's language.

Bet you don't even know that he did nor what he said. Proly cause FOS LIES doesn't mention it much.

1 hour ago, ironstone said:

You're actually suggesting that if elected, Trump is going to invade Canada???😮

Who thought Hitler would invade Poland BEFORE he was elected AND destroyed democracy?

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55 minutes ago, Legato said:

The fact that you deny there is s crisis at the border, solely caused by Biden. makes all your other wildly inaccurate rhetoric moot.

The FACT is you make wild general allegations with NO SPECIFICS, let alone EVIDENCE, TROLL. 

And you're completely IGNORANT about the recent gang wars going on in Central America which is driving people to relocate.

And you don't understand the EFFECT of Republicons shouting "OPEN BORDER!" 🤮

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5 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Trump compares HIMSELF with Hitler when he uses Hitler's language.

Bet you don't even know that he did nor what he said. Proly cause FOS LIES doesn't mention it much.

Who thought Hitler would invade Poland BEFORE he was elected AND destroyed democracy?

I still believe Trump is a long shot to win in 2024, but if he does, I promise I will eat my words if American forces invade Canada.😉

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So is your typical Dem aware that Trump’s legal situation keeps improving?


The judge overseeing former President Donald Trump's Georgia election interference case says that it's possible misconduct allegations leveled against Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis "could result in disqualification," and that a hearing on the matter will proceed as scheduled on Thursday.

Things are also changing in New York and DC…


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9 minutes ago, sharkman said:

So is your typical Dem aware that Trump’s legal situation keeps improving?


The judge overseeing former President Donald Trump's Georgia election interference case says that it's possible misconduct allegations leveled against Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis "could result in disqualification," and that a hearing on the matter will proceed as scheduled on Thursday.

Things are also changing in New York and DC…


OMG! A "hearing," and "could result in disqualification."

You don't know that MIGHT mean someone else will take over the case. 

Evidence won't just disappear IF the prosecution is done by her staff.

Whatever will we do? LMAO

Let us know when you have more than speculation, k?

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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

OMG! A "hearing," and "could result in disqualification."

You don't know that MIGHT mean someone else will take over the case. 

Evidence won't just disappear IF the prosecution is done by her staff.

Whatever will we do? LMAO

Let us know when you have more than speculation, k?

That wasn’t speculation.  I provided a link and everything.

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if they don't know about Trumps legal problems then they also don't know about Trumps flailing attempts to delay all of it long enough for him to get elected president.

as they say... if you can't attack the facts, attack the law. if you can't attack the law, attack the prosecution. if you can't attack the prosecution... get elected president!

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2 minutes ago, godzilla said:

if they don't know about Trumps legal problems then they also don't know about Trumps flailing attempts to delay all of it long enough for him to get elected president.


AAAND don't care.


as they say... if you can't attack the facts, attack the law. if you can't attack the law, attack the prosecution. if you can't attack the prosecution... get elected president!

Nobody says that. You're thinking of and incorrectly trying to quote Sandburg i suspect but you got it pretty wrong :)

However - they might just start saying it after trump. You guys are bound and determined to put him back in office and then his legal woes go away.

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On 2/8/2024 at 6:42 PM, robosmith said:

Most Republicans Aren’t Aware of Trump’s Legal Problems

Of course they're not. Getting half the news (LIES) is the best you can expect from exclusive FOS LIES viewership.


Most Republicans understand the Nazi Democrats' efforts at election interference.

Biden is not going to be reelected president. LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP is the front runner in all polls. The only way to stop him is these lies and illegal court challenges.


He is going to be president, YOU FCKING GOOSE STEPPING NAZIS. And he's going to fix what unelected Joe broke.

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35 minutes ago, reason10 said:

Most Republicans understand the Nazi Democrats' efforts at election interference.

Biden is not going to be reelected president. LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP is the front runner in all polls. The only way to stop him is these lies and illegal court challenges.


He is going to be president, YOU FCKING GOOSE STEPPING NAZIS. And he's going to fix what unelected Joe broke.

Well, if, as you say, Biden won through deceptive practices last time (without getting caught), why wouldn't Biden just do it again?

Quite literally,  there's been no evidence of voter fraud ever found thats viable enough to be substantiated in a court of law. 

What's to stop Biden this time?

Edited by CrakHoBarbie
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