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US president could have a rival assassinated and not be criminally prosecuted, Trump’s lawyer argues

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4 hours ago, Rebound said:

If we peel away all of the innuendo and rely only on facts, we have these:

You're actually peeling away facts to go with innuendo.

  1. The other tard actually couldn't stick to the topic of what's better under Biden. He didn't even try to name one thing that was better. He just tried to pretend that Biden's actual family crimes were better than Trump allowing people to stay in his hotels. Dude, no one doubts that Trump puts America first, but Biden is a total sellout. His presidency wouldn't make any sense of he wasn't getting money from Ukraine and China.
  2. Burisma loaded the Bidens up with cash, then the Bidens got rid of the prosecutor that won court orders against Burisma, the Bidens appointed a new guy who let Burisma off the hook. It doesn't get much more straightforward than that. $80K$80K$80KQuid$80k$80K$80Kpro$80K$80K$80Kquo$80K$80K$80K with actual flashing dollar signs connecting all the dots. 
  3. Jared Kushner got that deal after he was out of the WH, and after he brokered a peace deal in the middle east that defies all logic. The only thing powerful enough to screw it up was a Biden presidency. He is one of the most capable people in the USA based on what he was able to do in the Trump administration.

The Bidens clearly got millions from Ukraine just to get Zlochevsky off the hook. I don't care about people staying in Trump tower. 

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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

That's a complete BS stat. There were riots constantly, and the Dems just kept egging them on.

M Obama: "Stay angry. Focus your anger. Don't let anyone tell you not to be angry."

But the Floyd narrative turned out to be BS Michelle. What now? How are we supposed to feel about all the violence and damage Michelle? 

It's called there were riots almost every night, stupid, and there was $2B in damages. Thousands of cops injured. Several cops killed. Civilians assaulted.

The Dems did nothing to stop any of that. In fact, they made a point of letting the few rioters who were arrested in areas under their control out of jail, and they raised bail money for the ones that they couldn't unilaterally set free.

Ray Epps committed textbook sedition. He urged people to do the exact thing that gave leftards false license to shriek "INSARECKSHUN!": enter into the capitol building. He said that nothing that they did meant anything unless they got into the capitol, and those poor bastards who went in there got the Chutkin treatment (that's when an activist judge makes an example out of you). 

Ray Epps privately told one guy not to do it? Why, did he like that guy, and he knew what was going to happen? Do we even believe that he was talking that guy out of it? 



Epps got EXACTLY the kind of sentence that you give a guy like Kevin Clinesmith after he does your dirty work. 

No time in jail awaiting trial, quick little how-do-ya-do, plead to a lesser charge, get probation, and Bobs your mother's brother. 

LOL. I honestly don't know if you're stupid enough to believe everything you say or if you're just a propagandist troll. 

But, just pretend for a second that you weren't lying about this last part, if it was an attempt to overthrow the gov't, did Epps aid the cause by convincing people to break into the capitol? 

Let's be honest, Epps knew that the Capitol was going to be guarded that day. An angry (seditious lol) mob wasn't going to be let in there on that day. He knew that the people he was coaching to get in there were going to have to fight their way in. AKA he knew that they were going to have to "storm the captol", in your own leftard words. So he was trying to garner support for the people who were allegedly there to strom the capitol and overthrow the gov't. 

Epps helped out the alleged insurrectionists a lot

And for that he got charged with the misdemeanour charge of disorderly conduct

So how did he end up getting charged with that? Did he do any of that? Was he:

  1. Fighting? Nope.
  2. Engaging in tumultuous conduct? Nope. He didn't even push at the barricades.
  3. "making unreasonable noise and continues to do so after he's being asked to stop"? I guess so...? Is yelling for people to storm the capitol during an insurrection "unreasonable noise"? I dunno, seems more like textbook sedition if you look it up in the f'ing dictionary. And it has more than 5 letters, so you definitely need to look it up. 

Dude, Epps was charged with a misdemeanour that he didn't even commit, and that only happened after years of people publicly questioning why one of the guiltiest guys in America was conspicuously not charged with anything.

If that's not the agent provocateur treatment, I dunno what is. 

Epps deserves everything he gets. He was an actual seditionist. 


Awww, caught in more lies so you stamp your feet and lash out. Poor little Trumpie. 

Here's a thought. They actually make meds that can help quiet the voices in your head.  Just saying. 


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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

You're actually peeling away facts to go with innuendo.

  1. The other tard actually couldn't stick to the topic of what's better under Biden. He didn't even try to name one thing that was better. He just tried to pretend that Biden's actual family crimes were better than Trump allowing people to stay in his hotels. Dude, no one doubts that Trump puts America first, but Biden is a total sellout. His presidency wouldn't make any sense of he wasn't getting money from Ukraine and China.

Everyone who's paying attention knows that Trump always puts himself first.

That's why he didn't divest his assets to take on the Presidency.

He didn't even put them in a blind trust which is the MINIMUM ETHICAL STANDARD.

We know being Canadian means you're completely ignorant of US standards, so you really should acquire some humility given the level of your IGNORANCE.

The Constitution says NO INCOME from foreign states. What part of that don't you understand? 

2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:
  1. Burisma loaded the Bidens up with cash, then the Bidens got rid of the prosecutor that won court orders against Burisma, the Bidens appointed a new guy who let Burisma off the hook. It doesn't get much more straightforward than that. $80K$80K$80KQuid$80k$80K$80Kpro$80K$80K$80Kquo$80K$80K$80K with actual flashing dollar signs connecting all the dots. 


Read the story about Burisma and Hunter if you want to know the truth; which you'll never get from FOS LIES.

Viktor Shokin: The inside story on Ukraine’s ‘very good’ prosecutor at centre of Trump scandal


Donald Trump said Ukraine’s former chief prosecutor was an honest, wronged man, fired after Joe Biden tried to shut down an investigation into his son’s gas company. In Kiev, Oliver Carroll speaks to people who know Viktor Shokin, and finds a different story

2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:
  1. Jared Kushner got that deal after he was out of the WH, and after he brokered a peace deal in the middle east that defies all logic. The only thing powerful enough to screw it up was a Biden presidency. He is one of the most capable people in the USA based on what he was able to do in the Trump administration.

The Bidens clearly got millions from Ukraine just to get Zlochevsky off the hook. I don't care about people staying in Trump tower. 

Joe got nothing which is why the Republicons CANNOT specify for what he should be impeached.

And what YOU care about is NOT the standard for ethics nor justice. That is the US Constitution so GPS.

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7 hours ago, robosmith said:

And you have not denied my assumption, so strong evidence I am right.

About as right as two left turns.

7 hours ago, robosmith said:

No shame needed if you will just learn to be polite and respect the reality of people's feelings.

They are welcome to their feelings. I will be polite as a fellow citizen. But when it comes to my opinion on it, I am under no obligation to play pretend.

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10 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

You're actually peeling away facts to go with innuendo.

  1. The other tard actually couldn't stick to the topic of what's better under Biden. He didn't even try to name one thing that was better. He just tried to pretend that Biden's actual family crimes were better than Trump allowing people to stay in his hotels. Dude, no one doubts that Trump puts America first, but Biden is a total sellout. His presidency wouldn't make any sense of he wasn't getting money from Ukraine and China.
  2. Burisma loaded the Bidens up with cash, then the Bidens got rid of the prosecutor that won court orders against Burisma, the Bidens appointed a new guy who let Burisma off the hook. It doesn't get much more straightforward than that. $80K$80K$80KQuid$80k$80K$80Kpro$80K$80K$80Kquo$80K$80K$80K with actual flashing dollar signs connecting all the dots. 
  3. Jared Kushner got that deal after he was out of the WH, and after he brokered a peace deal in the middle east that defies all logic. The only thing powerful enough to screw it up was a Biden presidency. He is one of the most capable people in the USA based on what he was able to do in the Trump administration.

The Bidens clearly got millions from Ukraine just to get Zlochevsky off the hook. I don't care about people staying in Trump tower. 

First, when Trump makes $7.8 million from foreign governments while President, you excuse it. 


Second, when Hunter Biden makes far less money, you make a big deal about it. 

To be clear, Trump violated the Constitution’s emoluments clause by receiving money from foreign governments while he was in office. Plain and simple. Pay Attention: The Emoluments Clause says that RECEIVING the money is not allowed, PERIOD. Does not matter if President does any favors in return.

But Hunter Biden did not break a law by accepting work with Burisma per se, and that’s the only alleged crime you boneheads have come up with. The rest is pure speculation.

For the millionth time: I don’t give a fck about Hunter Biden. If he did break a law, he can go to jail.  I didn’t vote for him! He isn’t a government official! Got it? If there’s evidence of crime, the prosecutor will charge him.

No crime has been tied to Joe Biden. Your big “evidence” is that Dad made four car payments for his son, who paid Dad back. And Dad calls his son on the phone. WTF? So weak!  

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22 hours ago, Rebound said:

Oooh…. Riiiight… it’s MAGA. Everything has a secret definition. We have our own alternate facts, our own definitions of everything. Up means Down and Down means Up. Being the “most transparent President ever” means not releasing tax returns you promised to release, and not releasing White House visitor logs which all former Presidents routinely released. cause MAGA bullshlt.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is the only true and living fact about you sociopaths. Try to keep that in mind as you diaper dopers continue manufacturing evidence against your political enemy. ;) 

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13 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

About as right as two left turns.

Still no denial that you were too young to watch the trial. Though maybe it was NOT AIRED in Canada like it was here.

Either way, you know FAR LESS about what happened.

13 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

They are welcome to their feelings. I will be polite as a fellow citizen. But when it comes to my opinion on it, I am under no obligation to play pretend.

Thing is, you don't have to pretend. All you have to do is educate yourself. But you've refused to even examine the evidence, which means you don't want to know the truth.

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4 hours ago, Deluge said:

Trump Derangement Syndrome is the only true and living fact about you sociopaths. Try to keep that in mind as you diaper dopers continue manufacturing evidence against your political enemy. ;) 

MAGA CULT  is the only true and living fact about ^you sociopaths.

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The sad thing about it all is the guy can't even speak to his own defence. Gotta use the same deflection, slandering of others, conspiratorial claims  and is 'too important' to be accountable for his own actions.

He's just been nailed to pay the $400,000 legal fees of the NY Times and reporters for suing them for telling the truth about him. hasn't publicly revealed his peronal taxes in eight years now, he doesn't want the fools that back him to see.

Should he somehow qualify to be on the 2024 ballot and get elected, it won't be a massive brain fart of the American public like 2016, it will be The Triumph of The Ign0roids.

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1 hour ago, herbie said:

Should he somehow qualify to be on the 2024 ballot and get elected, it won't be a massive brain fart of the American public like 2016, it will be The Triumph of The Ign0roids.

Well it's possible for people to be that stupid collectively - even worse on occasion.  I mean - canada re elected trudeau, in comparison electing trump would be a stroke of genius :)

However  i think it's also going to be a question of lesser of two evils.  Biden has done badly on the economy. He can barely stay awake.  Everyone around the world is not afraid to start wars when he's in power. He's just as divisive as trump was, and it's hard to have faith that he'll live till the end of a second term never mind do well.  And in the wings - Kamala!

It's like hillary again - a crap candidate and a choice between two imperfect solutions.  If there was someone who was as strong as trump and as good with the economy without the drama and baggage they'd be  president no matter which party they ran for.  But i think a lot of people are going to decide that if they have to pick one, trump is the better choice of the two.

That's not stupid, it's just practical. Can't get mad at people for being practical.

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8 hours ago, Rebound said:

First, when Trump makes $7.8 million from foreign governments while President, you excuse it. 

First off, when you say "made $7.8M", it just looks like you don't understand business very well.

Bringing $7.8M in doesn't mean 'making $7.8M'. After expenses it might be +$500K, +$20K, maybe he lost $20K, maybe he lost $2M. 

Second, it's well-known that the Trump family had businesses before they went into office, and it's natural for those businesses to continue to operate. 

For those businesses to be passed down or to remain with Trump is no real difference.


If you look at this list, it's embarrassing/alarming how much some presidents changed their net worth during their time in office.

Obama's net worth went from $1.3M to $70M while he was making $400K/year. 

GW Bush, $20M to $40M

Clinton $1.3M to $241M

Bush Sr $4M to $23M

Reagan $10.6M to $15.4M

Trump's net worth theoretically went down from $3B to $2.3B.


Second, when Hunter Biden makes far less money, you make a big deal about it. 


Hunter went into a completely new line of business, working for the people who relied on his father's help to stay out of jail and reclaim their assets from the gov't. He went from making $0 in that line of work to $83K/mo. 

By contrast, if Trump hadn't rented those room to the particular people who rented them out at that time, are you sure that they would have remained vacant?

Most of us can't buy the kind of help that Joe gave Zlochevsky, but Zloch paid Joe's kid $83K a month for it. Money well spent, right?


To be clear, Trump violated the Constitution’s emoluments clause by receiving money from foreign governments while he was in office. Plain and simple. Pay Attention: The Emoluments Clause says that RECEIVING the money is not allowed, PERIOD. Does not matter if President does any favors in return.

That's weak BS and you know it. 


But Hunter Biden did not break a law by accepting work with Burisma per se, and that’s the only alleged crime you boneheads have come up with. The rest is pure speculation.

This has nothing to do with Hunter. It has to do with his dad selling influence. 

If this passes your sniff test, your nose is broken.


For the millionth time: I don’t give a fck about Hunter Biden. If he did break a law, he can go to jail.  I didn’t vote for him! He isn’t a government official! Got it? If there’s evidence of crime, the prosecutor will charge him.

For the millionth time, no one is accusing Hunter of a crime. This is Joe Biden's crime. He's the one who got his kid a job at Burisma. He's the one who fired Shokin. He's the one who, by his own admission, appointed the special prosecutor who let Zlochevsky off the hook. 


No crime has been tied to Joe Biden. Your big “evidence” is that Dad made four car payments for his son, who paid Dad back. And Dad calls his son on the phone. WTF? So weak!  

Yes, it absolutely has. 

He is not supposed to use the office of the VPOTUS to get his kid an $83K/mo job. 

You're so good at playing stupid you make robo look like a genius. 

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9 hours ago, Rebound said:

First, when Trump makes $7.8 million from foreign governments while President, you excuse it. 



Rebound - my understanding is that the VAST majority of that money came from a chinese bank for a lease that they had signed and agreed to YEARS before HE RAN FOR PRESIDENT.

So the check came in while he was president -but the deal was done long before then.

And as to the rest - those hotels existed long before he became president. He's not going to shut them down. So - how is it different than the clintons receiving BILLIONS into their charities which they draw money from when hillary was head of  foreign affairs?

So why are you trying to pretend this is somehow tied to his presidency?

I kinda feel like you're being pretty unfair to @WestCanMan when you try to claim that income from a deal that happened before he even decided to run has any bearing on his activities as president or that anyone should be upset about it.  Can you explain that? 

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On 1/10/2024 at 11:01 AM, Deluge said:


But the minute another Republican steps out of line, you can bet your ass that all kinds of manufactured bullshit will surface. This comment's for you, Vivek Ramaswamy. 

Reagan, Bush, Bush and Cheney did not face criminal prosecution. No Republican Senator’s faced prosecution for a long time; I think the last one was Ted Stevens, who was defended by a Hawaii Democrat Senator who’d fought with him in WW II. 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

First off, when you say "made $7.8M", it just looks like you don't understand business very well.

Bringing $7.8M in doesn't mean 'making $7.8M'. After expenses it might be +$500K, +$20K, maybe he lost $20K, maybe he lost $2M. 

Second, it's well-known that the Trump family had businesses before they went into office, and it's natural for those businesses to continue to operate. 

For those businesses to be passed down or to remain with Trump is no real difference.


If you look at this list, it's embarrassing/alarming how much some presidents changed their net worth during their time in office.

Obama's net worth went from $1.3M to $70M while he was making $400K/year. 

GW Bush, $20M to $40M

Clinton $1.3M to $241M

Bush Sr $4M to $23M

Reagan $10.6M to $15.4M

Trump's net worth theoretically went down from $3B to $2.3B.


Hunter went into a completely new line of business, working for the people who relied on his father's help to stay out of jail and reclaim their assets from the gov't. He went from making $0 in that line of work to $83K/mo. 

By contrast, if Trump hadn't rented those room to the particular people who rented them out at that time, are you sure that they would have remained vacant?

Most of us can't buy the kind of help that Joe gave Zlochevsky, but Zloch paid Joe's kid $83K a month for it. Money well spent, right?

That's weak BS and you know it. 

This has nothing to do with Hunter. It has to do with his dad selling influence. 

If this passes your sniff test, your nose is broken.

For the millionth time, no one is accusing Hunter of a crime. This is Joe Biden's crime. He's the one who got his kid a job at Burisma. He's the one who fired Shokin. He's the one who, by his own admission, appointed the special prosecutor who let Zlochevsky off the hook. 

Yes, it absolutely has. 

He is not supposed to use the office of the VPOTUS to get his kid an $83K/mo job. 

You're so good at playing stupid you make robo look like a genius. 


Pay Attention: An Emolument is INCOME, not a GIFT. The $7.8 million Trump received was INCOMD. It was an EMOLUMENT. The U.S. Constitution specifically says NO. 

Barack Obama wrote books. 

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13 minutes ago, Rebound said:


Pay Attention: An Emolument is INCOME, not a GIFT. The $7.8 million Trump received was INCOMD. It was an EMOLUMENT. The U.S. Constitution specifically says NO. 


Gross income or net income, genius? Just becase they stayed in his hotels doesn't mean that him or his company made $7.8M. They have expenses too. 

It sounds like a crime if they paid more money than anyone else who rented that specific room at that time of year, but aside from that it's nothing... 

So what if some Saudis stayed in his hotel? If they didn't stay there, do you have some proof that those rooms in Trump's hotel would have have remained vacant? Should visitors to the US have to stay at Motel 6 when Trump is president again n 2025? 


Barack Obama wrote books. 

He must have wrote and sold a lot of books while he was president, because that isn't his net worth from 7 years later... It's when he left office.

Just out of curiosity, how much of his book is words and how many pages of it are just









Edited by WestCanMan
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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


Gross income or net income, genius? Just becase they stayed in his hotels doesn't mean that him or his company made $7.8M. They have expenses too. 

It sounds like a crime if they paid more money than anyone else who rented that specific room at that time of year, but aside from that it's nothing... 

So what if some Saudis stayed in his hotel? If they didn't stay there, do you have some proof that those rooms in Trump's hotel would have have remained vacant? Should visitors to the US have to stay at Motel 6 when Trump is president again n 2025? 

He must have wrote and sold a lot of books while he was president, because that isn't his net worth from 7 years later... It's when he left office.

Just out of curiosity, how much of his book is words and how many pages of it are just









No relevance. 

“I worked for the Russian government and they paid me, but it’s ok because I worked really hard…” not an excuse. It’s an emolument. The Constitution says it’s not allowed.  

It’s hilarious how you right-wingers believe in the word for word literal application of the Constitution, until it’s inconvenient.  

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8 minutes ago, Rebound said:

No relevance. 

“I worked for the Russian government and they paid me, but it’s ok because I worked really hard…” not an excuse. It’s an emolument. The Constitution says it’s not allowed.  

It’s hilarious how you right-wingers believe in the word for word literal application of the Constitution, until it’s inconvenient.  

What a stupid comp.

"Some people from a foreign country stayed in my hotel" is quite different from "I worked for the Russian gov't", stupid. 

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28 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

What a stupid comp.

"Some people from a foreign country stayed in my hotel" is quite different from "I worked for the Russian gov't", stupid. 

Nope. Receiving money is receiving money. Of course he provided a good or service. The payment for the good or service is the emolument. An emolument is not a gift. 

Edited by Rebound
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1 hour ago, Rebound said:

Reagan, Bush, Bush and Cheney did not face criminal prosecution. No Republican Senator’s faced prosecution for a long time; I think the last one was Ted Stevens, who was defended by a Hawaii Democrat Senator who’d fought with him in WW II. 

That doesn't address what he said.  And - trump hasn't been convicted of a crime at this point.  The dems went so overboard accusing him in the last 7 years that nobody who's not die hard dem already finds all the charges believable or of any interest.

And there is every reason to believe the dems would indeed manufacture charges or bloat them for any new challenger.

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On 1/10/2024 at 7:48 AM, Deluge said:

It's a simple matter of election interference. Everyone knows this a witch hunt, but leftoids don't give a shit, they just want their political opponent out of the race. 

No, they want the one candidate who thinks and acts like a dictator, like Putin in fact, out of the  Campaign and restore some dignity to American politics., but unfortunately all the illiterates who can't read are paying Trump to let them work for him until he burns them and throws them under the longest bus in American history. 




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4 minutes ago, Caswell Thomas said:
n 1/10/2024 at 7:48 AM, Deluge said:

It's a simple matter of election interference. Everyone knows this a witch hunt, but leftoids don't give a shit, they just want their political opponent out of the race. 


No, they want the one candidate who thinks and acts like a dictator, like Putin in fact, out of the  Campaign and restore some dignity to American politics.,


Ummmm - you realize you just proved what he claimed.  You literally just said 'yes, we don't like him and so we want him out of the race'.

That literally IS election interference and an affront to democracy. That's democrats saying democracy should not be allowed if we dont' approve of the candidate.  You have just said that.  Did you think before you wrote that?  @Deluge was 100 percent right based on what you just said.


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1 hour ago, Caswell Thomas said:

No, they want the one candidate who thinks and acts like a dictator, like Putin in fact, out of the  Campaign and restore some dignity to American politics., but unfortunately all the illiterates who can't read are paying Trump to let them work for him until he burns them and throws them under the longest bus in American history. 

Sorry wokejobs, it's not your place to remove candidates you don't like. This is yet another reason normal citizens and patriots are sick of your endless bullshit. 

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3 hours ago, Rebound said:

Reagan, Bush, Bush and Cheney did not face criminal prosecution. 

Reagan, Bush, Bush and Cheney didn't have the world's worst crop of democrats the United States has ever known trying to destroy their political careers, either. 

Shitty, stoopid, comparison on your part. 

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5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Yes, it absolutely has. 

He is not supposed to use the office of the VPOTUS to get his kid an $83K/mo job. 

And Joe DID NOT. No evidence that Joe played ANY ROLE in getting Hunter a job at Bursima, which is WHY you NEVER POST ANY.

When Hunter told Joe about the job, Joe said, "I hope you know what you're doing."

Joe was not at all happy about that cause he KNEW the political problems it was going to CAUSE HIM.

Joe Biden on his son's connection with Ukrainian company


Hunter Biden was reportedly paid $50,000 to $80,000 a month for several years while serving on Burisma's board. O'Donnell asked the former Delaware senator about Hunter's claim that the only thing his father said to him about the job was, "I hope you know what you're doing."

"What I meant by that is I hope you've thought this through," Biden said. "I hope you know exactly what you're doing here. That's all I meant. Nothing more than that because I've never discussed my business or their business, my sons' or daughter's. And I've never discussed them because they know where I have to do my job and that's it and they have to make their own judgments."


5 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

You're so good at playing stupid you make robo look like a genius. 

You lying your ass off almost makes Trump look honest in comparison.

8 minutes ago, Deluge said:

Yes, roborepeat. You woketards keep spewing that nonsense but it doesn't make you look any less stoopid. Perhaps you perverts should just stfu? 

Sorry, you don't get to make any judgements about that. 

But keep on posting your stupid rants; cause it only discredits the MAGA CULT.

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