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Are the Democrats an Actual Cult?

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On 2/25/2024 at 7:28 AM, Jack9000 said:

when you got trump supporters asking if the other side are the ones who are the cult.. dear god this forum lol...

Turns out they are HUGE fans of the PeeWee Herman defense and other schoolyard retorts.

"I'm rubber, you're glue..."

Edited by Hodad
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The whole premise of this thread is beyond hilarious. Democrats must be a cult because they refuse to recognize the obvious truth that Trump is the messiah, and when reality conflicts with Trump or Republican propaganda Dems refuse to believe that reality has been manipulated by unseen conspiratorial forces.  Then the circle jerk continues with another righty chirping in “yep that’s technically the dictionary definition” which of course it is mot.

Refusing to join the very obvious Republican cult is not evidence that you are in a cult 

Edited by BeaverFever
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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

The whole premise of this thread is beyond hilarious. Democrats must be a cult because they refuse to recognize the obvious truth that Trump is the messiah, and when reality conflicts with Trump or Republican propaganda Dems refuse to believe that it must reality has been manipulated by dark unseen conspiratorial forces.  Then the circle jerk continues with another righty chirping in “yep that’s technically the dictionary definition” which of course it is mot.

Refusing to join the very obvious Republican cult is not evidence that you are in a cult 

Sure - that's what people said :)   ROFLMAO!!

the premise was that dems might be a cult given their inherent willingness to blindly believe things without any reason or evidence.  And your post there was a pretty good example :) maybe don't make their case for them  :)

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6 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Sure - that's what people said :)   ROFLMAO!!

the premise was that dems might be a cult given their inherent willingness to blindly believe things without any reason or evidence.  And your post there was a pretty good example :) maybe don't make their case for them  :)

But what exactly are the Dems supposedly “blindly believing without any reason or evidence”?   Whacked out conspiracies about covid, the election the deep state etc that have been fabricated by the right which the right believes without any reason or evidence.  

In other words, the premise of this thread is that our refusal to believe that you’re actually Napoleon and have been taken by aliens to the lost city of Atlantis proves we are insane since we don’t have “any reason or evidence” to prove your claims are untrue.  It’s a bizarre inversion of logic that brainwashed Trump cultists can’t even perceive 

The entire MAGA movement s based on blindly believing people like Trump and Tucker Carlson without reason or evidence. Trump’s speeches are practically verbatim cult leader rhetoric implicitly our future is doomed without him, that he alone can save us.

I mean Trump actually has an ad claiming he was chosen by God to be President it doesn’t get any more cultish than that 


He talks and act like a cult leader and his followers talk and act like cult followers   So it’s hilarious that you claim “Democrats” (and by logic the rest of the world) are all in a cult simply because they “blindly and without reason” refuse to join your cult. 

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22 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

But what exactly are the Dems supposedly “blindly believing without any reason or evidence”?   Whacked out conspiracies about covid, the election the deep state etc that have been fabricated by the right which the right believes without any reason or evidence.  

In other words, the premise of this thread is that our refusal to believe that you’re actually Napoleon and have been taken by aliens to the lost city of Atlantis proves we are insane since we don’t have “any reason or evidence” to prove your claims are untrue.  It’s a bizarre inversion of logic that brainwashed Trump cultists can’t even perceive 

The entire MAGA movement s based on blindly believing people like Trump and Tucker Carlson without reason or evidence. Trump’s speeches are practically verbatim cult leader rhetoric implicitly our future is doomed without him, that he alone can save us.

I mean Trump actually has an ad claiming he was chosen by God to be President it doesn’t get any more cultish than that 


He talks and act like a cult leader and his followers talk and act like cult followers   So it’s hilarious that you claim “Democrats” (and by logic the rest of the world) are all in a cult simply because they “blindly and without reason” refuse to join your cult. 

Beave...just as you were always the last pick in sports, you are the last person our "cult"...if the term gives you a little boner...wants.

Let's assume both the Democrats and Republicans are a "cult".

Conservatives have a leader. A man. Flesh and blood. They want prosperity, peace and security.

Libbies, such as yourself, want central control of everything. War all over the globe. Fear instilled in the public that the world is gonna end because of carbon and...cows, sheep, crops, even man himself.

If I have to choose a "cult" the choice is simple. Man leading man to prosperity, peace and security. Or an idea leading to human suffering.

It's all so...biblical.

Oh Luci...your cult is here. Hey...remind Brandon what day it is today please? I mean...you can't have him till his body dies and...well...he's just damn embarrassing. It must be hard to operate when you always get the dregs nobody really wants but...it is your "cult" Luci.

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5 hours ago, impartialobserver said:

there is too much variation in the views of the individuals. In true cults.. there is little to no variance and any variance is punished. You can't exactly punish someone on social media or an online forum in any tangible way. 

I don't see any variation in the viewpoints of leftists. 

Can you find any posts by eyeball, ExFlyer, Beave, Hodad, etc where they were skeptical at all about the safety and efficacy of vaccines? The vax promises went all the way from 100% safe and effective to "not safe for young men" and the number of covid deaths in Canada went up by 30% after we vaxed 85% of the country, but not even a SINGLE leftist has broken ranks regarding vax propaganda. 

Was even a single leftist against vax mandates?

Was even a single leftist skeptical about Russian collusion? 

Can any leftists even talk about Cuomo's covid scandal? They won't utter a word.

How many leftists acknowledge FBI crimes?

How many leftists lied about inflation in support of Biden?

How many leftists can admit that Biden is nearly a basket case? They all pretended that Trump was delusional, but Biden is hollowed out like a canoe. Crickets. The only people who talk about Biden's dementia are doing it because they want Newsom to replace him. 

How many leftists could admit that Trudeau was a colossal covid f-up, way worse than Trump? The script says "Trudeau was perfect and Trump botched everything", and they all follow the script to the letter.

How many leftists can admit that it's weird that Biden lied so adamantly about his knowledge of/involvement in Hunter's overseas business dealings? Even at the last set of debates Biden was still lying, pretending that the Biden clan didn't make ANY money in China. They made at least 8M there plus a big fat diamond. "There's nothing wrong with that" lol. 

Buddy, every leftist here goes all in on every single false narrative from the Dems and libs. Every single one. Even the bizarre ones like "mostly peaceful protests" and "racist walls". 

And yeah, there is punishment for not going along with their BS. People get cancelled all the time by leftists. People get run out of the cult for the slightest micro-aggression. 

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Further to the part about "variance in speech not being punished": https://freespeechunion.org/harvard-professor-needed-armed-protection-after-publishing-research-that-challenged-woke-orthodoxies/

A black professor who published a study that debunks a popular mainstream cultist narrative is getting death threats from members of the Dem cult. 

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4 hours ago, Nationalist said:

you are the last person our "cult"...if the term gives you a little boner...wants.

Oh,  darn. What a disappointment 


4 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Let's assume both the Democrats and Republicans are a "cult".

Why?  I’ve provided ample evidence of why GOP is a cult where is the evidence that Dems are a cult?


4 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Conservatives have a leader. A man. Flesh and blood. They want prosperity, peace and security.

Libbies, such as yourself, want central control of everything. War all over the globe. Fear instilled in the public that the world is gonna end because of carbon and...cows, sheep, crops, even man himself.

False.  Republicans (many of whom  don’t meet any definition of “conservative” want a one-party state which they rule with unchallenged lies and propaganda. That is why so many Republicans including you and Donald Trump openly admire outright dictators like Putin and authoritarian “democracy in name only” Orban.  Republicans openly admire Putin’s warmongering and believe he should be able to wage war around the globe unchallenged. They also support war in the Middle East against any Arab or Muslims who don’t play ball. 

Meanwhile it is Republicans who want to control women’s bodies, the lives of same-sex couples, the books people can read and so on. Just liberals think corporations and things like pollution and consumer fraud (favourite pastimes of republicans) should be regulated doesn’t mean they want to “control everything”. 

4 hours ago, Nationalist said:

f I have to choose a "cult" the choice is simple. Man leading man to prosperity, peace and security. Or an idea leading to human suffering.


Your choosing authoritarian dictatorship, which never leads to prosperity. Tour claim that the alternative is “human suffering” is just your made up BS. 

4 hours ago, Nationalist said:

It's all so...biblical.

Of course it would seem that way to a cult follower. That’ aligns with the ACTUAL dictionary definition of a cult. 

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4 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

But what exactly are the Dems supposedly “blindly believing without any reason or evidence”? 

A huge number of things. "russian collusion' is probably the easiest and most recognizable example. It's crystal clear to any impartial observer (no relation to impartialobserver)  that there was no 'collusion' or conspiracy as claimed for years by the dems and that the steel dossier is a fake and the fbi acted grossly inappropriately (and even illegally) towards trump almost certainly for political reasons.

Yet - according to dems none of that is true. But it is. But for three years straight every day a dem friendly news source or democrat or their supporters were out there constantly chanting that none of that was true and trump really did collude.  But he didn't. 

It shows up in things that aren't really political precisely - the Smollet case.  Anyone with even a scrap of objectivity said "wait a minute, something doesn't make sense there" when the story broke.  And the more he talked the more it smelled funny. But Dem supporters and talk show hosts and politicians RUSHED instantly to his side and proclaimed that this was the gospel truth and trump and his supporters were behind it!!!!!  BAAARRGGG!!!  lol!

And to this day.  Look at Caswell thomas on this site - utterly convinced that trump was going to jail for 'fraud' in the new york case despite 3/4 of a page of me explaining civil fraud is not a criminal case AND providing links and such.

Now nobody's claiming you personally are Caswell Thomas levels of blind or cult-ish or that all dem supporters are (except occasionally tongue in cheek when we think it'll honk you off) . While you do occasionally have your moments you also often seem relatively rational and reasoned and even if i feel your arguments don't stand up they are at least real arguments.

But a very large portion of the dems seem to be in that space where it's just no thought, no confirming anything, just believe. They instantly believe anything that reaffirms their bias without question or evidence even in the face of facts.

4 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

In other words, the premise of this thread is that our refusal to believe that you’re actually Napoleon and have been taken by aliens to the lost city of Atlantis proves we are insane since we don’t have “any reason or evidence” to prove your claims are untrue

No - the fact that you feel THAT was an actual accurate depiction of the argument being made is the premise of this thread :)   And a perfectly valid premise it is.

Try to avoid that kind of blind thinking.

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I don't see any variation in the viewpoints of leftists. 

Can you find any posts by eyeball, ExFlyer, Beave, Hodad, etc where they were skeptical at all about the safety and efficacy of vaccines? The vax promises went all the way from 100% safe and effective to "not safe for young men" and the number of covid deaths in Canada went up by 30% after we vaxed 85% of the country, but not even a SINGLE leftist has broken ranks regarding vax propaganda. 

Was even a single leftist against vax mandates?

Was even a single leftist skeptical about Russian collusion? 

Can any leftists even talk about Cuomo's covid scandal? They won't utter a word.

How many leftists acknowledge FBI crimes?

How many leftists lied about inflation in support of Biden?

How many leftists can admit that Biden is nearly a basket case? They all pretended that Trump was delusional, but Biden is hollowed out like a canoe. Crickets. The only people who talk about Biden's dementia are doing it because they want Newsom to replace him. 

How many leftists could admit that Trudeau was a colossal covid f-up, way worse than Trump? The script says "Trudeau was perfect and Trump botched everything", and they all follow the script to the letter.

How many leftists can admit that it's weird that Biden lied so adamantly about his knowledge of/involvement in Hunter's overseas business dealings? Even at the last set of debates Biden was still lying, pretending that the Biden clan didn't make ANY money in China. They made at least 8M there plus a big fat diamond. "There's nothing wrong with that" lol. 

Buddy, every leftist here goes all in on every single false narrative from the Dems and libs. Every single one. Even the bizarre ones like "mostly peaceful protests" and "racist walls". 

And yeah, there is punishment for not going along with their BS. People get cancelled all the time by leftists. People get run out of the cult for the slightest micro-aggression. 

Being that I am married to a teacher who is quite liberal.. I see liberals in action. They are not one in the same. 

You are going to base your views on leftists solely on the views of 3 or 4 internet forum posters on an obscure forum? That is good stuff. 

Punishment... Oh, so when you disagree with someone on an internet forum or facebook, you lose money, health, jobs, etc.? Interesting how only you know this and the other 8 billion or so people on this earth do not know this. This is some twilight zone stuff on your part. 

Now I know where you are going to go with this. When I say, variance in views... I am talking about their views (regardless of what it is) not being EXACTLY the same.  For there to be variance in views... they have to agree with you on something. Two liberals who disagree but are still both quite liberal is not variance in your eyes. 

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24 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Being that I am married to a teacher who is quite liberal.. I see liberals in action. They are not one in the same. 

You are going to base your views on leftists solely on the views of 3 or 4 internet forum posters on an obscure forum? That is good stuff. 

No, it's based on all of the libs here, plus Trudeau, AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, etc. Rank and file leftists and leftist leaders. 

ALL leftards follow the script. ALL. They even advocate for forced vaxing, vax mandates, seizing bank accounts, beating protesters, fudging covid deaths counts to cover up a scandal, etc. 


Punishment... Oh, so when you disagree with someone on an internet forum or facebook, you lose money, health, jobs, etc.? Interesting how only you know this and the other 8 billion or so people on this earth do not know this. This is some twilight zone stuff on your part. 

Punishment like cancellation, death threats, etc. 

Every actor in Hollywood has to follow the script or they're done. 

In Vancouver a popular DJ had to quit his job because he told the truth about a peaceful anti-vax-mandate protest here. 

You can't get a job at CNN or CBC or CTV if you're gonna tell the truth on FB or insta. You're done. Toe the line, stfu, or pay the piper. 


Now I know where you are going to go with this. When I say, variance in views... I am talking about their views (regardless of what it is) not being EXACTLY the same.  For there to be variance in views... they have to agree with you on something. Two liberals who disagree but are still both quite liberal is not variance in your eyes. 

What do liberals disagree on?

FYI differing on whether the abortion of a healthy baby should only be legal until contractions start or until the head pops out isn't variance. It's 99% psycho vs 98% psycho. 

Liberals DON'T vary on things like whether or not protests at SCJ's homes should be allowed, or if young adults should be forced to vaccinate, or if a severed head effigy is comedy, or if there was a pandemic of the unvaccinated, etc. 

Once the ridiculous stance has been posted, conformation is mandatory. The head nodding and finger waving must start. The more you shriek, the better person you are. Even threats and violence are ok. 

Isn't it weird to you that no leftists can find fault with Cuomo forcing care homes to accept covid-positive people? None at all. It should be basic that care homes are the most target-rich environment on earth for covid, and that other options should have been used when they were available. Leftists turned over every rock looking for covid accusations and restrictions, but "not putting infected people into care homes when you have other options" didn't make the list somehow? How did 150M people in NA all come to the same ridiculous conclusion? Newsflash: it wasn't common sense. It wasn't decency or morality or compassion either. It was partisan politics. If you're on the left, this is what you have to say, period. 

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17 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

ALL leftards follow the script. ALL. They even advocate for forced vaxing, vax mandates, seizing bank accounts, beating protesters, fudging covid deaths counts to cover up a scandal, etc. 

This is nothing but an opinion. You can't possibly prove that 100% (not 99%) of leftists agree on something. Just because you utter this ^^^ does not make it valid. 

"Once the ridiculous stance has been posted, conformation is mandatory."... what are the consequences. Lets see some hard evidence that proves this. One or two examples is not even close to being sufficient. I challenge you to show that there are absolute, predictable, tangible (loss of money, jail time, physical abuse) consequences for not following this nebulous stance to the tee. 

as for what they disagree on? Plenty. Death penalty (to have it or not), what to teach in schools, how to allocate funding to schools, criminalizing of drugs, vax mandates, etc. Just because you are too biased to pick up on nuance.. does not mean that everyone's view are EXACTLY the same. This is akin to the old crooner who claims that all new music sounds the same. 

Edited by impartialobserver
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1 minute ago, impartialobserver said:

This is nothing but an opinion. You can't possibly prove that 100% (not 99%) of leftists agree on something. Just because you utter this ^^^ does not make it valid. 

The fact that you can only debate whether it's 99% or 100% is all the proof I need. 

If you could make the argument that even 10% of leftists differ on the topics that I mentioned earlier, that would be something, but it's not even close. 

No matter how ridiculous the argument is, once Hillary says it, it's mandatory for leftists to have that opinion. 

"Mostly peaceful protests"? That's literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard before. But it's unanimous.

"The Jan 6th insurrection was almost successful in overthrowing the gov't"?  🤣 An actual, working judge said that, and was never ridiculed for it. Gimme a break. 



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10 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The fact that you can only debate whether it's 99% or 100% is all the proof I need. 

If you could make the argument that even 10% of leftists differ on the topics that I mentioned earlier, that would be something, but it's not even close. 

No matter how ridiculous the argument is, once Hillary says it, it's mandatory for leftists to have that opinion. 

"Mostly peaceful protests"? That's literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard before. But it's unanimous.

"The Jan 6th insurrection was almost successful in overthrowing the gov't"?  🤣 An actual, working judge said that, and was never ridiculed for it. Gimme a break. 



So by the fact that you skirted right around it... there are no tangible consequences for disagreeing. 

Second, if we are both being rational.. both would admit that there is no way to prove the amount of variance. Neither of us has access to some mythical database that codes each individuals viewpoints and so gives us a way to quantify it. From my experiences with leftists for 20  + years.. they do not perfectly align on all topics. You should be a politician. It is clear that you have no experience with true data analysis. You sure can ramble on and tell me people how they are stupid, worthless, etc. but I have yet to see even the slightest hint that you could perform a true objective analysis and not let your bias make it worthless. 

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29 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

So by the fact that you skirted right around it... there are no tangible consequences for disagreeing. 

Cancellation. Loss of job. Death threats. Those aren't tangible?


Second, if we are both being rational.. both would admit that there is no way to prove the amount of variance. Neither of us has access to some mythical database that codes each individuals viewpoints and so gives us a way to quantify it. From my experiences with leftists for 20  + years.. they do not perfectly align on all topics.

Can you point out some leftists who felt like protests at SCJ's houses was wrong? 

If we're both being rational, it's absurd to say that protests should be allowed at SCJ's homes. Only about 2% of people would reasonably feel like that, all things being equal. But it was 50%, because ALL. LEFTISTS. APPROVED. 

How is it possible that night after night after night CBC, CNN and CTV all say the same things, even when they don't make sense, and they eventually turn out to wrong? Doesn't that sound more like 'a false narrative' than 'news'

How were they all so adamant that the BSL4 lab was not a topic that could be discussed? VERBOTEN! FB and Twitter banned people. What a coincidence, hey? Since when is it VERBOTEN!!!! to discuss something rational? 

Variance is "within the allowed parameters". Straying off the script is not allowed. Period. Ask Kid Carson. He just told the truth about ONE PEACEFUL PROTEST. ONE. He was warned that he couldn't say it, but he said it, and he was gone. Point taken.  

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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Can you find any posts by eyeball, ExFlyer, Beave, Hodad, etc where they were skeptical at all about the safety and efficacy of vaccines?

Speaking for myself, I was very well aware of the fact there was a risk, as there always is and always will be with every vaccine, medication or treatment.

What people should have been very skeptical about are the grotesquely exaggerated ways that anti-vaxxers blew these risks completely out of proportion to their benefits. What we should be increasingly certain about is that accommodating anti-vaxxers by listening to or taking their fears seriously will only lead to greater levels of disease and death.

These people are a threat to public health that needs to be addressed.

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11 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Speaking for myself, I was very well aware of the fact there was a risk, as there always is and always will be with every vaccine, medication or treatment.

What people should have been very skeptical about are the grotesquely exaggerated ways that anti-vaxxers blew these risks completely out of proportion to their benefits. What we should be increasingly certain about is that accommodating anti-vaxxers by listening to or taking their fears seriously will only lead to greater levels of disease and death.


Yeah - pretty much all of that is untrue.

1 - you've downplayed the risk not addressed it honestly, as you do here again

2-  the research has proven conclusively now that the risk of the vaccine for many people (speifically males under 40 for example) is substantialy higher than the risk of covid. And some vaccines were VERY risky, such as the moderna. 

3 - what 'benefit' would an anti-vaxxer have to falsify the risks? What benefit would they derrive? if they knew that they were lying, what would they gain?  Would Nothing be about right?


These people are a threat to public health that needs to be addressed.

I Can't imagine why they don't trust you :)    So what are you thinking - maybe a little branding or tattoo or something and then if needed they can be locked up in camps?

Do you actually have a picture of stalin or hitler on your wall? Or is it just a casual admiration?

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34 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Cancellation. Loss of job. Death threats. Those aren't tangible?

Can you point out some leftists who felt like protests at SCJ's houses was wrong? 

If we're both being rational, it's absurd to say that protests should be allowed at SCJ's homes. Only about 2% of people would reasonably feel like that, all things being equal. But it was 50%, because ALL. LEFTISTS. APPROVED. 

How is it possible that night after night after night CBC, CNN and CTV all say the same things, even when they don't make sense, and they eventually turn out to wrong? Doesn't that sound more like 'a false narrative' than 'news'

How were they all so adamant that the BSL4 lab was not a topic that could be discussed? VERBOTEN! FB and Twitter banned people. What a coincidence, hey? Since when is it VERBOTEN!!!! to discuss something rational? 

Variance is "within the allowed parameters". Straying off the script is not allowed. Period. Ask Kid Carson. He just told the truth about ONE PEACEFUL PROTEST. ONE. He was warned that he couldn't say it, but he said it, and he was gone. Point taken.  

Lol. Like your tubby, orange Messiah, you just say whatever nonsense seems helpful in the moment, completely oblivious--and indifferent to--reality. And also like him, that habit makes you a joke that no one can take seriously. 🤣


From your friends at Fox...


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1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

So what are you thinking - maybe a little branding or tattoo or something and then if needed they can be locked up in camps?

No, a simple vaccine passport like the ones we got when we were kids in the 60's would suffice. Of course these days no one would trust a simple paper record so they'd have to come with a chip and that allows for verification.

Dun Dun Dunnn!

Do you think back in the 60's everyone were just more brainwashed into trusting experts, health authorities and the governments they advised than people are today - anti-vaxxers are like woke or something?

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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I don't see any variation in the viewpoints of leftists. 

Became you are not intelligent enough to see that Your underdeveloped childlike mind only understands binary caricatures of cartoon evil villains and cartoon flawless heroes. The fact that we in Canada have 4 distinct left wing federal parties and only 1 right wing party is ample evidence variation. South of the border if you can’t tel the difference between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders you should be embarrassed. 

6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Can you find any posts by eyeball, ExFlyer, Beave, Hodad, etc where they were skeptical at all about the safety and efficacy of vaccines?

Vax conspiracies are a uniquely right wing feature most of society includes mainstream non-political people accept the safety and efficacy of vaccines. This is another example of this thread’s premise “the left must be a cult because they refuse to join our cult” 

6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Was even a single leftist skeptical about Russian collusion? 

It’s a fact the the Trump campaign met secretly with Russian government officials and intelligence to discuss the release of Hillary’s hacked emails and to discuss Trump administration non-interference in Ukraine. It also a fact that they then lied about it to authorities. To quote one of the ridiculous comments at the start of this theory, “that meets the dictionary definition” of collusion. Nobody ever said there was no collusion. The report said the White House obstructed an investigation into whether the collusion (which definitely happened) broke any laws. 

6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Can any leftists even talk about Cuomo's covid scandal? They won't utter a word.

That’s just an outright lie it was extensively covered by “the mainstream media” who broke the story and Cuomo was widely criticized. Not that you would know from way down in your right wing crackpot propaganda bubble. 

6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

How many leftists acknowledge FBI crimes?

We acknowledge it for what it is, and also for what it is not. It is not evidence of your deep state anti-Trump conspiracy BS


6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

How many leftists lied about inflation in support of Biden?


6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

How many leftists can admit that Biden is nearly a basket case? They all pretended that Trump was delusional, but Biden is hollowed out like a canoe. Crickets.

Biden’s appeal to voters, his general fitness for office (or lack thereof) and his age are widely and frequently discussed.and debated by the Left. Get out of your propaganda hole. It’s hilarious because ever since Trump appeared in 2015 his supporters like can’t even bring yourself to disagree acknowledge even his minor mistakes or slips of the tongue. Remember when he altered a hurricane map with a sharpie and went on national TV instead of admit he accidentally tweeted the wrong state in the hurricane’s path?  Or when 2 weeks into covid he said he would “overrule” any governor who didn’t reopen their state even though Presidents don’t have power over governors?  You slaves fell all over yourselves trying to justify his every dumbness. 

6 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The script says "Trudeau was perfect and Trump botched everything", and they all follow the script to the letter.

Another of your lies from you clueless propaganda bubble. You find thenleft criticising Trudeau on just about any topic on just about any day. Meanwhile no conservative can ever bring themselves to criticize or question their Dear Leader du jour be it Tump or PP.   Conservatives have always had an obsession with hierarchy, with a belief that every person and group has a place in a great pecking order and a duty to kiss the asses above them and kick the asses below them. 

I could go on with the rest of your batshit but this is tiring and time consuming and unlike you, my time is valuable…. to me and to other people also

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More cult-like behaviour 


Trump’s humiliation of Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham is straight out of the authoritarian playbook

Trump has used ritual humiliation to make the GOP his personal tool.

Feb. 28, 2024, 6:00 AM EST


Authoritarian politicians are fragile and insecure creatures, always looking over their shoulders to see who is after them. To build themselves up and deter potential challengers, they take others down in public, letting them know exactly where they stand. They apply this same vicious treatment even to their most loyal collaborators, so that no one ever feels safe and thus everyone continues to act in a slavish manner. Throughout history, such leaders have never lacked a steady supply of opportunists and profiteers who are all too willing to play this game, even to the detriment of their dignity. The Donald Trump-era GOP is the latest example.

Trump has used ritual humiliation to make the GOP his personal tool, and the list of Republicans he has mocked publicly is long. In classic autocratic tradition, the more submissive Republican elites are with Trump — supporting him through impeachments, indictments and a coup attempt that sent them running for their lives — the more he openly scorns them, losing few opportunities to cut them down.

Scott has been performing self-abasement spontaneously, likely to Trump’s delight.

When Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., the former GOP presidential candidate, showed up at Trump’s victory rally after a January campaign stop in New Hampshire, he might have thought he would earn points. Instead, Trump scorned him: “Did you ever think [Haley] actually supported you, Tim?” a smirking Trump said, referring to Nikki Haley’s pledge to support Trump if he becomes the GOP nominee. “And you’re the senator of her state. ... You must really hate her,” Scott’s response? “I just love you,” he told Trump.



“That’s why he’s a great politician,” Trump declared with a self-satisfied smile.

Since then, Scott has been performing self-abasement spontaneously, likely to Trump’s delight. “I’m far better encouraging and being excited and motivated for President Trump than I was for myself,” Scott said after voting in the South Carolina primary. And at the post-primary rally, he assured the audience that he would keep his speech short because “the longer I speak, the less you hear of him.”

Scott might seem to win the award for bowing and scraping. But his fellow senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, is giving him some stiff competition. Graham is forever paying for the sin of criticizing Trump in 2016. “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed......and we will deserve it,” Graham tweeted in May 2016; he also called Trump “a race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot.”


Scholars use the term “hollowed out” to describe institutions that lose their independence in autocracies when they have been purged of anyone who is not loyal to the leader. But individuals who collaborate with authoritarians can end up hollowed out, too, bereft of their morals and their self-esteem. This is what has happened to Graham.

Graham is a former military lawyer and national security hawk (including on Russia), but his main cause now seems to be defending Trump, to the point of reversing his view expressed after Jan. 6 that presidential conduct is subject to American law. Since that opinion clashed with Trump’s claim that he should have presidential immunity for everything and anything he has done, including inciting an insurrection, Graham’s opinion could not stand.

Politicians who play the leader’s ritual humiliation game may think that if they show him enough public support, at the right moments, their past indiscretions will be forgotten. That is never the case. Even worse, the politician can find that he or she has become the enemy of the leader’s rabid followers, as well.

Though Graham called Trump “the most qualified man to be president,” audience members booed him.

That’s the situation of Graham, booed regularly at Trump rallies by MAGA members, including in his home state, as though all of his slavish behavior to Trump has meant nothing to them. At a July rally with Trump, Graham was jeered and calleda “traitor” by the crowd, prompting Trump to give him a halfhearted compliment (“he’s there when you need him”) while also promising the crowd he would get Graham “straightened up.”

And lest there be any doubts that Trump intended this display of debasement, he pulled the same move after Saturday’s South Carolina primary. Though Graham called Trump “the most qualified man to be president,” audience members booed him. The former president, playing the enlightened despot, once again assured his minions that “I love him, he’s a good man.” 

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Scott may have mastered the philosophy of ritual humiliation — I am nothing, my leader is everything, and everyone should know it — but Graham’s journey provides the stuff of a morality tale..

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48 minutes ago, eyeball said:

No, a simple vaccine passport like the ones we got when we were kids in the 60's would suffice.

Oh so something imaginary then.

Hold on - if you're going to tell fairy tales and bullshit stores i'll grab some popcorn.

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7 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

More cult-like behaviour 


Trump’s humiliation of Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham is straight out of the authoritarian playbook

Trump has used ritual humiliation to make the GOP his personal tool.

Feb. 28, 2024, 6:00 AM EST


Authoritarian politicians are fragile and insecure creatures, always looking over their shoulders to see who is after them. To build themselves up and deter potential challengers, they take others down in public, letting them know exactly where they stand. They apply this same vicious treatment even to their most loyal collaborators, so that no one ever feels safe and thus everyone continues to act in a slavish manner. Throughout history, such leaders have never lacked a steady supply of opportunists and profiteers who are all too willing to play this game, even to the detriment of their dignity. The Donald Trump-era GOP is the latest example.

Trump has used ritual humiliation to make the GOP his personal tool, and the list of Republicans he has mocked publicly is long. In classic autocratic tradition, the more submissive Republican elites are with Trump — supporting him through impeachments, indictments and a coup attempt that sent them running for their lives — the more he openly scorns them, losing few opportunities to cut them down.

Scott has been performing self-abasement spontaneously, likely to Trump’s delight.

When Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., the former GOP presidential candidate, showed up at Trump’s victory rally after a January campaign stop in New Hampshire, he might have thought he would earn points. Instead, Trump scorned him: “Did you ever think [Haley] actually supported you, Tim?” a smirking Trump said, referring to Nikki Haley’s pledge to support Trump if he becomes the GOP nominee. “And you’re the senator of her state. ... You must really hate her,” Scott’s response? “I just love you,” he told Trump.



“That’s why he’s a great politician,” Trump declared with a self-satisfied smile.

Since then, Scott has been performing self-abasement spontaneously, likely to Trump’s delight. “I’m far better encouraging and being excited and motivated for President Trump than I was for myself,” Scott said after voting in the South Carolina primary. And at the post-primary rally, he assured the audience that he would keep his speech short because “the longer I speak, the less you hear of him.”

Scott might seem to win the award for bowing and scraping. But his fellow senator from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, is giving him some stiff competition. Graham is forever paying for the sin of criticizing Trump in 2016. “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed......and we will deserve it,” Graham tweeted in May 2016; he also called Trump “a race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot.”


Scholars use the term “hollowed out” to describe institutions that lose their independence in autocracies when they have been purged of anyone who is not loyal to the leader. But individuals who collaborate with authoritarians can end up hollowed out, too, bereft of their morals and their self-esteem. This is what has happened to Graham.

Graham is a former military lawyer and national security hawk (including on Russia), but his main cause now seems to be defending Trump, to the point of reversing his view expressed after Jan. 6 that presidential conduct is subject to American law. Since that opinion clashed with Trump’s claim that he should have presidential immunity for everything and anything he has done, including inciting an insurrection, Graham’s opinion could not stand.

Politicians who play the leader’s ritual humiliation game may think that if they show him enough public support, at the right moments, their past indiscretions will be forgotten. That is never the case. Even worse, the politician can find that he or she has become the enemy of the leader’s rabid followers, as well.

Though Graham called Trump “the most qualified man to be president,” audience members booed him.

That’s the situation of Graham, booed regularly at Trump rallies by MAGA members, including in his home state, as though all of his slavish behavior to Trump has meant nothing to them. At a July rally with Trump, Graham was jeered and calleda “traitor” by the crowd, prompting Trump to give him a halfhearted compliment (“he’s there when you need him”) while also promising the crowd he would get Graham “straightened up.”

And lest there be any doubts that Trump intended this display of debasement, he pulled the same move after Saturday’s South Carolina primary. Though Graham called Trump “the most qualified man to be president,” audience members booed him. The former president, playing the enlightened despot, once again assured his minions that “I love him, he’s a good man.” 

More from MSNBC Daily

Must reads from Today's list

Scott may have mastered the philosophy of ritual humiliation — I am nothing, my leader is everything, and everyone should know it — but Graham’s journey provides the stuff of a morality tale..

Honestly - when you read that and consider the source, i think you're doing more to spread the idea that the dems are a cult than Trump.

Emotionally charged language, skewing of facts, clearly one sided viewpoint, assumed motivations -  it reads like a cult-y newsletter about someone they don't like rather than a factual and accurate depiction.

I think if you're going for a 'non cultish' source maybe nbc isn't where you want to start :)  

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