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What happened to Canada

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1 minute ago, eyeball said:

So much for your small range of issues.

They should be small and most people don’t care how adults choose to mutilate themselves or get their rocks off, as long as it doesn’t come with lessons for kids about how gender normativity is European white supremacist, with worksheets on sexual proclivities.  

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

lessons for kids about how gender normativity is European white supremacist, with worksheets on sexual proclivities

So is this aspect of education something that Poilievre will wrest from provincial control and federalize? That'll take at least a term and a half of his time in office between provincial governments, supreme courts, protesters and the deep-state getting in every step of the way.

But it is existential so it'll definitely be time well spent getting Canada back on track.    

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37 minutes ago, eyeball said:

So is this aspect of education something that Poilievre will wrest from provincial control and federalize?

Pretty unlikely.  At best he might pass some sort of blanket law saying anyone responsible for a kid must advise the parents of medical issues etc but i think for the most part he'll have bigger fish to fry

It's you lefties who insist on the culture war being front and center in everyday life - i think that pp will leave provincial matters to the provinces and only support them if they ask or the like.  Quit projecting your own failings onto others.

42 minutes ago, eyeball said:

That'll take at least a term and a half of his time in office between provincial governments, supreme courts, protesters and the deep-state getting in every step of the way.

Nope - super easy. Include the notwithtanding clause going into it to prevent any challenges from the court, and limit discussion the way the libs did with so many things.  Badda bing badda boom.

But i still doubt he'll do anything. IT's a provincial matter

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There have been clips on YouTube lately about how Canada has all of a sudden turned into a worse country than it used to be and even immigrants are leaving.

The reasons given have been the cost of living and hostile climate.

The climate has always been the same, hasn't it, and the cost of living tends to be high in places which are popular destinations for people to move into.

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18 minutes ago, -TSS- said:

There have been clips on YouTube lately about how Canada has all of a sudden turned into a worse country than it used to be and even immigrants are leaving.

The reasons given have been the cost of living and hostile climate.

The climate has always been the same, hasn't it, and the cost of living tends to be high in places which are popular destinations for people to move into.

The cost of living has never been anywhere this high as a proportion of the average income.  It's definitely a deal breaker, people don't come here to live in poverty working full time

I hadn't heard about the climate. Really you'd kind of expect that. Maybe if you're from a warmer country it's a shock or something.

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On 1/21/2024 at 2:40 AM, Moonlight Graham said:

Encouraging everyone to retreat into separate identity tribes while demonizing the one tribe we all belong to and suppressing our collective pride for it is a really bad idea.

This has been my refrain for some years now. We run down our culture, historical institutions, values, and everything about the history of this country and the people who built it, not just in the media but in schools, then we tell everyone as often as possible how racist we are and that every institution is racist and that anyone not a white anglo saxon male is oppressed, and then we invite millions of foreigners to come here and live here and tell them to enjoy their own culture, which we have tremendous respect for (even if it's Afghanistan or Iran or India and they are deeply misogynistic, homophobic and religiously fanatical) and that they're under no obligation to surrender any of that.

Should we really be surprised that they don't? And that they feel no particular interest in integrating with Canadians who, they're told, are all racist toward them and have no core identity anyway?


Which is why we have thousands of Muslims in the streets cursing Israel and calling for victory for Palestine and cheering on Hamas. Because they're Lebanese and Syrians and Iraqis and Palestinians and Jordanians and other middle east Muslims who have been taught to hate Israel and Jews since birth. And who we have never taught or even tried to teach anything differently.

And a fair number of liberal arts grads who have been taught the same by their leftist zealot professors.

On 1/21/2024 at 7:24 AM, Michael Hardner said:

I do appreciate that people hate the passive aggressive patina of the Liberal rhetoric.  I do too, but for different reasons.

The thing is, if you dislike Trudeau then you have to realize the other criticism of his methods: that he's FAKE.

He's fake but that doesn't mean he doesn't represent a lot of people who feel the way he does. He's catering to them, after all, and wouldn't be doing this otherwise.

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On 1/21/2024 at 2:14 PM, Michael Hardner said:

Poilievre won't be removing protection for transgender Canadians from the laws, nor will he have the power to change much of how the Charter of Rights is interpreted.

Is THAT right wing?

This kind of ridiculous twaddle could never originate with anyone who isn't left wing. And no government not looking to ingratiate itself with the Left would ever publish it.

“Gender binary is a colonial and white supremacist structure rather than a natural and indisputable truth,” it stated, before linking to a couple of online blog posts and CBC articles as evidence.

“Because of colonialism, gender in Ontario and Canada, and specifically in the education system, still tends to be understood in binary terms or as being on either end of this ‘spectrum,’ or somewhere in between it,” it lamented.

“European settlers forced their rigid views on gender upon the civilizations they invaded, reforming Indigenous gender roles through colonial restrictions as a tool to align patriarchal family and kinship structures that mirrored the privileged European family systems during the time of invasion.”

“Every single student needs to learn about gender diversity in all areas of the curriculum, inclusive of science and mathematics, and not just in language arts and history,” reads the instruction. “Knowledge about gender diversity in the study of biology is important, for example. Learning about trans and gender diverse communities for their brilliance beyond gender-based activism, survival in the face of violence and transition stories that center linear representations of transition is vital.”


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6 hours ago, -TSS- said:

The climate has always been the same, hasn't it, and the cost of living tends to be high in places which are popular destinations for people to move into.

Climate has not always been the same and is changing, hence human caused "climate change".

"Popular destinations" is a more suitable term for cities with tourists in mind.

Check what minimum wage was in lets say 2000 and what you could buy with it in terms of accommodation and food and then compare it to the minimum wage today and the price of same accommodation and products. 

You may find out you are now 50% or more poorer than in 2000 living on same minimum wage.


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On 1/20/2024 at 8:11 PM, I am Groot said:


The next question on many people’s minds is: How did we get here?



The image below should give you the answer.  Was it called the point of diminishing returns or was it called simply rotting?

You had a country with a small population and seemingly endless natural resources.  Then you start increasing the population at an alarming rate while resources are disappearing at an even more alarming rate.

Forestry - most old growth now gone, climate, soil stability , rivers and ability of the land to recover all f-d up.

Oil and Gas - those MF-s are still trying to say they are going strong but the Planet and the few reasonable heads tell them otherwise.

Manufacturing - It has not been a strong side, or am I wrong? Any examples?

Real Estate - a scam tied to immigration



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8 hours ago, cougar said:

You had a country with a small population and seemingly endless natural resources.  Then you start increasing the population at an alarming rate while resources are disappearing at an even more alarming rate.

That's a part of it. But I think we let oligopolies and duopolies take over much of our corporate sector, and their influence with government became greater and greater. And what they wanted, since they catered to a homegrown customer base, were more customers. Rogers and Bell can't sell more and more phones unless there's more and more people. And it's not like they can export their service to New York. Loblaws isn't opening new stores in Main. TD might be buying up banks in other countries but to expand HERE they need more people. So they got more people. The cheap and easy way. Through political influence.

And it's not like they had to pay much. The politicians decided back in the 1980s that immigration was a way to bring in voters who would be loyal to them, if they brought in the right kind, and then came Trudeau, who not only liked the idea of importing Liberal voters but fell under the influence of people like the Century Initiative's Dominic Barton, who represents those big corporate interests.

I don't know any Canadians who, back in 1967, Canada's centenary, thought it would be a good idea to flood the country with so many immigrants that the population would double and immigrants would become the majority of the population just in their lifetime. This was not what the people wanted. This is entirely a policy driven by the elites.

Edited by I am Groot
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18 hours ago, eyeball said:

So is this aspect of education something that Poilievre will wrest from provincial control and federalize? That'll take at least a term and a half of his time in office between provincial governments, supreme courts, protesters and the deep-state getting in every step of the way.

But it is existential so it'll definitely be time well spent getting Canada back on track.    

Stop trying to be real with these types...

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On 1/20/2024 at 11:40 PM, Moonlight Graham said:

Encouraging everyone to retreat into separate identity tribes while demonizing the one tribe we all belong to and suppressing our collective pride for it is a really bad idea.

This has been the ideology of the woke left, including our current government of the past 8 years.  Yes we're all different and always have been, but we need to reject divisive identity politics and vote the current government out of office because they're destroying the country.

The woke left...🤣

WTF happened to you man? You used to be a lot less tribal yourself as I recall.  Anyway this trend towards tribalism started decades ago and is a result of the corporate coup that was facilitated by governments and cheered by conservatives everywhere decades ago.  I'm sure I've waved this under your nose more than a few times in the past. Maybe you'd take better notice if it smacked you upside the head.

Jihad vs. McWorld

The two axial principles of our age—tribalism and globalism—clash at every point except one: they may both be threatening to democracy

By Benjamin R. Barber


Now look who's woke.

Who know's maybe one day you guy's will take transparency and accountability more seriously and we can really stage a proper coup.

Wake me up when you're ready.

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8 minutes ago, eyeball said:

The woke left...🤣

WTF happened to you man? You used to be a lot less tribal yourself as I recall.  Anyway this trend towards tribalism started decades ago and is a result of the corporate coup that was facilitated by governments and cheered by conservatives everywhere decades ago.

ROFLMAO - ahhh yet another thing on the ever growing pile of things you've been saying for decades now :)

Tribalism begain in the US and it was the left who begain it, it got serious around 2011.  We have imported it to canada since

I've been telling people that for decades now.  LOL (Hey, that's kind of fun)

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17 minutes ago, Nefarious Banana said:

It cuts both ways pal . . . 

No it really doesn't because you nimrods are always decades behind the times. For example; anyone else notice how popular it's becoming amongst you people to finally realize that the invasion of Iraq was a bad idea?  The amount of effort you dummies put into screaming at the left, which clearly had a better handle on why it was wrong at the time, probably did more to create the hateful tribalism and culture wars that dominate public discourse today.

You people have always been as much a part of the great unwashed as anyone else but you just need to take a bath and clean off the shit you've bathed yourselves in to see it.   

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On 1/21/2024 at 2:34 PM, Zeitgeist said:

You and Hardner are such commies.

collectivizers who don’t support protecting property.  That’s a big constitutional difference between Canada and the US.   

Again, please note that our grandfather's employers were not forced to share the capital gains pie as widely and generously as they did.  They were not communists and neither am I.

BTW the study that outlines how capital gains are vacuumed up (as opposed to trickling down) was based on comparing incomes in America.

The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%—And That’s Made the U.S. Less Secure


I highly suspect Canada's 1% did much the same thing with as much help from the government and cheering from the right as America's 1%.

Go back to sleep Zeitgeist, you clearly don't like having your illusions shattered.

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1 minute ago, Nefarious Banana said:

And besides, the thread is about Canada (the country that adopted you - remember), not about Iraq.

If you don't like it here and hate the people, you could always just f'k off.  Savvy?

Same to you. This thread is about what happened to Canada...people like you are what happened. 

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3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Again, please note that our grandfather's employers were not forced to share the capital gains pie as widely and generously as they did.  They were not communists and neither am I.

And they didn't. Sorry, but that's a myth.

Your grandfather's employers didn't "Share" anything.  They paid for the value of the work provided. In years gone by employees were more productive relative to profits. Our productivity has been falling, and the burden on corporations has been steadily rising.  Minimum wage laws, laws about sick days, other payroll deductions, corporate taxes, etc etc all factor in.

But most of all business has not felt it was a worthwile investment to spend money to give the tools for productivity in canada. ALl through the 80's canada was a bad investment thanks to the damage done by the first trurdeau. And now - canada is a terrible place to invest money in anything other than buying a home and our productivity has fallen off the bottom of the chart.

Sorry kid - you're chasing a myth.  If people were worth as much they'd get paid as much

4 minutes ago, eyeball said:

It's entirely accurate to point out that the vast majority of Canada's conservatives are complete suck holes to the 1% and until that changes nothing else will.

No, thats just what little commies tell themsevles to get to sleep at night :)

Hey - it wasn't the conservative party that got caught trying to interfere with the justice system to help a major corp who was their 'friend'.  In fact - it was the laws the CPC passed that stopped that from happeing.


10 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Same to you. This thread is about what happened to Canada...people like you are what happened. 

I assume you're talking to your mirror? :) 

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19 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Again, please note that our grandfather's employers were not forced to share the capital gains pie as widely and generously as they did.  

Zeitgeist is a leftist... hence this quote

" elites want to take your money and control your behaviour"

He's referring to the 1% and corporate greed though he doesn't know it.  


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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

 - you're chasing a myth.

I doubt you've even glanced at the articles or looked at the Rand study that quantify and corroborate what I'm saying.  


 If people were worth as much they'd get paid as much

I think at some point the 1% must have decided our society wasn't worth as much.

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6 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Zeitgeist is a leftist..

Of course he is, so are the vast majority of human beings on the planet when you apply the original meaning to the terms right and left when first coined around the time of the French Revolution.

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17 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I doubt you've even glanced at the articles or looked at the Rand study that quantify and corroborate what I'm saying.  


I know - you've been telling me that for decades now


I think at some point the 1% must have decided our society wasn't worth as much.

Sure. They have regular meetings.  (plays x-files theme while showing WEF pictures in the background)


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