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Why Leftists Are So Unhappy

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7 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Lol...now he's gonna trash his mom and dad.

That's from the first chapter of the white liberal playbook. The coloured liberal playbook says "blame whitey". 

Eg: "The only reason that I still [insert vice/crime/misfortune here] is because my parents [insert the name of a horrible form of abuse, such as "took away my joystick for an hour at a time sometimes"] when I was a kid." 

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47 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Just because I beat you like a rented mule doesn't mean that I'm not an extremely nice person to people who aren't liars. 

Try telling the truth for once dude. See how others treat you...

Did you think that I was going to just let you lie to my face and come back with a polite, friendly reply?

Fact is you're a liar, so you got called out, and now you're just butt-hurt and making baseless accusations. It's weird that you'd expect any better. Were you just raised wrong? 

My turn: 100% chance that you stole from your parents as a kid, 90% chance that as an adult you "borrowed" things from your parents without their knowledge or consent and never returned them, and in this lifetime you've constantly badmouthed your parents behind their backs to make excuses for your shortcomings as a human being. "It's all someone else's fault."

No, I haven't hacked your webcam. Good gawd, the last thing I wanna see is the inside of your mom's basement. 


Edited by Black Dog
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1 hour ago, Black Dog said:

I bet you think this sounded smart and insightful, which is fascinating.

It explains you, so please don't beat up on yourself like that. Your bizarre behavior is highly fascinating. 

2 minutes ago, Black Dog said:


I'm sorry that you can't read. 

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3 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Do you think that Jan.6 is the only act of right wing violence in the last few years or what.

You have something bigger than the left wing riots? Sure - lets keep going if you want to do comparisons :)    I think you're not thinking very carefully if you think you'll come out ahead in that area :)


Ah yes the old "look at what you made me do" line, a favourite of wife-beaters everywhere.

Ahhh yes the "lie and pretend it's all their fault and we did nothing" excuse - a favorite of terrorists everywhere. Gaza absolutely agrees with you - why are THEY being punished for nothing?


I bet you think this sounded smart and insightful, which is fascinating.

I think even you realize THAT sounded  desperate and hollow.  Try not to cry.

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On 1/25/2024 at 10:30 AM, Deluge said:

An older article, but an interesting AND informative one, nonetheless. 

"One of the most important differences between the right and the left—one that greatly helps to explain their differences—is the difference between unhappy liberals and unhappy conservatives.

Unhappy conservatives generally believe they are unhappy because life is inherently difficult and tragic, and because they have made some unwise decisions in life.

But unhappy liberals generally believe they are unhappy because they have been persecuted."


Actually the Left isn't unhappy at all these days...as it looks like their worst enemy has been caught not only with his financial.pants down, and is looking at his whole financial empire crumbling into the slime he made of it ,AND  is being represented now by an even bigger fool than he is and she has an even louder mouth, though otherwise they are quite similar, both delusional and about to go down the financial drain together. 

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39 minutes ago, Caswell Thomas said:

Actually the Left isn't unhappy at all these days...as it looks like their worst enemy has been caught not only with his financial.pants down, and is looking at his whole financial empire crumbling into the slime he made of it ,AND  is being represented now by an even bigger fool than he is and she has an even louder mouth, though otherwise they are quite similar, both delusional and about to go down the financial drain together. 

The left is in full on panic mode and as miserable as it gets right now,  and it looks like their worst enemy is probably going to win the upcoming election and be president again, pardon himself for all his crimes, and continue to get even more filthy rich.

IT's enraging them, it's leading them to make ridiculous statements and become completely desperate - all of which drives more voters into trump's camp.

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14 hours ago, CdnFox said:

The left is in full on panic mode and as miserable as it gets right now,  and it looks like their worst enemy is probably going to win the upcoming election and be president again, pardon himself for all his crimes, and continue to get even more filthy rich.

IT's enraging them, it's leading them to make ridiculous statements and become completely desperate - all of which drives more voters into trump's camp.

Trump’s the one in a panic. He just lost $88 million and he’s about to have his ass handed to him by Judge Engoron.

And Trump is facing 91 felony charges. A conviction in only one of those four cases can put him in jail for the rest of his life.

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4 minutes ago, Rebound said:

Trump’s the one in a panic. He just lost $88 million and he’s about to have his ass handed to him by Judge Engoron.

And Trump is facing 91 felony charges. A conviction in only one of those four cases can put him in jail for the rest of his life.

Trump is going to be just fine. 

I'd be so much more concerned about what Trump is going to do to your overlords once he gets back into the WH. It'll be like goats scattering from the mountain lion. lol

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2 hours ago, Rebound said:

Trump’s the one in a panic. He just lost $88 million and he’s about to have his ass handed to him by Judge Engoron.

And Trump is facing 91 felony charges. A conviction in only one of those four cases can put him in jail for the rest of his life.

Nope.  Sorry.

If anything he's in his glory.  Conflict is where trump lives.  And he's gaining momentum.

He may start to panic if he loses the election but right now it looks like he's got the best chance to win. Still a long way to go but that's getting closer every day.

The dems on the other hand - You can see the panic everywhere.  They're horrified that he might get in and start doing to them what they've done to him.  And their supporters are freaking. Even here we see more and more silly anti trump threads which is fine but shows the mental state at work.  And the lies become more desperate and the claims become more ludicrous. Theres no chance he's going to jail for life for any one of those felony charges and in fact it's not terribly likely he'll spend any real time in jail at all.

And it all goes away if he's re-elected

I guess it's understandable that you would be freaked out a little - but there's still 10 months left, you need to learn to pace yourself.

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21 hours ago, CdnFox said:

You have something bigger than the left wing riots? Sure - lets keep going if you want to do comparisons :)   

Who is this 



I've never even seen him before and suddenly he has 14,600 posts?


Is it sapper, Contrarian or some other leftist who was proven to be wrong/caught lying so many times that they just changed their username?

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11 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Who is this 



I've never even seen him before and suddenly he has 14,600 posts?


Is it sapper, Contrarian or some other leftist who was proven to be wrong/caught lying so many times that they just changed their username?

Don't worry, man. Closing in on 17K, you still have a very solid lead in shitty posts. I'm not sure anyone is going (or trying) to catch you.🙄

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On 1/26/2024 at 5:47 PM, Black Dog said:

Look at all these happy-go-lucky-right wingers

In comparison, I could have posted videos of Antifa, of Just Oil protesters, or of any far left wing extremist.

Anyone on the fringes will be insanely violent, extreme in their views and likely miserable.

In general however, many conservatives are happier as they have faith in God and as such, have purpose in life.

They also would be likelier to take control of their lives or wanting to, vs blaming others for their plight and feeling entitled to hand outs.

I was raised to work hard, to have vision and not to be deterred by hardship as it is temporary. It isn't part of who I am.

That very upbringing made me conservative or appreciate conservative viewpoints more.

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3 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

In comparison, I could have posted videos of Antifa, of Just Oil protesters, or of any far left wing extremist.

Anyone on the fringes will be insanely violent, extreme in their views and likely miserable.

In general however, many conservatives are happier as they have faith in God and as such, have purpose in life.

They also would be likelier to take control of their lives or wanting to, vs blaming others for their plight and feeling entitled to hand outs.

I was raised to work hard, to have vision and not to be deterred by hardship as it is temporary. It isn't part of who I am.

That very upbringing made me conservative or appreciate conservative viewpoints more.

People like black dog talk about being happy, but we all know their compulsion to reprogram other people will never allow for that. ;)


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47 minutes ago, Deluge said:

People like black dog talk about being happy, but we all know their compulsion to reprogram other people will never allow for that. ;)


well and while you obviously meant that to be tounge in cheek i can't stress how true that is.

it is almost impossible to be happy when your focus is on what other people are doing.  "I'm personally offended on BEHALF of this person here and i'm DEMANDING that person over there take this action to address my concerns."  

So - you're not the person who's negatively affected, you're worried about them being affected by some OTHER thing (which usually can't be properly identified like 'institutional' racism or 'the patriarchy') and you want SOME THIRD person or entity to fix the first person's problem for you.

That is never going to work out. You are NEVER going to be happy with the outcome of that. So you're doomed to spend every day ANGRY that the world is not to your liking, while it isn't even YOUR world that's the problem.  Honestly i don't know how they do it, it sounds exhausting.

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On 1/27/2024 at 8:16 PM, Caswell Thomas said:

Actually the Left isn't unhappy at all these days...as it looks like their worst enemy has been caught not only with his financial.pants down, and is looking at his whole financial empire crumbling into the slime he made of it ,AND  is being represented now by an even bigger fool than he is and she has an even louder mouth, though otherwise they are quite similar, both delusional and about to go down the financial drain together. 

Actually the Left IS unhappy these days, as their worst enemy is ALWAYS someone else! The truth is, Democrats/left-wingers are 100% devoid of introspective. It's tragic, really, but not as much as it is comical. I laugh at you goons every time I hear from you. But, despite the comic relief, you're still a$$holes. In fact, you are such a$$holes that you're actually the worst people on this planet. 


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4 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

it is almost impossible to be happy when your focus is on what other people are doing. 


I worked with a woman who was barely 26 and the most miserable person I have met in my life.

She's also the most far left person I have ever met. Many are reasonable from my experience.

But her life had clearly been very sheltered. Her mom helped her with everything.

But she was so angry at climate change, at people who use offending words and of course she was a far left white person, so was offended on the behalf of every minority or group considered to being vulnerable. 

"My God, you are going to die young my friend" would be what I would always jokingly tell her, as she would find one new thing that triggered her.

IE I unfortunately told an empmoyee that our order he needed to do his job, was delayed because a bolt was missing (this is a 14, 000$ order being held due to a .22$ part).

I called the move from my supplier retarded, and she overheard. I got lectured for 5 minutes about how mentally disabled people struggle for respect. That word is an insult to them.

Then they flip the moral switch. Do you "even know someone with a disability?!" "what they have to live with?!"

I told her one of my cousins was mentally disabled. She then demanded to know how it would feel to call him this.

I like most centrists, just bit my tongue to avoid offending when that wasn't the intent of the word.

She was also the most incompetent employee I had ever met, so some of my staff weren't as diplomatic to her: "how about learn to do your f***ing job, before telling others how to do theirs!"

But to walk around as this anxious ball of anger, is rather sad.

I realized how sensitive she was, so just avoided using language that could offend when around her. They see this shit as progress, when its more like:

"The b***h is gone! *pops whine cork*

She couldn't adapt, so demanded the entire globe to adapt to her.

That is what makes so many leftists insanely miserable people. 

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

well and while you obviously meant that to be tounge in cheek i can't stress how true that is.

it is almost impossible to be happy when your focus is on what other people are doing.  "I'm personally offended on BEHALF of this person here and i'm DEMANDING that person over there take this action to address my concerns."  

So - you're not the person who's negatively affected, you're worried about them being affected by some OTHER thing (which usually can't be properly identified like 'institutional' racism or 'the patriarchy') and you want SOME THIRD person or entity to fix the first person's problem for you.

That is never going to work out. You are NEVER going to be happy with the outcome of that. So you're doomed to spend every day ANGRY that the world is not to your liking, while it isn't even YOUR world that's the problem.  Honestly i don't know how they do it, it sounds exhausting.

Hey, I've seen 1984 and I'm still surprised to see the parallels with what IS in that book, and what the left WANTS in real life, and to be honest, it's pretty damn disturbing. 

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